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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 183x251, 1288215396915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1494271 No.1494271 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any websites on the interbutts where I can show my work and get some feedback on it?

Clearly this is not the place to do so.

>> No.1494273

deviantart, actually.

There are a few good writers on there (some of them published even), but it'll take you a while to find them.

>> No.1494275

op here


lol no

>> No.1494282


>> No.1494285
File: 38 KB, 400x400, the useless troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>asks for a webiste
>gets given one with an actual reason for visiting it
>turns up his nose

lemme guess bro, your novels the next best thing to be made this generation and it's too good for deviant art?

i bet it's just some sci-fi piece of shit you used to escape reality. If you really want to escape reality just kill yourself faggot

>> No.1494287


Why are you the worst tripfag on /lit/?

>> No.1494290
File: 31 KB, 499x281, 1294623603622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write short stories not peoms :/

Sorry I don't want to be associated with a website where the majority is sixteen year old furries. Get over yourself faggot.

>> No.1494291


Oh, maybe you should try Gaia since that's probably a bit closer to your maturity level then.

Alternatively fictionpress or whatever.

>> No.1494296

Don't forget to take off your fursuit before you go to bed.

>> No.1494297
File: 36 KB, 600x338, 2w3pbhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you be 'associated' with it? Like when you get published people will say 'whoa,whoa don't buy his shit I heard he used dA when he was just starting out!'

dA is a legitimate resource for amateurs. If you're asking for advice on 4chan you're not too good for deviants' critiques.

>Get over yourself.

>> No.1494301


>He thinks DA is better than 4chan.

I'm pretty sure an illiterate vagrant would be a better literary critic than any person I could find on Deviant Art.

>> No.1494306

OP here

Finally someone that isn't a fucking loser.

>> No.1494310
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I wasn't implying that, and you're wrong about that second part as well.

Nevermind then. You clearly know better, which is why you came here and asked, right?

Did you try Fictionpress? Or are you too good for that too? And to be perfectly honest, Gaia is a legitimate resource too. Yea, I said it. You'll have to deal with that community, though. dA provides a much better chance of finding good critique than either of those, in my experience.

You could also try this: http://tinyurl.com/6habdvo

>> No.1494311



>> No.1494313


seriously though duder

>> No.1494314


>Goes to DA and Gaia

Kindly leave. Come back when you're 18.

>> No.1494315


hi, im not an authoer or anything, but i was suggested deviantart by a college instructor for my flash works.

which actually landed me an offer as a developer for a website - so, before you knock its reputation, remember that there are people who actually DO use deviantart for better things than teenage sonic angst

>> No.1494317


apparently i suck at spelling while drunk

>> No.1494323
File: 18 KB, 244x320, 128579551887[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP getting leo TOLDstoy because his writings so fucking shitty he's scared even '16 year old furries' won't like it.

it's okay bro, let the butthurt flow through you

pic related
it's you

>> No.1494327

Look, anywhere you go you're going to run into the same problems as dA. Cliquey cocksuckers, some random asshole who doesn't know a damn thing about what he's saying (inb4 that's me), bizarre people with bizarre shit and they're only talking to you in order to promote their bizarre shit, and of course, your average mediocre bland writers.
I'm on all of the sites mentioned so far. They all suck ass. I'm on a couple of others too, and I assure you, they're shit.
Not a single one of them holds a candle to going to real poetry or writing workshops, where people are actively engaged in talking about and working through these subjects and will give you attention and respect. Many of these workshops have published writers, or teachers, or editors, or even (albeit, small-time) publishers themselves, giving you input and ideas.

Searching the internet for unpaid, amateur tutelage that's also informed, credible, and helpful is not only futile, but stupid as well. I learned my stupidity the hard way. I'm advising you to skip the lesson. If you want somewhere to get critiques and still be lazy about it, well, here is as good as dA is as good as fictionpress is as good as blogspot is as good as...

>> No.1494329
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Nah I don't go to Gaia really. They just have stickys of resource links on their lit and art forums.

dA I do use, however. Surprisingly I'm neither a furry nor 16. I don't think I've ever met a furry there, so I must be doing it wrong. I do, however, receive good critiques and comments from users.

The main trick is to join a lot of groups and submit to all of them. That's a good way to get attention quickly. +favs aren't worth much in this case, but the more views you get the more likely you are to receive comments of course. Then they have forums where you can post links requesting critique, and trade critique with other artists.

>> No.1494331


This so much.

Best thing you can do for free is get on a good quality writers forum where people do workshops and whatnot. Dan Simmons (the author of Hyperion) has a forum where he does just that, but I don't advise going if you're going to talk like you're young. He is a total douchebag and he immediately disrespects anyone who is obviously under 30, female, liberal, or in any way disagrees with him. He's seriously a sexist racist fuck who thinks gays shouldn't marry.

I think I got off topic there.

I highly recommend you go annoy him.

>> No.1494333
File: 19 KB, 500x318, 1292193429313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here I'm going to go with fiction press.

You are by far the worst tripfag on this shit board. I've been recently published in a magazine for something that I posted on here a while back.

What have you written? Fan fiction and clear mimicking of your favorite author.

Suck my dick.

>> No.1494335

I'm interested in this, as well. I posted a similar thread a few days ago, to no avail.

I joined writerscafe.org, OP, and was really disappointed at the lack of honesty in the critiques.

If anyone knows of an on-line writer's community where people genuinely want to better their craft, let us know.

Something less glib and knee-jerk than 4chan, I think, is what OP and I are looking for.

>> No.1494336

OP here

link me captain

>> No.1494339


>>1494331 >>1494329 >>1494310 >>1494297 >>1494291 here. Glad I could help! I really do recommend also trying dA, though. It's not as bad as you think.


If you look for smaller groups you'll be more likely to get attention. A lot of them have little contests, workshops, critique sessions etc.

I don't have enough experience with Fictionpress to give you advice for that but I think it's like fanfic.net or whatever, right? I don't see why trying both would hurt, I guess. Like >>1494327 said though, you'd be better off getting a close-knit community that will actually spend more than one readthrough on your work and really go in depth.

>> No.1494341



That's his "writing well" board. Remember to keep best behaviour because this asshole literally once banned me for saying that 4chan wasn't entirely composed of terrorists. The advice you gain should be pretty legit, though. He's a famous author, even if he is an asshole.

Fun fact: his 'hyperion' books were features in the Haruhi animu. :3

Fun fact 2: Once he asked about which way the original ferris wheel turned. I answered, so he named a character after me in a book. Was just some rando kid named "Alex" in a book (Black Hills, if you've read it) but still kind of neat.

Fun fact 3: Idk if he's still around, but John Sunseri is really nice and a p legit author. Tell him Alex3 sentcha if you want some street cred.

>> No.1494344


>heyy guys i'm a published author!
welp looks like you don't need help from 4chan
>all you've written
nope, i don't write creatively!

you sound mad son

>> No.1494354
File: 40 KB, 456x600, 1292193509828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You responding to me ripping your asshole open and shitting in it.
>You admitting you don't write creatively.

>My face.

>> No.1494355

You're that faggot? GTFO.

>> No.1494358



Wait, what?

Was that a "I read Black Hills and the character Alex was a dick" joke? Or do you forreals know of me? Now I'm kind of freaked out.

>> No.1494360
File: 29 KB, 500x377, u mad dog in a hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>realises his writing is shit and his fucking gay poem that got published no one gave a single fuck about
>got mad in that thread when people said it sucked
>gets mad now because he's 2cool4deviantart

man you so mad

>> No.1494362
File: 25 KB, 500x282, calmdownnovak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree he was wrong to so quickly dismiss dA's usefulness but I gotta say, you're kind of a tool too. I don't know what you're doing right now, trolling? I don't know? Whatever it is, please stop. You're embarrassing us all and the only person you're making look bad is yourself. If anything your retarded responses only serve to validate OP's narrowminded view of dA. As a frequent user of dA and a bit of a fangirl I disapprove.

Knock it off! >:/

>> No.1494364

Run Forrest, Run!

>> No.1494365


> I've been recently published in a magazine for something that I posted on here a while back.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Nah, wait...it didn't happen.

>> No.1494367
File: 30 KB, 315x466, Retardns8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:) So true, bro. So true.

>> No.1494371



>> No.1494374


stop samefagging bro

>> No.1494373


And No I am this guy. ONLY.


>> No.1494379
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>> No.1494382


Er, shit I put those in the wrong order. :3

>> No.1494381
File: 94 KB, 400x450, 2nkurg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I'm >>1494339 and >>1494362 >>1494374 and all the ones mentioned in that post.

You can tell because I use Supernatural macros.


>> No.1494384
File: 55 KB, 500x316, dale cooper thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guess who my favourite fictional character is

>> No.1494385
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>> No.1494387


Isn't that Charlotte's first husband from Sex and the City?

>> No.1494388

op here

john_sunseri says hi

>> No.1494396



>> No.1494401
File: 21 KB, 470x336, 1288930497485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1495375

Heh, I said to mention me to Mr. Sunseri. I don't know how much street cred my name is worth towards everybody else. Did I not mention that Mr. Simmons hates 4chan, and everything that 'kids' like? Don't ever mention liking video games, for example.

BTW in case you didn't notice that Duane guy is Mr. Simmons. I don't know what the hell is going on but Mr. Sunseri can get you the scoop via PM.

Basically they run workshops, that's what I meant, that you can participate in. Also discussions etc. Dropping your own stuff I thought would be ok but you should really spend time making friends and having them critique it privately like Mr. Sunseri suggested.

Good luck with your writing, Anon.

>> No.1495379


I'm actually a girl. I just play a boy on the internet.

>> No.1495638

You a pretty girl?

I haven't met a girl that was pretty who enjoyed writing and literature :/

They are usually lesbians

>> No.1495656

Whelp I just told Dan Simmons to stop masturbating over his own vocabulary and arsenal of quotes.

>> No.1495663

Dude, that's clearly a trap playing mind games.

>> No.1495666

What the hell is wrong with you? D:

I thought you actually wanted to go there to learn to write. I warned you he was an asshole so you could learn from him while avoiding his wrath! Save the troll until after you get what you want.

You're awful. So do you even want to be a good writer?? What was the POINT of this thread? You're an idiot.

>> No.1495671


This, in addition to certain famous writers being misogynistic assholes who started treating me even worst once I stood up for Eve Ensler (they were insulting her for making a village for rape victims, and offering them counselling), is the reason I am transgender on the internet.


>> No.1495679

I didn't know it was him.

What kind of weirdo has an alter ego of an 11 year old and hates 4chan.

>> No.1495692

Also shut the fuck up about Dan Simmons being a great writer.

If I want to read sci-fi I'll read fucking Ender's Game. This Dan Simmons guy is a pompous faggot who banned me because of my remark to him.

It was true that he was masturbating and I believe that I was the first to call him out on that.

>> No.1495693
File: 200 KB, 370x370, 1295856010126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you even read my posts here? I specifically said my first account was BANNED for defending 4CHAN. I said he was an asshole, a nazi, etcetc. Those weren't insults as much as WARNINGS. You were supposed to take that info and use it to tread lightly. And I did say who he was in >>1495375

So yea, he's weird and he's a jerk and all that- but he's a VERY successful author who could have helped you. Not only him, but the rest of the people there. Do you think there'd be so many users on a forum where the owner is a total dick? He literally bans people for disagreeing with him! So why are there so many regular posters? They're not even allowed to discuss his books at length- that's not what his forum is for.

They're all authors trying to improve. And you could have been one of them. I can't believe upthread you actually imply you're too good for the "16 y/o furries" of deviantART. I think I was pretty spot on when I told you to go to gaia, since you obviously can't control yourself whatsoever.

You are an idiot and you will never improve in writing because you're too arrogant to accept help, even from published New York Times Bestselling authors.

>> No.1495707
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He is a good writer, and he's successful. He only wrote a few Science Fiction books, the rest were other shit. Don't be so fucking uppity he IS a good writer.

You're not the first asshole to roll in there and call him on his bullshit. It's his forum, he doesn't moderate it like a normal forum. He moderates it like a nazi fuck, and if you want to learn from him you need to obey his shitty rules. You didn't even LURK you just fucking posted with no idea of how the forum works, you didn't look around or read rules or any of that shit! You're here on /lit/ yet you act like an idiot who just found out that computers have words inside. All forums have etiquette, even 4chan, and you completely disregarded it and acted like an ass- BEFORE he called you out on it.

>> No.1495709

Did you even read the thread I posted on there?

Get off your knees and stop praising this guy. He's a good writer yes but he certainly is not helping anyone on that board.

When you surround yourself with people who agree with you of course you will look like a god.

>> No.1495726
File: 28 KB, 500x374, 1294717700569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, I don't like him. I really really don't like him on a personal level, having interacted with him a lot. And I am saying, with all sincerity, he absolutely is a good writer. More importantly he's experienced and successful. He does help them, and they help eachother. It's a writing workshop.

Forget it. What are you going to do now? Submit to fictionpress? Are you still against the idea of trying dA?

>> No.1495727

How was I acting like an ass?

Sorry that I broke a minuscule rule. Someone on that board actually liked what I wrote and it's obvious that it is filled with snide stuck up simmon boot kissers so I guess that's a start right?

But anyways I lurked and found nothing that interested me and nothing that I could learn from. It was just Simmons being a cunt and bossing everyone around.

He's a good writer sure. But could he teach me anything? Absolutely not.

>> No.1495729


Dismiss everything and you will seem intelligent.

You started this thread asking for suggestions, and all you've done is shoot them down. Clearly you just need to an hero and save us all the time.

>> No.1495738

As someone's who's been in writing workshops before, they can be full of some of the biggest "literary" elitists you can come across, particularly the instructors. My experience has been that anything remotely peripheral to so-called "serious fiction" is going to be met with "I don't get it," "It's not literary enough," or some variation wielded a dismissive excuse. They can be downright shitty, unhelpful people to deal with, so don't ever be taken in by credentials. I've had teachers that actually try to take the "my" out of "my writing" in favor of a flavor more suited to their personal tastes.

Be wary of the attitudes and aptitudes of wherever you go. It's your writing, and you do have to be able to live with it at the end of the day. Don't be afraid to take opinions with a grain of salt, and remember it is okay to challenge or question a critique.

>> No.1495739

What in the fuck are you talking about.

I've taken suggestions. Just because i'm not warm to the the suggestions of Gaia and fucking DA doesn't mean I'm trying to be above everyone else.

Jesus christ why so pathetic?

>> No.1495741


You posted your writing without reading the rule which was: DONT POST YOUR OWN WRITING.

You should have just posted introducing yourself and saying you wanted to improve, asking for tips about that specifically, ask how the board works etc. Geo and Mr. Sunseri are nice guys, a lot of them are. THEY are the reason you should go there, not Dan fucking Simmons. I sent you there with an easy in with a published author (John Sunseri) and you blew it. You could have made nice with him and gotten some pointers and critiques in PMs, which is exactly what he suggested.

Maybe Mr. Sunseri will forgive you, but unless you make a new account and this time you're very careful not to link it to the original you're fucked.

Are you going to try the dA groups? I seriously think that's closer to your skill level, having actually read something you wrote and working in the fact that you're kind of a dick.

>> No.1495746

I don't know anymore.

I might just go to a workshop and try that out.

>> No.1495749

>I'm [not] trying to be above everyone else.

>Jesus christ why so pathetic?

Here's a lesson in writing. These two statements make the reader believe that the character is a hypocrite and an arrogant ass.

"I'm modest you just can't tell because of how fucking stupid you are."

>> No.1495752


I think you need a lot of improvement before that, and would recommend online resauces and practice first. K?

>> No.1495754
File: 569 KB, 737x1024, furries@thebarricade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just don't get as militant as the furries do...

>> No.1495765
File: 18 KB, 400x248, dum_dums_wrapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bazooka joe is hiring...

>> No.1495766

I know publishers I know how to grab their attention.

I just wanted to post something that I thought was decent before going to my editor with it.

Also I wasn't trolling on there. I was joking around and it wasn't mean spirited. It's just that they believe they are writing something meaningful and beautiful with their responding posts but in reality it's just shit. A quote filled page in a half explaining "DON'T POST THAT HERE". They are long winded and fucking annoying.

>> No.1495773

You know when you quote out of context it really shows how ignorant you are.

You must of learned that from the Simmon's forum.

>> No.1495807

None of you are successful writers.

Neither am I, but none of you are either.

>> No.1495833
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1294807040833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There were two people in this thread talking to eachother, it should have been obvious to him. If you are OP you are dumb, it's two posts up, you just said it, etc.


Those weren't quotes, he wrote all of that. And you weren't playful by their standards. Or anyone who isn't a playa hater of some sort. Here, that's joking. Anywhere else it's just being a douche.

Seriously how old are you? :\