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14939380 No.14939380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

your wife has cancer, okay. I am sorry that happened. but that does not mean that one should take benzo and have seizures while your daughter is slutting herself around the world.

Most people deal with adversities and move on. Most people had family members or friends sent to heaven by cancer, but they live on without much grief.

He is a weak man with a weak mind and will.

>> No.14939391

>Most people had family members or friends sent to heaven by cancer

>> No.14939402

i had both of grandpas dead due to lung cancer.

they both smoked 2 packs per day

>> No.14939417

BUY 70000000000 RULES FOR LYFE

>> No.14939527

Ya how pathetic, acting like some moral Messiah when he's a mess just like the rest of us. Fuck him.

>> No.14939707

He was prescribed a medication and became biologically dependent on it. What’s the big deal with seeking medical care to get off it? How should he have responded? In your high opinion?

>> No.14939715

I bet you are weaker than him and will never accomplish anything significant in your life. Teenager.

>> No.14939722

>he abused a psychoactive drug so badly his withdrawal had to be medically supervised

>> No.14939739

I'm not huge on Jordan Peterson but what is this benzo addiction meme? It's completely normal and expected to become chemically dependent on a drug that you have been prescribed. There is nothing unusual about this. That is why you taper off medications slowly under medical supervision. Completely commonplace procedure. The only strange thing here is the "Russian experimental therapy". Does anyone know what the fuck that was?

>> No.14939778

If he was so strong he shouldn't have had to rely on benzos in the first place. No one goes on Benzos for "anxiety" he went on them because his wife was dying and he was weak. How dare he lecture us, act like a moral paragon who gets to tell us to wash our dicks, when he's nothing but a drug addict? Pathetic.

>> No.14939792

The truly moral conflict with Peterson is that he preaches God and faith, something I find very good, but he takes anti-depressants, not saying that's bad, but how we can preach faith while at the same time he is rejecting his faith by taking Bezos, why he can just accept God's will and mourne? That's a contradiction in his faith, in the Verb of it, he can intellectualize anything he wants but when it comes to action he is wrong and people are seeing that he is not walking the talk.

I'm 100% he feels like shit because he knows he is lying, he can't preach 100% Christianism because that would be completely the opposite of his actions. No wonder why he teaches concepts but can't live by them.

>> No.14939794

Oh no daddy Peterson, did you forget to wash your dick today?

>> No.14939796

Weird indignation
There is nothing anti-Christian about psychiatric treatment and medication. He's not a Christian anyway, he's a cultural Christian at best.

>> No.14939798

Hopefully it's genetic

>> No.14939803

doesn't he admit he doesn't actually believe in god persay?

>> No.14939809

You're not going to act like someone who pretends to be a moral crusader shouldn't back up their actions? Its between this and his slut daughter that really get me.

>> No.14939811

His daughter got divorced and now is fucking a literal #HUSTLER Pickup Artist type mutt

>> No.14939816

How do you know he abused it? People can follow their prescription to the letter and still develop a dependency.

>> No.14939820

Autistic vindictiveness

>> No.14939828

What kind of a person goes on drugs. The only reason I would if I had the most terrible pain. Normal people dont take drugs.

>> No.14939829

Why dont you stand up with your back straight when you're talking to me?

>> No.14939832

Jordan Peterson isn't a normal person. He's better than you.

>> No.14939835

Based op. Fuck everyone saying otherwise

>> No.14939840

>There is nothing anti-Christian about psychiatric treatment and medication.

debatable honestly

>> No.14939845

Protestant wacko.

>> No.14939862

Cultural Christian? that's bullshit, all his book of 12 rules for life is more in the metaphysical side than mere 1. 2. 3. steps.

That's the paradox he is in. He is not wrong in some things he says but he is not strong to live 100% by it, he is trying to save by talking not by action and at some point (as now) that will be revealed. I think his daughter takes shit tons of medications, why? because he became more an intellectual than a human being, he rationalizes everything while his daughter needed a father.

Maybe she needed just empathy and hugs, and he was seeing her as just another patient diagnosing her.

>> No.14939876

psychiatric treatment and medication didn't even exist until well after protestantism

>> No.14939882

I'm not sure you understand what a cultural christian is

anyway, sometimes a hypocrite is just someone in the process of changing

>> No.14939891

>Cultural Christian? that's bullshit
He literally cannot bring himself to say God exists. He's obviously not a believing Christian in any substantial sense. He doesn't go to fucking church. Anyway you all seem like butthurt Peterson fanboys who are offended that the person you worshiped turned out to be a fuck up like anyone else. Or you're just people with political gripes who are just looking for reasons to shit on him (either because you're from /pol/ or from Twitter).

>> No.14939899

>cultural Christian is just someone who appreciates Christianism but not necessarily being a Christian. But he talks about God and faith all the time.

>> No.14939905

just because he's made mistakes doesn't make him worthless

>> No.14939910

I didn't say that. I'm talking about these freaks mindsets

>> No.14939911

hahahaha that's exactly his dilemma I'm talking, he wants but he can't but he preaches. I don't agree with him and I don't like him as you suggest for me he is just another intellectual revolving in his own inner struggle, never finding the right answer for his life that's why is amazing how we want to save youngs but at the same time having a fucked up life and family.

>> No.14939921

He is trying and good for him, way more power to him if he can become what he preaches, but he is a clinical psychologist, but at the same time is attesting that he is inherently wrong in many things, he talks like a maniac in many topics. His daughter is proof of that. No more no less.

>> No.14939925

So you guys are surprised perfect people do not exist?

>> No.14939932

these niggers have never held a mirror to themselves

>> No.14939974

It is not about "nobody is perfect". It is about teaching something and not living by it. If psychological tools are not enough and you need to take any meds then he became his own calamity as he can't control himself and being an addict, completely human and normal but then how you can tell others what to do if in the worst circumstances you become what exactly you oppose?

It is like telling you, "no matter what bad it is, never be an alcoholic" but at the first tragedy you start to drink like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.14940009

Show me a practicing MD that prescribes alcohol

>> No.14940027

You guys try to posture about fixing the world for 2 years and tell me about it.

>> No.14940049

they don't, they just hate this guy because he advocates that the locus of control for bettering your life is within your own hands and their are many people who feel that is impossible for them.

Imagine how an obese person may react to being told by a doctor it is their diet or exercise and not their genetics that makes them fat. Imagine their elation to hear that doctor is going through some sort of health issue.

>> No.14940053

me to myself
i have lots of practice

>> No.14940076

>but that does not mean that one should take benzo
When did you get your medical license?

>Most people deal with adversities and move on.
Hence, after his wifes condition started improving he checked in for rehab as is standard procedure to ease off chemical dependency

>Most people had family members or friends sent to heaven by cancer,
Where? In post-Chernobyl Europe?

>> No.14941017










>> No.14941615

Honestly, I'm a big fan of JP and pretty much agree with everything in the OP. Getting addicted to benzos is pretty much antithetical to his entire schtick, I was very disappointed when I found out.

The message is still good, but the messenger is flawed.

>> No.14941839

OP, I just want to point out that it’s not always so black and white. When I was a college student, I lost a family member and shortly after got a serious illness. When I was in the hospital, they gave me benzos and didn’t even ask. They sent me on my way later with multiple refills. No warnings. No anything. I had no idea. I just trusted my doctor. 3 years later I was addicted and I’m convinced they made things much worse for me. While on them I was constantly stressed and highly emotional, something that is out of the ordinary for me. I was lucky to get off them off of sheer will power but it’s not such a black and white matter. When you’re severely ill and in a state of mental disarray, you will do pretty much whatever your doctor says.

>> No.14941890

I have a sister who had a benzo addiction treated with more benzos. I'm not sure how comparable it is to opioids but it seems to me that doctors give them out like candy

>> No.14941899

fuck you loser

>They sent me on my way later with multiple refills
you knew what they were

> I just trusted my doctor.

>When you’re severely ill and in a state of mental disarray, you will do pretty much whatever your doctor says.
toughen up

>> No.14941904

>doctors give them out like candy
>I trust my doctor

why the fuck would you trust a "scientist" they are all athiests and have no morals, Jesus

>> No.14941923

According to his daughter he didn't get addicted to Benzos, but rather he was prescribed benzodiazepines and just had an extremely bad reaction. I don't necessarily consider JBP to be a great man or anything like that, but it's possible that this wasn't his fault.

>> No.14941930

juden peterstein

>> No.14941953

I mean if you get prescribed them you will get addicted to some degree, that's just how they work, it's not a moral failing or anything

>> No.14941987

Him and his daughter are trying to hard to make it seem like he wasn't psychologically dependent whatsoever, I find that hard to believe. The man's spoken about being on anti-depressants for half of his life.

>What’s the big deal with seeking medical care to get off it? How should he have responded? In your high opinion?

Do what 99% of people do and get Western treatment aka tapering under medical supervision. Not some Russian crackpot coma that's probably fucked him for life.

>> No.14941989

You're kind of a dumbass

>> No.14942004

he was physically addicted like everyone is

>> No.14943012

not a real argument

>> No.14943032

A stupid statement does not require a real argument

>> No.14943226


>> No.14943950

Because I was 18 and desperate.

>> No.14943988

I knew what they were but I didn’t know how addictive they were or how they’d throw my life and emotions into disarray. You might pretend like you do but I can guarantee you don’t. I was sick and could barely stand on my own scared for my life just a month after losing someone very close to me in a tragic and traumatic event. I was 18 years old and desperate for relief so I took it when they gave it to me. Most of you people can’t even stop cooming. I’d bet you’ve never faced adversity in your life.

>> No.14943998

was it a peaceful death?

>> No.14944043
File: 62 KB, 685x474, 1541362562309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a weakman
>not one of the great thinkers of out time

>> No.14944062

Most of you are so far up your own asses you can’t even see why someone would use a fucking medication. When you’re life is one of guilt and mediocrity and you finally breakthrough to a stable career, you don’t expect a rise to fame and you certainly don’t expect pressure from so many external factors. Benzodiazepines are extremely effective for anxiety but also control anxiety related ailments such as obsessive tendencies. They are biologically and psychologically addictive, but that is not the problem in itself. Getting off these medications is very difficult and everyone will have varying degrees of suffering from the process. Just because he had to medicate because of his issues doesn’t disqualify him from trying to help other people, and to believe so would shoehorn your assumptions into the scope of narrow minded ignorance. I don’t even watch the guy, and I certainly don’t read his books, but benzos are hellish to come off of and the fact that he sought treatment is more commendable than you fucking larpers who know nothing of the real world.

>> No.14944172

Maybe he shouldn't have jumped into benzos in the first place. Given his close professional ties to psychiatric medication and general authorative stance on everything should have known the immense risks.

>> No.14944180

They got what they deserved

>> No.14944391

tfw the father incels never had is a benzo addict.

>> No.14944449

Jordy Peterson

>> No.14944507

>Normal people dont take drugs.
>Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans
>By the numbers: Antidepressant use on the rise
>Sharp rise in antidepressant use in over-65s despite depression prevalence remaining the same
>The number of prescriptions for antidepressants in England has almost doubled in the past decade, new figures have shown.
More and more people are taking anti-depressants.

>> No.14944701

He says he "lives in fear that god might exist".
You know what a "god fearing" man is. It's just semantics.

>> No.14944820

He is just an atheist clinging desperatly to christian morality and trying to rationalize it, something Nietzsche BTFOd 150 years ago

>> No.14944848
File: 24 KB, 220x297, l ron hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dianetics could of stop this

>> No.14944968

>psychiatric treatment
basically jewish/humanist religious studies for lost souls
People used to think giving women pain killers during child birth was anti christian. I think giving someone anti depressants when theyre (if youre a christian) suffering from the existential dread of a lack of Christ, is a comparable case

>> No.14945075

>sent to heaven
Lol grow up bible fag.

>> No.14945211
File: 158 KB, 358x624, xanniejbp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. Since the reply to poster ratio is actually quite high, I'm going to assume it's just one or two fanboys defending lobster daddy. Otherwise, /lit/ might need some cleansing.

Listen up buckos. Your idol is a moron and you're just his sad little cult followers.
>But JP is a Harvard professor hurr durr
I'll give you that. He has some success inside his field of psychology. He managed to become a professor. Not bad, except for the fact that
1. The man is in his fifties, if you dedicate your life to academia, being a professor at that age is nothing special.
2. Harvard isn't the center of anything academic except Law.
3. Psychology is a meme field to begin with.

Daddy Peterson got famous of misinterpreting a harmless bill. You know why the bill is harmless? Because it actually got passed despite Peterson's screeching, and last I checked Canada isn't a Maoist utopia.

He knows nothing about philosophy. His positions against activism are hilarious. "Don't try to change the world before you set your house in order" isn't even an argument and it still manages to be empirically wrong. Activists like Ghandhi and MLK didn't have their house in order.
He got destroyed by Dillahunty because he's a spineless coward that doesn't want to admit he believes in God so he doesn't alienate his audience of young white males that herald from gamergate and youtube atheism.

He spent 13 years writing a massive turd of a book that no one in any field takes seriously.
He got destroyed by a 70year old crackhead that was trying to be amicable.

He said he took benzos because of a food allergy. Which is ridiculous because nobody goes on benzos for YEARS because of a food allergy. That's a bold-faced lie, just like his apple cider story.
Then his wife gets cancer and his "dosage gets increased". His daughter is intentionally vague about whose decision it was to increase the dosage. High doses of Benzos are never prescribed long term because of the side effects. Either Peterson upped the dosage himself (likely) or he asked his doctor to do it for him. He's a psychologist so it's not like he didn't know any better.
Either way, the man bucked like a bitch. Mr. Responsibility, Mr. Carry your Burden, Mr. Chug a bottle of downers when his dying wife needs him.

Peterson is nothing more than a midwit who saw an opportunity to make a few bucks out of lonely, sex-deprived young men. But the flattery got to his head. He started thinking of himself as a real intellectual, a biblical hero purging the world of the terrible postmodern-neo-marxists. Then he got publicly embarrassed, his shtick started getting old and he knew it. He realized he was a worse-read Tony Robbins. His fans nothing more than the young male version of self-help addicted wine moms. Life hit him hard and he drugged himself into a coma, only to wake up a literal retard.

>> No.14945251

How vain and money hungry he actually is, fucking awful

>> No.14945525

Everyone in this thread who is criticizing Peterson for taking prescription drugs is a moron. They have no idea what kind of struggles mental illness causes.

>> No.14945598

>Most people had family members or friends sent to heaven by cancer
Okay then Christian boy, how do you reconcile the fact that GOD HIMSELF had to rest on the seventh day?

>m-muh idols must be PERFECT otherwise they aren't worthy of me anymore
Funny how it's always Christians themselves who have the biggest God complex out of everyone.

>> No.14945646

This is a pretty stupid criticism. Should you not go to the hospital because you’re a Christian? Should you refuse surgery or treatment because God will save you anyway?

>> No.14945651

>mental illness
you mean pussy weakness. and stop saying "prescription drugs" like that mitigates anything -- he's a psychologist and a former alcoholic. taking benzos for his "allergies" could only end one way and he knew it

>> No.14945667

There are no actual Christians on 4chan. They’re all just LARPing retards

>> No.14945690

There are no atheists nor niggers or jews, it's all a larp.

>> No.14945769

>How weak of a man
He's double-feminine, in a Jung based personality system. Not that that makes him bad, but he's very womanly

>> No.14945814

How much of an insecure failure do you have to be constantly making threads about this.

>> No.14945820

It's another episode of...

>> No.14945827

Even if you're right, you seem to hate him. Why would you?

>> No.14945834

idk dude I hate him because he got rich selling Self-Help wrapped in Babbys First Existentialism Lite to little Sunday school bitchwhipped boys like yourself. Wish I would've beaten him to it.

>> No.14945848
File: 16 KB, 256x384, 256px-Sigmund_Freud_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about how these feelings that women won't wash your penis with you

>> No.14945849

Holy basado

>> No.14945856

I hate all false prophets as much as I love myself

>> No.14945871

>3. Psychology is a meme field to begin with.
Pretty sure he's in neuroscience.
>Daddy Peterson got famous of misinterpreting a harmless bill.
>Bill that forces you to call someone by their made up pronouns is harmless
Okay, fag.
Note that he debated an actual law dude on this who basically confirmed you could be sent to jail because of the bill.

>He knows nothing about philosophy.
it's a meme field.

> "Don't try to change the world before you set your house in order" isn't even an argument

It is, you need to be really competent to achieve positive change on something as broad as society.
>Activists like Ghandhi and MLK didn't have their house in order.
No but they were competents.
Are you taking the orderly house thing litteraly? How much of a brainlet are you?

>He spent 13 years writing a massive turd of a book that no one in any field takes seriously.
It's basically campbell with modern (at the time) neuroscience, if you're into that then read it.

>He said he took benzos because of a food allergy.
Again are you retarded? He has some kind of auto-immune disorder causing anxiety. hence the benzo.

Anyway, most of the post is just blind rage, chill down, it's not his fault your favorite pop-philosopher isn't well known.

>> No.14945877


>> No.14945881

>Most of his content is available for free
>the thing his audience have to pay him for are completely optional
>dropped out of patreon because of sargon getting banned

Yeah truly the peak of greed how awful.

>> No.14945890

>Pretty sure he's in neuroscience.
>philosophy is a """meme""" field
>He has some kind of auto-immune disorder causing anxiety
JPIDF pls go >>>back to >>>patreon

>> No.14945922

Nice counterargument, fag. Look like I win this one. See you next thread.

>> No.14945924

In the most orthodox way, If you truly believe in Jesus Christ and God, you should be able to give your life totally, no matter the outcome, you can go to see a doctor, nothing wrong with that, but that's the believer's dilemma, at which point can you truly believe you are in God's hands? He talks about the gifts of faith, but faith in the most biblical sense is to never have fear no matter how bad it is because you have faith in God and Jesus Christ.

He shouldn't take any Bezos because then he is saying two things: my own teachings are not enough in the worst circumstances and faith is not enough to endure those circumstances. So he killed not only his faith but his own professional career as a clinical psychologist.

>> No.14945930

I hope you're still in the thread. He lives in masculine extraverted intuition and masculine introverted thinking. While this sounds manly, both aspects are indicators of femininity. Simply, he's what you call "double-feminine," but he's very confident about his made up systems. The reason he talls about washing penises and cleaning rooms is, surprise surprise, hints at him recognizing his own femininity. What he'll never figure out, though, is how he's made a name for himself decrying his own personality by projecting it onto women boogeymen. He will never know how much of a woman he truly is.

Yes, he recognizes now (at 50 something) the need for an internal locus of agency, and like the man of poor self-control he is, he doesn't know when or where to advocate for it. As a result, his main fanbase misses it entirely, projects their own weakness onto women or other low-hanging fruit, and continue feeling victimized. I would try to overdose (like a woman), too.

>> No.14945949

>by projecting it onto women boogeymen.

anyway he already said in some interview that according to what he's saying he could be seen as pretty feminine.

>> No.14945973

J: I don't like my feminine components
J: All these women must not like them either
J: Clean the kitchen before fighting the patriarchy

And then not taking an internal locus of agency to comment on his fanbase missing the point

>> No.14945978

>J: I don't like my feminine components
where does he ever said that. He clearly doesn't like his overwhelming anxiety, that's for sure but i don't think he ever decried other feminine aspect of his personalities.

>J: Clean the kitchen before fighting the patriarchy
wait are you an unironic feminist.

>> No.14945996

That's why if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ you have the only example in human history who succeeds at "he could save others from death but not himself" because he died for his love for God.

Saying this, any other human being who preaches rules or methods to a "better life" would always have flaws or breakpoints, because for Peterson to become the best example he will need to die for his ideas. He can't die for anybody, not even for himself, so he is trapped, he will never be the same, he is just another human being and that's fine, trying to solve just by himself all the existential dilemma, but was wrong when he started to inflate his persona after he became famous using expensive tuxedos and trying to look like he has all the answers.

Men are flawed, you can't subordinate your life to a man, only to a God.

>> No.14946015

He's never said that, which is the point. He doesn't realize how his entire worldview comes from feeling like a newly empowered housewife. Imagine living in your big raging masculine brain all day only to realize in your 50s that if you just "quiet down, honey," you will feel in control of yourself

The second part is a paraphrase of his thing about organizing your house before organizing the world

>> No.14946023

> "There is a false saying: “How can someone who can’t save himself save others?” Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?" - Nietzsche
His flaws don't refute his message. Could you call him a hypocrite? Sure. Lost the moral high ground? Ok. Quit sperging out because the guy has issues. Your posts suggest to me that you've never experienced hardship or struggle in your life and that your lack of perspective is the reason you made this shit thread and continue autistically pointing out to everyone "see he's not perfect" as if that weren't already apparent. We get it faggot.

>> No.14946030

It's so interesting which kind of people jump to their idol's inevitable "do as I say, not as I do" moments. Really tells you a lot about the fanbase

>> No.14946034

>his message
wish paypigs would fund my benzo addiction just for telling them that competence is good and that they should wash their penises

>> No.14946046
File: 51 KB, 860x730, ant lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you saying he's trans but repressing it

>> No.14946048

If his message is so obvious why aren't you the one getting paid thousands then?

>> No.14946062

>how could a charlatan make a moderate amount of money by exploiting gullible teens?

>> No.14946069

got kiked into clonazepam a few years ago.
you must be a real fucking retard to get addicted to it.

>> No.14946072

No, I'm saying that
1. He doesn't like his feminine qualities
2. Like everyone else, he sees the world through his own personality
3. His feminine qualities happen to also be components of self-agency
4. Ergo, clean your room (feminine organization) before you clean society
5. This is further taken by A. Feminine boys who feel represented, and B. More masculine idiots who will go onto the next thing after half a year

>> No.14946073

I must make this about myself. I must stress, to you, my dear Lorelai, that i am in dire need of being heard. I require a witness to my anger, frustration and sadness. Truthfully speaking i wish for even more, i do not wish for just a witness but for a bearer of it - but that is, even i admit so, too much to ask. So please read my letter carefully, sense its purpose, sense and accept the chaos inside me - then console me, pet my hair, embrace me, love me, like a mother loves her young child, love me with passion, though not sexually, i do not wish for anything more but to forget about my prick, lorelai. I want to be held, i want to be touched and hear your whispers, and if i can not have that, please, i am asking you, give me words which contain the same emotional essence as those acts. Will you bear with me, Lorelai? Or are you already offended, or disgusted perhaps? Do you sense the sickness in my heart and feel repulsed by it? Do you have no more patience for the depraved and the weak? I would understand nothing more than that, dearest friend, for it is this feeling which has driven me into the abyss. It is the incapacity to bear with my own sickness, to tolerate it any longer. Must i begin to name all the characteristics which constitute the wretchedness of my own being? The jealousness of my heart, Lorelai, if only, if only anyone truly knew how much i crave and long for the things that others have and that i do not have. How many shells have i fired? How many people have i wished into ruin, to death, to torture? No, my jealousness is of the worst kind. It is a violent yearning to destroy anything which reminds me of what i do not posess, of what others have that could perhaps give me ease and relief...
And that is only the beginning, my friend. That is only the beginning. I am not only jealous but thoroughly opressive. I wish to rule, i wish to be obeyed, i wish to posess every inch of those around me, nothing shall escape my wish and nothing shall escape my eyes, or i will grow offended, feel betrayed, feel humiliated, to the point that i plot revenge. Half of my days nowadays are spent with plotting revenge. I curse all around me, i insult them, i make up sentences which are to hurt as much as possible. For what? For nothing my dear.

If only it were to end here. Oh, if that were it. I feel in myself an urge to scream and laugh, to announce every violent and depraved thought that has fostered in my mind in the last few months. I would empty a whole bottle of vodka, ravage my furniture and laugh myself to exhaustion. It has happened often already, and i tell you with no other intention but to evoke a sense of pity and compassion in you. Pity and Compassion, these terms that i learned to hate, but only hate for i am deprived of them. You see? Nothing which i think or do has principle, reason or goodness anymore, it all stems from the abyss of lacking. It all comes from a dark place inside me that keeps on wanting, and wanting and wanting..

>> No.14946075

The lock is always the same and that's where Nietzsche is wrong. Because is a crescendo of locks, one key opens all the locks, but if you use specific keys for specific locks then you can refute every time all the locks and all the keys.

He is a doctor, you feel sad because your girlfriend broke up with you and he tells you "take two of these and clean your room and you will be fine" then the next problem goes harder he gives you more advice and meds, but there will be a point that no meds and no advice will be enough and if in that point the person that is in charge of telling you what to do and what to take, becomes an addict in a circumstance diametrically similar to your own worst suffering, then hope is lost.

He began to build hope for himself, that was his mistake, he said "ask me and I will tell you", but when the limit nocks the door, he can no longer open that door, only faith, and God can and that was proved by his addiction.

>> No.14946191

His failure to follow his own advice does not imply that his advice could not be helpful for many people under a variety of circumstances. Your spouse is suddenly diagnosed with terminal cancer. There's nothing you can tell that person that will change that but you can at least arm them with a perspective that might allow them to handle their cruel reality and provide some small measure of hope. It's not a panacea and if he ever claimed that then he was wrong to do so. Also no, the lock is not always the same. Everyone brings with them past experience and present circumstances which will vary wildly.

>> No.14946246

Again, is a matter if you have faith or not, he made millions lecturing and selling his book, in the worst circumstance he becomes an addict, nothing changes that fact. That's proof that you can't fix your problems only with meds and some advice, humans are more than mental connexions, chemicals, and meat. He loved himself more than his wife and his daughter in the moment he made that decision and that's the truth that no matter what anybody says, it will be there all the time.

So he is just egotistical, he can't deal with the ultimate proof, your lover's death, at that moment he should have been clean and strong for his wife and daughter, all his teachings went just to the trash as the same with Nietzsche when life asks you to prove all the shit you spit into books and lectures, in there only very few remain consequently to their beliefs.

Remember, when you want to use logic to deal with life the ultimate proof is always illogical, faith is the ultimate absurdism to any type of suffering.

>> No.14946343

>competence is good and that they should wash their penises
Wait this is actually true?

>> No.14947321

>all his teachings went just to the trash as the same with Nietzsche when life asks you to prove all the shit you spit into books and lectures
What do you mean here?

>> No.14948038

There's no exploitation tho, he gives solid advice.

>> No.14948044

>he made millions lecturing and selling his book, in the worst circumstance he becomes an addict, nothing changes that fact
so? He believes life can fuck you up whenever, he's not exactly proving himself wrong.

>> No.14948058

and yet he struck a nerve with you to the point that you devoted a considerable amount of time to research his life, his positions of various issues and write this short essay no one cares about and everyone will forget about the moment this thread dies. pathethic

>> No.14948244
File: 6 KB, 259x194, petey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you just gave me a bunch of reasons why Peterson is a fraud and a charlatan, but why do do you hate him?

You're acting like I spent hours researching before I wrote down my reply. I know most of this stuff because I used to be a Peterson fanboy myself. Then I read actual philosophy and realized how much of a retard he was.

>short essay no one cares about
If it triggered your dumbass it's already worth it.

>everyone will forget about the moment this thread dies.
I'll repost it on future Peterson threads don't you worry. Triggering Peterson cultists is a reward in itself. Now go back to daddy's Patreon.

>Note that he debated an actual law dude on this who basically confirmed you could be sent to jail because of the bill.
No shit retard. You can be sent to jail for harassing a trans person. That's all the bill says. Peterson made it seem like you'd have the KGB up your ass because you accidentally called a tranny "he" instead of "she". Surprise, surprise, the bill passed and nothing of the sort has ever happened.

>it's a meme field.
Then he should stay the fuck out of it.

>No but they were competents.
You say they're competents BECAUSE they succeeded in their activist efforts. MLK had a bumpy marriage and plagiarized his phD thesis. If Peterson existed in the 50s and debated MLK on tv, he would have accused him of being a resentful agent who should focus on his life instead of changing the world. Being "competent" in your normal live has nothing to do with being a competent activist, MLK is the perfect example of that.

>Are you taking the orderly house thing litteraly? How much of a brainlet are you?
Neck yourself.

>He has some kind of auto-immune disorder causing anxiety. hence the benzo
Bullshit. His daughter said it was a single episode of food allergy that prompted the use of the benzos. Going on Benzos for years because of one allergic reaction is unheard of. And Peterson just fucking lies about anyway (see the apple cider story). He could do CBT or other things. But man's just an addict.

>most of the post is just blind rage
I gave arguments for all my positions. You're the one who's blind because accepting the truth would show you what you really are. A pathetic cult follower.

Also >it's not his fault your favorite pop-philosopher isn't well known
Weird projection. Imagine being such a pseud you actually like "pop-philosophers" lmao

>> No.14948422

It's kinda ironic how /lit/ relishes in his self-inflicted misfortune as though to call him a "hypocrite" for not living up to a messiah when Peterson never claimed he was anything close to perfect. It's as though you people projected a messiah image onto him and then relished as his weaknesses were exposed because you forgot he never claimed to be whatever you think he's failed to live up to.

>> No.14948443

>he literally cannot bring himself to say God exists
How does anybody still think this? Over and over again hes said that he believes it's wrong to make the claim PUBLICLY because belief manifests in action and therefore to publicly claim belief would be to denigrade its meaning unless you thought you were a messiah.

You can disagree with that sentiment if you want but what you're going on about is bullshit.

>> No.14948447

That’s not ironic. I don’t think you know words.

>> No.14948462

He literally taught at Harvard to teach maps of meaning

>> No.14948492

It's ironic if you understand projection

>> No.14948496

as weak as a human

Yes, it's pathetic and weak, but what are you and I?

>> No.14948497

Harvard is a meme and has been since before the over-saturation via the GI Bill in the late 40s. They literally had a President named Faust at one point.

>> No.14948506

Not being able to divorce ideas from their source is a sign that you may have a vagina

>> No.14948509


>> No.14948548

It is. People calling him a "charlatan getting what he deserves" for not living up to a messiah-like projection that does not in any way correspond to any claims hes ever made of himself is ironic because the justice perceived by /lit/ is actually relief to those who seethe at the notion that they could be responsible for their own existential plight.

>> No.14948586

He's telling resentful people to stop being resentful, so course they get immense satisfaction at his demise.

>> No.14948662

That’s not irony.