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File: 42 KB, 444x444, karl-marx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14935508 No.14935508 [Reply] [Original]

>Gib me dat for free

>> No.14935523

Slit your fucking wrists before your next shitpost.

>> No.14935528

Post a picture of your tiny little wrists, communist basedboy cuck.

>> No.14935538

What's the matter, can't get off to cuck porn anymore?

>> No.14935545


>> No.14935548

>almost every government is veering economically to the left, even the allegedly "conservative" ones

Where were you when you realised that Marx is right, and his ideas could've helped mitigate the impact of the virus?

>> No.14935549

fuck i wish i saved that abbo marx pic, someone post it

>> No.14935556

Project harder, commie cuck.

>> No.14935567

I don't see any problem with expecting things for free.

>> No.14935570

Propety is theft

>> No.14935577
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the brain is a parasite

>> No.14935578

>states giving back money they took from the proles so they can keep consuming

>> No.14935589
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Why shouldn't stuff be free? Seriously I want to know why capitalist-minded people believe that human societies cannot run without money. Animals seem to manage.

>> No.14935595
File: 392 KB, 640x846, 1234976236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. The neolibs are backpedalling hard because they are having to confront the fact that it is indeed labour that creates value, and not demand.

>> No.14935596

Animals and commies have no soul

>> No.14935600

Your mother's cunt belongs to me.

>> No.14935604

Aww look he's reading Marx. Wow, he must be so informed.
Guess what? Tons of people have read Marx. Nearly every properly educated person has read Marx. More people have read Marx than actually agree with Marx, because that book has been around since the 1800s, that shits been tried, and we've empirically proved that it doesn't work.
Maybe when you're a little older you'll figure out the meaning of why idealism is called idealism and not simply 'reality'. This isn't the 1880s. The 'means of production' are not some concrete entity which can be 'seized' unless you're some shithead that works at starbucks.
Go ahead and try to redistribute the wealth. Enjoy the immediate capital flight and brain drain, followed by food shortages and and complete and utter poverty, followed by militant counter-uprising, followed by totalitarian dictatorship after you and your comrades have all been shot in the back.

>> No.14935605

and your sweet ass belongs to me

>> No.14935608

> Animals seem to manage
Humans aren't animals

>> No.14935610

This is a communist board now. His mother's cunt belongs to everyone.

>> No.14935611

What a telling lampoon of financial markets during a recession!
> During a crisis: Government, I'm too big to fail! Gib me that for free!
> During normal times: Oh I have no need for government! Cut my taxes please!

>> No.14935626

>Go ahead and try to redistribute the wealth
Already happening in America with Trumpbux. It is actually the left that is currently trying to stall this from happening.

Also, Marx is not an idealist, Marx endorses materialism. This is evident to anyone who has picked up one of his texts, which, clearly you have not, despite claiming that everyone has read marx.

>> No.14935639

Fuck off

>> No.14935641
File: 73 KB, 503x478, 1583354731953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1k is not wealth wagie dipshit LMFAO get a fucking job and stop daydreaming

>> No.14935649
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Indeed, manage it.

>> No.14935653

Governments redistributing wealth during a crisis is in no way remotely the same thing as ABOLISH PRIVATE PROPERTY. One can argue about welfare in general, but don't conflate it with your insane commie system

>> No.14935656

>get a job
1) do you not see how these two statements contradict, midwit?

and 2) Not American. I am british, and our governments plan of paying 80% of wages is a far superior idea.

Any other dumb mistakes you want to make, while you're at it?

>> No.14935662
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>these are the people calling you a bootlicker online

>> No.14935670

Its still a movement to the left. And also, that "insane commie system" would likely ensure an incredibly efficient healthcare infrastructure that could hold up through crises (like the one we're experiencing now).

>> No.14935675
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Frequenting /pol/ gets you nowhere.
You have to read to understand.

Another off topic thread

>> No.14935677

>labor creates value in the stock market

>> No.14935681

if you want to try out your retarded commie system for the 10th time do it somewhere where the majority of the public actually wants it or move to such a place.

>> No.14935684

>noooo not the heckin stonkerinoooos! p-pls d-don't make my assets obsolete!

>> No.14935688
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wageslaving is not a job, spice smoking retard HAHAHA

>> No.14935693
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>working for money is not working for money
Your midwittery truly knows no limits

>> No.14935697

>more people buy stock=value goes up
>more people sell stock=value goes down
Almost sounds like supply and demand

>> No.14935699

True, stock market is nothing but anglo-yiddish casino.

>> No.14935710
File: 1.36 MB, 480x270, 1574135241652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buhhhh if I just fry 100,000 more baskets of fries i can afford a nintendo switcherino fuck!!!

>> No.14935726

Did schools get closed in the US in the last couple of days? These threads were always shit, but they were still a lot less shit just a month ago than they are now.

>> No.14935731

Yes, school's out in murrka.

>> No.14935734

And jobs.

>> No.14935748

Dunno, /lit/ activity didn't change with the outbreak. /pol/ ativity is up 40%, though.

>> No.14935751

Why do people meme this when it's the exact opposite? If anything marx fellates workers too much.

>> No.14935757


>> No.14935759

>labour force gets laid off or stays home sick=world economy crashes

Imagine thinking your precious slot machine is important.

>> No.14935763

wageslavery can just as much apply to office jobs as service jobs. Both are still paid in wages. You cannot spin this into a scenario where you are right. You remain a midwit.

>> No.14935768

>u cannot take the workers' guns

>> No.14935778

"The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend’, even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. In this he bases himself on the view that he ought to live the life of a Jewish baron, or Jew created a baron (no doubt by the countess). Just imagine! This fellow, knowing about the American affair, etc., and hence about the state of crisis I’m in, had the insolence to ask me whether I would be willing to hand over one of my daughters to la Hatzfeldt as a ‘companion’, and whether he himself should secure Gerstenberg’s (!) patronage for me! The fellow has wasted my time and, what is more, the dolt opined that, since I was not engaged upon any ‘business’ just now, but merely upon a ‘theoretical work’, I might just as well kill time with him! In order to keep up certain dehors vis-à-vis the fellow, my wife had to put in pawn everything that wasn’t actually nailed or bolted down!" holy...

>> No.14935787


>> No.14935799

Workers try to paint capitalist as parasites
Capitalists try to paint workers as parasites
It's like if people tried to associate parasitism with their enemies.

>> No.14935804
File: 49 KB, 720x405, 18a18da8f04f92a47ea80633071b94cd_w720_h500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is saying that, the value of stocks has nothing to do with labor. A company can grow larger and employ more people but their stock can still lose value. You're a retarded commie faggot

>> No.14935813

No one cares about your gambling problem, dude. This is not your blog.

>> No.14935860
File: 78 KB, 630x708, 271DF1FA-E74C-4E07-9B44-D1186317198B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this picture supposed to be embarrassing or something?

>> No.14935886
File: 69 KB, 825x959, 1577127842379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14935906

Congrats, you now understand Bong-Joon Ho's new movie.

>> No.14935951

Socialism does not work.

Communism does not work.

Marxism does not work.

>> No.14935953
File: 16 KB, 318x159, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts pic of posturing woman unfit to fight for anything

>> No.14935963

It's certainly working for Cuba these days. Their anti-globalism and isolationism is helping them have the virus under control, as well as their solid healthcare system.

>> No.14935964

they are tho

>> No.14935972

Why are Cubans risking their lives fleeing Cuba, whereas no one in any country in the world is fleeing to go to Cuba?

>> No.14935979

That's right, but ownership says nothing about use. We need now to devise a system such that we all have satisfactory access to anon's mother's cunt.

>> No.14935984

based, move there and fuck off

>> No.14935986

I would 100% flee to Cuba if I could. I live in London and this city will probably end up being my grave.

>> No.14935990

You're not addressing my point, you're deflecting.

>> No.14935991

Cuba is not exactly a prosperous country.

>> No.14935997

You sound insecure.

>> No.14935998

You're right. It's going to take an organised effort to seize the means of her (re)production. We can't all just grab her by the pussy at once.

>> No.14936000

No one is stopping you from going to Cuba.

No I am asking you a question, how come Cuba is so good if people would rather die than live there, whereas no one is willing to do the opposite?

My point exactly. Socialism does not work.

>> No.14936004

Never said it was. Making lots of money is not the purpose of communism.

>> No.14936018

Many people have moved to Cuba, though.

>> No.14936027

are you aware of the embargo currently enforced by the US?

>> No.14936029

Perhaps you should join them.

>muh embargo

Socialism does not work, embargo or not.

>> No.14936031

based retard

>> No.14936032

Under what measures would you say Cuba is prospering then?

>> No.14936035

Says the mental midget defending and hailing Cuba.

>> No.14936040

>posts liberal now.

>Makes puny rightwing critique.


>> No.14936043

So as soon as the embargo ends, Cuba will prosper? Despite the fact that no other communist countries have, embargo or not?

>> No.14936054

They rather well despite the embargo. Without they’d do much better.
The point is, the world is in deep shit crisis mode. And that’s capitalism.

Since you know nothing of socialism but old cold war propaganda (between state socialism and burger land) you really ought to either stfu or ask for book recs

>> No.14936056

>communism works as long as they can trade with capitalists

>> No.14936060

>The point is, the world is in deep shit crisis mode. And that’s capitalism.

Please stop commenting on things you are absolutely clueless about.

>> No.14936067

>be Cuba
>needs donations from Brazil to survive
You commies are embarassing, stop defending that shit you braindead retards.

>> No.14936070

Materialists are braindead so that explains why his ideas are horseshit.

>> No.14936074

>Already happening in America with Trumpbux. It is actually the left that is currently trying to stall this from happening.
False. It's not redistribution, it's merely printing.

>> No.14936079

>idealism is shit
>materialism is shit
Since neither of these are viable, what do you suggest as an alternative?

>> No.14936090

technically its money they printed, and then distributed amongst the people because they didn't have a clue what to do with it when it did nothing to solve their economic issues. Though I concede its not technically redistribution if its all going to be worthless soon enough anyway.

>> No.14936095

Isms are shit. Think for yourself.

>> No.14936099

They are not doing 'rather well'. Go look at some documentaries on modern day Cuba. The Vice one was particularly good. It showed how fast-food workers were sitting there bored waiting for the dilatory government trucks to come deliver their product. The business did not care about making sales because all the workers had to do was show up for their hours and they would get paid, no matter how many sales they made.

The one industry that has been allowed some privatisation, the taxi industry, now pays its workers MORE than even doctors get paid in Cuba. Taxi drivers making more than doctors. This is not the way to run a country.

>> No.14936107

Well fuck, capitalism isn´t working either.

Pack it up, modernists!

>> No.14936108

>the taxi industry, now pays its workers MORE than even doctors get paid in Cuba. Taxi drivers making more than doctors. This is not the way to run a country.
It's funny because now you have doctors driving taxis.

Commies are braindead.

>> No.14936116

1. Compared to what?

2. At what cost?

3. What hard evidence do you have?

>> No.14936119
File: 7 KB, 250x245, 1500779222581s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Vice
Blatant American propaganda - hipster edition. Had enough of these shills after Ukraine.

>> No.14936121

Okay but what about whataboutism

>> No.14936132

Oh for fuck's sake, stop dilly dallying on 4channel and get some dick, fucking hag.

>> No.14936134

This is your Cuba.

>> No.14936137
File: 30 KB, 638x413, asdasdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really need to say more? Or should we wait for those 20% unemployment rates?

>> No.14936139

We can, money does not immediately mean capitalism. There was capitalism before the creation of currencies, but currencies make the trade of goods easier.

>> No.14936148

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, so no please do not say more.

>> No.14936152

>Vox Media, Inc. is an American digital media company
>In December 2014, Vox Media raised a US$46.5 million round led by the growth equity firm General Atlantic, estimating the media company's value at around $380 million.[23] Participants in Vox Media's previous rounds include Accel Partners, Comcast Ventures, and Khosla Ventures. Other funders are Allen & Company, Providence Equity Partners, and various angel investors, including Ted Leonsis, Dan Rosensweig, Jeff Weiner, and Brent Jones.[24][25] According to sources, the Series C in May 2012, valued Vox Media at $140 million.[26] A Series D valued the company north of $200 million, raising an additional $40 million.[27][28]
>In August 2015, NBCUniversal made a $200 million equity investment in Vox Media, valuing the company at more than $1 billion. Comcast, which owns NBC, additionally already owned 14% of Vox through other subsidiaries.[29]

>> No.14936156

I´m sorry that the blatanly obvious hurts you so much.

>> No.14936157

>Ad hominem
What was wrong in that video?

>> No.14936158

Capitalism, aka neoliberalism, aka globalism, are all responsible for peak oil, fracking, dependence on Saudi oil and wasteful international trade that saves some powerful people money but costs many powerless people a lot, and unleashes pandemics that further muck up these supply line.
That’s all capitalism. Don’t fuck with me, market fundie.

They get hit with hurricanes and bounce back better than a lot of US coastal folks. The US could help them, but they choose not to on account of MONEY
>watch a Vice documentary
Anybody do a documentary on Puerto Rico. They’re still reeling from that hurricane

>> No.14936162

>stock market go down
>hurr durr capitalism is bad and doesnt work
It's sad that in 2020 someone like you exists and feels the need to share whatever is going on in your retarded brain publicly.

Please just fucking kill yourself imbecile.

>> No.14936167

Are you a retard? It's a pandemic, it has nothing to do with capitalism. When businesses close down and people stop going to work this is what happens. It always picks back up though.

>> No.14936169

You get some dick. Pick us some covid while you’re at it

>> No.14936178

Cuban taxi drivers earn more than doctors. Most Cubans have to do illegal private work or get a 'private license' just to survive. And this is your idea of a country doing 'rather well'.

>> No.14936179

>peak oil
No such thing.

Is what is keeping the U.S. energy independent

>dependence on Saudi oil
See above. U.S. is a net exporter of oil.

>wasteful international trade
Is the reason you have citrus fruits at your fully stocked supermarket with goods from all over the world, tech from all over the world, any goods really from all over the world at your disposal.

Capitalism is by far the best system we have, if you do not agree, please answer these questions.

1. Compared to what?

2. At what cost?

3. What hard evidence do you have?

>> No.14936190

>It's a pandemic, it has nothing to do with capitalism.
Feel free to compare the impact on China on USA. Command economies can withstand these calamities efficiently, market economies shart themselves.

The real deal isn´t the pandemic, it´s what happens after the pandemic.

>> No.14936191

Actually not. But you can't know it if you didn't read the Critique of the Gotha program.

>> No.14936198
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>never had sex

>> No.14936202

You are mentally challenged if you think any of this is due to the pandemic. Actual mental midget.

>> No.14936209

Compare the impact on Taiwan. Compare the impact on South Korea. Just because some capitalist countries didn't have pandemic preparedness doesn't mean that capitalism is to blame. I just cited two cases where they are dealing with the issue exceptionally well without having to resort to totalitarian rule as in China.

>> No.14936215

>>stock market go down
>>hurr durr capitalism is bad and doesnt work
Yes, that was what lot of people through in 1930s and it´s what a lot of people are going to think in 2020s.

Question is if you can find a world war to save your ass or at least some kind of Roosvelt.

>> No.14936219

And here we have a shortage of medical workers, and theirs resort to driving people around.
They must also get a lot of free time to read. Ahhh.

Well since we’ve passed it, yeah, no more peak oil
Fracking is what’s pissed the Saudis off and now prices are as they are. Russia got a nice deal out of this as I hear it. There are consequences to being an exporter of this finite stuff. It wont last, and its bad for your drinking water.
>Oh I must have avocados from Peru (not locally grown) fuck the waste of fuel, fuck the viruses that can spread, fuck the fact they’re still outrageously priced

Market fundies can all just shoot themselves now, please.

>> No.14936231

Again, I´m not talking about the virus and measures taken to contain it. I´m talking about the long-term economic effect after the virus is defeated.

>> No.14936258
File: 45 KB, 480x390, Leninology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stocks suffering their biggest one-week decline since the financial crisis in 2008, with the S&P 500 dropping more than 13%.
>Broad market average more than 32% below its record set on Feb. 19
>U.S. labor force participation rate of 63% with a 30% unemployment rate implies over 50% of Americans being without a job & getting direct checks by the gov't.
>Deficit of $3-$4T.
>Federal Reserve buying corporation bonds & expanding balance sheet by $4T.
>Federal Reserve now in the process of removing the limit on the number of dollars they can print so as to prevent another great depression.
>Hyperinflation a real possibility.
>Corporations getting billions in bailouts.
>Richest countries in the world unable to make masks or ventilators because they exported factories to the third world.
>Queues for hospital equipment, since overstocking was unprofitable.
>Major CEOs have fucked off into the sunset.
>Rationing soon to be introduced.
>Ruling oligarchy have underestimated an airborn combination of pneumonia and HIV in a country overflowing with diabetes and hypertension.
>An economy of iPhones and cable tv is too important to halt for the sake of an aging population (their pensions have been fucked anyway)


>> No.14936259

Question is if you will ever read an economics 101 book before commenting on the subject. Actual imbecile.

>peak oil
Again, there is no such thing. Supply and demand is a real thing.

>American energy independence is bad because now they longer depend on Saudi oil so now Saudis are angry
And this is supposed to be a bad thing? Jesus Christ.

Seeing as you seem so interested in economics that you must pest threads about economics with your utter nonsense, why don't you spend some time learning about actual economics instead?

>Oh I must have avocados from Peru (not locally grown) fuck the waste of fuel, fuck the viruses that can spread, fuck the fact they’re still outrageously priced
What is the Heckscher-Ohlin model and comparative advantage?

And in case I come off as cocky or toxic it is not my intention, but for your own, and ultimately everyone else in these threads good, please do take time to learn about this stuff before commenting on it, saves us all time and hair.

>> No.14936285

>Again. The earth has an infinite amount of oil
Market fundie, die.
Energy independence has its consequences is what I said. They’d do the same if we moved to renewable energy. But our cars don’t run on national gas, so we’re getting stuck.

>> No.14936304

We most likely have untapped oil reserves waiting to be discovered, the fact that you believe you are some know it all when it comes to natural resources is disturbing. And let's for arguments sake there is zero new oil to be found, the market will adapt, it's what it does best. Just like it adapted from coal to oil, horses to cars or boats to planes.

>Energy independence has its consequences is what I said
Yes, there are no solutions only trade offs. It seems that the U.S. values independence over dependence despite the trade offs.

>> No.14936305


>> No.14936306

Capitalist economies have boom-bust cycles. Everyone knows this. It will go back up eventually.

>> No.14936590

Hello retards.
The economical crisis was inevitable in 2020. The virus is just a scapegoat.

>> No.14936595

>We most likely have untapped oil reserves waiting to be discovered
Oh yay. Now we can rush to extinction even faster!
Drink some frack water.

It is not going up. We’ve been sliding since the 70s, and China cannot keep up this pace either. There’s nothing left but some harsh changes or extinction.

>> No.14936599

It’s not so much a scapegoat as it the second punch.

>> No.14936622

It's not a second punch. It's a cover-up. A mainstream narrative, or propaganda. Mind control. Call it whatever you want.
The ordinary flu kills 1800 worldwide each day.
Other anon was partly right. With proper measures, like early diagnostics and masks, it's effects on an economy are negligible (see South Koreal).

>> No.14936750

Yes, instability is huge problem. Not so much when you are indpendent individual or well off capitalist, but when you are worker with family it can be existential issue.

>> No.14936784

So was wwii in America, did that create a commie utopia? Now it caused double down.

>> No.14936837

Stop posting anytime retard. You wouldn't make it a month without oil.

>> No.14936850

How does it feel that the most effective anarcho-communist communes are usualy christian?

>> No.14936882

You ever heard the phrase "easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism"? Well, depending on how bad this pandemic turns out to be, that statement could be less true than we think. What makes you so certain that the crises which capitalism engenders can go on indefinitely?

>> No.14936887

Ah. You’re one of those people. You want tot spread it around because it’s only going to kill and maim a few hundred thousand. Stupid market fundies
The effect is a blow to the supply lines. Yes, China is getting back up, but when the US gets back in such a short time as the month and they find out it’s still going around... we’re going to have a very bumpy year. And the “recession” will be well underway. Bye bye US dominance. There’ll be more.

Drink frack water.

>> No.14936911

im not, but im also not certain that it wont go on imminently. The current situation does not seem as immediately pressing as previous ones so I err on the side of lack of change for the foreseeable future.

>> No.14936946

because if any states do continue with capitalism they will outcompete those who choose less efficient systems. Until something more efficient appears(which would probably horrify you even more than capitalism does) it's not going to happen.

inb4 a bunch of sperging about capitalism's inefficiences, I know. It's still better at creating wealth and power than anything else

>> No.14937392
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Lmao, reminder that the people who tell you you'll be allowed to keep your toothbrush because it isn't private property worship a guy who starved his own children to death because he was too lazy to get a job.

It's really the perfect microcosm of left-wing thought. They dress it up in fluffy language about equality, egalitarianism, liberty, but in the end you can always tell that they really just want free shit, because it's how they act. It's not about helping the poor, it's always either about helping themselves or hurting people who have more than them.

It's a religion of envy. This is why they kill their own children in the womb with pliers, as well, even the idea of feeding their own children at their expense angers them. Just like Marx. It pleases me enormously to imagine your seething rage, Leftists, that you will never be allowed to steal from me. Your efforts have failed so utterly that the modern idea of "Left-Wing" would have been considered far right in Bismarck's Germany.

There is something hysterical to it. The greatest victory of "The Left" in the last 20 years has been convincing people to pretend that homosexuals can get married, which is a hyper-liberal (and thus Capitalist) doctrine. The revolution was televised, because we won.

>> No.14937484

>because if any states do continue with capitalism they will outcompete those who choose less efficient systems. Until something more efficient appears(which would probably horrify you even more than capitalism does) it's not going to happen.
That's not the usual stupid post. However, you should know that Capitalism is becoming less and less "efficient" each decade. Tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

>> No.14937531

The factor that bring the end of capitalism is not a more efficient system appearing and outcompeting it, but a proletarian revolution. And no state will be able to just "continue" with capitalism in the face of such a revolution in several largest centres, especially not with the current dependence on foreign trade.

The fall in the rate of profit is brought about by increasing efficiency of production.

>> No.14937533

and if something more efficient(really no need for square quotes) develops then it will take over. It's actually tautological

What you socialist types want is for a system to be both powerful and ethical, but this would be pure luck. There is no reason for the two to coincide. I don't buy at all that your Marxist theories just happen to lead to a world of emancipated workers, and this has nothing to do with the desire for that world influencing the theories. But if it ever happens Ill happily admit I was wrong.

>> No.14937544

>, but a proletarian revolution.
I don't really understand what this is, but unless it were more efficient and powerful than capitalism, it will not compete against states that remain capitalist.

By proletarian revolution what sort of structure of society are you envisioning? How are decisions made, through a direct vote?

>> No.14937547

You have no idea how fracking works do you? Not that I am surprised.

>> No.14937613

Mark Twain once wrote to those equal to each class of money will retain their living’s. All to the end; justifies the begning. Like if explain marxistism,glad I made it to you. Really your poor; give me more. That’s capitalism philosophy, boys. By the way read Julius. Caesar. you’ll find the way to beg.

If ever you need help, you most find an answer: be it not another, you’re a nigger; niggers can’t do anything on there own.

>> No.14937618

not same guy.

>efficient and powerful

The pandemic is showing how fragile capitalism is. The global warming effects could be even worse. At this point is not about profit, is about surviving.

>By proletarian revolution what sort of structure of society are you envisioning? How are decisions made, through a direct vote?

Nobody really knows. The change could even be within the system: workers owning shares and having vote on the companies for instance could be a huge change.

>> No.14937630

Imagine being this embarrassingly retarded.

>> No.14937638

Except Capitalists actually are the parasites.

>> No.14937643

>rate of profit to fall
This is stuff you're taught in intro to macroecon, not some commie doomsday prophecy

>> No.14937655

Did he actually write that, or are you just dyslexic? because your post is almost entirely incomprehensible.

>> No.14937660

>(((intro to macroecon)))

>> No.14937673

No one can read.

>> No.14937697

>What you socialist types want is for a system to be both powerful and ethical
If a supposed socialist is concerned with conforming to some abstract moral principles then you know he's not a socialist. Also I don't know what you mean by "powerful" here.
>I don't buy at all that your Marxist theories just happen to lead to a world of emancipated workers
"Marxist theories" are only a clarification of the necessary goals of the proletarian movement, and it's no wonder that the end goal of this movement is emancipation of the proletariat. So you're right that this isn't just a happy coincidence here.

>I don't really understand what this is, but unless it were more efficient and powerful than capitalism, it will not compete against states that remain capitalist.
It will compete both through connecting with the proletariat in said capitalist states supporting their uprising in all ways, including militarily. I don't see what efficiency has to do with this, since both sides will be as efficient, as they will be operating on the same productive base developed by capitalism.
>By proletarian revolution what sort of structure of society are you envisioning?
Proletarian revolution is a class dictatorship of the proletariat.
>How are decisions made, through a direct vote?
Which decisions?

Treating it like a doomsday prophecy is indeed retarded, but still I really don't think economists generally accept it.

>> No.14937705

Of course someone as illiterate as you is gonna have to say the n word

>> No.14937724

>If a supposed socialist is concerned with conforming to some abstract moral principles then you know he's not a socialist
marxoids always say this as if their whole ideology isn’t predicated on abstract moral principles

>> No.14937727

>Which decisions?
the decisions that are now made by CEOs, the civil service, congress, supreme courts, presidents, etc.

>> No.14937752

Yes, it isn't, that's the point.

It depends on the decision and on the circumstances. There's no predefined formal template which on top of this applies to everything.

>> No.14937769

A CEO is just a worker. being CEO is a job, and it would not change. Now who owns the company, the shares. Thats what would change.

IF the rest of decisions you list currently depend on capital something is wrong. really wrong.

>> No.14937780

Imagine being this fucking retarded, communists needs to die.

>> No.14937841

Someone who answers a question about a proletarian revolution with a description of things that can and do exist completely within capitalism, outside of the period of proletarian dictatorship, is absolutely not a communist.

>> No.14937858
File: 35 KB, 540x297, 1579302570314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14937887

I do actually
Don’t you?

>> No.14937920

Keep posting about how capitalism is bad and how """global warming""" is a threat retard commie.

No you don't.

>> No.14937947

I never post about capitalism being bad (bad for what?) or about global warming.

>> No.14937982

You post so stupidly but so sincerely.
I give up. If this is a troll, you win a 10/10

>> No.14937989
File: 69 KB, 736x736, 1542908203196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always win.

>> No.14938400 [DELETED] 

seething white boy
>this chink

>> No.14938482

Limited amount of resources to fulfill infinite demand

>> No.14939838

interesting take. What do you recommend we, at the individual level, do? Also whats a book you have recently read and enjoyed

>> No.14940345

>Maybe when you're a little older you'll figure out the meaning of why idealism is called idealism and not simply 'reality'.
Hello Facebook!

>> No.14940371

>The ordinary flu kills 1800 worldwide each day.
What's so hard to understand about the common flu being a global phenomenon since how long, while COVID-19 was 'born' less than 6 month ago in a bloody wet market and hasn't gotten around yet.