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14946689 No.14946689 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is nothing but a cope for incels

Schopenhauer being the prime example. The only objective point of life is to creampie hot young women. Also killing other men in combat. Anything else is a cope.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can’t. There has never been a chad philosopher. Chad has no reason to think about the meaning of life. He’s too busy being balls deep in your oneitis.

>> No.14946696

pic related has masters in chem engineering

>> No.14946706

So you’re advocating for a serial rapist and serial killer lifestyle?

>> No.14946710

It’s what the elite do. It’s what anybody would do if they had the power to.

>> No.14946713

Those with power are conveniently able to avoid dying in combat

>> No.14946718

>philosophy is nothing but a cope for incels
>posts a philosophy written and acted out for centuries
you cant make it up

>> No.14946735
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Working out is nothing but a cope for brainletts

Mark Rippetoe being the prime example. The only objective point of life is to attain knowledge. Also living in the face of absurdity. Anything else is a cope.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can’t. There has never been a virtuous gym goer. The virtuous man has no reason to repetitively lift increasingly heavier objects and consume milk powder. He’s too busy being balls deep in your mind.

>> No.14946740


>> No.14946741

camus is a fucking hypocrite faggot

>> No.14946746

you’re lost

>> No.14946747

Seethe. Fulfilling our basic biological needs is the only purpose of life everything else is a cope

>> No.14946752

You need both brains and brawn to be truly complete.

Read Sun & Steel.

>> No.14946755

Based as fuck

>> No.14946757

Of course you are right. But dedicating your life to finding the “truth” is a cope

The meaning of life is to fight, fuck, eat, and sleep. Anything else doesn’t matter.

>> No.14946761

certainly superior to philosocuckery

>> No.14946763

Why does that have any more purpose than other pursuits? Because it's a stronger instinct? Why should that make it more valued?

>> No.14946766

‘Hurr durr my goal in life is to please woman and conform to the vain materialist demands of society.’ There’s no point to be jacked in society when we’re completely docile and most women are afraid of in shape guys and will fuck you regardless unless you’re a fat retard.

>> No.14946768

prove it faggot

>> No.14946776

Because the need for sex+power is the only universal desire. Any healthy well adjusted man needs sex and needs power. Logically it must be the highest good.

>> No.14946783

you failed

>> No.14946786

>and most women are afraid of in shape guys
now THIS is cope

>> No.14946793

Nice argument

>> No.14946803

>He’s too busy being balls deep in your mind.


Vagina brains gonna moan

>> No.14946814

Ha, got em

>> No.14946818

Its not universal, and even if it was, why does that make it good and meaningful?

>> No.14946825

>>and most women are afraid of in shape guys
>now THIS is cope
Every guy I know that's actually fit or actually strong is weird as shit and overcompensating, so they end up with ugly white girls that are much less in shape then them. Hot girls go for rich guys or niggers/spics who are already in shape without working out too hard. Being a white guy and being jacked won't do you much unless you can already get girls.

>> No.14946840

>Citation needed

>> No.14946845

Only if you're an low tier animal. Human are part of a higher standard.

>> No.14946848

All I can do is follow my natural desires. For I know nothing else to be true except my desire for the flesh.

>> No.14946855

How do you know that's true? Why do you trust the senses?

>> No.14946862

All I know to be real are my innate drives. That for food, shelter, cleanliness, and sex.

This is basic hierarchy of needs man.

>> No.14946870

Post feet

>> No.14946882

If that's all that matters to you then why do you care about what philosophers think? Are you a homosexual? Caring about how other men live their lives is very gay.

>> No.14946982

Some truths, but your assertion of "chad" isn't real

Running around focusing on trying to have sex with women just makes you enslaved to sex, similar to someone maintaining a cocaine habit. This is why "chad" is not real

>> No.14947061

You are the lowest level of life form

>> No.14947106

>Being a white guy and being jacked won't do you much unless you can already get girls.

But what if I'm Jewish? Do I stand a chance?

>> No.14947241

Chad is real and his real name is Neal Cassady.
Live like him and you will be chad.

>> No.14947451

you are both wrong
but this anon
is right

>> No.14947627

what if im gay tho

>> No.14947673
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>> No.14947685

your post is a cope