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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 600x493, waterstones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14928479 No.14928479 [Reply] [Original]

Are you still going to bookstores /lit/?

>> No.14928519

I think I'll probably go soon to get a copy of The Three Body Problem. Sounds like some good schlock, any opinions?

>> No.14928528
File: 132 KB, 487x548, robespierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state should have special You're Not Being Very Nice flamethrowers for incinerating faggots who don't treat their employees like human beings

>> No.14928535

Everything's closed here in the eu.

>> No.14928550

I didn't like it at all. I found the characters very forgettable, the sci-fi concepts basic and uninteresting and the prose boring. I also read Foundation recently and didn't like that either, so maybe I just don't like sci-fi.

>> No.14928553

>work in shop that pumps out endless chick-lit and leftist propaganda to mouthbreathers
>surprised when owner of the shop isn’t actually very nice

>> No.14928560

>is a capitalist who wasn't very nice in a time of crisis
>is surprised when he is hung from a lamppost when the global recession hits its second year

>> No.14928569 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 600x764, 35E51CBB-00FE-4796-83D0-4B3DF70DE836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working in @Waterstones today following the lockdown. No hand sanitiser provided, no wipes, no disinfectant, no reduced shop hours, cash still being accepted. We're being told by head office that gloves and masks are not permitted, meanwhile administrative staff have all been sent home for their "safety"—but who gives a fuck about the the frontline staff who are out there filling @Waterstones CEO James Daunt's pockets? Today I witnessed customers openly coughing, the elderly mingling with the general populace absolutely NO social distancing being observed I spent most of my shift feeling SICK TO MY FUCKING STOMACH, TEARS IN MY EYES, ALMOST EXPERIENCED A COMPLETE BREAKDOWN ON THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOP FLOOR MIDDAY. I counted over 350 customers filing into the store today and tomorrow I'm back in for round 2. I just wanted to give a message to any of the people planning to come in tomorrow—I cannot communicate my pure, unfiltered hatred for you. I HATE YOU. You are YOU SCUM. How FUCKING dare you. It is the customers that have the power to stop Daunt from holding all of us hostage, but you're selfish and reckless and care not one wit for what you're exposing the HELPLESS STAFF there to!!! Well I refuse to toe the company line anymore Fortunately tomorrow I'll be working with 4 like-minded staff who're sitting on the same fence as me. There'll be no more welcomes, no more meek, placating smiles, no offering bags, no asking for rewards cards, no more bullshit small talk. Come within one metre of me, I'm going to tell you to GET THE FUCK BACK. We DON’T LIKE you, we don't want you there. If you're going to ask why we look so miserable, I'm going to be honest and tell you, plainly, that it's because of shitheaded, selfish wankers like you holding us hostage, and that we're all there against our will. If I or my loved ones who I'm exposing this virus to are going to potentially #diefordaunt, I'll go down screaming and cursing this SICK, ROTTEN company. FUCK Waterstones, FUCK the people still coming in, and most of all FUCK James Daunt!!!!!!!! #waterstones #coronavirus

>> No.14928574

Where the fuck do I order cheap books online? Biblio fucks me with shipping fees and so does amazon

>> No.14928605

More like women out of jobs will line up to suck his dick for spare change. Nothing ever happens to the rich.

>> No.14928609

I went to my local bookshop a week ago. If my few dollars helps him keep afloat then dying of bat flu may be worth it. I don't want to not be able to visit a second hand bookstore.

>> No.14928732

>I went to my local bookshop a week ago. If my few dollars helps him keep afloat then dying of bat flu may be worth it. I don't want to not be able to visit a second hand bookstore.
I love you. Your idea is beautiful.

>> No.14928738

Not in transitional Brexit land.

>> No.14930006

I'm out of town for the month, but as soon as I'm home I'll go visit mine. Its a small used bookstore. I follow them on IG, and it looks like they're still open and have plenty of sanitary wipes.

>> No.14930046

holy..based ...

>> No.14930048

>I'm out of town for the month, but as soon as I'm home I'll go visit mine.
Ha ha ha, you are so funny anon.

>> No.14930318
File: 1.57 MB, 1000x918, 1381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing ever happens to the rich.

>> No.14930350
File: 49 KB, 720x405, 18a18da8f04f92a47ea80633071b94cd_w720_h500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people were a bit more rugged than modern anticapitalists.

>> No.14930353

Haha they gonna die

>> No.14930369

Yep, I'll pay a visit to this faggy overpriced bookstore soon to cough all over the books I dislike.
t. rode rather crowded trains and been at public places last weeks, started a mild cough today

>> No.14930370

>having a complete breakdown on the verge of sobbing because people arent practicing social distancing
I cant feel bad for these "people"

>> No.14930391
File: 199 KB, 719x960, bb5a412a25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different times. People these days are completely domesticated into a slave caste.

>> No.14930411

can't help but agree, brother. what baffles me about westerners is their brilliant ability to be upset and outraged, but not act without permission or some shit.

it's almost like public outrage is the final goal, not actual improvement.

>> No.14930438

They exist, they just aren't owned or distributed by the state
They're called guillotines

>> No.14931319

>sb coofs
>the old mingle
>post it on twitter
i cannot stop laughing

>> No.14931493

what a faggot lmao

>> No.14931783

no, too poor for that. and libraries are closed down :(

>> No.14931819

This is absolutely not true, people in the past were nearly dust compared to now.