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/lit/ - Literature

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14942370 No.14942370 [Reply] [Original]

Go to Omegle, add "Books" as an interest and post your results here

>> No.14942432

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like books.
You: sup
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: absolutely nothing
You: Same
Stranger: how old r ya
You: Whats your favourite book
You: 18
Stranger: Norwegian Wood by Murakami
Stranger: 21
Stranger: yours?
You: Anna Karenina
You: Tolstoy
Stranger: tolstoy and doestoyevsky are up next for me
You: I prefer Tolstoy. Of Dostoyevsky I've only read Crime and Punishment
Stranger: ohh what should I read first then?
Stranger: from Tolstoy?
You: Anna Karenina probably
You: It's the best work of his I've read
Stranger: will do
Stranger: so under house arrest?
You: Yes. UK on lockdown
Stranger: yaa same here
Stranger: im from india btw
You: Nice
Stranger: where in UK
You: North England, Yorkshire
Stranger: watch any footy?
You: Nahhh lol never been into it
You: it's basically a religion around here

>> No.14942616


>> No.14942632
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Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
Stranger: How are you?
You: I will not stand against emperor Xi
You: Im dying
Stranger: Hug?
You: Please
Stranger: Huh?*
Stranger: No
You: Okay
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 20 and you?
You: What are your favorite books?
Stranger: Seriously, how old are you?
You: 20
Stranger: I only have one
Stranger: No 20 year old acts this immature
You: I wish I was younger so I could redo some shit
You: It happens
Stranger: It doesn’t

Was I too autistic?

>> No.14942669
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Not native speaker sorry for badenglish

>> No.14942692

lmfao based

>> No.14942693

You: Hey
Stranger: Hi
You: What books do you like?
Stranger: I don’t have a specific genre I like to read
Stranger: I own books from every genre lol
Stranger: And you ?
You: I've been digging in posmodernist fiction, but like you, I try to read books of every genre. Though I'm not big into fantasy since the setting does not interest me much.
You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: Oh gosh

>> No.14942699
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H-hello based department?

>> No.14942776
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>> No.14942791
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>> No.14942797
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>> No.14942801
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>get into omegle conversation
>try to meme around and insult the other person
>it doesn't work and we actually have a lot in common
>he wants for us to be online buddies
>get scared and end the conversation
>tfw this happens in every omegle thread

>> No.14942807
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golden jej

>> No.14942896
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I was trying to make it good, but he disconnected

>> No.14942915

dude here
you a dude?
Stranger has disconnected.


>> No.14942927

Emily is such a nice name, but yeah I would do these things too if I could maybe find someone who actually read but as it is, nope. Not sure what was up with Gary.

>> No.14942938

wow...men only care about one thing and its fucking disgusting

>> No.14942946

How did zoomers come across Omegle? No wonder most conversations are shit.

>> No.14943046

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like books.
Stranger: Titas?
You: Nigger
You Have Disconnected

beaners, did i jump ship too fast

>> No.14943087

Looks like boys are looking for art hoes

>> No.14943094

>lolita atm
not subtle

>> No.14943168
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>> No.14943247
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>> No.14943255

why the fuck is he the only available person on omegle? is it some kind of retarded AI gone wild?
am i trapped? my tinfoil hat was fine last time i checked.

>> No.14943267

Grow up

>> No.14943271

I share your love of the Anglo-Saxons but I have to advise against using slurs to refer to other races/ethnic groups and hatred toward other groups in general.

>> No.14943292
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>> No.14943308

t. Guy who doesn't have to deal with niggers

>> No.14943741

this but unironically.
The only retards who dont hate any of the "minorities" simply don't have to deal with them and therefore get to act superior to the (merited) hatred of subhumans.

>> No.14943837

what a stupid fucking thread

>> No.14944100


>> No.14944198
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>> No.14944210
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>> No.14944212
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>> No.14944216
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>> No.14944222
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>> No.14944226

I do have to deal with them a bit but I do live in a 90% white community and would not live anywhere less than 90% white. Ideally, I'd live somewhere even whiter.

Even if you hate them, they're not subhuman.

>> No.14944880
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>> No.14944953
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i talked to an actual girl :O

>> No.14944960

holy... based

>> No.14944973

>less than 25% nigger than volume

Damn nigger that's crazy

>> No.14944975
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>> No.14944982

>tfw you get ghosted virtually

>> No.14945252
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advice from girl

>> No.14945263

>if anyone geniunely hated women they can get fucked
She's really not going to help anyone if that's her take on differing worldviews.

>> No.14945288
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>Most of them are sad, lonely and need mental health

>> No.14945381
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>> No.14945390

holy based...

>> No.14945414

That's good advice, it's sad though that 4chan is only known as this alt-right, antisemitic homophobic mysoginistic place. I know it's sound weird but I actually come here only to /lit7 and /mu for recs lol and also some insights. I am miserable though but for different reasons than those cited in the post.
Sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.14946577

I like this post, so I'll bump

>> No.14946598

where i talk to a 15 year old girl about cooming

>> No.14946644


>> No.14946680

I'm 22 with a snapchat and I used omegle when I was around 14 all the time
I used to stay up all night convincing girls to get naked and saving screenshots until the site started seriously moderating it
Those were the days

>> No.14946686
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!

You both like Books.

Stranger has disconnected.

>> No.14946758

not a bad advice tbf, and also sounds honest from heart. ngl I would like to hear more advice from her

>> No.14946949

I had a nice long simp chat with a girl (male). Typical serial monogamist getting over a relationship. pretty sure she was a nigger too because her name was faith.

>> No.14946961

>Error: Comment too long (16786/3000).

how do I upload log?

>> No.14946962

Wow you're so nice calling them she/her.

>> No.14946972
File: 83 KB, 1080x1080, img_4456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh here never used omegle


>> No.14946984

She asked about books once but I dodged it because I didn't want to talk about harry potter or some shit and it's against my religion to discuss what I read with the discarded concubines of whoremongers.

>> No.14947055

>getting over a relationship.
lol trannies never find anyone. That's why they have to groom hideous incels.

>> No.14947266

You both were

>> No.14947293
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>> No.14947307
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>also read the works of rene guenon
Holy... based

>> No.14947412
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i hate it here

>> No.14948031
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>> No.14948041 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14948059
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>> No.14948102
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