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14917087 No.14917087 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to read an entire page while thinking about something else? I catch myself doing this constantly and have to read it again. Often times I dont even realize I'm doing it, do I have ADD or is this common?

>> No.14917092

I can read a page, listen to an audiobook and type a paper at the same time while rhythmically flexing my muscles to achieve an isometric workout

>> No.14917106

i do this too but i don't think it's normal. also i do this with a lot of things not just reading. people tell me they don't have this except my mom which leads me to believe it might be genetic, maybe undiagnosed adhd

>> No.14917150

Same here. I annoys the fuck out of me. And just like>>14917106 it's not only when I read.

>> No.14917164

extremely common

>> No.14917193
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Use the same skills developed by meditation while you read, redirecting attention and keeping focused on one thing

>> No.14917254

it happens yes and though i think its not super ideal, its likely somewhat common esp among interweb spergs.

the "cure" for this would be to take a break and/or read something interesting instead and/or accept that you do this whilst you commit to skimming

>> No.14917278

>"smart" phone makes him dumb
>smart phones and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.14917306

read more

>> No.14917355

It's normal but it does ruin your comprehension.

>> No.14917407


>> No.14917569

your a tar(d/t), this has less to do with smartphones and more to do with dissociation

>> No.14917596

Read "The Shallows", by Nicholas Carr. Esp, Ch7.

>> No.14917604

You mean people can't do that? Like saying, "I can breath and type at the same time!"

>> No.14917612

My mind wanders so much reading even the most trivial bullshit I end up writing something else based on that inspiration
I write something for every passage I read, and often they have barely anything in common

>> No.14917620

I bet you'd be able to read a book a gorillion times quicker if you programmed it into a replica of 4chan and read it as if it were a thread constantly auto-updating with new posts.

>> No.14917624
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Two things:
1. Practice focusing on a single thing. Like this anon >>14917193 said, the skills you learn from meditation translate very well to reading.
2. Read more interesting books. I'm ADD as fuck, but if I'm reading something I really enjoy then I cannot stop reading. I used to only be able to read 20 pages a day but now I usually get 150+. If it's a novella I can sometimes read it in a sitting. Just keep pushing yourself.

>> No.14917657

Someone do this.

>> No.14917663

For the screen addicted short attention spanned youth such as yourself and I, yes, this is very normal. Read more, making a a mental effort to keep focused every time you start to drift. Also, use your devices less for mindless entertainment. If you ever get distracted, don't pull out your phone, just sit there and do nothing. Sit there and enjoy your thoughts. You can do whatever you want with a concentrated effort, don't let our mindless information technology centered society demoralize you.

>> No.14917677

Actually this, and stop going so much on the internet.
When I started reading around 4 years ago now, I couldn't read more than 30 pages without this happening. Now I can read for hours focused. It's just training.

>> No.14918021

ADD does exist for sure, but I think that part of the people who have that problem don't actually have ADD, they just had their attention span lowered because of today's circumstances, since we grow up with the internet, television etc. so it makes it harder to concentrate on reading. Just reduce internet browsing and keep reading, your brain will adapt (neuroplasticity is a thing, after all) so you won't have those problems anymore. It won't happen in a day, though. You have to be patient and keep it up.

>> No.14918271

Why not read books that actually interest you? My kindergarten teacher used to speak about ‘getting lost in a book’. There are books for which that can happen to you and books where it can’t. But the more you read, the broader the range of the former will be.

>> No.14918278

This anon speaks the truth and we all know it.

>> No.14918287

I did this a lot, but instead of fixing it I just stopped feeling frustrated. If I have to reread a section to understand it now, that's fine. I noticed that when it stopped annoying me it slowly stopped happening as much.

>> No.14918770

>quotes his kindergarten teacher

>> No.14919177

>do I have ADD or is this common?
If you already had a coffee and/or bennie and still do this, the book is boring. Return it, skip ahead, or trudge through word by word

>> No.14919219

that's actually one of the symptoms for ligma