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14914959 No.14914959 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Academia almost universally left wing and so prone to communist ideas?

>> No.14914963

Academia is a spook.

>> No.14914965
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You know why

>> No.14914969

The academia is liberal and it wholly rejects communism.

>> No.14914983

Conservatives are not well-read and very unimaginative, but are often fit. Lefties are usually somewhat well-read, but are lacking in the physical aspect, and are very easy to manipulate emotionally (like women). They also have a dire need to indoctrinate kids into whatever their zionist masters tell them to believe in through the media.

This is why fascism is the only way - you must excel in both the mental and the physical. You must be strong of will.

>> No.14915002

Marx and marxists are very important in many different fields.

>> No.14915014

It isn't. It's yet another neoliberal elite institution, where the sons and daughters of the ruling class are indoctrinated in the latest divide-and-conquer tactics.

>> No.14915036

You surely don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.14915083

Most of the most important continental thinkers are Marxist or at least reacting to Marx, from Frankfurt to the Pomos, from psychoanalysis to surrealism and Dada you can't be in the humanities without at least having some grasp of Marx

>> No.14915104

Because left wing ideology was proven to be subsumable into the greater neoliberal/capitalistic network. Fascism is not compatible with it, so it's not tolerated.

>> No.14915107

Sowell's Intellectuals and Society.

>> No.14915118
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>> No.14915139

I wanna fuck 2008 Boxxy

>> No.14915160

What's the basic argument of his idea?

>> No.14915176

Because profs depend on government gibs to survive.

>> No.14915274

It's not really. Their romanticization of Marxism is an entirely superficial pretense, meant to cloak them in an air of revolutionary spirit when in fact they are establishment cronies.

Academia is a pillar of 'The Cathedral' (which is currently neoliberal):

>> No.14915449

because you can't escape ethics and left wing ethics is the only one that makes sense when you understand how the world works so we get a little bit of normativity in education.But it's not like there aren't any conservative professors. Some of them are even worth a damn.

>> No.14915456


>> No.14915465

>The academia is liberal and it wholly rejects communism.
This I'm in Berkeley and my professors are all exclusively neoliberal and believe communist ideas are as radical or polar opposite to fascists

>> No.14915504

That is the basic argument of the idea.
Where do you find moles? Wherever moles can survive.

>> No.14915554

So faculty members are mostly liberals who are extremely cynical about revolutionary politics being able to achieve any of its economic goals but are deeply committed to (LGBTpedoshit and Immigration) and other pet projects of Liberalism they have managed to graft on to "leftist" politics in the anglosphere by using an appeal to equality as a vector.
Imagine you work in a humanities department. You see tens of thousands of students over your career who get involved in student activism and engage in revolutionary rhetoric, you also watch as they achieve absolutely nothing concrete. Just this endless blur of students chanting, and yelling, and marching, and protesting and then becoming 200k a year human rights lawyers who vote mainstream democrat. The thing is when the kids get tired of larping and enter the reformist-cope stage the values still remain, the values that gays are good, that flooding the market with cheap labour from overseas is good because borders were invented by Hitler etc.

Liberalism will use anything, including its supposed enemies, to sustain itself. It is the black iron prison, a kind of labyrinth building economic demiurge, and if allowing the commie virus to burn through the minds of kids as means of strengthening itself makes it stronger then so be it. Nothing ever died of a contradiction.

>> No.14915559

Student loans.

>> No.14915581

I bet they rationalize socialism as something outside of and seperate from communism too.

>> No.14915589
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>Where are the Markshishsts, Jordan?

>> No.14915693

Because you confuse liberals with the "left" which is usually just a meaningless label

>> No.14915696

This. If youve ever been clicking around wikipedia almost everything leads back to Marx

>> No.14915701

0.01 cents has been added to your shill account

>> No.14915713

Sowell was a self hating leftist

>> No.14915715

That's easy; it's not.

>> No.14915716

this post encapsulates how i think of most Marxists on /lit/

>> No.14915723

What? That a lot of posts end up leading back to Marx?

Try playing that wikipedia game where you have to get from one article to another

>> No.14915727

>implying communist shills receive money
Good one, comrade.

>> No.14915740

t. degenerate liberal

>> No.14915747

This is true. Americans are too stupid to know this, however. They think anything not oligarchal fascism is left.

>> No.14915776

Why do you fetishize a term invented 2 centuries ago to describe a conflict between republicans and monarchists? Who gives a shit if socialism or liberalism are 'left wing'.

>> No.14915790

A lot of people in this thread evidently.

>> No.14915806

Bruh we all went to university, you can't pretend our professors were just neolibs

>> No.14915815

You can do the same with Adolf Hitler's page, it's a fun game. #of clicks to Hitler from a random page, try it. And you could probably use any page as the target if you know enough about that subject.

>> No.14915820

Ironically, you can use Marx's class analysis to explain why academics adopt so-called "leftism". They are an institution designed to protect the elites in multiple ways - by acting as a sieve that catches radical energies, by credentialing members of the elite, and by using a code-switching language of progressive liberalism which marks their status as a special class.

>> No.14915825

They only larp as Marxists. They are all material and market driven.

>> No.14915832

They were though. Just because they seemed sensitive to SJW politics doesn't mean they were actually communists.

>> No.14915847


>> No.14915859

Well put.

>> No.14915875

>if allowing the commie virus to burn through the minds of kids as means of strengthening itself makes it stronger then so be it.
the metaphor of inoculation seems irresistible here.

Your post is good but you began it with 'so', so I despise you

>> No.14915886

Radlibs and neolibs are both liberals. All those SJW professors who pretend to be "radical" donated to Kamala Harris and the like.

>> No.14915908

quite true. id say there are much fewer "real" leftists in academia than many believe

>> No.14915918

Zizek is the perfect example of a liberal academic who co-opts marx

>> No.14915933

This. Every professor is likely neoliberal, ESPECIALLY the biz/econ profs.

>> No.14915946

slovenian academia is rather more commie than America's. Though there are obviously commies in prestigious US schools. Like there is a Harvard International Socialist group.

Some zoomer should form a Harvard Fascism group

>> No.14915958

zizek relies on bourgeois academia, he is all "theory" and no practice.

>> No.14915963

it merely takes a higher IQ to understand marxism. average IQ will go into econ (astrology for rich people) or accounting (me make number good) and lower IQ will either not get higher education or go into business and marketing and spend their lives toiling away to increase the wealth of their boss for 2 weeks vacation.

>> No.14915971

reactionary nonsense

>> No.14915990
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I cannot even appreciate it for its appropriations of paganism.
I cannot forgive it for dumbing down its gnostic foundation
I would not even, for the hand of a lovely lady, turn to her Armenian orthodoxy

>> No.14916065

>b-but they aren't real marxists

>> No.14916206

He isn't wrong. Academia as a whole is a liberal ideology, not a leftist one. That it coops legitimately leftist movements and arguments to further its own goals does not does not mean it is those things.

It's not unlike the way entrenched powers anywhere co-opt popular movements.

>> No.14916240

I don't know about using the word liberal for what modern academia is. Economically it is mostly capitalist, but it hardly resembles what Liberalism originally was. The vast amounts of wealth redistribution and regulations on individual liberty in the name of various justice causes makes it feel wrong to me to just call them liberals.

The term which seems to most handily encompass the people who run academia is 'progressives'. They see it as essential to use the state to correct injustices in an imagined ideal 'liberal' society, including in the economic outcomes of capitalism, that all have a sort of bent of equalizing every demographic's outcome.

>> No.14916248 [DELETED] 

stfu tranny

>> No.14916262


>> No.14916264

>and are very easy to manipulate emotionally (like women). They also have a dire need to indoctrinate kids

What do you think church and sunday school is?

>> No.14916278

fine, neoliberal. disagree on progressive. that's the students.

>> No.14916294

They hire submissive retards that wont fight the hivemind

>> No.14916296

I find the term neoliberal useless if it applies to both Thatcherites and Harvard humanities professors. Those groups despise each other

The academics who run the Ivy Leagues literally call themselves progressives, and they are no fans of Thatcher and co.

>> No.14916301

How sure are you about that? I can speak only to my experience navigating academia. I've been all over the US and Europe. You drill down deep enough with these people and they agree with thatcher. The care for the global poor is a thin veneer. Much more paternalistic.

>> No.14916417

Yea academia is super hierarchical

>> No.14916618
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the industrialization and commodification of identity and progressive politics paraded by academics is key for neoliberal control over the democratic base. They are for "freedom of enterprise" over anything but disguise that as being part of the overall movement for freedom and liberation in the progressive sense. Read chapter two of pic related for more info.

>> No.14917011
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>> No.14917016

Because ironically enough, academians are usually financially illiterate.

>> No.14917023

This but unironically,

>> No.14917050

People still use that boomer meme term?

>> No.14917057

t. a man whose ideas don't work, employed by an institution where his ideas don't have to work in order to survive

>> No.14917068

t. communist disillusioned by liberal academia. i thought it would be the marxist paradise everyone says it is

>> No.14917133

I really wonder if people who think this have ever attended an elite post-secondary institution (so anything in the times top 25, lets say)

>> No.14917141

any better name for liberal capitalism post ww2?

>> No.14917142

This meme is pushed by conservatives who have Jordan Peterson levels of understanding of Marxism but they are unfortunately helped by some of the academic hack who label themselves socialist or even Marxist, even though beyond the absolutely superficial level they're indeed thoroughly liberal and anti-Marxist (they reject the dictatorship of the proletariat, they rally for justice in general and democracy in general, they do political advocacy around issues that don't have proletarian class character like global warming etc.)

>> No.14917153

"Capitalism". If you find yourself rallying specifically against "liberal capitalist post ww2" and not simply against capitalism, then this is a sign you might be Western middle class social democratic cuck that needs to either commit suicide or read Marx.

>> No.14917229

Yes it is still capitalism. But since capitalism is such a large system that has gone through many changes in how it functions (while still retaining it's core fundamentals) it's helpful to distinguish between different types of capitalism.

Neoliberalism is therefore a term used especially te describe this type of capitalism. Optics wise it's better to use neoliberalism in some situations.

But you are correct in that many people overuse neoliberalism and therefore neglect more critical topics.

>> No.14917240

It’s not

>> No.14917246

post-marxist/post-socialist/post-post-modern thought (i dunno what those phrases mean: i made them up) pervade academia like nothing else, but the core of socialism/communist thought is mostly ignored expect for perhaps a few "thought-burps".

t. i am from the "post-marxist infested school" where jbp taught.

>> No.14917250

Not the guy you reply to, but you are right, problem is the left has been using "Neoliberalism" as a sort of boogeyman to scare people. Whatever bad happens in society is Neoliberalism's fault, even if the measure is interveining a whole market, seizing companies or nationalize a sector.

>> No.14917504

Academia is identity politics and progressivism.
They want to welcome migrants for the Capital and revel in LGBT and feminist culture because it's so "rebel".
They are fully into political economy. They don't give a shit about radical, undiluted class struggle.
Proof: very few university students into the yellow vest movement.

>> No.14917520

>it's helpful to distinguish between different types of capitalism
Helpful for what? For derailing the proletarian struggle against capitalism as a whole into a middle class struggle against excesses of financial capital, against monopoly, and for the extension of state welfare?

>Optics wise it's better to use neoliberalism in some situations.
If we're talking about the optics of movements that are not for the abolition of capitalism then sure. The potential petty bourgeois adherents of such movements can't possibly be against the core of capitalism, because that would involve abolishing the economic and social ground upon which they themselves stand. Therefore a movement of this kind has to conjure up a "bad" capitalism (neoliberalism) and a "good" capitalism (except without the c-word -- social democracy / democratic socialism, or something of the sort), and only denounce the former. But this is of course not just a matter of optics, but about what a political movement is in its essence.

>> No.14917540

Its LARPing really if push ever came to shove academics would be fucking useless

>> No.14917562
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Oversocialization and feelings of inferiority

>> No.14917627
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>> No.14917761
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That is a case for america and maybe few other countries.
In my thirld world shithole, conservatives and right wingers VALUE academia. They try their best to grow their own academics, they actively try to kick leftists, put their own people through nepotism, sometimes even blantantly cheat.
They are ruthless, they are brutal but they also VALUE academia. They value liberal arts, humanities, religion (naturally) just as they value other sciences.

As I move from there to USA to continue my phd I saw rampant distase for academia coming from american conservatives, they hate liberal arts the most. They see it as a scam to take over your money at best or a blantant communist production machine at worst.
Hence they dont encourage each other to get those humanities jobs, for the american conservative university is a job factory. He must get in, get a jobTM degree and get out.

>> No.14917777

The American university has become so commodified and expensive over time that many see the humanities as a privilege for the top 10% at best and a waste of time at worst.
The traditional view of colleges as a path for personal development is dead in the US. For most people it's just a four-year road to a certificate-of-competence so you can pay off your debts and live somewhat comfortably.

>> No.14917788

>a four-year road to a certificate-of-competence
as someone who occasionally interviews and hires people, having a degree tells me that you're able to stick with something for 4 years and complete it, even when it gets hard. This may seem like something common, but it really is not. Most people cannot commit to anything and quit as soon as something becomes difficult.

>> No.14917794

>Why is the Academia almost universally left wing and so prone to communist ideas?
What exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.14917801

You could say that about most Marxists these days. LARPers who want to feel like they're more important than they actually are.

>> No.14917816

Funny that you post that since shortly after the question Peterson indeed pointed out where the marxists are, which prompted a pathetic "well they're not ALL marxists" response from Zizek.

>> No.14917821

Right wing is dumb. It attracts dumb people who can't get by in academia

>> No.14917826

I 100% knew the discussion in this thread would devolve into leftists discussing the semantics of what is and isn't marxism.

>> No.14917841

Because it has been subverted by fucking commies

>> No.14917842

That is so dumb

>> No.14917869

>Neoliberalism is therefore a term used especially te describe this type of capitalism. Optics wise it's better to use neoliberalism in some situations.
Capitalism didn't evolve because people choose to make it take this or that direction.
Neoliberalism is Capitalism natural form in late stage.
Social democracy (Denmark model) is not even a possible choice anymore because the rate of profit is so small and the debt (fictous Capital) so high, there is no much room for maneuver left. All that's left is taking the middle socio professional categories money, and even assets, and then collapse.

>> No.14917878

I assume you're not American. With a couple exceptions my professors were very hostile to Marxism and communism and were rabidly liberal.

>> No.14917888

Which currently existing academic institution promotes communism?

>> No.14917902

What country?

>> No.14917905

Not a single one actually. Regards confusing progressivism and Stateless communism gonna be retards. Whatever political economy side they are from.

>> No.14917982

>conservatives are often fit
Not where I live (America). Here conservatives tend to be obese and semiliterate. I have a lot more respect for British conservatism.

>> No.14918002

>americans STILL think liberals are leftists

>> No.14918007

>is born in a world of right-wing indoctrination
>starts shouting about left-wing indoctrination the moment something conflicts their programming

>> No.14918010

Doesn't he operate a clinic?

>> No.14918013

They really do. My dad thinks Obama is a communist.

>> No.14918014

>Conservatives are not well-read and very unimaginative

what about paleocons?

>> No.14918016

>They think anything not oligarchal fascism is left.
Totalitarian, not far-right. The furthest thing to the right would be a monarchical feudalist ethnostate.

>> No.14918019

Meanwhile even European rightist parties are liberals

>> No.14918022

Shut up retard you're not special

>> No.14918033

here in my country, most of them are apolitical except for some professors at humanities that have their leftist ideology infected on young minds and want to impose these ethos everywhere in college (unsuccesfully most of the time)

>> No.14918047
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Academia selects for very specific traits.


I agree

To be an academic in science, business, or engineering primarily requires rule following. You study, get your homework done, don't do anything too far out of line, etc, etc.

We are getting boring "yes man" who just care about building their career and marketing their work. Politically these are centrist libs who will follow whatever appears popular and not "extremist".

The second group is activism departments (sociology, women studies, philosophy, history, etc).


nails it right on the head. These are people who really haven't worked a day in their life and are using academia as an escape from working in competitive environments.

These descriptions weren't always the case.

>> No.14918051

it is largely neither, specifically they do not care more than superficially enough about economics to be either. they are "progressive," so they're all about they tard social issues—many of which undeniable find their roots in communism and its movements. this is probably why people use the kind of gay term "cultural marxism" (before you complain, yes i know marx himself would have hated these degenerates, but i'm pointing out that they were accepted by and part of communist movements; i think the idea of "biological leninism" is also somewhat relevant here).
Most self avowed communists don't give a fuck about the working class and their economics either desu so it the distinction even important? no.

>> No.14918090

It's just stupidpol shit.

>> No.14918119

i don't know what that means. but cope, you know i'm right.

>> No.14918125

Because conservatives are dumb.

I know "hurt hurt I'm so offended" but it's true. Conservatives tend to come from rural areas and side with manual labor, farming etc.

>> No.14918128

This, universities were the number one place I'd see unironic Hillary Clinton supporters.

>> No.14918135

You haven't looked high enough in the academy, for every Richard Wolff or Noam Chomsky, there's at least ten worm neocon cucks who write dumb essays projecting their ideology directly onto the works of Xenophon or something

>> No.14918183

They think liberals are commies and the other liberals are nazis.
It's beautiful, really, if you're a liberal. You just always win.

>> No.14918194

Actually, all the political economy spectrum is liberal.
Try to create a political party which want to abolish the State, private property of the means of production, and wage labor, and see what happen. It's not even legal, as there are laws which protects the State integrity.

>> No.14918240

It's my personal belief that many professors and academics are conservative but, because they don't want to lose their jobs, espouse liberal shit. Liberals are power hungry cretins that find their way onto review boards and thereon ruin the lives of anybody who doesn't keep step. It's like worthless fat bitches in Human Resources but on a grander scale.

>> No.14918280


>> No.14918301

Most Brazilian federal universities do, although they defend every single aspect of it without saying what they truly are.

>> No.14918510

What distinction? Between progressivism and anti-communist "self-awoved communism" on the one hand and communism on the other? That distinction is important in so far as it demarcates what is communism and what isn't.

Not that even Wolff or Chomsky are communists, the one never going beyond demanding a modification of the typical ownership structure of capitalist enterprises and the other being an ultra-liberal idealist who just can't shut his trap about abstract freedom.

>> No.14918549

opiod for the intellectuals

>> No.14918587

Just like the way Marxism is the secular successor of Christianity, so is modern marxist theory the successor of the navel-gazing, overwrought late scholasticism of old. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin, anyway?

>> No.14918614

No it's not you moron

>> No.14919211
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Conservatives have principles and do not mooch off of others. Leftists, who never really left college and experienced the real world, have no problem mooching off student/government debt like it was their parent's still giving them an allowance.
Basically, conservatives get real jobs while leftists avoid work their whole life.

>> No.14919237
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Because capitalism is a spook. Nazbol gang rise up

>> No.14919294

WTF are you talking about? Almost all of them are socialists flirting with communist. they almost always idealize che or whoever, and definitely have a communist bent that they kind of hide for staying in line. I agree that few of them are out and out communists, but you would be hard pressed to find many of the "Neolibrals" who dont flirt with it to an obvious extent. They just transition some terms, but I can always see their eyes light up when I mention the Paris Commune or anything of the sort. Of course they dont usually have the balls to out and out say it, but they generally have watered down communist ideals and incorporate Communist derived rhetoric and styles.

>> No.14919375

I hate so much americans, i HATE them so fucking much. Go back to /pol/ you dumb amerimutt FUCK OFF

>> No.14919548

Are you not a lovely lady yourself?

>> No.14919586

>Conservatives have principles and do not mooch off of others.

Out loud, they don't. But the welfare checks still come each month.

>Basically, conservatives get real jobs while leftists avoid work their whole life.

Yeah, nobody in Silicon Valley has a real job.

>> No.14919617

This. An individual professor may flirt with Marxist ideas, but the university as an institution has nothing to do with communism or anything of the sort, and that's what matters. Read Readings' The University in Ruins

>> No.14919621

By your own admission you don't understand jack shit, so why don't you try shutting up? Identity politics in general are antithetical to any plausibly progressive agenda

>> No.14919629

The academy censors anything that isn't far-left. I wonder who could be behind this.

>> No.14919636

Your mind is completely dominated by platitudes. What a pity! nice dubs tho

>> No.14919651

During the 50s, the KGB spent millions churning out Hollywood propaganda piece after propaganda piece, proping up unions, guilds, and buying the loyalty of every writer, actor, and director they could reasonably reach the price of, at least, according to the KGB archives

Do you really think they never went beyond music, film and literature?

>> No.14919854

Because Academia consists of a population that lives on a separate realm from reality. Their entire world revolves around a ficticious economy of grants, comittees, and subservience to a central authority i.e the university. Of course, they have a natural liking to Marxism and communism since their lives are already micro-managed by a powerful central entitiy.

>> No.14919863

Define "dumb". Conservatives are richer and better of than liberals.

>> No.14919865

>prone to communist ideas
They're not. I mean not really. Not in the stateless moneyless society original idea of communism.

>> No.14920043

As someone who occasionally lies on their resume about having a degree, I make a special point of spitting in the coffee of pretentious gate-keeping cunts like you.

>> No.14920092

top kek literally he-man tier worldview

>> No.14920101

Academia is a bubble away from reality. It is completely cloistered from the real world.

>> No.14920119

In post-communist space, those "dumb demographics" are the core of leftist voters.

>> No.14920139

defending something != truly living it
they often fight for the sake of being rebellious and "going against the establishment", without realizing they don't truly want them to become true or how big hypocrites they are

>> No.14920150

Its their will to power

Also most aren't even anti-capitalist let alone communist these days. Lot more crit theory fuckery than anything, which itself is an even more potent expression of will to power


>> No.14920155

Unironically this. Most professors are completely insulated from reality. A tenured academic basically hasn't set foot in the real world in years.
Sometimes its a good thing how isolated academia is. Some the unhinged commie profs I've had are incredibly creative, clever, free-thinking people. They're just also a bit crazy

>> No.14920160

I know, isn't it absolutely wonderful? A real utopia in this hellish, bugpilled earth, which is swollen with merchants who know price but not value and have never read a poem. I love my cloistered bubble, and I will never leave it. Reality is full of high-fructose corn syrup, shitty late night talkshow-TV and New York Times bestseller books. Why would anyone with a right and bright mind want to spend any time in there?

>> No.14920165

t. undergrad english major
try to get a phd. you'll realize what a horrible, petty, sad world academia is

>> No.14920187

Actually doing postgraduate philosophy at a department full of non-sociopaths (fuck I love being european). Worst I get are slightly autistic people, but they are kind-hearted and well-meaning, even if ill-mannered at times.

>> No.14920195

>tfw step into university and immediately feel the ontological split and realize you've broken spacetime by entering a non-real space.

>> No.14920216

How was the Kool-Aid?

>> No.14920224

It's delicious, thank you - I thought I made that clear at some length. How is yours?

>> No.14920371

academia is mostly the refuge of failures. hence left leaning

>> No.14920430

Academica mostly appeals to dreamers, so it’s only natural that they come into conflict with people who actually acknowledge the world as it is.

>> No.14920529

It's okay just read challenging texts and ignore the autists and careerists at conferences

>> No.14920589

You commies would get a lot farther if you stopped being race traitors

>> No.14920690
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During the Cold War the USSR subverted academia in the West with the collaboration of communist sympathizers who then, after a long march through the institutions, corruptly used their new positions of power to enforce ideological conformity.

>> No.14920922

in my field:
professors over 40 tend to be liberals

my class was much more communist

the young professors also tended to be pretty communist

things are looking up

>> No.14920933

Simply because they''re all paid by the government

>> No.14920950

So what you are saying is the satanist changed their hat.