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/lit/ - Literature

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14928266 No.14928266 [Reply] [Original]

Is picrelated worth reading? I am asking because rn i am an 18 year old doing nothing. I found this book on /pol/ the poster said that this book is redpilled. IS it worth reading? and who is this book for? (sorry for bad English)

>> No.14928270

No, read Irrational Man by Barrett

>> No.14928274

No. Redpillers are retarded autists. Just don't be a doormat and don't put women on a pedestal.

>> No.14928276

now i may be wrong but from what i've seen reading self help books by random blowhards tends to turn you into a neurotic self-conscious demented freak who, finding himself not completely satisfied by the application of the advice contained in the books he has already read, keeps reading more and more self help books, thinking that he just has to integrate everything these random snake oil retards in order to finally be confident and happy and successful... now of course, that is not to say there is no such things as good advice, and that this good advice cannot be put into book form... but hmm..... i dont know.

start with the greeks

>> No.14928280
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go back to riddit summerfag,

oh wait they completely quarantined the TRP subleddit

To answer your question, for a kid trying to wake up and realize the nature of steeply increasing hypergamous nature of women in the western sphere, it is worth reading but it's 65 percent truth mixed with 35 percent psuedo science.

Take it from someone who was in your exact shoes, the book will completely fuck up your head if you've never heard of some of these concepts, and you will be even more fucked up if you delve deeper into the other pills
being red-pilled now is literally like being an atheist back in 2010
Therefore I suggest you read pic-related FIRST as it is the best in discussing this type of stuff

>> No.14928289

>I found this book on /pol/
Get off /pol/ before your brain turns to mush.

>> No.14928293

i am already off it left it couple of weeks ago but the name of book stayed in my head from some kind of demoralization thread.

>> No.14928295

>the book will completely fuck up your head if you've never heard of some of these concepts
Who has never heard of "these concepts". It's literally standard PUA bullshit from the mid 90s, pasted together in an incoherent jumble.

>> No.14928297

It has interesting ideas and is readable in a day or two. A lot of it is cringe but it might help you if your father was a complete beta and didn't have the girl talk with you.

>> No.14928306

are these books good for complete newbies?

>> No.14928320

any suggestions on where to start?

>> No.14928346

depends on what you're interested in. in terms of philosophy, the dialogues by plato that form 'trial of socrates' narrative are engaging and easy to read. euthyphro, apology, crito, phaedo. i think they're a good place to start. you can also read 'the symposium'.

>> No.14928352


Both parts of this post >>14928274 is correct. Redpillers are profoundly unsuccesful with women. If their dating strategies aren't working for them, why do you want to adopt them? It will invariably turn you into an autist who tries his best to be a sociopath.

All that is useful in any redpill dating book is summarized by don't be a doormat and don't put women on a pedestal. You don't need to read autistic books to realize that.

>> No.14928651

Here's what will actually help you become successful both in life and with women:

1. Becoming fluent in English
2. Acquiring expertise in a skill for which other people will pay good money
3. Learning how to manage your time and form new habits
4. Exercising regularly and eating healthy
5. Becoming financially literate
6. Figuring out how to be happy independent of external causes

For resources:

1. There's a good blog about learning english from two polish dudes, I don't remember the name but you can google it
2. Ultralearning by Scott Young
3. Brainlock
4. You don't need a book for this
5. Intelligent Investor + Investopedia glossary
6. Depends on your temperament, but either philosophy, religion or meditation manuals

Good luck. You're in the most adaptive years of your life, past 25 everything starts to stiffen and take on structure. Choose wisely.

>> No.14928753

It’s not wrong but it’s Machiavellian in that it’s basically just a playbook on how to be inauthentic in order to get ahead with women. Do you really need some guy who lurked pick up forums for years to tell you how to behave around women in order to get laid or do you want to take your relationship with women as a fundamental fact of life for which you develop your own way of thinking and approaching? The premise of this book is that women and sex are commodities for consumption and it tells you how to act in order to collect more commodities. All in all it’s a very inhuman and inauthentic way of interacting with the world. What you should be doing is developing a world view at your age and not simply taking a play by play on how to get laid. And before anyone says how it’s less about getting laid and more about waking up to the reality of women, you would get that many times over by simply interacting with them or even reading the bible of all things.

There’s this very modern approach to life as a series of commodities which you can simply collect more amounts or better quality of if you simply approach it as outlined by this formulaic approach in whatever book. You see this in almost every arena but you’d be wise to learn to identify and reject this, OP. It’s amazing how humans have managed to have intersex relationships for thousands of years before this guy and his book came along. Read things that will develop a worldview, not just get you laid.

>> No.14928791
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>> No.14928796

this book is actually not sufficiently nihilistic

for best results adopt the attitude depicted here

specifically the parts about having lots of money and social status, never loving the women you fuck, and preferably being violent and callous

>> No.14928836

I agree with you on the value of authentic living but i disagree with you that it's still readily accessible. The current situation of very high rates of celibate men in the West has no precedent and past wisdom on the dynamic between the sexes, such as the bible, is of limited use. It comes from traditional societies where the dynamics between the sexes were highly structured from community matchmaking to arranged marriages. Late capitalism has completely dissolved those structured and the old wisdom doesn't apply anymore. Perceiving sex/relationships as commodities is simply correct as that's what it's become.

>> No.14928839

> after 25 everything starts to stiffen and take on structure

Absolutely true. Knowing this though, do you really want to prepare for it by obsessing over how to get girls?

>> No.14928853
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Just go to his blog. The book is basically from his blog.

>> No.14928867

It sounds like you actually reject the notion of sex/relationships as commodity so why wouldn’t the most authentic thing to do be to take up a position where you radically reject this proposition? Which is it? Are you authentically opposed to this notion or do you authentically just want to get laid and will take whatever modernity gives you?

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. If you propose that it’s merely a commodity then I would propose you give it little thought either way. Spending your formative years studying commodity pursuit is an utter waste.

>> No.14928870

Trust me, OP. Read the classics and philosophy. Branch out into what calls out to you most.

>> No.14928888

No, start with proper philosophical books. If you want to become more rational then look into epistemology. Look for introduction textbooks from Oxford or Routledge and download them off libgen. All of this modern trash is riddled with ideological political crap which is devoid of actual reasoning.

>> No.14928941

Also, be on the lookout for mentors, OP. This is a crucially overlooked aspect of development in today’s day and age. You might find there’s no one or quality in your sphere but it’s better to have your eyes open than closed.

>> No.14929028

>1. There's a good blog about learning english from two polish dudes, I don't remember the name but you can google it
Any cues on how to find this blog? I'm interested

>> No.14929050

I found it.


>> No.14929103


I was in your shoes 2 years ago. I became obsessed with women and how to get them, in short I wasted as year and a half chasing women under the idea that i was redpilled on how it actually works.

the only thing you need to know is that your emotions WILL betray you, and if you cannot learn to control them and actually think about what you are doing and why, then you will be just like everyone else: a failure. You will constantly be doing things that you know are wrong because you feel like it. You will say the wrong things because they are how you feel, you will do the wrong things because you are operating unconsciously and finally, you will die. Almost no one will care that you died and anyone who did care will die too. You will be forgotten and your life will have been a fragment of what it was supposed to be.

If you don't figure out exactly what the fuck you are living for, you will waste the only thing you ever had: your life.

t. seminarian

>> No.14929110

Why is a seminarian waxing fatalistic on 4chan?

>> No.14929115


really neurotics just exacerbate their problems by reading self-help books. they can be helpful to those who are just confused about a particular area of life.

>> No.14929116

because if you don't understand that you will die soon, then you have no chance of living forever

>> No.14929190
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>past 25 everything starts to stiffen and take on structure
>tfw I turn 25 in 2 days
At least I exercise and eat healthy r-right guys?

>> No.14929315

read the foundation for exploration

>> No.14929391

>IS it worth reading?
And don't take reading advice from one troll board and ask for confirmation on another
/lit/ is about reading. Go find a book that you want to read because it sounds exciting and new to you, not some circlejerk clickbait text to make you feel part of a group of losers

>> No.14930032

I went trough a redpill phase and let me tell you this shit is not worth reading. It's just conjecture, pseudoscience and bad arguments that make you see women as machines that will fuck you if you act "alpha" enough (whatever that means). It degrades you because you're essentially faking who you are to get sexual approval from these machines with no agency (the women in the redpill worldview).

Their methods dont even get you laid btw. The guys in the community barely get laid more than the average guy; and that's because they approach more women. But take 10 average dudes and have them approach 100 women, then take 10 redpill dudes and have them approach 100 women, and the differences will be insigificant.