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/lit/ - Literature

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14932066 No.14932066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14932095

Is that Natalie Mars? Not that I would know who she is

>> No.14932097

What a beauty.

>> No.14932110

I would kill to watch her take 12 inches each of the thickest, balckest nigger cock down all three of her holes.

>> No.14932119

/pol/ pls go

>> No.14932150


>> No.14932236


>> No.14932263

Just imagine her moaning

>> No.14932282

found the american

>> No.14932289

she looks like she would want to be choked during a good pounding. neither would she mind a few punches to the face. imagine the pleasure of giving her a black eye. i want to wrap my hands around her throat and gently squeeze as i pump my load into her lithe body.

>> No.14932294

Mutt's Law.

>> No.14932311

cuckshit is usually not based but your conviction here is pretty based, so 'based'

>> No.14932333

What was your childhood like and your relationship with your parents and one more question do you feel like you have a sense of control over your life and your current position in it?

My sexual desire is the opposite would be more fun to give control because taking it would be predictable and easy

>> No.14932504

my childhood was actually quite fun and full of unique experiences, most of which my peers didn't ever have. i mingled with several different groups at once during my adolescence, played both football and in concert and jazz bands, so i had a wide range of experiences.
when i very little i had a terrible speech impediment that almost led to me being classified as retarded in kindergarten, luckily my parents found me excellent treatment and it cleared up in a few years, leaving no traces beyond the occasional mixup of words. i was never ostracized for it, fortunately.
in retrospect, my childhood never felt fully fulfilling, even though i can't say why.
i always had a good relationship with my parents, even through my teenage years, even with the exacerbated generational gap that came with technology and such.
i do indeed feel in control of my life, mainly because i planned it out well ahead of time. i am financially sound and soon will become a title 9 landlord, a very easy and profitable venture.
if it does add context to my post i was a pyromaniac as a child and came to an inch of burning half my skin off playing with kerosene. it runs in my family, my uncle burnt down an abandoned school with his friends as a teenager. i also liked brawling with other kids and my siblings for fun but grew out of it during middle school.

>> No.14932599

The bible.

>> No.14932661

What would u say would be the reason for your craving of forcefully dominating a woman?
Psychologist generally agree that dominating is more of fetish of blue color workers people who lack control so they can reclaim it bed while CEOs ,politicians etc are more into bdsm being subs as they have a lot of control they need to give it away in bed to balance out.

Do you feel out of control in any aspect of your life or in past , if you had to dig deep where would u say that desire is coming from?

>> No.14932685

What am I psychologically as a switch? In general I like dominating, but if I don't have sex in a prolonged period I become sexually more submissive. Also small women make me dominant and tall women submissive
t. other

>> No.14932689
File: 141 KB, 1200x828, Coomer+gf_e2ffea_7517483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books to get a coomer GF?

>> No.14932695

>bulging eyes
>man jaw
>long neck
>dyed hair
>mascine shirt
>terrible haircut
>crooked paintings
Painfully shit taste anon.

>> No.14932714

Isn't that Natalie Mars lmao
you gay son

>> No.14932727

Im no expert on this topic but i guess both you crave and give control tho ofc i suspect there are other factors at play as well.

For me personally i would rather dominate a tall one while be sub to a small girl simply because it the opposite of what is expected , but in general prefer the sub .
Tho its not quite a psychological sub in context there being a grounded confidence and you're willfully playing a role unlike sissies for example who like to sub but dont have a possibility to dominate as well there is no inner confidence underlying the roleplay.

>> No.14932737

interesting. generally i am dismissive of psychology and wary of psychoanalysis, but if there was a period of time i ever felt helpless it was that short period of time where i had trouble talking.
i remember in particular, in kindergarten, we went on a field trip to a farm during harvest time. all the other kids were let off the bus to play around before we started the tour, yet the teacher (who my parents say was quite frankly a witch) made me stay, i guess out of concern for my safety because she must've equated my speech issues with intellectual retardation. to this day i am still somehwat incensed.
i also had to work with a speech pathologist instead of having an older kid read to me (i was even partnered with my older brother) once a week like everyone else, but that was understandable to me, so i think it would contribute less to that.

>> No.14932749

also in learning that the pictured in OP's post, is, in fact, not a woman, and rather a freakish transvestite pornstar, i reconsider my statement and i would frankly savagely beat that thing to death.

>> No.14932756

/lit/ is the only board where cuckshit gets praised with "based" etc.
/lit/ is also the only self-proclaimed leftist board
really makes you think

>> No.14932770

she's even worse than a transvestite, she's a brit

>> No.14932776

Could be from that , from myself the desire to dominate could only arise if a girl i find attractive is being cunty so i would derive pleasure from psychological domination over her , it all seems to come to balancing the masculine(dominative) and feminine(submissive) aspect

>> No.14932847

>man jaw
getting warmer...

>> No.14933111

>self-proclaimed leftist board
since when lol

>> No.14933128

oh fuck I just looked “her” up

>> No.14933152

the horse blowjob is a bit much, isn't it?

>> No.14933346

rookie numbers

>> No.14933396

>3 holes
hate to break it to you anon but the person on the pic has only 2

>> No.14933434

based and redpilled

>> No.14933435

Collected Works of Cg Jung Vol 9

>> No.14933502

That is gross and not based. Why would say this, anon? When I see a pretty woman, I think about how I hope she gets married and has a few children. Why is your first thought something so icky? If you watch porn, you should stop.

>> No.14933635


>> No.14933690

I've been meaning to read Jung. Can you explain more?

>> No.14933700

you look so pathetic
being obsessed with an asmrtist says a lot about you

>> No.14933714

you mad cry irl

>> No.14933744

I like her as well but I wish OP would stop making these threads. Aren't those vulgar comments enough to persuade him to stop?

>> No.14933800

pathetic , when i see a pretty woman i think about how she would recognize her nature beyond the feminine impermanent form and balance the masculine polarity within so she may ascend to a higherself in union with brahman

>> No.14934121

not just one guy

>> No.14934122
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 83419514_551975018774659_2478757320234340949_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faceblind retards

>> No.14934125

holy based

>> No.14934326
File: 17 KB, 250x400, 41z0lt5rZNL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only correct answer

>> No.14934378

That's a boy.

>> No.14935061

ayup dat better not's be a girl my niggy wiggies

>> No.14935083

currently have one of these, do not recommend

>> No.14935204

christian anarchism doesn't adhere to your puny left/right spectrum