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/lit/ - Literature

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14916649 No.14916649 [Reply] [Original]

what are some /lit/ YouTube channels?

>> No.14916653

Don't post my selfies

>> No.14916654


>> No.14916661


>> No.14916662

is that greta?

>> No.14916698
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>> No.14916729


>> No.14916749

Where's the anon that posted his shit in a booktuber thread a few days ago? His channel name is his own name, I guess.
Post it here, friend.

>> No.14916822
File: 67 KB, 654x800, HOW DARE YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14916855

I found the guy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQzsh0E0UG166PoHVqhjKrg

If you're here bro, update your channel more often.

>> No.14916982

Regular Car Reviews

>> No.14917837

Arkham Reporter is pretty good but he only does Lovecraft stuff.

>> No.14917906

Then & Now, Cuck Philosophy, The Bookchemist

>> No.14917990

mine, but only because I just posted a 17-minute long poem loosely based off the story of Icarus


>> No.14918038


>> No.14918064

based danny greene


>> No.14918161


>> No.14918343


That's me, should I make a video for each book I finish or what?

>> No.14918380

wot good, not wot bad

>> No.14919278

think he lurks here? he looks like the kinda cat that into some real weird shit.

>> No.14919305

Damn, Greta Thunberg looks like THAT?

>> No.14919565

Once a month or so

>> No.14919588

wtf I love bugs now
this looks shopped.

>> No.14919694

Yeah I've been doing one mid month to update on my progress and then one summing up what I read for the month.

>> No.14919742

Leaf by Leaf

>> No.14919788

Depends on the size of the books. Every 1500 pages, maybe? (as long as you've read at least 3 books or so. It won't work if you've read one long ass novel)

>> No.14919801

Bald and bankrupt

>> No.14919807


Greta Thunderthighs.

>> No.14919833

fuk he qt

>> No.14919875


>> No.14919950

I did five in the video for February. I'm going to have four done at the minimum for March but it could be as high as six if everything goes as planned. (Trying to blitz thru 500 pages of Brothers Karamazov and then start and finish The Merchant of Venice when Amazon delivers it on Monday)

>> No.14920084

this is really good. does he browse this board?

>> No.14920114

>BAP is waterdowned Nietzsche
kek, nice point

>> No.14920286
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Not sure, but he deals with /lit/core stuff from time to time. I only came across him recently and it seems pretty comfy. He's an Irish nationalist but seems pretty familiar with Marxism and utilizes some of its critique in his framing of Nation State vs Internationalism. He focuses on deconstructing modern conservatism and wants to see a more genuine right (and left).
He has some interesting perennialist metaphysics, but is intelligent enough to not be an Evolian tard. I like how he seems to always engage things on very foundational levels, and he has an interesting taxonomy of 'Materialist worldview' vs. 'Organic worldview'. But his understanding of these categories iz interesting, since, for instance, he categorizes Christianity as an inherently materialist worldview.
this vid is pretty comfy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t4K5ECtSn6Y

It's an interesting patter, but I actually think he got a lot wrong in regards to Nietzsche, and I think Berdyaev is more on the mark
>Nietzsche opposes to the distinction between good and evil, which he regards as a sign of decadence, the distinction between the noble and the low. The noble, the fine, is a higher type of life, aristocratic, strong, beautiful, well-bred. The conception of "fitness" is ontological while that of goodness is moralistic. This leads not a-moralism which is a misleading conception, but to subordination of moral categories to the ontological. It means that the important thing is not to fulfill the moral law but to perfect one's nature, i.e. to attain transfiguration and enlightenment. From this point of view the saint must be described as "fine" and not as "good", for he has a lofty, beautiful nature penetrated but divine light through and through. (...)

>> No.14920551

Jreg is pretty lit

>> No.14921047

Cutie :3

>> No.14921175
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Yes. She's stopped the environmentalism & is planning on becoming an e-girl.

>> No.14921304

ty :)

>> No.14921305

Best thing I've watched this week. I recently finished Bronze Age Mindset, and while I certainly liked it (BAP is enjoyable after all), this articulated the issues I had with it far, far better than I could hope to.

>> No.14921327


kenneth brown


>> No.14921329
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Whose ass am I looking at here?

>> No.14921719

Scott Bradfield

>> No.14921911


>> No.14922309

what's wrong with her left hand?