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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 480x400, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14943848 No.14943848 [Reply] [Original]

post pic of political compass test and 3 favorite books(political, fiction, philosophy):
1.Mein Kampf
2.Count of Monte Cristo
3.On the Genealogy of Morality

>> No.14943889
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>> No.14943919

The political compass is useless as it is subject to the creator's own biases and initial assumptions, hence why center-left neo libs (like clinton or obama) show up on the right whenever they assign them a place on the compass in one of their retarded political analysis articles, they literally put every democratic candidate besides Sanders and Gabbard on the right in one of their articles. Trying to use it to see if someone or a ideology is left or right is retarded.

Its also literally made for reddit-tier political discussion and memes and so that bernardbros can engage in confirmation bias of their own horribly distorted views of the political spectrum. Die in a fire you fucking faggot this has nothing to do with literature

>> No.14944757
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>> No.14944765

Post the quiz link

>> No.14944795

Here: https://www.politiscales.net/

>> No.14944806

don't have it saved and don't want to take it again but i'm deep in the bottom left corner

>> No.14944814

The so-called "political compass" is pseudoscientific lolbertarian propaganda.

>> No.14944905

Correct, but much like any online personality quiz it's interesting to have our perceptions of ourselves validated

>> No.14944924

>Anyone should be able to buy a gun.
>Healthcare should be nationalized.
>"lol, ur a centrist"

>> No.14944929

Cringe lolbert.

>> No.14944988
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>> No.14944996

A more sensible compass would have an axis for political economy ('Capitalism vs Socialism') and an axis for cultural issues ('Liberal vs Conservative'). Interpreting everything through the fucked-up lens of lolbertarian ideology is retarded.

>> No.14945024

cringe desu

>> No.14945033

Ew capitalist does not equate to libertarian

>> No.14945041
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>> No.14945055

post yours faggot

>> No.14945118
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Political compass is kind of incomplete, am pretty right culturally (anti-abortion, anti-sexopenness, etc.). Biggest things I care about are the preservation of the Americas natural landscapes, the end of for-profit war (am fine with war just believe it should be dignified, purposeful, etc.), and the end of consumerist/surveillance-state culture.
1. Theodore J. Kaczynski Complete Works or Manufacturing Consent
2. (Short) Fog Horn - Bradburry, (Long) All Quiet on the Western Front
3. Émile

>> No.14945183

The axises should be flipped. Social problems should be viewed through left and right and economics should be viewed through Libertarian and Authoritarian.

Even then this is still retarded but at least it would give us some more accurate results.

>> No.14945206

But it doesn't even do that. I consider myself a right nationalist with post-liberal tendencies and it puts me on the Authoritarian Left. Its literally tailor-made to fit the distorted view of the political spectrum held by left-libertarians. Where capitalism, liberal interventionism and pundits like Bill Kristol are considered far right.

>> No.14945213

>Authoritarian economics
AKA Capitalism

>> No.14945222
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Not the guy but I'll post mine, I don't even like this one as I feel dividing the economics into a dichotomy of "capitalism" and "communism" is retarded as none of the questions besides a few very obvious ones can give the impression of being either in the absolute terms the test sets out.

>> No.14945225


Being this retarded isn't okay anon

>> No.14945226

>Its literally tailor-made to fit the distorted view of the political spectrum held by left-libertarians
No, it's tailor-made to fit the distorted view of the political spectrum held by right-libertarians, aka ancaps (both oxymoronic terms, btw).

>> No.14945232

Found the braindead lolbertarian.

>> No.14945254

They are oxymoronic, yes but you're telling me a political compass that puts center left neoliberals on the right isn't tailor-made for left-libertarians and progressives who somehow think left interventionism paired with corporate liberalism is right wing?

>> No.14945262

I'm far from a lolbert desu. How is an economic system born of the Enlightenment and in sync with both classical and modern liberalism authoritarian?

>> No.14945265

From a left-libertarian perspective, the whole chart is just nonsensical. The axes are meaningless.

>> No.14945283

Because ownership is authority (property is theft). Capitalism is just feudalism generalized to include industrial equipment in addition to land and labor.

>> No.14945313

this compass is so stupid cause it´s weirdly too complex for reality.
you dont need the lib aut axis .
if you in the middle your lib
if you right or left your auth.
You cant be left or right without authoritarianism

>> No.14945336

The capitalist is opposed to Fedualism because its main goals are communal and oriented towards more directed (I suppose what you could call "authoritarian") mode of economics. Capitalism in its primordial form is libertarian because it seeks to emphasize economic and personal freedom and the private and individual over the public and communal.

Its still a bad system but its definitely (talking in an original sense) libertarian. But at this point, no economic ideology exists in its original pure form. Corporate liberalism and monopolies are both capitalistic and are authoritarian. The problem may be that the compass is retarded and using it to define and categorize ideology and economics is retarded.

>> No.14945361
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manufacturing consent
the rebel

>> No.14945391
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> The Fourth Political Theory
> Anna Karenina
> Being & Time

Pretty based sounds like you should read Chris Lasch. You're on your way to nazbol

>> No.14945397


>> No.14945417

>reddit-tier political discussion
your entire post is this

>this has nothing to do with literature
politics has everything to do with literature

>> No.14945447

I get where you're coming from, but I think a more accurate way of putting it would be to describe capitalism as an economic expression of liberalism (one of many). In a simple dichotomy between 'freedom of the individual' versus 'the common good', capitalism would fall in the former category, at least in terms of its rhetoric. But there are many other economic systems which emphasize individual freedom but which do not recognize private property. These are better described as 'libertarian', in keeping with the original definition. Liberalism and Authoritarianism overlap in the form of Capitalism. Libertarianism is the part of Liberalism that does not overlap with Authoritarianism. And Communitarianism is not synonymous with Authoritarianism.

>> No.14945485
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>> No.14945572

Communitarians are authoritarian only in the way the compass defines it, essentially as using centralized power and affording less individual freedom. I'm a communitarian and paternalistic conservative so I have no problem with it. I can't think of any economic system that rejects private property but seeks to emphasize individual liberty. Libertarian socialists and anarchists are still collectivist and illiberal in terms of economics but have perhaps libertarian views on how the revolutionary state should be established, the end result and perhaps libertarian (read: liberal) views on social issues. Understanding that "libertarianism" is essentially just another word for classical liberalism is important. Is this way we see Capitalism as the primary economic expression of liberalism both modern and classical. If we understand libertarian as being classical liberalism them capitalism (in its primordial or pure form) is a libertarian system, a liberal system, these words are essentially synonymous. Even the "authoritarian" liberals, neoliberals or corporate liberals, do everything they do in the name of maximizing individual and human freedom, along with fulfilling foreign policy goals related to their version of internationalism.

>> No.14945781

>Communitarians are authoritarian only in the way the compass defines it, essentially as using centralized power and affording less individual freedom.
Communitarianism is consistent with -- but does not require -- centralized power or authority.

>I'm a communitarian and paternalistic conservative so I have no problem with it.
Yes, I would classify that as Authoritarian Communitarianism.

>I can't think of any economic system that rejects private property but seeks to emphasize individual liberty.
If a homeless bum exercises his "personal freedom" by sleeping on a patch of land "owned" by some private interest, he would be subject to execution according to the ardent "ancap" (who, bizarrely, regards violating property rights as a form of violence). There's nothing libertarian about that. From a true (aka left-) libertarian perspective, state enforcement of property rights is the ultimate expression of authoritarianism.

>Libertarian socialists and anarchists are still collectivist and illiberal in terms of economics but have perhaps libertarian views on how the revolutionary state should be established, the end result and perhaps libertarian (read: liberal) views on social issues.

>Understanding that "libertarianism" is essentially just another word for classical liberalism is important.
It isn't though. In its original conception, Libertarianism (Anarchism) is about the flattening of unjustifiable hierarchies in general, including the hierarchy of property rights. Individuals at the top of the hierarchy have already always been "free". Expanding freedom means expanding it to the rest of us.

>Is this way we see Capitalism as the primary economic expression of liberalism both modern and classical.
"Primary" in the sense of the most prevalent or dominant expression, yes.

>If we understand libertarian as being classical liberalism

>them capitalism (in its primordial or pure form) is a libertarian system,

>a liberal system,

>these words are essentially synonymous.

>Even the "authoritarian" liberals, neoliberals or corporate liberals, do everything they do in the name of maximizing individual and human freedom, along with fulfilling foreign policy goals related to their version of internationalism.
Yes, neoliberal globalist capitalism is the current dominant form of Authoritarian Liberalism.

>> No.14946407
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>> No.14946539

Describe your entire ideology in a single post.

>> No.14946554


>> No.14946557

Fokkin SAVED

>> No.14946581
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>> No.14946616
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>> No.14946634


>> No.14946679
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Anarcho-pragmatist with monarchistic characteristics.

>> No.14946682

gayest poster ITT

>> No.14946694
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I’m a national syndicalist.

>> No.14946698

never mind, you're the gayest poster ITT.

>> No.14946728


>> No.14946738
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I don't read

>> No.14946744
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>> No.14946778
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I decided to check out lit for the first time and its just discount pol

>> No.14946801

Post urs faggot

>> No.14946807

pol is a board for larping about sucking literal cock, lit is larping for sucking the platonic ideal of cock aka reading books

>> No.14946809


>> No.14946861

Nick Land?

>> No.14946872

ah yes, nick land, the conservative, ecology oriented reformist

>> No.14946885
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>ownership is authority

>> No.14946927
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>> No.14947392


>> No.14947423
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What am I?

>> No.14947432

A fucking neolib hjahahahah

>> No.14947444

Why is that funny

>> No.14947446

Now we're talking

>> No.14947453

Give me some /lit/ for this feel

>> No.14947480

Extremely based.

>> No.14947489

It's like /pol/ but good. All the best parts of /pol/ without the low-quality shitposters and /ptg/ boomers.

>> No.14947516
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1. Patriarcha by Robert Filmer
2. Brave New World
3. Revolt against the Modern World

>> No.14947737

Based, hope you read Sorel

Sorel, Gentile, Dugin sort of, De Benoist, Strassers, Junger

>> No.14948160

Because neolibs are faggots who support failed policies

>> No.14948260
File: 21 KB, 641x531, Political Compass191114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick
Slaughterhouse Five
The Trial

>> No.14948277

>Always right at the border between sloth and lust

>> No.14948280

When the world perishes around you and every conceivable metric of societal health declines, a neolibs reaction is to press forward

>> No.14948283

>they literally put every democratic candidate besides Sanders and Gabbard on the right in one of their articles
That's because they are all on the right by almost every single definition of the word

>> No.14948336
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>> No.14948339

holy based

>> No.14948430
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Political: Democracy: The God that Failed
Fiction: I'm afraid I don't read fiction enough/the fiction I have read I like each about equally.
Philosophical: Timaeus
The Constructionism - Essentialism axis is arguably the most important out of the 8 because it basically measures how in touch with reality you are. If you can't differentiate between man and woman and subscribe to "muh 46 billion genders" thought (basically all the questions the C-E axis covers), your political opinions means jackshit.
Amazing flag and mildly based beliefs.
Incredibly based.
>bankers and globalists, i.e. the people who control you
>"no" nothing of politics
The absolute cope of NEETSocs is astounding sometimes.

>> No.14948439

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.14948453

>neo-liberal internationalists and global capitalists are right-wing

anon i...

>> No.14948456

Fucking BASED

>> No.14948480

extraordinarily based

>> No.14948508

but they're literally responsible for the decline

>> No.14948512

this >>14947737
plus Proudhon and Rudolf Rocker

>> No.14948515

Yes, people who don't support basic leftist policies like equal opportunity education and healthcare are not left wing.

>> No.14948554
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I waiver between the inevitability of the Leviathan, it’s near infinite capacity for rhizomatic reconfiguration, Confucian sanity, and empathy with the early 20th century projects aimed at controlling the herds regardless of means. It is harder to be Ghandi than it is to Hitler, so something ethno-states are like quick starters.

>> No.14948555

>the left is a monolith where you can only be considered leftwing by supporting illiberal leftwing policies

anon both Biden and Sanders are left wing just different kinds of leftwing. Sanders is illiberal on economics and liberal on social issues and foreign policy. Biden is liberal on economics, social issues, and foreign policy. Sanders is obviously further to the left of Biden but Biden is still on the left. Unless the French and American Revolutionaries were right-wing (which by your own definition they were) you may just have a retarded and distorted view of the political spectrum. Liberalism is all of its forms are left wing. Biden is right-wing only in relative terms, not absolutely.

>> No.14948580
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>>"no" nothing of politic
he took the bait

>> No.14948596

Forgive me that I was on the fence of taking it as bait or taking him seriously, because the stupidity of the average /pol/ user, or people in general is hard to gauge against any supposed attempts at irony nowadays.

>> No.14948597
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>> No.14948720

I dont need a test to tell you I'm a nazi

>> No.14948833
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>Forgive me that I was on the fence of taking it as bait or taking him seriously, because the stupidity of the average /pol/ user, or people in general is hard to gauge against any supposed attempts at irony nowadays.

>thinking he is intelligent by point at other people and calling them stupid.

Yeah you're a real intellectual

>> No.14948869
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Transcend this dumb bullshit already.

>> No.14948897

>Yeah you're a real intellectual
No, but I have basic observational skills. Your average person is retarded; you don't have to be a genius or even smart to realize that.

>> No.14948916

What am I?

>> No.14948924

Oh I wish I was in Dixie...

>> No.14948977

You're based

>> No.14948999

Envious sloth reporting in.

>> No.14949008

Thanks anon, you too

>> No.14949034

This. Someone who has an understanding of left right that doesn’t boil down to a simple retarded maxim.

>> No.14949179
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I have had good talks with red squares and purple squares, but I've never met a blue square I didn't want to kill nor a green square that didn't make me want to kill myself.

>> No.14949189
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>> No.14949238
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didnt like this test at all but not inaccurate results

>> No.14949251
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wtf even is this question

>> No.14949266


"should you be able to fire people for any reason?"

>> No.14949276
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I liked politiscales but I found it strange how it framed ecology as necessarily opposed to scientific advancement, especially nowadays when a significant portion of research is going towards making green/renewable energy sources a viable alternative to oil and coal and making our current energy use more efficient.

I don't see any other practical alternative. Unless the famines and migrant crises that come as a result of climate change are so devastating that it brings all of human civilization to its knees, people are never going to willingly give up the conveniences of modern life.

Any /lit/ for this feel? I might be wrong, and I've been meaning to get into Kaczynski's Anti-Tech Revolution to challenge that notion. I already read his Manifesto but didn't find it all that compelling.

>> No.14949292
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>> No.14949479
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>"the average person is retard"
>"I however have an above average IQ"

>> No.14949488
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blocks your path

>> No.14949610

hello, cringe department?

>> No.14949706
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Favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.14949725

I'm sorry ma'am but the cringe department has been closed due to lack of funding, I can however transfer your call to the based department which has managed to remain functional in the face of this financial crisis due to their policies of non-monetary exchange