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14926400 No.14926400 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14926411

Turn back now or you'll end up like me (born 1974)

>> No.14926463

Take estrogen

>> No.14926464

Seriously wat do to avoid this?

>> No.14926483

what are you gonna do when all the hunnies turn away from ur saggy tits

>> No.14926555

Life gets better as you get older. At least it has for me.

>> No.14926692

Burroughs didn't start writing till he was 31 and wasn't published till he was 40. Shut the fuck up, calm the fuck down and start living the art life faggot.

>> No.14926707

Youth is overrated

>> No.14926721

>idealising youth as the unobtainable paradise that is forever lost rather than overcoming one's present difficulties which are giving rise to this fantasy and winning at life

>> No.14926729


>> No.14926734

What Is the point of "winning" at life? Seems like giga cope.

>> No.14926796

the point is exactly that, winning.

>> No.14926805

Hahhahahahahhhahha lol the cope is unreal

>> No.14926810

hahahahaha the estrogen is real

>> No.14927087

I wish I could play runescape again without worrying about deadlines.

>> No.14927163

Winning what? There are no set objectives, it's not a game. In the end you will die and be forgotten regardless. Anyway OP is probably 25 at most, this thread is dumb

>> No.14927248

In my 20's I worked and made good money, had sex with cute girls, lived in different cities, quit my good earning job and went to backpack for one year and worked overseas, had more sex with different girls from different countries, made lots of bad decisions, spent my money, was living just in a roller-coaster, tried some drugs (not for long just to see what happened) partied, worked for an NGO in exchange of food and luggage.

I think I lived a full life in my 20's now I'm 33 and I just feel at peace because of that, trying to focus on my next decade, I don't drink, nor smoke or take any drug, economically speaking I'm not as the same but more mature for sure about a lot of things, thinking about commitment and find the right woman (actually having too much sex can become also boring if you don't have any connection) I became more conservative also.

The tool? being ignorant and making bad and risky decisions, but is not for everyone, everyone one to control their reality just by reading a lot and that's not how it works, you need to introduce some chaos into your life, go to the unknown, so "youth" is a concept, is not a body type or an age.

Do you want to feel young? then behave as someone young, but only if you have the need for it.

>> No.14927258

Take it from a guy who wasted his youth, college years, and most of his professional life: you'll get plenty of chances to turn your life around, you'll just probably end up fucking them up like me though.
Good luck

>> No.14927287

>tfw just want to be playing Black Ops with my bros after coming back from school every day

I miss 2010

>> No.14927299

https://www.workaway.info/ Go here, find a place and made some work in exchange, get some adventure FFS, you will change your perspective if you go out and make some dumb decisions, live a little bit and stop reading a lot if you do. There's no such thing as positive knowledge.

>> No.14927319

Yes, being good is an objective, practice faith is an objective, give yourself to others and serve is an objective. Don't be a little faggot.

>> No.14927375
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school was peak happiness
high school was hell
gonna join college soon

>> No.14927408

>born 1974
Hey, me too. No wonder you're so based.

>> No.14927456

>college soon
you havent tasted hell yet

>> No.14927480

It only goes downhill.

>> No.14927492

you are correct: youth is only thing worth in this life. logical conclusion would be to kys

>> No.14927500

>made good money
meaning you worked your life away

>> No.14927504
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>> No.14927528

How fun. Here's a piece of good advice you want to hear from someone that had fun in high school and for whom college was hell.
Don't overwork yourself, working regularly every day is enough to get really good grades in college.
In group works, always go for the nerds and if you're one yourself (or just someone normal) stay away from the non-nerds. You'll end up doing all the work.
Like, all the work. College isn't a filter for shitty people and you'll be thrilled to know there's always people succeeding their semester by sheer luck even though they're not supposed to be there.
What else. Find some friends quickly and stick with them. Do not criticize them even though it's really fucking tempting because they can be quite retarded.
What else. Party a lot, have fun, you're still young.
End of the advice you didn't ask for, that's what someone should've told me at your age.

>> No.14927591

Getting old is so gay holy shit. The only thing I like about being 19 is that I've filled out a little bit. WHY CAN'T I JUST BE YOUNG FOREVER WITH A QT 16 YEAR OLD FUCKKKKKKING SHITTTTTT. I NEED TO COOOOOOOOOM

>> No.14927605

I feel the same a bit but at the same time think at exactly this attitude of our times is an absolute poison to the mind. People should strive to gain wisdom instead of worshipping an age where you are basically retarded.

>> No.14927630

Time destroys everything.

>> No.14927639

there is hope for us yet (born 1991)

>> No.14927961

>the first year undergrads at my university have started looking like children to me
It's like my brain is rewiring itself to help me cope.

>> No.14927987

Ho boy you got some hard times ahead. Not to late to not fuck your life up

>> No.14928007

You're still in your peak until 35 as a male. You aren't 35+ and still browsing here right?

>> No.14928011


>> No.14928022

I was just kidding. Prefer you guys over zoomies born after the millennium.

>> No.14928030

lol nah...

>> No.14928080
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I was ruthlessly bullied by girls day by day in middle school
I loathed high school because I'd get unwanted attention and always fuck up in front of the girls
So I thought if I'd just lock myself in my shell and drift through university i wouldn't face the same issues
But they hated me anyway for being a dumb (mute) social autist
And i still fucked up once again with a bunch of girls
But it was uni where it's easier to hide your identity and mingle with others
So I came to terms with my autism and kept being a friendless pseud
Now they're regretting being quarantined, whilst i am unaffected by the lockdown at all because i got attuned to the shut in life beforehand
I don't even know my classmates' names
But they know mine

>> No.14928097
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I was bullied by girls in middle school
I loathed high school because I'd get unwanted attention and always fuck up in front of the girls
So I thought if I'd just lock myself in my shell and drift through university i wouldn't face the same issues
But they hated me anyway for being a dumb (mute) social autist
And i still fucked up once again with a bunch of girls
But it was uni where it's easier to hide your identity and mingle with others
So I came to terms with my autism and kept being a friendless pseud
Now they're regretting being quarantined, whilst i am completely unaffected by the lockdown because i got attuned to the shut in life beforehand
I don't even know my classmates' names
But they know mine

>> No.14928099

Take ZMA, take cold showers, stop masturbating.

>> No.14928140
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>> No.14928268

>backpacking for a year
Rich kid

>> No.14928285

I’m only 18 but I feel the same way. Had no friends for like 5 years. Social life isn’t improving even at uni. People tell me I’ve got my “whole life ahead of me” but to me that seems more terrifying than inspiring.
Escapism through vidya, films, and literature is the only thing keeping me from suicide.

>> No.14928439

The only thing keeping me from suicide is the idea that I might not have rational reasons to commit suicide. That's really the only reason I study philosophy is to see if there is actually some reason I shouldn't kill myself.

>> No.14928449


>> No.14928450

what makes them 'objectives'?

>> No.14928452

Sounds like it's time to grow up.

>> No.14928476


college is very based. It definitely makes people smarter, rather than just working a dead end job after high school. Even if you only make a few friends, you can leverage those into a solid group especially if they have the same major as you.

Take a second language the entire time, not only do uni's do
>STUDY ABROAD (Japan for the weebs) (Friends)

Post Script: Just choose a major that you find challenging but also enable's your puzzle solving lizard brain, it won't matter in the end as you may switch careers but still be able to use what you learned.

>> No.14928555

Goethe was a master of poetry at 11.

Wagner was reading Shakespeare and the prior at 9 and decided he wanted to be a drama writer at the same age. At the age of 7 he could play music by better than by notation.

It's over my man. I would say if you aren't showing signs of interest in these things by 13 then it's unlikely you will ever be a great writer or composer or sculpture or painter- there's only really the doing and thinking type of thing left in the world.

>> No.14928558
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>born after the millennium.

>> No.14928562

Why are you so gay? Fuck, you write like a John Green novel or whatever the fuck his name is.

Seriously just stop fucken wanking and you'll become a creative genius.

>> No.14928633

I wrote sonnets to a russian twink but i stopped when i realized he couldn't give a fuck

>> No.14928940
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>> No.14928943

I wish I could relive my middle-school years.

>> No.14928964

Born too late to explore new continents
Born too early to explore the stars
Born just in time to be a good wagey in the endless pursuit of material pleasures

>> No.14928990

Chuck palahnuick had his first novel published at 37, cormac McCarthy at 33. I'm 23 so I feel like I still have time

>> No.14929013
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man's youth lasts for 30 years if he stays fit

>> No.14929024

oy vey

>> No.14929038

I’m 26. I’ll be 27 soon. I’m not old by any means but I’m not in my formative years either. I’m single and I’ve never been much interested a wife or kids or house or any of that. I’m at a point where I feel the rest of my future slipping away into a lifetime of mediocrity - just running out the clock in a cubicle somewhere, waiting to die. I want to lift the veil and do something worth doing but I fail to see anything in my sphere to grab a hold of. I have a degree I don’t even like. I got almost nothing out of it besides a mountain of debt that keeps me strapped to the office chair. I’m not poor or unemployed or hungry or disabled or anything horrible. So many would be grateful for what I have and rightfully so, but I can’t help it. I just need something more than this life and I can’t deny it. If in the next few years, it seems like this is how things are going to be for the rest of my days, I will most likely take my own life. I don’t even know why I’m typing this response to be honest. I guess I just read some of my favorite authors and their trajectory is so visible. They have a story arc to their real lives that’s so clearly drives them to their central point, but I just seem to have nothing. I wasted my formative years. I didn’t develop a worldview. I wasn’t involved in anything. It’s not so much a feeling of wasted youth as a feeling of wasting my formative years. I know I’m still at the beginning of my launch, but it seems I failed while I was still on the launchpad. I suppose I’m typing this because I know others on here feel this way.

>> No.14929041
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The jews have mastered the material realm through usury. It is best you follow in their footsteps and do the same, but for your mind! Drugs to alter your dullness, like phenibut! Seriously it could help you.

>> No.14929044

>Goethe was a master of poetry at 11.
Wtf does that even mean? Literature isn't a sport you can "master". Goethe is a boring writer anyway.

>Wagner was reading Shakespeare and the prior at 9 and decided he wanted to be a drama writer at the same age.
Good thing we ain't talking about music then.

>> No.14929053

I feel like this too. I was interested in this stuff at that age but I was more distracted with TV, video games, and porn to be honest. It was pretty much the same story in college with some added revelry in drunken hedonism and drugs as well as obsession over retarded stuff like pickup and red pills. I didn’t seriously dive into literature and art and start developing a worldview until I was already 24 and that feels just far too late. To be honest, it feels like I fucked up my whole adolescence. I spent it mostly overweight, with no relationship with my father, or serious engagement in anything. I put in little effort in sports and even less in school. Now, I don’t really have anything to show for it besides a college degree I never liked or wanted plus a mountain of debt.

>> No.14929069
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>> No.14929095

One thing I’ve noticed among the late twenty somethings today, myself definitely included, is that a lot of us, maybe even most of us, feel like we’ve wasted our youth. You hear people claim that people have always felt that way but I honestly don’t think that’s true. I think it’s specific to post-WW2 generations for a couple of reasons. First, the common denominators seem to be wasting times on things like games, pornography, media, etc. and spending your time doing things that you don’t want to do and which nobody needs you to do. I hear so many college students talking about how they need to do a STEM major or something. The truth of the matter is no one needs you to do a STEM major. You feel like you’re expected to do a STEM major and therein lies your problem. Really, all of us have been brainwashed and sucked in by corporatized media which effectively turns us into cattle. The few of us who wake up in our twenties from the delusional of constant moment to moment distraction form our real and inner lives and ultimately left feeling like everything to that point was a waste mostly because it was. The hardest part is even when you wake up from the delusion, where are you to orient yourself? We have no great war, no art movement to speak of, no politics that can be taken seriously at all. There’s nothing in our modern world that’s elevated above the hyper-mundane, while everything else sinks to the lowest common denominator. What are we left to do with ourselves?

>> No.14929096

I've been on this many times. I work in sales. It's good for socializing for sure. Only nootripic that actually does what it says for me. It's like all the positives of alcohol and none of the negatives.

That being said, my mental health still does wild swings and is mostly negative. The real work can only be done without these magic pills. I am more convinced of this the more crap I try.

>> No.14929152

I feel this. I have spent my early to mid twenties being a neurotic coward, constantly doing things out of an expectation to conform to this or that, while being simultaneously convinced I am the exact opposite, "not like them" and above it all. The primary motivator has been fear which to be fair can be a sort of demented form of energy that makes you accomplish all kinds of external goals, so you remain ignorant of your true path for a lot of the time. You may occasionally even feel good about yourself and it's certainly not all been bad. Still, after all of that, at age 28, I still feel almost alien to my own deeper desires and find myself doing shit I have no interest in, although I am slightly more self-aware about the absurdity of it all. I don't know why I can't just face up to the fact that the dreams from my early 20s and college years were crushed (and misguided to begin with, I wouldn't even want them back) and just accept that and move on. Instead I seem to be able to just lament the past and gaze into the ever growing mountain of regrets, missed opportunities and whatever else. Or that is how I perceive the life that went before at least. I'd rather not think or talk about it, because there's no narrative to extract out of that confused mess, it hasn't led to anything, so the narcissiatic need to place ones life into some kind of coherent narrative is frustrated and this in turn makes the future look bleak and bland. If one has no sensible past then where is he supposed to go? How does one build on this?

>> No.14929425

I don’t know to be honest. All I can say is that two options are to begin cultivating such a story or to look to the inner life which nowadays is often lived in secret on the internet and not out in the world, if it is lived at all.

As dumb as it might seem, I wish I had found this place when I was 17-22.

>> No.14929466
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>The few of us who wake up in our twenties
I woke up once and then I discovered this website.

>> No.14929471

>faith and servitude
Doesn't sound like winning to me

>> No.14929495
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>tfw you've been on autopilot for years and you suddenly get bouts of existential dread. Then you start slipping back into your routine and notice but feel helpless in stopping it.

>> No.14929497

Bros, she texted me today, I responded and we talked a bit about sprung break before I told her to let me know if she wanted to do anything some place that wasn't closed cause didn't do much spring break
I got a "hnnnn cool -smiley face with happy eyes emoji-"
Is it over? Is that literally her saying wow very cool kanye?

>> No.14929503

>First, the common denominators seem to be wasting times on things like games, pornography, media

Those are effects, not causes. No teenager chooses vidya and porn willingly over pussy and friendship.

>I hear so many college students talking about how they need to do a STEM major or something.

Have fun being unemployed or an Establishment clown if you choose the humanities. They're ruined.

>> No.14929514

hey man, I'm a bit younger than you, but i feel you. not much i can say, but i just wanted to point out that the apparent trajectory of writers, artists etc. only looks that way in retrospect- i'm sure these people did their share of sitting around wallowing in depression and self-loathing.

>> No.14929531

You don't need to get any degree. Employment, especially in the kind of "good career" you'd be after with a stem degree, makes you an establishment clown anyway

Chill out, you're overthinking it

>> No.14929536

All you’re doing is proving my point by trying to refute what I said with a false dichotomy. It’s neither pussy and friends nor games and porn that matter. It’s likewise neither engineering or humanities that matters. You’ve failed to grasp the key thesis.

>> No.14929543
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>tfw Butters it's the same age as my mom

>> No.14929582

>Chill out, you're overthinking it
Ok, thank you

>> No.14929595

Sure, but I mean they seem to have fostered a world view and talents and interests in their youth. Alongside that they had real impetuses that moved then from A to B and which ultimately culminated in C. I don’t know about you but I didn’t foster a world view. I spent my slogging through a business degree so I could join the rat race and spent the rest of my time on video games and trying to be “cool” or whatever stupid shit. I didn’t start reading literature seriously even though I had an interest and talent from a young age until I was 24. Up to this point my life is a series of nothings with no real ramifications or influences to speak of. There’s nothing that profoundly influenced me or moved me from A to B. Honestly, my whole life up until this point is moving along a trajectory that I’d rather altogether abandon. I guess I’m just venting frustrations but I know there’s others on this board who feel this way.

>> No.14929612

What is stopping you from abandoning this trajectory?

>> No.14929626

not him, but it's definitely over between you and the chick, dont even bother she's not interested

>> No.14929637

To a degree, nothing and abandoning it is exactly what I plan to do. To another degree, the choices that have already been made, or rather the choices that feel were made for me, impede this abandonment. In my case, this is primarily debt and prior educational choices. You can always change directions but you can’t change where your previous direction brought you and that ultimately limits the directions you can move in. When you’re halfway up the mountain, it’s not as easy as moving to the other face. What I regret more than anything is not developing a world view earlier, digging into the truth of things earlier, reading, writing, drawing, painting, before life in the modern world was able to sink in its fangs.

>> No.14929653

So which is it then

>> No.14929661

it's both. the chick doesn't want to fuck you, but you're stupid for making a big deal out of it, move on to the next one

>> No.14929669

And yet she's the one that texted me this morning
Crap like this is why I don't bother most of the time

>> No.14929674

I’m being overly dramatic here but you get the idea. It’s a feeling of being mournful that your life hasn’t put you on the path that you feel like you need to be on in any sense whatsoever.

>> No.14929678
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>> No.14929692

I'm 22 so still in my youth but I can see that I don't really have much of it left

Sucks cause I completely wasted the last 7 or so years being a worthless depressed shut in. Really wish I could restart my life this is awful

>> No.14929706 [DELETED] 
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>Sunny calm day
>put on some old music
>listen to a bunch of old high school/college rock
>get nostalgic for shit I never had
>Last year of college ended abruptly because of the virus
>didn't get a proper send off with my three best friends
>mfw I spent 6 years waiting for college
>mfw it's over

Any lit for the fleeting aspect of youth and never ending pain of nostalgia?

>> No.14929827

Your whole mentality is fixated in an external locus of control, expecting the world around you to provision the impetus for you to self-actualize. This in itself is a problem with the late twenties generation, inculcated by a push-button culture where desirables are delivered to you in moments at a whim. This external locus is convenient because it gives an excuse not to hold yourself accountable for your own ill-discipline and inertia.

Youth is generally wasted on the young. They don't have the advantage of hindsight, so they don't see how it is critical high leverage time where decisions they make then will reverberate throughout their future and either buttress or undermine it. This is nothing new, and it's usually why young people need a good adult role model to render that hindsight for them by proxy.

I didn't waste my youth. If anything my youth was wasted on me; growing up with few opportunities with uneducated parents who didn't know what they were doing, with no one to care to guide and foster my talents except myself. The one thing I regret is not having as much fun as I could have, and I could have spent less time on video-games, but I started reading and writing early enough to sediment it as a fixed character trait.

Still every one wastes some part of their youth because youth was meant to be wasted. You're wonky, disproportionate, inchoate, unbalanced as a youth. You are not poised to realize and therefore execute on the advantages it conveys fully because nature has deemed it so that the development of the mind trails the body.

>> No.14929848

> If anything my youth was wasted on me; growing up with few opportunities with uneducated parents who didn't know what they were doing, with no one to care to guide and foster my talents except myself.

Not him, but I know that feel, anon. When did you start writing? What was your home life like?

>> No.14929897

I agree that you can only embark from where you are, and that past actions in a certain sense limit what options are available to you. But I don't understand what you mean by "develop a worldview." Everyone has a worldview. Is it better to have one which is deliberately cultivated than one that arises on its own as a consequence of living life? Naturally, the party line among so-called "thinkers" is that the cultivated worldview is necessarily better, but in either case you can still be dogmatic and unhappy. A lot of people think they are examing their lives when what they are really doing is justifying them. It is obvious that you value creative pursuits. So then create something! There is nothing standing in your way aside from your own feeling that you would be better if you started earlier, and the (incorrect) idea that you don't have the time. You would be a more skilled writer or artist if you started in your youth, there's no way to deny that, but further delay isn't going to do you any favors. There is no path that anyone "needs" to be on, but it seems that you've found the one you want to be on. Pursue it.

>> No.14929918


>> No.14929953

I'll give it back for an Arcana team captain

>> No.14929970

No, I am one of those rare cases that worked in the things where my talents where fulfilled. So they pay me to improve.

>> No.14929975

It makes people have more information. Your intelligence is mostly determined by genes and the rest of it is determined by childhood.

>> No.14929984

No, I paid for my own trip, after working in advertising for two-three years.

>> No.14929991

GOD you silly.

>> No.14930009

Wisdom teeth are screwing up my mouth. Guess I shoulda got em pulled

>> No.14930211

no one should be here past 27
im completely serious

>> No.14930226

I suppose you are 26 or 27, right?

>> No.14930244

29, and regret any and all browsing here past 2014, as should literally any sane human

>> No.14930256

I'm 23, so I got 4 years in this prison still

>> No.14930272

nah it doesn't work like that. life doesn't just throw you out of vices. either you move to do it as soon as you realize it's a problem, or you're here forever. you get a new chance every time you realize it, but each chance shows diminishing odds of truly staying away

there is nothing worthwhile here, and you should be spending your time doing anything else.

>> No.14930279

I want to be old me in a young body.

>> No.14930280

Ah, see I thought you were setting an ultimatum for yourself. "Next year, I'm leaving this shithole for good." As they say, you can check out any time you like, but you can't ever leave. I'm 28, been on 4chan off and on since I was 14. I don't really feel bad about it, and in recent times my use has slowed down a lot.

>> No.14930293

up until recently, it really has provided something unique that's gone from at least my country in terms of interaction. but now it's so full of marketing, ideology and various bullshit it feels like a brain drain. i don't regret it until 2014, maybe 2016

>> No.14930301

Honestly, to put it in the shallowest terms possible I regret not looking for answers in literature and philosophy at an earlier age and not diving into art or poetry or whatever because I knew I had an inclination for those things and I just brushed them aside. What’s worse is I regret sort of sleepwalking along a path that I’ve come to not only feel like isn’t the right one for me, but actually despise it to the point where I’m ashamed of it. So it’s the multilayered feeling of having to start late, shame over your life lived thus far, and most importantly, this feeling like the dots just aren’t connecting for you like they did for those people you admire and if they does that mean that thing you’re so ashamed of is actually a true reflection of you after all?. That might all sound overly dramatic, overly analytic, hard to make sense whatever but it’s the truest I can put it.

>> No.14930306

There are still occasional flashes of brilliance, but yeah for the most part I agree with you. This place has been stagnant for many years now, and most of what I come here for is consequence-free arguing and venting

>> No.14930331

Get rid of your shame. You must become as a small child, etc and so forth. The people you admired worked hard at their craft, nobody just has things fall into place for them. Quit making excuses and draw something, or whatever it is you actually want to do. The life you're ashamed of is only a true reflection of your inner self if you continue to allow it to be

>> No.14930335

>you get a new chance every time you realize it
i think it's just perpetually decreasing standards. some people declining standards don't outpace their declining ability to achieve them. sometimes your standards flatline and you spend the rest of your life with artificial substitutes to things you wanted

>> No.14930479

I have started on Burroughs.
I feel as if it's the literary equivalent of collecting and eating cigarette butts off city streets.

>> No.14930619

Shame regarding the past poisons the future. I am not the same anon you are replying to, but I struggle with this particular neurosis like no other. I don't know how one "overcomes shame" - it's such an ill defined and abstract concept to begin with, but I feel like it is absolutely eating up any possibilty of true (vulnerable) expression of self. I wish this upon nobody

>> No.14930731

>I don't know how one "overcomes shame"
The shitty thing about it is that nobody can tell you how to do this. All shame is personal, and every person must grapple with it in their own way. I suppose the first step is to find its origin. But again, nobody can tell you where to start looking.

>> No.14930848

do a 180 shift, go traveling with workaway, write a book, experiment with other types of art, maybe study another career if you aren't a burger

>> No.14930960

As a children's cartoon taught me, 'pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. true humility is the only antidote to shame.'

>> No.14931189

Pride is definitely a big cause of this, yet I feel as if I ever give it up I will disintegrate completely. Sometimes I wonder whether at some point it will be too late to change and a person's character will just be solidifed with age.

>> No.14931200

how buddhist.

as a weeb gacha game has told me, history is the accumulation of small changes and not just revolutions. people are the same way. hopefully that's true.

>> No.14931237

I am unfortunately a burger and one with enough student debt that I can’t just go do any other job

>> No.14931288

leave this site. I came here when I was 18 too and I just wasted my life away, all these years and nothing happened. Thats the real frightening thing, the possibility to not make any meaningful memories

>> No.14931299

I hope so as well. That is an interesting saying.

The Last Psychiatrist might be some relevant and unconventional reading on the topic of pride and shame. I know some anons here are familiar with him.

>> No.14931300

can you post tits already or not

>> No.14931341

>Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !!rvvxDw1oCE
ayyyyyyy 1738

>> No.14931406


>> No.14931408
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I suggest you read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.

'We may not be able to change our beginning but we can at least change the way it ends'

Or words to that effect. Best of luck.

>> No.14931413

>waah my life was ruined before it even began
the thread

>> No.14931744

>No teenager chooses vidya and porn willingly over pussy and friendship
Of course they do, it's just that Porn and vidya are easy. They aren't ideal, but they offer sufficient relief of sexual need and an escape from sociality with effectively zero cost or effort, where getting a gf or developing meaningful relationships with people requires courage, persistence, and self-cultivation. Without the necessary discipline, people will always choose immediate gratification and the path of least resistance to satisfy their desires.

>> No.14931777

The Last Fagiatrist is absolute shit. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.14931872

I really do think that the only way you can overcome shame is to cultivate yourself into something authentic and somebody you respect, but there's no easy fix that will get you there.

>> No.14932003

>where getting a gf or developing meaningful relationships with people requires courage, persistence, and self-cultivation

That is a falsehood too, unless you consider southern hillbillies and rednecks with girlfriends to be wiley casanovas in their own right or the street hoodrat who shoots up others for for their gang buddies to be noble comrades of each other.

The real issue is people putting too much stock into spooks and/or imaginary fairytale like projections of idealisms without any perspective or perception of reality as it really is.

>> No.14932012

Who was it that said youth is about starting things and not finishing them?

>> No.14932016

Why do people get away with posting opinions like this when they put zero effort into exolaining them. Go on then faggot, what's wrong with TLP?

>> No.14932018
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>> No.14932067

As someone who studied a STEM major (engineering), I have a few things to say about that:

A STEM major is seen as one of the few guaranteed tickets to a decent middle class existence. It isn't anymore and hasn't been for at least a decade, but it's still viewed that way. You end up with classes full of people who are only there to get a diploma to get a job, and as contemptible as you'd think that is, these are also people who are more or less terrified into conformism. One slip and they've fallen off what they think is the only tightrope walk to the good life. An older engineering professor once asked me why students were so unwilling to challenge or argue with him, and the answer is because they're afraid of a punishment which could very well ruin their chances of employment, leaving them with nothing but debt after four years of slogging through and undergraduate degree. The irony is that the students of that professor's generation had a lot of fun running riot themselves; for instance the chemical engineering department had a secret vodka still that they moved around to conceal from professors.

Unless you can articulate to people that there's a way to living a happy, prosperous life that doesn't require going to the right highschool in order to go to the right university in order to get the right internships in order to get the right job straight out of graduation, and unless such a thing is actually possible without years of suffering and grindingly low pay, you're going to get hordes of people who have "wasted" their youth because they haven't been able to walk the narrow road to what passes for success these days.

>> No.14932753

>your mom was 6 in 1980
gtfo zoomer

>> No.14932762

lol, you're young as long as you're alive. Il be snorting cocke and fucking bitches when im 60

>> No.14932771

Maybe hes muslim anon, and his mom gave birth to him at 14. he could be like 32, you don't know.

>> No.14932940

I more or less agree. Universities have become glorified trade schools; or high school 2.0. Degrees are high school diplomas now. People are discouraged from actually enrolling in the humanities due to both poor job prospects and the rampant dilettantism that is infecting the field. People who weren't born into either rich or well-connected families have no real path to both purse their passions and to have a reasonable standard of living. You are either born into the underclass where you can choose the rope you want to hang yourself with - comp sci, engineering, etc. - or you're born into the upper class and can choose whatever you want because it doesn't fucking matter : you'll get a cushy job somewhere no matter what you do or how you do it.

>> No.14933958


>> No.14934658
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Youth is over-rated, "teen love" isn't real and you can buy young girls for the rest of your life.

Being a grown up is based because you can live in your own house and play videogames in your underwear and your parents can't nag you.