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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 124 KB, 288x409, Oscar-Wilde1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1491982 No.1491982 [Reply] [Original]

>go to university library to start that essay that is due in today for 8pm
>posting this ar 10:42 am
>question is on oscar wilde
>can't be bothered re-reading the story
>can't be bothered opening reference books
>can't be bothered even writing an introductary paragraph
>gonna post on /lit/ iinstead
>this is 40% of my course mark.
>2,000 words
>fuck yeah procrastination.

procrastination general?
procrastination general!
what should you be working on?
what are you doing instead?

pic sort of related

>> No.1491990

I wrote a small essay (~ 700 words) on the difference between ICT Governance and ICT Management, started sitting in front of the computer at 8, actually bothered to start typing at 12, handed in at 15:30.
I still don't know the difference and I believe this whole theme was bullshit.

>> No.1491999

In the 8th grade I had to write a 12 page report along with a poster board of information and give a speech on the subject. Started working on it 24 hours before it was due. A+.

>> No.1492004
File: 28 KB, 450x450, thatsnice_cat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>8th grade
pic related

>> No.1492017

I have one paper assigned so far, and it's not due for three weeks.

I've already written half.

>> No.1492019


i envy you

>> No.1492022

I should be working on my thesis. Due in June, lol.
For help on the essay go to chapter summaries on thesparknotes.com or something like that.
I did that with Beaowulf and Robinson Crusoe and got A's, didn't even read the books.


>> No.1492024
File: 81 KB, 251x247, DavidMitchell17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ isn't your live journal you dolt

>> No.1492028

i should be working on my car, there's plenty of body work to do on it
instead its 9.30pm and im going to watch big bang theory then sleep

>> No.1492031
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>big bang theory

>> No.1492035
File: 84 KB, 425x425, sheldon-at-the-piano-425[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peep show

don't be jealous that i know how to read AND how to fix a car, not everyone can mix pretentious /lit/ fag with useful /o/ fag

>> No.1492036
File: 63 KB, 209x204, DavidMitchell8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not jelly.Not jelly at all.
I don't want a car bro.
Enjoy your inferior 'comedy'

>> No.1492039

i also bought 1kg (2 pounds) of gum balls today for $5
they taste horrible, but you know you're jelly of that

>> No.1492041
File: 138 KB, 368x355, DavidMitchell1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm jelly about that.

>> No.1492043

I'm missing a lecture.

>> No.1492055


mfw i actually study literature and have more to contribute to this board than you ever will.

my questions a little too difficult for that, im arguing that the use of multiple unreliable, unvalidated and opposing narratives within the oscar wilde story 'the nighinale and the rose' do indeed 'fascinate and disturb', as Bennett and Royle argued in their book Literature criticism and theory (4th edition)

"it is the relation between narrative and 'non-' or 'anti-narrative' elements that fascinate and disturb"

they go on to give examples of what they deem to be 'non' or 'anti-narrative' elements.

These include 'description, digression, suspense, aporia and self-reflection, [and] temporal and causal disorders.'

to make it clear im arguing that wilde's use of shifting perspectives and narratives do indeed fascinate and disturb and in turn complicate the understanding of the CENTRAL narrative

interesting link too, thanks

>> No.1492057
File: 106 KB, 250x220, DavidMitchell7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study literature
Nice useful degree you're working on there.

>> No.1492064

I should be working on my part of a presentation, which is due in at either 4 today or 12 tommorrow, depending on which groups are chosen to go first. But I want to just take a short nap so very badly instead.

I fucking hate media studies.

>> No.1492069
File: 138 KB, 302x329, DavidMitchell9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>media studies

>> No.1492072

>Media Studies module
>Write a 1000 word case study on a media entity
>Write about 4chan

Talk about money for old rope.

>> No.1492073


You're a dick, stop making me dislike David Mitchell.

>> No.1492077

it's pretty sad that you actually study literature while the only thing you do here is shit up the place. i mean sometimes you say useful stuff, but half of the time its just some stupid tripfag circlejerking bullshit

>> No.1492079


pls stay on topic

>> No.1492081


>> No.1492082


implying all /lit/ threads have a meta topic

>> No.1492083

no, im just saying you're a hypocrit and that this place would be better off without you. it's pretty ironic you ask people to stay on topic while most of your posts on this board are in the line of 'u mad?' and other great classics from the collection of shitmeme's

>> No.1492085

He's a /b/-tard from /tv/. What did you expect?

>> No.1492087




i frequent and trip on more boards than that
(though i do not use the same trip for each board, obviously.)

>> No.1492091

>Do my last exam, learn for it...
>Start working on my Masters thesis
surfing net
>all other stupid shit.
>borrow a book from Library from time to time, not reading it for the most the time. And if I actually read it, think I'll get on the roll, instead I start to procrastinate again.

Feels really bad man

>> No.1492095

what makes you so obnoxious is that you pretend to be some kind of moral guide for /lit/ in your quest to sucks moot's dick, while in reality you are dumb and have a huge ego which makes you an easy target for trolls, people like you are the reason /lit/ became the shitfest it is right now

>> No.1492098 [DELETED] 

In the beginning instance of mankind’s birth and creation, genesis, the key and definitive elements to all of existence were forged and set in motion; the Trinitarian Formula, the Father, Holy Spirit, and Son. Each fraction of the group was assigned with different responsibilities, which in an ideal situation would work harmoniously with one another.

The Father is referring to the Psychological Domain of existence; he is the architect to all of the life that had existed and is to exist in the future. He is the executive element of Wisdom, which constitutes towards the Trinity, and is commonly associated with Creation.

The Holy Spirit is referring to the Physical Domain of existence; she is responsible for the capital composure of those beings that are created. She follows orders from the Father, constructing what he had designed and then mothering it. She is the component of Courage, that corresponds to a third of the Trinity, and is commonly associated with Sanctification.

The Son is referring to the Spiritual Domain of existence; it is the developing mechanism required for The Father and The Holy Spirit to continue. It provides the organism for reproduction, enabling the parent domains to advance and broaden. It is the fundamental constituent of Power, and it is commonly associated with Redemption.

Together the three conclusive aspects of Wisdom, Courage and Power embody the higher organism that is Man, who to exist requires each section of the complete Trinity intact and in working form. The divine plan destined to construct and shape the vast universe and every living being that lies within it, was complete, and ready to create, redeem and sanctify for eternity.

>> No.1492100


such is a life which contains the internet.

>in reality you are
>in reality

this is the internet bro.
srs business rite?

>> No.1492104

you are here everyday. don't pretend you don't care lol. you're sad and pathetic and can't deny anything i've said in this thread. consider yourself owned. later <3

>> No.1492108

9 History essays
3 works for English
+2 for Eng. literature

Next week is the end of period, with 10 exams to do.

Most of the stuff was due 3 months ago.


>> No.1492111
File: 84 KB, 211x258, DavidMitchell20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1492114

try http:writeordie.com

it's alright at forcing yourself to write.


>in here everyday
and? posting on 4chan is a hobby and something i enjoy

>sad and pathetic
cool evidence & story bro.

>can't deny anything i've said in this thread
you mean refute? coz i can deny it all babycakes.

>consider yourself owned
nice, put your fingers in your ears and scream 'LA LA LA LA LA' if you must sugartits

>> No.1492117

>posting on 4chan is a hobby

>> No.1492120

>my first visit to 4chan /lit/

>> No.1492122
File: 6 KB, 120x150, timothy_pychyl[1].j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yessir, it's an active interest i do regularly


please, think before you post. It's embarrassing that people like you post without having a full and proper grasp of the English language

>> No.1492123

>posting on 4chan is a hobby
I go to the toilet regularly, and I enjoy it, but it's not a hobby.

>> No.1492126
File: 18 KB, 517x373, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1492127


it's not an activety pursued for pleasure or relaxation, it's a natural bodily action

>> No.1492129

I could go take a dump in a field, but I'd rather use the flush model in my beautiful bathroom, thank you.

Also, show a post on here that isn't like the natural bodily action I'm talking about.

>> No.1492130

here's on of your posts in another thread

mfw i am white and blonde, my hairs a little bit shorter than hers too but im going to the hair dressers tommorrow i think


>> No.1492140


post yfw im white, brown haired, did not go to the hairdressers and was
telling a lie


on the



my god.
waht a tweest.

>> No.1492143

NEWSFLASH: No one cares.

>> No.1492147
File: 48 KB, 387x259, 2283585[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1492148

ahahah you don't understand anything, do you? it's like you keep switching between two faggot identities, one shitposting stupid guy and one elitist grammar nazi stupid guy, they are both faggots and they both should stop posting :o)

>> No.1492149

this thread turned to shit fast...

>> No.1492156


>no one cares
>you posted
>you care enough to adknowled, understand and reply to what i said.

welp, seems like you're tellign the truth

>> No.1492158

post yfw i know this and was
telling a lie


on the



my god.
waht a tweest.

>> No.1492165

*points at brownbear*

>> No.1492169


needs more spoilers