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14916392 No.14916392 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you using anki ?
Remember one must imagine sisyphus happy

>> No.14916399

trying to learn anything on the internet feels like drudgery to me. fuck duolingo, fuck anki, fuck memrise, fuck khanacademy, codeacademy, and FUCK coursera. if you want me to learn it, mail me the textbook

>> No.14916415

Never, the idea of Sysphus being happy is just a rejection from Truth, is escapism, keep learning to escape.

>> No.14916434
File: 3 KB, 127x250, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Escape from what , only way to truly escape is through death

>> No.14916450

KhanAcademy videos are good for reviewing math theorems whenever I've missed class.

>> No.14916466

KhanAcademy is still inferior to actually sitting down with a math textbook, paper, and a pencil, and doing a dozen problems.
You're just a lazy fuck who believes in learning through exposure rather than grappling with concepts yourself and attempting to deduce anything from them on your own.

>> No.14916475

The bulk of KA are exercises though.

>> No.14916482

Yes, but selfish death is an escape, giving your life to others is Truth, big difference. But yes, death is the way, it depends on "for what you die".

>> No.14916686
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It to late for me all my friends and ex see me as a monster . I have no other choice but to take the freedom pill.

>> No.14916708

Unironically send goodwill to everyone in the universe, starting with yourself. It's the greatest catharsis I've ever experienced.

>> No.14917396

sissy puss

>> No.14917443

Every time, I eventually fail at keeping up and drop it. Days pass and I don't remember a single thing. Then I restart and claim "This time will be the right one!".
Now I'm starting once again. But this time, I can tell you this, will truly be the right one.

>> No.14917485

Because anki is brainlet shit. Either use mnemonics for instant memorization or just rote like normal humans. Card flipping shit is gay, homosexual, and sodomite.

>> No.14918216
File: 18 KB, 399x239, give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm using anki to help me with my programming, sysadmin and english studies (I'm foreigner).
I'm also glad to see this thread since I'd just about to start a related one on this board.

Would you recommend using Anki for self-improvement? I'm asking based on this article:

I found the idea interesting, and since I have a lot already in my head, good advice on managing time, priorities and forming good habits comes at hand.
Do any of you agree with the book recommendations in this article? Or do you have some good books on habits to recommend?

I've starting Anki following a guide made by this guy, Anki 101, pretty handy to cut the fluff of the verbose anki's docs following the 80/20 rule. Recommended lazy midwit short technical reading.

>> No.14918219

you can't learn japanese

>> No.14918398
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Who say I'm learning just japanese

>> No.14918429

What's wrong with your skin

>> No.14918526
File: 77 KB, 480x690, RefugeesWelcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this skin has a birth rate 3 times superior to the average of the other skin colors combined.
Why you like to fall behind?

>inb4 muh too smart

>> No.14918540

based black hand flexin

>> No.14918550

dios mios....el negro..

>> No.14918561

>skin has an infant mortality rate 3 times superior to the average of ther other skin colors combined

>> No.14918659
File: 221 KB, 1605x1125, natural population growth rate worldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, the natural population grow rate on countries of that race is a far higher than the average of other races combined.

Pro tip: you don't know why, but you know it's happening.

>> No.14918702

I "fall behind" because my income is being co-opted and redistributed to subsidize the financial obligations of the imported nog army who have no skills but "somehow" manage to feed their families of 12 on the singular income of the father who works as a food handler at McDonalds

>> No.14918998
File: 125 KB, 750x823, 1584326383159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd like that to be the truth. Sadly is not.

The truth is that you were raised on a consumerist society to think that you can do and have everything in life: having many friends, a good and well-paid job or professional career, travel the world, "follow your passion", having a wife and raise a family, etc, etc.

But in reality people can only choose between one or two of these things and there is no time or energy left for anything else.

Now, guess which option is the most frequently overlooked?... Yeah, now blame the "there's only room for success" mindset. Not the leeches, the corrupt politicians nor the Jews. You are responsible for your own choices.

I understand that's it's easier to ignore this reality, blame others for your mistakes and remain as a wagecuck slave to shekelsten, you're "safe" this way.

It has its appeal, even more so if the 4chan hivemind has taught you to just spend hours whining and do nothing else.

Requires no effort and it's fun... Is it, right?.

>> No.14918999

>programming, sysadmin
Oh, fuck, it's one of those retards who thinks he can turn algorithms textbooks into flashcards.

>> No.14919012 [DELETED] 


>> No.14919104

can you stop posting here, you ugly fucking nigger?

>> No.14919131

It's not my fault that your parents abused you as a child by showing you retarded flashcards.

Also, minimum information principle and the 80/20 rule (unless you think that turning entire books into flashcards is a smart move -what a fucking retard-)

>> No.14919184

Obviously the best thing is to solve problems and so on. But when first encountering an idea or theorem one often benefits from hearing it discussed by multiple sources; some people have different ways of putting things that just make it 'click' and become intuitive, not repetitive. This is especially true for higher mathematical ideas. Some of those sources on YouTube, believe it or not.

>> No.14919206


>> No.14919243
File: 824 KB, 1367x2048, 1570033371844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to late white boi he here to stay and take our women

>> No.14919248

t. Retard

>> No.14919273

I don't mind if you take all the plastic, basic bitches, go ahead all the way.

>also, no eggs.

>> No.14919444

I was raised being told a lot of things I didn't believe. I don't know why you feel like I believe any of those things or that they even appeal to me.

>> No.14920380

You were arguing why you "fall behind" by blaming outside agents (note: I didn't say I can't sympathize to some extent with your issue).

So, there was a good chance that something might apply to you in what I ended up writing.

If I don't hit a single nerve, I really don't care. Truth remains.

The aforementioned are the ultimate causes of the sub-replacement fertility rates (<2.1 children per women) of most developed countries and its declining aging population.

It's not the fault of niggers or Jews, we do it to ourselves (myself included).

>> No.14920403

el negro japones