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14921840 No.14921840 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of god, give it to me straight. Is capitalism or socialism/communism better? I am a malleable retard who needs to have someone spoon feed him political beliefs, but I know materialism is immoral. Based off that, help me.

>> No.14921845

Capitalism is free reign. Socialism is forced inequality. Take your pick

>> No.14921854

Communism would be the better system, it's application has a significantly worse quality of life for it's citiziens than capitalist countries.

So far, objectively the best system for the average person is social democracy, a capitalist society with social security networks and strong state intervention when needed (like rent prices).

>> No.14921864
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>> No.14921873

here you go freind

>> No.14922136

if you're a consumer and want a straight answer at least ask a more thought out question that prompts discussion through which hopefully you will get both a straight and informative answer instead of just shill replies.

>> No.14922142

Define materialism.

>> No.14922146

A transcendental hivemind.

>> No.14922154
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Third position or nothing. Don't let communists force you into thinking it's the only alternative to the free reign of capitalism.

>> No.14922158

socialism but the good kind with jews

>> No.14922187

So America.

>> No.14922213

Social Democracy. And it's not even close.

>> No.14922246

Market Socialism > Social Democracy

>> No.14922267

Both in their purest forms are evil. Humanity should strive to have something in between.

>> No.14922273

Both systems are terrible. Just flip a coin and blindly support the outcome.

>> No.14922295

Both and neither, since there is no liberty without law, for the same reason there is no prosperity without rule that cultivates as considerately to others as to the self.

>> No.14922322

Look into Tolstoy's Christian anarchism. Or, if you're Catholic, Chesterton's distributism.

>> No.14922331

On paper, all three are perfect. In practice though... Okay so I'm biased because I live in it but capitalism and the free market are really nice.

>> No.14922347

You don't live in a free market. It's never existed.

>> No.14922358

Capitalism is better because it can allow for communist societies to form within and still be compatible economically with everyone else.

>> No.14922825

No. Biased af.
This. And or just Christian anarchism in general.
Read Bookchin. Basically capitalism stems from the classical liberal right to own property, and became the right to let people starve for profit. Socialism comes from classical liberalism to put the part about the right to self determination. For a very condensed understanding see this: https://libcom.org/library/government-future-noam-chomsky you can also find it as a speech on yt probably.

>> No.14922834

The arche has mass and volume.

>> No.14923311

Capitalism is greed and societal problems, communism is lack and societal stagnation, socialism is a poor compromise, somehow managing the worst of both.
Distributism is probably one of the better options. I'd rather live under fascism than any of those, and I'm borderline anarchist.

>> No.14923386

This just sounds like democratic socialism re-skinned to appeal to Christian traditionalists

>> No.14923457

Communism literally can't work

>> No.14923461
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>Continental Christian Juche
>Accelerationist anarcho-malfeasanism
>Esoteric hitlerite primitivism
>Neo-marxism within the framework of liberalism and humanism
>Judeo-neoliberalism with socialist corporate characteristics
>Analytic anarcho-individualism

>> No.14923466
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>> No.14923482
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It's funny how capitalism doesn't do that to the jews.

>> No.14923497

All these words were made up by communists.

>> No.14923516

Are you a boomer? The dichotomy isn't capitalism vs socialism, it's managerial elites vs populists.

>> No.14923520

>it's managerial elites vs populists.
That´s literally the same.

>> No.14923531
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>> No.14923555

Social Democracy is literally the best possible form of government and that is not even debatable. And that falls under capitalism, no matter what americans tell you.

They certainly have no problem with government interventions when Wall Street has to be saved yet again.

>> No.14923560

He simply misspelled regionalism and globalism.

>> No.14923569
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>Social Democracy is literally the worst possible form of government and that is not even debatable.

>> No.14923593
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>but I know materialism is immoral
Um, why exactly?
I for myself think, there are too many problems with dualism - and while idealism doens't have a lot of those problems, I consider this position intuitively problematic.
And how can something epistemological or ontological be immoral at all?

>> No.14923608

>materialism is immoral
They are both the same, all political systems are just pretty veneers of biologically founded human hierarchical structures

>> No.14923612

What are you even trying to say with this?

>> No.14923614

Seethe harder cockroach

>> No.14923618

By materalism je was probably talking about lovin money and shit

>> No.14923621

Both systems burn different parts of your soul

>> No.14923783

ever heard of a false dialectic kid

>> No.14923821

>For the love of god, give it to me straight. Is capitalism or socialism/communism better?
Better for what?

>> No.14923826

The proles should kill the rich.

>> No.14923832

For the people.

>> No.14923894

It has though, they’ve reclaimed their spiritual capital, but are trapped maintaining the holy sites of religions that hate them.

>> No.14923909

The problem with charts like that is they leave out inconvenient shit like the massive pile of money spent on welfare services. Contrast all the ills with the fact that 60% of the budget goes into social security programs and you really see that there is rot in the system.

>> No.14923916

That's just the nature of the eternal jew, they'd whore out their own grandmothers if it made them a buck. No wonder that Israel is the capital of black market organ trading and the sex slavery market.

>> No.14924045

"The people" doesn't exist. But supposing it did, what does "better for the people" mean? Better for them how?

>> No.14924254

capitalism is not real

>> No.14924286
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Sure they exist, as for 'better' that would imply them being more prosperous, more numerous and more vital. Gaining territory rather than losing it, being capable of fighting back outside threats, raising vigorous new generations.

>> No.14924303


>> No.14924338

Nonsense idiot
>Social security is a separate trust fund whose income and outgoing have nothing to do with the actual budget.

>> No.14924394

>just who are these people?
Oh I don't know, the working and middle classes?

>> No.14925327

Your "words" don't exist, I merely see a collection of letters.

>> No.14925810


capitalism is based on private owners. socialism is based on community ownership and in the narrative of marxist sense it wants to build a confederacy of self sufficient communities with property thats collectivized and little to no markets as it believes any types of markets commodify and lower existence.

>> No.14926334

Which of course always goes exactly as planned!