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14922264 No.14922264 [Reply] [Original]

Which texts of Freud and Lacan should I read to understand the (anti)psychoanalytic component of Anti-Oedipus?

>> No.14922363


>> No.14922518


>> No.14922553

listen to their entire discography

>> No.14922719

But they have TOO MANY texts.

>> No.14922841


>> No.14923000


>> No.14923121

Go through the references and make a list all the Freud and Lacan texts they cite. Melanie Klein and Wilhelm Reich are also important psychoanalysts for Deleuze. I think they reference Jung a bit as well. Just get titles from the reference notes.

>> No.14923179


>> No.14923366

>Just get titles from the reference notes.
this, for main concepts do some secondary reading on lacanian triad (imaginary/symbolic/real), oedipus complex, libido, object petit a.

I would also recommend to not fall into the "Anti-Oedipus is anti-psychoanalysis" trap, there are a lot of places in this book, where the authors are very ambivalent towards freudian and lacanian psychoanalysis, pay close attention to these parts.

>> No.14924076


>> No.14924260

In order to read Lacan you have to read a lot of Freud. I think the most important Freud to understand Lacan is The Interpretation of Dreams, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious, Three Essays on Sexuality, Totem and Taboo, Civilization and Its Discontents, Beyond the Pleasure Principle and case studies such as Wolf Man, Rat Man, Dora, Schreber, etc... AND EVEN THEN you’re gonna miss some stuff. As for Lacan himself, read the first two seminars and their corresponding Ecrits, as well as his seminars on Desire and the Signifier.

Aside from that, it would probably do you good to read Anna Freud’s book on the defense mechanisms along with Klein and Winnicot’s stuff in order to understand what Lacan is responding to within psychoanalysis.

>> No.14924300

>I would also recommend to not fall into the "Anti-Oedipus is anti-psychoanalysis" trap, there are a lot of places in this book, where the authors are very ambivalent towards freudian and lacanian psychoanalysis, pay close attention to these parts.

This. Check this out, OP: