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14927540 No.14927540 [Reply] [Original]

Fiction or nonfiction - looking for books that view war as life-affirming.

>> No.14927543

swap the cheney group and the spencer group

>> No.14927550

>war am bad
These retards think they are living in isolation. If US wouldn't have presence around the world Russia or China would just move in, and soon would bring the threat of war closer to home.

>> No.14927560

Richard Spencer is an obstuse boomer intellectual who's only relevance is a few witty one-liners and saying he likes an ethnostate. He's insufferable for everything except why he's hated, which is cartoonish at best. His anti-war stances are purely intellectual and completely irrespective of human behavior.

>> No.14927667

War is not life affirming. The odds of war wiping out only the worst of us is too great thus it never works out for the best.

>> No.14927723

Honestly the Vietnam war was actually a win for the USA and if you disagree you are retarded.

>> No.14927732
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>> No.14927737


>> No.14927742

>heh you think 99% of veterans saying war is hell know anything? One german guy said it was kinda fun so yeah... guess ur just a cuck.

1 in 10 men has the potential to be a good soldier, 1 in 100 is a natural, these are facts

>> No.14927743

Why are Americans dying for the greater Israel project though?

>> No.14927748

Even Nietzsche thought war is life-negating.

>> No.14927760

War is a continuation of politics and nothing else.

You lost Vietnam. You lost Irak. You lost proxy war in syria.

Nice job during desert storm tho

>> No.14927766

wrong, wars are just aesthetics
we went over there and looked cool and they looked dumb and got blown up so we win
I could even show you pictures if you need more convincing but I wont

>> No.14927785

maybe Might is Right

>> No.14927797

I'm not even american bro, im a ruski who respects the war.

>> No.14927819

Where does he say this?

>> No.14927824

vietnam was in no way a "win" for the US

>> No.14927843
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sounds like you're looking for some GI Joe comics

>> No.14927849

Read it again.

>> No.14927854

domino theory was real, USA showed other countries it wasn't worth becoming commie because they would get owned

>> No.14927858

maybe if you have lower than 123 iq

>> No.14927862

but that didn't happen

>> No.14927867

Try Dragonball Z

>> No.14927870

Alexander the great slept with a copy under his pillow

>> No.14927892

I would think the biography of any general and the impact of their deeds, as in the fact that you are reading about their deeds some time later and how they impacted history. Caesar in Gaul, Cortes in Tenochtitlan

I think it has to be written from a "necessary evil to get an worthwhile goal" POV by the author to be accepted and not to sound to much like a serial killers diary.

>> No.14927923

I know. But the Iliad definitely does not put a positive view on the conflict. Achilles, who Alexander LARPed as, is put as a somewhat petty character in the story, too. Achilles not only lets his fellow soldiers die, but actually prays for his mother to ask Zeus to benefit the Trojans purely out of spite for Agamemnon (who is also a dickhead, by the way). Then Patroclus dies, and Achilles goes on a murderous rage. Not fighting for honour, not fighting to defend Greece, but merely throwing a demigod tantrum. There's a reason why, at the end of it, he acknowledges his mistakes and lets Hector's father bury his son.

Not that I'm saying that Homer had the "WAR BAD" mentality while writing the Iliad, as he was very much above the retarded black and white morality that we live with nowadays, but the Iliad isn't really a book showing the glory and honour involved in war either.

>> No.14927928

I don't get how being in touch with his feelings makes Achilles a bad guy.

>> No.14927945

He isn't necessarily a bad guy, but he is far from noble.

>> No.14927947
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im not even sure if you should have an opinion on war before you've experienced it yourself to some degree, just because how complicated and heavy it is, ive been pondering joining the crimea conflict for this since regular peace-time army doesnt cut it maybe i'll get shot and that'll cure my depression hhh

>> No.14927966

I view war as not life affirming, but nevertheless beautiful. Something pleases me greatly about mass human suffering. Akin poo poo pee pee pepes and "yes" chad wojaks, whoever is butthurt is losing, and whoever is affirming and pleased with the result is the winner. Pepe may have shat everywhere and look disgusting, but at least he is smiling and not covered in shit. For the same reason I radically accept all mass human suffering and war, and by definition I am made the "winner".

>> No.14927973

>you haven't died yet so why do you have an opinion about death? you shouldn't be scared

>> No.14929112

>the crimea conflict
The what?

>> No.14929133

I have died so I am allowed to have an opinion on it. Source? Me. I was there. I remember. Reincarnation.


>> No.14929400


>> No.14929410

Weren't there foreign legions available on Ukraine' side?

>> No.14929643


>> No.14929645

maybe if trump signed the tpp

>> No.14929680
File: 77 KB, 850x400, quote-the-poetry-of-heroism-appeals-irresistibly-to-those-who-don-t-go-to-a-war-and-even-more-louis-ferdinand-celine-69-12-68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.14930135

And the Russians won already. Why would they want you?

>> No.14930158

He means the war in Donbass

>> No.14930258

I'm not sure. I'm not too invested in the conflict and the idea is partly an afterthought. It would be the only conflict I'd consider joining since I can't stand warm weather. Otherwise I'd just join the regulars or the french foreign legion.

>> No.14930482

Evolas Metaphysics of War.

>> No.14930618

It’s quite pathetic that he’s become the face of the dissident right in America.

>> No.14930639
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This sicko

>> No.14930722

A Lasting Peace through the Federation of Europe and the State of War - Rousseau
(Basically says war is good but only when dignified.)
Any primary sourced piece on Rommel will probably do.

>> No.14930850

>Nice job during desert Storm

>> No.14930876
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Only real spenglerian niggas know

>> No.14930938

Quran, but it has to be just war.

>> No.14930945


Actually Chomsky has begrudgingly admitted this several times. The Vietnamese communists won but at a human cost that was insane, I mean truly appalling. No one in their right mind would look at that victory and think "I want that for my people."

>> No.14930952

The Greek conception of nobility was not the same as ours. There was nothing noble, for them, about blindly fighting for your nation or your fellow soldiers or whatever. The entire point of the Iliad is that the people in charge of the nation, like Agamemnon, are dickheads. The soldiers fighting for their nation are all raping and pillaging dickheads. There is no nobility in fighting for these people. Nobility for them was fighting for yourself and being good at it.

>> No.14930959


The past 30 years have shown how based HW was.

> Panama- based

> Gulf War- unfathomably based

> re-unified Germany: also based

>> No.14930988

What side is he fighting on?

>> No.14931049

I don't think the War in the Donbass is taking volunteers anymore, pretty sure the last explicit volunteer regiment disbanded late last year

>> No.14931097

The Iliad and the Aeneid take a particular joy in war and martial strife.

>> No.14931114

Amerikikes have never won a war, and never will.

>> No.14931143

yeah those British subjects of Great Britain will never win a war

>> No.14931147

The colonies were a mistake desu.

>> No.14931402

I would say much of the story is a quest for Kleos among men. As far as pro-war I am not sure, but the book opens with singing praise of the "great Achilles" who was great because of how many men he killed in the war. I would say that is evidence of at least respecting war as something that can make individual men/soldiers great. And to OP's question, obtain Kleos through war was certainly life-affirming to many of the ancient Greeks.

>> No.14931481


riffing off of >>14927550
if Israel wasn't there, somebody else would be. Israel has great influence sure, but don't lose sight of that in Israel's absence there would not be another beneficiary of American military action/strategy in the ME. the game has been, and perhaps still is, to be on America's good side in the balance of power strategy. Israel is just the best at it for a multitude of reasons, but at the risk of being reductive, the big one is obvious -- a very influential number of the smartest, most industrious people on this earth, irrespective of their nationality, wish to see Israel's thrival, and they have the agency to accomplish this desire in spades

>> No.14931960

>wars are just aesthetics
How wide can you gape?

>> No.14931988

>War is not life affirming.
>Never stood on conquered foes.

>> No.14932030

but would they be involved in the same way as Israel? Israel and America's connection is unique; there exists no other "ally" as protected or cherished as they are, no other group is payed as much lip service and no one has as much lobbying power as they do through AIPAC. I agree with what you've said about a group of very influential people favoring Israel's thrival, but I doubt that they would all collective act as they do, if it weren't for Israel. I'm yet to come up with an answer to this problem (or at least that isn't pol-tier with a child sacrifice globalist cabal)

>> No.14932238

not sure this video will answer your problem, but i find it solid primer as far as amateur youtube videos go

>> No.14932996
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Given how easy-to-read geopolitics books are it's amazing that /lit/ doesn't seem to have the first fucking clue. (outside of a few based posters)

>> No.14933797 [SPOILER] 
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An unpopular and poorly written but very much on-subject choice

>> No.14934654

The USA has never won all the wars it started.

>> No.14934878

there's a McDonald's in Hanoi. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.14934887

Where the fuck is Irak?

>> No.14935830

>Death affirming
>Damaging ones own psyche
I stand on the corpse of your weak argument.

>> No.14936251

It isn’t wrong for Achilles to be upset about Briseis or even for him to mope a while, but going out of the way to help the other side is definitely taking it too far

>> No.14936271

Real wars are not aesthetic. Art featuring war can be, but very rarely does it reflect the reality

>> No.14936282

Sorry, meant to reply to >>14927766

>> No.14936520

Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola

>> No.14936586

The 99% of veterans who say it was hell doesn't argue against war itself
No-one is saying that war is pleasant. It is probably a nightmare to experience 99% of the time. That doesnt detract from it. Childbirth is probably physically horrific for a woman to experience, does that detract from what childbirth objectively is?
The suffering experienced in war is part of what makes it transcendent.
A man could go his whole life living a boring, meaningless existence and die in his sleep at 80. Then he is nothing, just an animal who lived and died.
If he went to war at 25, and suffered, and saw death, and caused death, and saw glory, and saw hell on earth, then he truly lived, and he learns more about humanity and what it means to be human than any of us could imagine.
The physical suffering and discomfort of war is the price you pay for the metaphysical transcendence of the experience.
Physical comfort for its own sake gives you nothing

>> No.14937051


>> No.14937085

This number is false anyways. When you look at the old interviews plenty of soldiers say even WWI was the best time of their lives.
It's just the politics that promotes anti-war lit and movies that gives a false picture.

>> No.14937090

Ive got the implicit message in a good amount of books. If you look into it, war just shows the extremes of humanity. People like tragedies even when they are sad. People like drama and conflict. we find it evocative and captivating.

>> No.14937112
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>> No.14937760
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He was just butthurt his side lost desu

>> No.14938249

wow what a retarded post

>> No.14938318

Everyone loves the sound of that until somebody else is standing over their corpse.

>> No.14939508 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14940851
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Indeed. He was legitimately the last president who had any fucking clue what he was doing foreign policy-wise. Everyone since him has been a massive retard.

>> No.14941308


>> No.14941315

>it's another 'sheltered 16 year olds from a first world country extol the virtues of war' episode
I think I'll pass.

>> No.14941360

Everything he said was correct though? Where's your objection other than just pointing and sputtering?

>> No.14941368

16 year olds in 1912 said the same thing

>> No.14941375

Shouldn't the peak of the bell curve be a sort of neutral and inactive acquiesce to systematic violence.

>> No.14941651


The bombing of tokio
Emptying of the Warsaw ghetto
Literally countless other acts of atrocities

Surely the best times these people ever had.

Also take the caparth expedition in ww1 by the Austrians. What's transcendental about someone rationally reaching the conclusion that in order to take a mountain papermache shoe soles would suffice, it's not like you're led to death by some sage. What's exceptional about starving and slaughtering?

Almost every sensible intellect that went to war has been traumatised by it. I also know people who go into the woods to shoot deer. They tell stories about how it's the most thrilling thing to make a deers head explode. These two don't even overlap but people who kill out of enjoyment or any personal gain often are the most boring uneducated and irresponsible pitysome folk.

Take the folks from they shall not grow old for example. Of course I appreciate their stories but for one as contemporaries I would not take notice of them and war has been so rationalised that you wouldn't recognizer them behind the face of a remote controlled drone anyway. If you want a metaphysical experience why don't you just paint a painting or suicide

>> No.14941726

What makes one experience objectively better, or more valuable?

A lot can and will be done in those 60 extra years, more children fathered, more labor done, more personal value expanded by the years of life. Wasn't it Camu who made the conjecture of the 60 year old slave leading a better, fuller life than the 20 year old king.

All of us experience personal tragedy, the loss of a mother or child, of limb or mind, but to say those experiences are little compared to those of warring seems entirely shortsighted in respect to one's own experience.