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14918869 No.14918869 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14919511

Shameless self bump

>> No.14919520

My only thoughts at the given moment are all spent towards Bill Gates' announcement of compulsory microchips

>> No.14919539

Holy shit, source?

>> No.14919559

Bill Gates is researching and developing a micro chip to track vaccinations. The chip is to serve as an ID, and will be compulsory to receive.
Without your vaccine records on hand at all times businesses could easily deny you service, banks deny you loans, and airports deny you travel

He announced it in his reddit AmA 2 days ago.



>> No.14920146
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>> No.14920374
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What the fuck. It's a mandatory Windows update for humans.

>> No.14920502

Never read this but the movie was pretty underrated especially for a Tom Cruise flick

>> No.14920513

>time to become a biker and get off grid

>> No.14920525


>> No.14920591

just built a pc. Should I put windows on it?

>> No.14920829

This, the movie was unironically great 9/10

>> No.14920936

Book was okay, but the movie was better.

>> No.14921074
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>> No.14921075

So I have an ultimatum: Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. WOOOO WE GOTT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE WE GOT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. They got a big herd of nigger cattle yippie ki yay we're nigger cattle herders we got a herd of nigger cattle, they are the most docile fucking nigger cattle we got 'em so docile we got this awesome big fucking herd of nigger cattle and they shit and they sit there and they watch TV and they shit ITS THE BEST FUCKING HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. We took away all their guns now they just shit and we watch them and were rich. We are so fucking rich. We have so much fucking money. We got this herd of nigger cattle WOOOOO. We're milking the fucking nigger cattle it's the best thing ever. So that's what the Illuminati got and I got a space alien. So here is my ultimatum: you can live in hell with my nigger cattle OR you can put me in charge of the space alien temple, the third temple. OK? Have fun with your nigger cause I sure as hell ain't gonna fucking suck your jew nigger cock. Fuck yourself you think i'm gonna fucking enjoy nigger cattle after I had a fucking space alien are you fucking crazy? I got a fucking space alien of course I'm not gonna fuck, fuck with nigger cattle fuck yourself. You fucking think i... enjoy your FUCKING NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE GO GO GO GO YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE. You got a fucking herd of nigger WOOOO we got 'em so docile they just shit all day aint that so great?

>> No.14921137

nah, Xubuntu

>> No.14921451


No, choose FreeBSD or any of the other Linux distributions.

>> No.14921460

Good SF, although the romance was unnecessary.

>> No.14921461


Look, the Edge of Tomorrow film was cool and all and Tom Cruise did a great job as the lead character, but why couldn't they choose an Asian-American, like a Japanese-American or even an Engligh speaking Asian, to play the lead character. The protagonist in the book is Japanese and Rita Vrataski in the book is White American woman. In the film, the lead character/protagonist is played by a White American and Rita Vrataski is a White European woman. So why not allow an Asian-American to play the lead character in the live action adaptation of All You Need is Kill?