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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 363 KB, 684x681, Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 4.05.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14909502 No.14909502 [Reply] [Original]

new Meg content
>‘What if @meganboyle started her liveblog on March 17, 2020, instead of March 20, 2013.’



>> No.14909508

hell yeah dude

>> No.14909802

Her prominent nasolabial folds are cute. Also her and Sam Hyde should go on a date together.

>> No.14909925

she fucking aged like milk in miami

>> No.14909929
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any nudes?

>> No.14910533
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>> No.14910554
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>> No.14910564
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>> No.14910576
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Hail Megan, full of based

>> No.14910588


>Imunah, go brush my teeth now

>Imunah go do dis or dat

>Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah, Imunah,

>> No.14910666


>> No.14910708
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any anons recognize the headphones or the megan's maw bristles?

>> No.14910710


>> No.14910717
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>> No.14910809

"Megan, I am telling you that it is down there and I can hear it."
"Well, I can't hear it, so how am I supposed to find it, Professor?"
"I -" tt-tt-tt-t-tt-t-tt-t-tt-t-tt-"I think we would just have to send you to a location I could fix in the benthic depths, somewhere within a submersible's navigable radii wherein this thing was last emanating. I have to make some plottings of its signals and can tell you more shortly."
"Ok, but I still can't hear it and my flashlight won't help me much down there."
"You know what?"
"What's that, Professor Wallace?"
"I could just patch you in to the acoustics."
"Alright, but I haven't had my cerebrum surgery yet and I don't think I could handle a direct-"
"I would filter it to just a native perceptual feed, just the immediate signals, constructed into a human-recognizable sound scape."
"Ok, because if it's what you're receiving in your cybernetic state, it'll just sound like gibberish to me and I won't do you any good."
"How have they not finished your enhancements yet?"
"I'm taking my time designing these parts. Why rush it, anyways?"
"I admire the time you take with your work."
"Thank you, Professor, you're so sweet."
"And your devotion, your endurance."
"You're a tough cookie."
"I think I would be, lately, a shamrock shaped cookie with green translucent sprinkles on it, but it'd be a shortbread cookie with a high butter content, I think, and not a sugar cookie, although I think maybe this morning felt more akin to a sugar cookie applicable metaphor."
"I miss human food, I'll concede that much about the cybernetic post-human afterlife."
"Yeah, I can understand that, totally, Professor Wallace."
"So, you will need to commandeer some sort of research submarine, or one of - I'm going to send them to you in a moment - any of these classes of USN submersible craft, because these are what we require to reach the depths that these "blooping" creatures dwell, based on what I'm hearing from the patches of American, Japanese, Russian, Chinese and French vibratory sensors interlaced throughout the oceanic depths of the planet, all of them mapped and fed into my cybernetically enhanced auditory perceptual system, these, Megan, have given me a clear picture of the sunless depths, as obvious as birdsong over your shoulder."

>> No.14910826


>> No.14910827
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>> No.14910830
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Megheads everywhere are a meg more peppy seeing /ourlady/ get her Liveblog on

>> No.14910833
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i wonder how much of Megan's youtube his patrons splice into Tao Lin's MKUltra trauma-goggle sessions

>> No.14910837
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>> No.14910845

when can we purchase AI Megan Boyle GFE for android or switch?

>> No.14911003

I want to pickle her handsome nose and serve her on bahn mi, perhaps using a clone of Megan's to provide the nose so that the sandwich could be assembled and presented

>> No.14911662

>In 7th grade I had a crush on this guy, Steve Barnett. I would search AOL profiles for my classmates after school. Someone matched up with Steve’s name, but I didn’t think it was him, because of how much they talked about ‘nWo’ and ‘the new world order’ on their profile, and he didn’t talk about any of that in school. I asked my mom what ‘the new world order’ was, and she said it was what the Nazis called their plan to take over the world. There was no way Steve was a Nazi. I somehow later learned that ‘nWo’ is a wrestling…thing…it’s related to professional wrestling. But that also didn’t seem like something Steve would be into. I would still look up that fake Steve profile after school though…it was my little routine…searching for more information about him, hoping that this time the profile would reveal more. I was pretty sure I was the only one of my classmates who searched for online profiles of others, and I tried to make my profile ‘dazzling and funny,’ in case they were curious about me, because I rarely talked, because I was sensitive and spoiled in my depression and expected people to talk to me and not try to talk to them at all. 7th grade was the year I stopped trying to talk. Big depression year. ‘When it all started’…

>> No.14911704
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>> No.14911867

Megan, it's not worth a pile of sneezed in N95s in this world, but you've many fans on this Obsidian Polisher Social who respond to your humor, upon whom your jokes do land, for whom your mere record of pain hurts, who cheer for your wins, who brace themselves when you float in suspense, who are thankful you are with us in these times.

>> No.14912016

Tippy top o' the morning, Megheads!

>> No.14912076

How is that family of your own going anon?

>> No.14912589

Liveblog is fun chiefly because it is so freeing. You open the book to a time of day, perhaps the date is clear, but it needn't be. It's just after three PM and yet Megan's has synchronized her circadian to a different rhythm, she seems lost to torpor until she springs from bed within the hour and commences, from out of a forelorn hangover type of hibernation, suddenly bouncing about her apartment like a spring bok, squats, exercises requiring great core stability, leaping, well-developed posterior-chain, Megan knocks out something worthy of a Crossfit memorial workout. She hits her lists, her plans for the day. She is golden, renewed, ready, whatever comes next.

>> No.14912657
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>> No.14912699
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what cybernetic apparatus is wreathing her neck?

>> No.14912755

Corsair from the brand, their wireless headset the virtuoso line?

>> No.14913259

>she's been waitressing on the weekends
can you imagine literary history telling you the specials and her opinion between this or that menu item?

>> No.14913284
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>> No.14913288

>a tent

>> No.14913304

lmfao. White womyn btw

>> No.14913308
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Please m'lady can you repeat the contents of the supreme loaded nachos.

>> No.14913326
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>> No.14913332
File: 822 KB, 1264x1121, 2020-01-04_9-22-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's still annoyingly beautiful, just capriciously zapped by some of nature's best gifts

>> No.14913641
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>your flesh appears sincere

>> No.14913646

PegMeg is like a real life Pale King

>> No.14913840

I would feverishly consume both my iced tea and water so as to require sufficient refills as to elicit from Megan several observations, rejoinders, convivial chidings and such. It would be a light and warm banter but it would fill in the spaces around us, swaddle us a measure closer, till audible were the gentle salivary stirs and mucousal motions within her velvety voice.

>> No.14914506

>old men of color in they Sunday best callin after her, 'Hey Red!' and 'Yo, red" even "Red, my dear" raising empty glasses or glasses with only ice cubes and these moments from the Sunday morning diners made Megan smile all the way to the point of sale system by the bar.

>> No.14914643

can't believe how spry marc maron still is

>> No.14914664

Josie put herself into a cage to be safe from the world but she didnt know why. Lars Forearm saw her in her cage and smiled. He knew what it was like to be her but no longer felt the need to protect himself. It wasnt possible to say if Lars Forearm was happy with his life outside the cage, but he could take pride in it anyway.

>> No.14914979
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What is the Official Meghead stance on Knausgaard?

>> No.14915828

>2:11pm: customer just said ‘don’t leave me’
>I said ‘I’m here’
>Sounds like he’s smiling
>2:28pm: he said ‘don’t go anywhere’
>I said ‘I’m here’
>We’ve been on the phone for 27 minutes.

>> No.14915936

>Peg Boyle
Can you hire Megan as a writing coach?

>> No.14916220

What does Megan 2020 think of Deltron 3030?

>> No.14916310
File: 472 KB, 500x666, tumblr_bfaa7ac9b63abaef9956c5edaa09c199_5cafe634_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living alone in a tent working a remote customer service job for an anonymous tech company

this is the dystopia that awaits all "bohemians"

>> No.14916463

Does she live in the tent?

>> No.14916468

Is the tent a temple grandin type thing?

>> No.14916780

This is very sad. It started with an image of a healthy and responsible Megan and then quickly began to turn on the authenticity of that image and beat Megan up for wanting to project it.

>> No.14917059

No one is beating up Megan, Anon, save for the expected contributions from the mods ITT

>> No.14917079

Is that the ISIS logo on the tent's near bottom corner? Why does Megan need a jihad branded three season shelter?

>> No.14917147

Ms Megan, can you please explain the tent?

>> No.14917173

with the right amount of drugs that could be a decently based life

>> No.14917197

>you'll never be besties with literary history

>> No.14917690

Good morning, Megheads!

>> No.14917892

megan boyle is awful
only relevant writers from tao lin and marie calloway im o

>> No.14918114

This sounds like a credible person conditioned by being taken seriously often

>> No.14918178

wtf is this even supposed to me
some lame mocking? yeah liveblog it i guess
dont reply

>> No.14918426

insincerity is a disease, terminal in your case, I'm afraid

>> No.14918432


>> No.14918508

Earnestly, Anon

>> No.14918523

some like them aged like fine wine, don't hate

>> No.14918734

this comes in the inevitable sobriety and recovery chapter of your fuck up hipster life

>> No.14918843

well im in that chapter right now but i still like drugs and tents

>> No.14918856


>> No.14918873

Is there slang for a tent used in this sort of therapeutic self management?

>> No.14918878

Some people call it Yurting but I don't do that personally, unless I'm with a crowd that exclusively uses that sort of terminology then I'd maybe consider it

>> No.14918896
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That didn't last long. Is it private or was it taken down?

>> No.14918933

imagine discursing in 2020 about in/sincerity, irony etc.
Do you also listen to Red Scare Podcast, Cum town etc.?

>> No.14918938

you're right this is now a neo-petersonian tradcath accelerationist thread. political memes are the only thing that matter

>> No.14919010

i dont know in not am*rican/*nglo.

>> No.14919329
File: 49 KB, 500x333, tumblr_73461060ce866ea2ed94ff2d0311c93b_8617c479_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus…just…a customer service liveblog…it’s…wow

It’s okay, I’m just at work, this is just what it’s like when I’m at work

This is like…‘beyond my wildest dreams,’ from 2013. I’m currently living what I never thought imaginable for me: a boring office job.

11:21am: this is what ‘beyond my wildest dreams’ looks like this morning:

>> No.14920388


>> No.14920394

also mods bumplocked this thread? for shame

>> No.14920414

He seems supes sincere and has a powerful mane that must make summering in Norway a wind sensual experience

>> No.14920428

Hoooo-hahahhahahha, wooah I ain't acultured to that kinda dated antiquarialogisms, Judge Holden

>> No.14920433

Megan, you are inspiring. Thank you for writing and sharing.

>> No.14920450

Yo, Peggy, when the audible dropping? I could really use some automeganophilia on my commute

>> No.14920527


>> No.14921009

oh no... ohno ohno ohno....

>> No.14921102

is a coconut oil-on-skin routine a sound idea? it sounds contemplative and deliberate, a sound practice to support a literary lifestyle

>> No.14921118
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>> No.14921165


>> No.14921195

>Megan is Liveblogging again
This makes me happy. I hope she develops a new pace and method. So far she's had three-four days of entries it sounds like. She's writing about corona too, which makes her a plague liveblogger too, a whole new literary experiment.

>> No.14921201

I don't know the names of my children or their mothers but I'm sure they're doing well

>> No.14921204

i want to see her do a DFW impression

>> No.14921231
File: 166 KB, 1878x960, boyleography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of the Boyleography do you plan to read during lockdown?

>> No.14921283

this room is a hundred times better than what I'm reduced to

>> No.14921365

this looks cozy, I love the distinct shape to the room, like it must pulse with an energy that flows through Megan too

>> No.14921450

Man I don't know bout y'all but that girl has those spring loaded hips made to snap a Johnson in two or to draw out the conquerors vivifying agent into her gurgly cervix, but for moi I can't shake the feeling of cloacal rending pressures, the hissing breath as Peg amped up her pace and started throwing those hips like I was just her basement dwelling play thing, a creature kept in social suspension in those damp dark confinements until Peg came home and let her brandished pegger cast a sinister shadow over the descending stairs, bouncing heavily, dreadfully, a pugilist of prostates. Maybe one day she takes me upstairs and shows me the cases of strappable pegs and thematic chassis and whispers a salivary tinged surprise, and I can feel my posterior port begin to syncopate and pucker, relaxing the sequence of sphincters situating my single male hind hole, ready to be ravaged, physically the same as Peg's scalding verbals, called a poseur, buster, simp, whitehat, basic, pedant, vanilla, ironic, tryhard, a mogged-upon something-let.

>> No.14921470

Megan, expletive you. You're fun to read, and I trust your writing to feel alive. You plod the reader along until a secret diversion plummets us elsewhere, like Mario finding a hidden sky or dungeon level. I also don't have a right to speak to you so frankly but please please Believe in yourself for your art. You create beauty. At some point maybe that beauty is more important than you. But you are also of that beauty's origin made of the same God.

>> No.14921778

meganschizos are unironically good writers

>> No.14921892
File: 108 KB, 500x667, tumblr_4ab776f174c9ad677cd06d5b6aa84560_89633f22_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon! buzz me up! i swear i don't have covid!

>> No.14922436

I'm out of the loop can someone please expalin to me why /lit/ is obessed with this schizoid looking +30 woman?

>> No.14922461

lurk more. megan has been a quintessential part of /lit/ culture for the better part of a decade

>> No.14922811

>When my parents would put me in my car seat and close the door and walk to the driver’s side of the car, I’d say every bad word I knew as fast as I could.
When my parents would put me in my car seat and close the door and walk to the driver’s side of the car, I’d say every bad word I knew as fast as I could.
>When my parents would put me in my car seat and close the door and walk to the driver’s side of the car, I’d say every bad word I knew as fast as I could.
>When my parents would put me in my car seat and close the door and walk to the driver’s side of the car, I’d say every bad word I knew as fast as I could.
Thank you, Megan

>> No.14923307

Peggy Meggy
Scrambled eggy
Crackin' many
Whippin airy
Cream too heavy
Creme fraiche, any?
Butter's singy
Ooo, blewb jelly
Texting Jenny
Sextin' Jessie
Dancing Desi
Folding fleshy
Sprinky salty
Kitchen fairie

>> No.14923339

My new favorite after the "least you can do smoothie"

>> No.14923604

it was more fun when she was a reckless add(y)ict though

>> No.14923613

first start with the greeks then the germans then the french the study STEM for a few years then you're ready for Tao Lin and once you've conquered him you're ready for Boyle

>> No.14923628

hey dude or dudes that are obsessed with her, contact her somehow and convince her to start a thread on /lit/ for cross-platform liveblogging, she has nothing better to do given the apocalypse and all, mite b kool

>> No.14923631


>> No.14923640
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rundown on the slut?

>> No.14923647

this is false

>> No.14923653

rundown on your first week on /lit/?

>> No.14923660

has anyone entirely read Liveblog, or just me?

>> No.14923668

i'm about 3/4

>> No.14923676

ive been here for half a decade and i only know her from that famous pic of younger her that always gets posted

>> No.14923738

which one is that

>> No.14923950

You haven't seen alt-lit posting? surely you remember Tao Lin or Mira

>> No.14924041

The one where she's lost to the chewing of an Alternating Current type electrical plug?

>> No.14924329

>I didn’t say that I thought I’d only try liveblogging for a week, in 2013, but that’s what I originally envisioned. I’m working on setting healthy boundaries now. So: I intend to only liveblog for a week.

>12:54pm: I’ve been doing this for 5 days. I’ll stop on Tuesday. It feels kind of sad to stop. I’m enjoying it still. Maybe I’ll reassess whether I want to stop…then…yeah. I might go a little longer than a week,

>> No.14924477

it may point her in other directions. I think you can tell Megan is hungry to create and has a new energy about her. She's newly structured, even yet more disciplined and focused, she's like a boxer ready to climb some ranks.

>> No.14924788

>I have been late with my rent so many times that I am restricted from paying it online. It’s been like this since 2018. I have to get cashier’s checks now (which cost $11, so they’ve been making a $132 yearly profit from my irresponsibility).
I'm heartened to hear that self-revised payment schedules are a literary tradition

>> No.14925346

oh ok yeah

>> No.14926526
File: 158 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_a5f709f0a2a81de20eea9641d31817a1_308948fa_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello, my name is Peg, to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?

>> No.14926655

peeled fresh from Megan's melon:
>9:46pm: still undecided on food vs. not, I don’t know…what will I do tonight…I forgot Sam had texted the ‘Cats’ (2019) video, bet that would be good…
>9:49pm: my food decision is that I’ll just be eating fruit tonight, if I get hungry
>9:52pm: my entertainment decision is to watch ‘Cats’
>9:53pm: the tiny triumphs of decisions

>> No.14926665

wonder if she self-blankets during entertainment

>> No.14926912
File: 23 KB, 512x512, aiportraits_1563683764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Megan
Palely pagan
Lively begun
Berlin again
Smiley ray-gun
Gulf of Aden
Fug yo bacon
Megan maven
Tip-toes hasten
Iv'ry straighten
Chalky raven
Glutey laden
Yearn, burn craven
Fans in Dayton
Nails misshapen
Seance Satan
Gapes Jamaican
Bongs forsaken
Iron Maiden

>> No.14926916
File: 14 KB, 512x512, aiportraits_1563683725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meggo Fandango
Cat fur entangle
Anklets and bangles
Facial quadrangle
Dreamcatcher dangle
Ginger drain tangle
Endure such mangle
Tight pants rump wrangle
Eye gaze at angles
Necklaces jangle
Spiced with galangal

Megan's miasmas
Pagan plume plasmas
Fugu-duced asthmas
Playful to dogmas
So cute, mind magmas

Napkin, feet, jam and spoons
Summit picnic Gobi dunes
Birdsong flutters flirty tunes
Meg unlaces boots dragoons
Talc coughed soles, hoot baboons
Steam wisps as in cartoons

Megan soles inflame afluster
Rashed by kitty litter bluster
Scrubbing her feet to new luster
Cursed by fur poofs burning muster
'mmonia scented ex's duster
If you ain't G, you a buster

>> No.14926947
File: 13 KB, 512x512, aiportraits_1563683701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megan's miasmas
Blazing plume plasmas
Fugu-spiced asthmas
Playful to dogmas
So cute, mind magmas

>> No.14927032
File: 212 KB, 1024x682, megan1-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were wearing our zippers up this season, anon

>> No.14927105

who is this femcel?

>> No.14927173

Megan is a prophet for a new era of sincerity

>> No.14927385 [DELETED] 

I'm going to pay my entire month's alcohol and booze budget to professionally dox her workplace and call in with a nonissue.

>> No.14927420

I'm going to spend my entire month's drug and booze budget to professionally dox her workplace and call in with an unsolvable nonissue

>> No.14927450

please do it

>> No.14928665

god damn that mustache faggot looks like a giant faggot

>> No.14928668

This is Sincerity

>> No.14928677

t. Didact in homosexual appearances

>> No.14928696

She's a gifted author and a beautiful human being

>> No.14928863

We're Megan to identify with a legume, what would she be?

>> No.14928899

I feel like shed say she's a fordhook but I'd peg Meg as an adzuki

>> No.14928978

FUNFACT: in the introductory theme song to Bubble Guppies, one can actually replace the lyrics "Bubble Guppies" with "Megan Boyle" and you won't skip a beat.

>> No.14929173

Does the Cybernetic Meganverse include a pandemic type event?

>> No.14929292

has she ever acknowledged her /lit/ cult?

>> No.14929479

What's the Megantific significance of these numbers?

>> No.14930246

she posted on one of the old liveblog threads but i dont think we were so formally a cult then....

>> No.14930362

she literally gave us feet pics, anon, the very apex of e-girl generosities

>> No.14930928
File: 536 KB, 500x671, tumblr_d97f1ca9ccc2786b28a48ff53f3d23e8_674dadf0_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we e-girl now

>> No.14931366

was the year my dad impregnated my mom with me

>> No.14931497

Megan is sort of like as expansive as a streamer but she runs the life events and commentary through her own literary engine and what we get is a very composed and conscientiously revealed girl, blanks, boredom, pauses are all removed and we get in Liveblog a highly concentrated version of youth and womanhood and femininity and Americana, of east coast norms, of capitalism etcetera. Preserved in the Ginger's amber are reflections and impressions and captive particles from the world around her. But the spiritual homunculus steering and throttling forward Megan so that she may select from these collections and give to the reader the life of Liveblog is kinda e-girl-esque: zero fucks given in some significant aspects of her process, her American self, her exhibition, her every humility and plans spoken in our heads by a luxuriant vocal fry, even her cautious amoebic catabolism of noxious cultural products seems both real and clever for keeping a broad audience, being a whip smart electronic girl.

>> No.14931517


however, rules/regulation/taxes are immediate and tied to your specific location

>> No.14931527

This. She should move to Florida. There'll be some vacancies soon. Megan and Jordan Murphy can host competing intelley mansion meetups

>> No.14931643

What's the appeal?

>> No.14931771

read liveblog 2013. reading 2020 is like skipping straight to God Emperor of Dune

>> No.14932074

Process, discipline, voice and humor.

>> No.14933041
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>i vape...that's just a given

>> No.14933081
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>Joey said ‘what if this liveblog is just you watching all of us die, and in the end, you die too, everyone just…dies’ and laughed and I laughed and said I’d thought of that too.

>joey said ‘it’s not fun anymore, i don’t like this’ a few times earlier and i agree…it’s…there’s a darker element to cornholio today. what’s going to happen to all the homeless people…are shelters closed…wtf…or people in hospitals, or doctors, we’re all just…i don’t know. i’m getting catastrophizing-style

>feels severe out here, like death. Chaotic lighting, too bright and dark at once. Feel like crashing my car into other cars but I keep driving

>> No.14933269

Yeah that was a humdinger, felt it like a fist to the prostate

>> No.14933595

>See Meg.
>See Meg post.
>Meg posts long!

>> No.14933627

>12:09am: so sleepy, but just wanted to say:

>i’ll be liveblogging until i have to go back to working at the office

thats right you heard it first! we're going to the endtimes!

>> No.14933641

Wooo, I'm doing Megan's melatonin dance

>> No.14934439

We get a livrblog 2!

>> No.14935386

Megan, the morning vibes in Liveblog 2 are so awesome. They're like a warm cup of coffee

>> No.14935974
File: 317 KB, 500x375, tumblr_1fdf6cc54a7f99c5bd22f72619d525df_a56627dc_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Megan, not to pry, but it wasn't until later on in life that I learned the greatest enemy of dirty dishes and sinks is something like the OXO Good Grips Soap Dispensing Dish Brush. Whatever you think of modern life, whatever other critiques you retain, reservations you secret, keep them, just use this brush or something like it as the sponge method, while noble, leaves much to be desired in terms of volume, the leverage by which you apply force, the different materials (sponge sides vs sturdy bristles), to say nothing of the convenience of having a remote control (no electronics) soap dispenser button to banish all your low effort italian or scallop pan crusts to the land of wind and ghosts. I think you'll find the tangible different between sponges and something like these ergonomic soap-dispensing brushes is the time won back for you to do with whatever you want.

>> No.14936706

I hope OXO contacts Megan or Megan's agent for a collaborative marketing opportunity with OXO Good Grips Soap Dispensing Dish Brush supporting a cornholion lifestyle

>> No.14936776
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rise and grind lords

>> No.14936848
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what sorta high-falutin puff game can this vapetrixess breath?

>> No.14936876
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everything she says sounds so dumb but then i imagine what it would look like in subtitles or a book and its so fuckin profound everytime lads

>> No.14936913

sometimes her work is almost structured like a ceaseless stream of stand-up, with long intermissions, wind-ups, but then suddenly a large dosage of humor, irony, wit, other times it's quite nicely paced out, when she's struck gold.

>> No.14938227
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>mfw cornholio

>> No.14938344

what is she selling subscriptions to? seems like a pyramid scheme

>> No.14938357


>> No.14938378

I assumed it was Niteflirt

>> No.14938701
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>> No.14939407
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>> No.14939890
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>mfw sincerely meg

>> No.14939919
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>i only have 4 rolls of toilet paper. i think if this were an old testament bible story, the people hoarding massive amounts of toilet paper would have to get wiped out in the second or third round of wipe outs. the first round would be the standard evil people, i guess. but there’s a lot of ways people are evil. but after the really evil ones go, the first of round of ‘lesser evils’ to go would be the t.p. hoarders. because they wouldn’t see it coming…they were blind to their selfishness, thinking they were good…something like that

>> No.14939938

She's gonna have to sacrifice some books, Anons. This is brutal, sincerely

>> No.14940541

- Megan Boyle, Liveblog, pp. 688

>> No.14941406

this is kino

>> No.14941441
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you guys should have more self-respect

>> No.14941680


>> No.14941855

Remember to keep your lotion strong, Megheads. Your skin will thank you for it.

>> No.14942402
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meglists are my personal fav, senpai

>> No.14942777

Comcast is being quite the Infinite Jest for Megan

>> No.14943131
File: 286 KB, 500x301, tumblr_62e92c0f202ad6520bc302ec37b81e36_19461652_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whoops! another call went into refused hehe! guess i don't have to work today!

>> No.14943566

Is there a society left for Tao Lin to depart?

>> No.14944663

>searched 'eating cheese puffs with hummus' on youtube, to feel less alone

>> No.14944673

>a package with no return address, which looked 'internationally sent' arrived a few days ago. have been 'afraid' of it. it was hydergine. i had ordered it a few weeks ago. it's used to treat dementia. invented by the guy who invented LSD. ate half a tablet before i left for p&p and waldbaum's.

>> No.14944691

>licked finger and inserted in nose, to probe for adderall crumbs. harvested 'sweet taste'. neurotic concern about 'wasting' close to 2mg that is now trapped in nose.

>> No.14944698

>remember laying on bed recently and him saying 'your character [in 'taipei'] mentions weight.'

>> No.14944707

>i feel like every few seconds i'm waking for the first time in a jail cell and a cop approaches me and says 'last night you were involved in a car accident. you are the only survivor. you were driving and you were drunk. your parents and everyone you could've loved more were the passengers. your punishment is to live for 5000 years' and it's the same cop every time. waking every few seconds for the first time but it's the same thing every time.

>> No.14944726

>8:26pm: walking to belle harbor steakhouse. Ordered spinach salad and cheeseburger deluxe. Passed a parked car playing 'the safety dance' by men without hats. The guy who took my order said 'and who'll be picking it up?' I said 'Megan'. he said 'Megan fox?' I said 'no, Megan Boyle, just regular.' he said 'well that's still good. Twenty minutes Megan.'

>I riffed my ass off with the phone man. Megan fox man. Conversational Olympics gold medal. Lost points at the end when he said 'you know what? I think Megan Boyle is hotter than Megan Fox.' I said 'well. You're a minority.' he looked like he might be not have been born in the U.S. but I meant it like 'not many people would agree with your opinion.'

>> No.14944736

>i'm sitting at a wire table under a large umbrella. it looks like spain or somewhere european out here. a man in a yarmulke walked up to the man at the table across from me and said 'erin? hello? is that you?' got scared it was a 'rampant 'taipei' fan.'

>> No.14944758

>when someone asks me about the specifics of an event, i do something like 'mentally accessing library where my memories are stored' which is ... i'm just scanning a mental index of liveblog. the memory of typing something often comes before the memory of the event i typed.

>> No.14944781

>tao said 'i have new roommates' as we walked inside. there were three 40-50lbs overweight women and six bunk beds in the room where the kitchen was. i said 'where did your room go?' tao said 'it's still here you just can't see it because of them.' he asked if i could stay two nights and i thought 'he wants me to stay two nights, sweet.' one of the women was 'lounging' in a top bunk bed. she said 'no, not two nights.' tao got in the bottom bunk of a bed and the top was empty and he motioned for me to join him. there was room for two people. i realized we wouldn't have sex. the overweight women talking continuously and making food and tao and i were looking at each other grinning and being like 'what the fuck is this shit'.

>> No.14944796

>she said they had a warhol painting that wasn't included in the dandy exhibit. alec said 'it should have been.' the way she said it, how he said that, and her reaction felt like if alec had said 'your son was a brave fighter. he should've come home to you. i will always remember him.'

>> No.14944821

>decided to take advantage of the free continental breakfast. overnight check-in friend said 'oh, you're up.' i said something politely meaningless, smiling. another girl was at the desk too. walked to 'breakfast room', where many people were seated, mostly alone. two TVs were on. two teenage-looking girls holding styrofoam containers circled the belgian waffle station, taking turns talking in a kind of call-and-response conversation led by neither about whether their pizza and chicken wings 'would be enough,' to eat.

>looked around the room a lot. didn't know where to look. everyone seemed to be furtively redirecting their gazes to an arbitrarily wide variety of points at intervals suggesting a collective heightened yet noncommittal awareness of fulfilling their roles in a situation they'd regrettably involved themselves.

>> No.14944842

>i want to live on a ranch in montana where all i have to do is make babies with some stupid guy i love and who loves me and we get to play with the babies and eat food and watch movies and jeopardy every day and all of us get old and die and there are no banks or car insurance or drugs or parking tickets and the internet burns down and shirley never pees the bed again for as long as we both shall live

>> No.14944873

>walked behind a smallish man carrying two plastic bags. from a distance he looked close to my age. imagined he lived in my building. maybe he worked in the city. he was someone like me, maybe, we had each been keeping our existences secret this entire time. the dogs barked at him. when i passed, one dog walked away, the middle dog continued barking, and the third dog and i made eye contact. slowed my pace so the plastic bag man wouldn't feel obligated to hold the door for me. tried to remember what i had imagined would happen when i'd moved here. beach parties. something. i probably didn't know then either.

>used apartment key to open the building door. through the glass, watched the plastic bag man join maybe two others, waiting for the elevator. one of the others was the ex-MTA employee in a wheelchair, who i told i'd bring smoothes, and had believed i would, the night of colin's 'welcome to the building' dinner. heard the familiar click of the door's weight closing behind me. approached group closely enough to recognize plastic bag man: the 'fancy food student' from the dinner. made eye contact with MTA wheelchair man as he reversed into the elevator. we said 'hi' quietly, kind of sorrowfully, overlapping the word at intervals suggesting neither of us meant for the greeting to be heard. focused eyes on one of the plastic bags. remembered they both lived on the fourth floor. i didn't get on the elevator.

>> No.14944881

LMAO wtf megaherz

>> No.14944963

Why did she remove the part about smoking crack and the brief orgy references?
I'm not making this up, it was on her liveblog earlier.

>> No.14944974

She was a nude model for some art exhibit too, wish she'd discuss that desu w u rn senpai

>> No.14945151

Megman, Megman, Megman, them alts up to something

>> No.14945160
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>Stirfry and frog juice for all my babies that I miss

>> No.14945260

Should I start with this liveblog if I haven't read the first?

>> No.14945284

She's posted nudes that still have links right now. She actually sneaks nudes in some of her videos that I don't think anyone has caught yet.

>> No.14945303


>> No.14945378

is it true though?

>> No.14945453

of course not.

>> No.14945506

She does have a very high technical ability that is almost never referenced.

>> No.14945732

not like garish "me minge m'lord" nudes, megs're more Dunham-esque candid nudity

>> No.14946018

Yeah except not as repulsive. /lit/ fags are desperate though. I could see plenty of people here beating off to those Meg nudes of her with sores all over her body from when she was strung out on adderall.

>> No.14946204

I am desperate but not horny enough for that.

>> No.14946371
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do u have a link, anon?

>> No.14946398

>-ate at kitchen table while watching most of joey’s video of the 'waiting for godot’…surprised by how entertaining it was/enjoyed watching the play performed (have only read it in the past, and not for many years). people start heckling us at a moment where we’re trying to figure out who godot (we called him ‘covid’) is lol. one kid just shows his braces to us, like…shows us his mouth. then at the end there’s so much chaos. seems perfect…solid…a fitting comment on 2020

>-texted jordo about the channers, said ‘god bless our troops’ at one point. texted with joey and julia about doing another reading/play for fun, involving more people. texted sam and some friends, but it’d been a while since each of their last texts to me so don’t foresee responses tonight. (all texts kind of happened interchangeably/during the same timeframe)

>> No.14946448
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>texted jordo about the channers, said ‘god bless our troops’ at one point.

ten gun salute

>> No.14946474
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I like Megan's flux of order and clutter. They're like narrative piles cellular to the Megan holobiont

>> No.14946480

God bless you, Megan!

>> No.14946487

We should make a board-wide effort to read some Meganfilial authors like Jordan Castro and Joseph Grantham

>> No.14946545

a gourd, of course

>> No.14946565

I kinda think of Megan as a goosenecked butternut damned to walk the earth in Cucurbit banishment

>> No.14946572

Jordan Castro coined "Mexistentialism," and seems like an insightful, sincere writer

>> No.14946591

i want to read Zachary German's novel. he is my favorite fictional character in the 2013 novel "Liveblog: a novel".

>> No.14946606

Is she some kind of schizo that takes her meds or what?

>> No.14946611

They hosted it on Zoom but you can find clips on Instagram

>> No.14946625

I worry most "Megheads" are performances by various figmentary folks filling Megan's head, which is a very fruitful place

>> No.14946628

whats the point of yall liking her? she just a women with a big ugly face.

>> No.14946630

Be sincere.

>> No.14946636

her writing?

Your post reads like posturing, a sound bite.

>> No.14946643
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Well pray for you, ironist

>> No.14946645
File: 223 KB, 602x470, 503px-peterson_lecture_33522701146_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now the term "Meghead" it's like, heads? why heads? Well that's not an accident. These posters who think themselves free, let's say 'self actualizing' shitposters are actually becoming manifestations of the Liveblog's internal logos. It's like You're Not In Control of What You're Posting. You're just another head on Megan's hydra. And man, that is Not Where You Want To Be. Trust Me. I've been there.

>> No.14946663

Esoteric Meganists insist Liveblog is a psychomantic manual for constructing a tulpa girlfriend

>> No.14946665

Is Megan the flower child of DFW? She seems very similar, a feeling-oriented writer with an academic background and addictive personality traits. Say what you will about autofiction, it does feel like the natural evolution from DFWs "authenticity" ploying.

What's the general opinion on auto-writing here? Is literature looping upon itself and is auto-writing the journalistic starting point that it evolves from and inevitably returns to? I think writing like this has been around since the dawn of language and the rest of the canon has been a rebellion and exploration that stems and returns to it. Sorry if I'm rambling.

>> No.14946675

And following this line of thought, is sincerity really the thing in writing that should be most valued. Isn't irony just as much a part of the process?

>> No.14946683

Having said all this, I totally get why themes of solidarity and intimacy would be appreciated in a generation that's largely defined by its difficulties with consumption and isolation.

>> No.14946692

I like her descriptions of friendships. I never knew how healthy ones worked until Liveblog, Megan being often an exemplary friend to others

>> No.14946693

Irony poisons a culture's ability to articulate itself or look after its values. Irony obscures what one's values even are. Irony will kill an artist. Look at someone like Warhol. There was no man left at the end of it all, only the ironic persona.

>> No.14946700

juliet the maniac is p good
don't, it's beyond terrible

>> No.14946709

>Irony poisons a culture's ability to articulate itself or look after its values.
It certainly confuses people when it's a memetic echochamber of conflicting values, but I don't see why it's a harmful device in a narrative.

>Irony obscures what one's values even are.
To other people yes, I don't think it confuses the individual unless they're a fool that makes light of everything.

>> No.14946745

Does anyone have a download of liveblog? I'm broke and there's no download anywhere.

>> No.14946769

>don't, it's beyond terrible
really? he seems like an asshole but also smart or at least clever.

>> No.14947243

WTF, Megheads, not cool.

>> No.14947245

There's literally YouTube recordings, lil zoomer

>> No.14947466

the quality on those recordings isn't great

>> No.14947890

What are some qualities of people who want shit for free?

>> No.14948035

I really want to see Waiting for Covid. I hate how funny those fuckers are. Supes jelly.

>> No.14949315
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Anyone interested in hosting a restream? We can read from random dates

>> No.14949325

how can one thread have consistently so many high quality posts?

>> No.14949623

Maybe sincerity? Iono, any Megheads care to chime in?

>> No.14949637
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>> No.14949720

Many a tail's tales upholster that cushion

>> No.14949731

Where do you people come from, do you crawl out of a discord server once a month to make these threads? What's the appeal of this gross shit

>> No.14949740

We're tradcaths who graduated the canon

>> No.14949875

Some people like books, anon.

>> No.14949976

I really hope she fixes her issue. US infrastructure is so patchy, you often have to be a business level customer to get any maintenance. They expect attrition to serve the customer satisfaction and for Megan to eventually give up.

>> No.14950951


>> No.14951241

Is everyone goi g to die

No no nobonono

Please no

No don’t let it happen

We were only just getting started

Weren’t we

Please do nt let it be that

Now doing it around others close to me

Now doing it around others less close but still present

Now doing it around the globe

For whatever it’s worth

I did what I could

I couldn’t do more

Why not though, can’t I save it all

What if the worst is yet to come

Gagging on blood, too few ambulances, etc

Why does it have to be that

Is it what we deserve

We were all such sensitive people with so much to give

>> No.14951435

do you even read

>> No.14952136

Scribe those feels
You're an alt-lit-er
Library's shitter

>> No.14953319

Morning Megan writhes awake
Bringing dessert, Princess Cake
Round white orb, green marzipan
Blossom turban Suleiman
Hand made slippers, Marigold
Bareness tucked in leather soled

>> No.14954049

>have been wondering if i should’ve stopped liveblog 2 yesterday, as planned

>> No.14954172 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14954177
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>> No.14955177

She gonna keep us in suspense for a whole year

>> No.14956339
File: 1.47 MB, 1650x1235, 2019-05-14_23-58-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14957308

>i was just searching for some kind of corona update that was cohesive and accurate and reliable and maybe like, loving, but with minimal pathos…just…like a personal liveblog of some low-security-clearance insider at the cdc.

>> No.14957402


>> No.14957434

For a moment I thought she was mira gonzalez

>> No.14957444

To be honest she was more fun when she was destroying herself with drugs.

>> No.14957490

ok, Mira

>> No.14958141

damn, meg, you based af rn

>> No.14958144
File: 922 KB, 1481x1151, 345646436346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont fug with baltimore, yo

>> No.14958150

Megan literally composes sparkly art from waiting on IT, even from being IT. I've been wanting this sort of work from her, pipe her energies and put them to correctly geared turbines and you get something powerful

>> No.14958184

>why is the pressure to do a census suddenly on…from the government…
>Think I’ve only done one census
>I don’t remember the form/letter then being so ‘IT IS UNLAWFUL NOT TO DO THIS’ as it is today
>Am I just being an edgelord

>> No.14958711

is the same girl?

>> No.14958992

Comfy thread, megazordz

>> No.14959096

no, but Courtney Barnett is pretty sincere.

>> No.14960450

What's the point of all these photos and stuff once the internet goes down? Can you imagine we actually thought we'd rebuild our solar system into computronium Dyson spheres and sext via tachyons

>> No.14960461

Megan has the greenish blackish tartan aura

>> No.14960467

Yo, Mira, you still slangin feet pics for Bernie donations?

>> No.14960490

Oooo, fffffff, you rancid sincerests will be the end of me, unironically. You sillies don't actually believe in the shit you say, right? It's all a trick to sell your books to this niche audience?

>> No.14961655
File: 79 KB, 800x674, Screenshot_20190907-204840-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw joining the liveblog senpai

>> No.14961759


>> No.14961793

wish I wasn't a broke af student

>> No.14961827

Write a liveblog!

>> No.14961859

What the fuck is this retarded book anyway? What is this about?

>> No.14961874

maybe I will

>> No.14962118

A girl and her feet

>> No.14963100

Is Megan anywhere near Elko, NV?

>> No.14963137

How is this thread still up? This is one of the worst high reply threads I've ever seen on /lit/. Not literature. Take this utter garbage to /soc/.

>> No.14963141

shes an author and her life is the book. also i have never read it. also this is one of the best threads on lit

>> No.14963284

megthreads have helped up my nofap game by teaching me about sincerity and why irony is for the birds

>> No.14963305

>Baltimore’s population has dipped below 600,000 for the first time in more than a century, according to U.S. Census estimates released Thursday.

>> No.14963976

why is it so expensive jfc

>> No.14963991

Issa signed edition that was literally perspired in by Megan

>> No.14964199

>7:53am: dreamed anon was trying to date me, but he liked me too much. he had too much positive attention on me to be reciprocated. we were in some asian country. i was like 'wow this is great, he’s so hot’ at first but then his creepiness just creeped through. there was a sex part…it was gross, i was like 'having to do it’ because i didn’t want him to think i had an escape plan, but at this point i had lost all respect for him.

>the thing that grossed me out about him was that he knew all of these things about me that i didn’t tell him, and he focused on the things as if they were…like…precious…but delusional…like he thought he was there too, when they happened.

>> No.14964482

Too real, anon, that's a doozy on the ol' noggin

>> No.14965093

>8:25am overheard "cumming on your own face isn't very metal"

>> No.14965674

>covid jackpots
Sacré blü

>> No.14965916


>> No.14967134
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>> No.14967209

Megandastrophy, Megantic, Meganalized Meganomate, Meganstiewicz, Meganvehna, Meganoofy, Meganz, Megant, Meganj, Megani, Megane, Meganoo, Meganoor, Meganee, Meganchoochoo, Meganchobee, Meganfric, Meganolithic, Meganeist, Meganice, Meganise, Meganlyse, Meganase, Meganein, Meganph, Meganope, Meganoir, Meganyet, Meganah, Meganhellnah, Meganupt, Meganoops, Meganfloop, Meganbloop, Meganboop, Meganitty, Meganosty, Meganostrotsky, Meganta

>> No.14967276

>what's sincere?
>Wus Meggin'? Or Wuz Megan-a-nackin'?
>Hows earnestness?
>Meghead Alert
>irony Flees Us (said to ward off bad vibes from the ensuing social space)
>'allo Meggie or 'hullo Meggie-Eggy
>Leggo my Meggo
>Meghead, aho!

>> No.14967299

>well, well, well…now we’re talkin’ turkey…

>> No.14967386

>flippin dingleberry doofus

>> No.14968598
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>> No.14968664
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>it’s been so long since he’s purposefully looked at other things while passing my desk though


>i don’t often assert stuff like that. think i’ve chosen guys who…like…their presence will help me feel comfortable asserting stuff like that. basic needs/wants/preferences stuff. i rely on them too much, though, and it’s always some ‘us against the world’ dynamic. the thing that’s fucked about it…is….when you pit yourself against the world, and the person you’re with displeases you in some way, that same energy of ‘me against [world]’ creeps in, and it’s like ‘oh shit, we’re arguing, it’s *THE END OF THE WORLD* oh nooo’


>i gotta watch myself man lol

>i’m a freak on a leash

also me

>i was at my parents’ in chestertown, addicted to adderall ‘to help me edit liveblog 2013 into a book,’ thinking there were things coming out of my skin and collecting them and doing tests on them and myself, but i was also getting into meditation, and…by mid-late march i think i’d had the epiphany while meditating that ‘if there really is nanotechnology in me, and it’s sending my thought-data to the government, all i can do is create a symbiotic relationship with it’



>and then a few days later, you’re like ‘maybe i’ll try walking down that street again, there’s usually something for me there, that aux cable is probably gone now’



>strongbad hoodie
also based

>> No.14968991

Great thread, Megheads!

>> No.14969252
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>thinking there were things coming out of my skin and collecting them and doing tests on them and myself
Morgellons? FFS, Megan, we hope you're well. That must be terrible.

>> No.14969314

9:37am why arent there more crucifixion themed easter candies? why must all chocolates be pagan eggs and vague springy things?