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/lit/ - Literature

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14949831 No.14949831 [Reply] [Original]

So I just gave up on Infinite Jest. Again. I made it 500 pages this time.

I've had House of Leaves staring me in the face for weeks. I picked it up and read the introduction, and more happened in that introduction in regards to showing character, plot development, and overall reading pleasure than in 500 fucking pages of Infinite Jest.

I'm done. I might pick it up for 28465832nd time down the road, but I'm fucking done right now.
I tried so hard to like it you guys... I'm sorry... I tried.

>> No.14949843


>> No.14949848

the fact that you made a shitty normie meme for this post, among many other reasons, tells me that you will absolutely never make it.

>> No.14949852

Well if you made it to 500 and didn't like it then you probably made the right choice. I didn't get into it until 350 or so but when I did I really liked it.

>> No.14949862

Would you rather he post a wojack?

>> No.14949909

All memes eventually trickle to normies

>> No.14949914

That's a reddit meme.

>> No.14949919

i'd rather he suck my fucking cock

>> No.14949933

hope you enjoy Hol. I totally get that feel. I read most of the stand before getting bored. I cant stand kings writing style for some reason

>> No.14949961

I've heard the best way to read Infinite Jerk is to get a job as a late night rentacop and resort to that book as your only form of entertainment

>> No.14950346

whats house of leaves about?

>> No.14950371

It isn’t for everyone, I guess.

>> No.14950375

those two books have nothing to do with each other. house of leaves is like a great stephen king thriller with pictures. infinite jest is delillo and pynchon in a blender. but unlike either of those it's hard to follow and nothing actually happens.

>> No.14951890

Too much to summarize succinctly, so instead I'll present a vague synopsis.
A guy edits a book about a documentary about a house that defies spatial dimensions and has a labyrinth beneath it.
Told through the most multilayered meta writing style possible; footnotes that go entire pages, text wrapping around the margins of the page, etc.

>> No.14951901


>> No.14951961

>Filtered: The thread.
You had to settle for babbys first experimental literature. When you grow up you can try to sit at the big boy table again.

>> No.14952213

so its reddit but in page form

>> No.14952260

Why not speed read the rest and call it a day? You can bang it out in an hour or two if you just start flipping pages

>> No.14952274

you could have replied that to anything and nobody would be able to argue with you. what i'm trying to say is that you have a brain worm and there is little hope for you to recover

>> No.14952320

To anybody reading this, does the book have any redeeming qualities? Specifically, why is it worth reading?

>> No.14952380

Does Infinite Jest or any other of his books, have any philosophical merit? Cause I am not really into novels unless they're making a point they couldn't otherwise make with straight facts

>> No.14952430

Eh, IJ isn't that great anyways and House of Leaves, although sometimes pretentious and "Damn aren't I smart" is a much more enjoyable read. Read the Whalestoe Letters before you read the book.

>> No.14952462

I don’t even like Infinite Jest, but you can’t just read half and give up. If you just put the exact same time into it then you can finally finish it and never have to read it again if you don’t want to

>> No.14952640

i enjoyed house of leaves, but /lit/ hates it and will call you a double pleb for enjoying it.

>> No.14952650

a haunted house, basically

>> No.14952656

House of Leaves is what DFW wished he wrote

>> No.14953169
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>> No.14953267

Best pasta