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File: 99 KB, 700x1050, george-rr-martin-game-of-thrones-book-ending-different-from-series-5ce3c29cceb7a__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14911208 No.14911208 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he taking so long?

>> No.14911214

he is fat, which exhibits his low character

>> No.14911236

this, he's also an athiest

>> No.14911244

What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.14911250
File: 22 KB, 640x353, wouldn't get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14911258

The guy wrote a million different plotlines and now has to deal with figuring out what the fuck is going to happen. It's clear that he doesn't plan this shit out. The Mereenese Knot (or w/e it's called) is proof of this

>> No.14911261

He's too busy porking OP's mom.

>> No.14911262

Christard is trying to say that an Atheist thinks things through, considering everything, whereas the Theist wipes their butt on apiece of paper and prays that enough people are ignorant enough to mistake the feces for chocolate spread - so long as God rearranges the universe to make the that ignorant.

>> No.14911294

He stopped a long time ago. He's not finishing the series. It's grown boring for him.

>> No.14911316

LOOK, I'M DOING MY BEST, OKAY?! I just don't know where to go with it anymore.. there's too many things which could happen and too many people having grown attached to all the different characters and they all want their own storylines to play out and it'd mean writing five hundred more books to please everyone and each release would please no one.. and... sigh...

thanks for buying my books and enjoying the tv spinoffs


>> No.14911321

That's where you're mistaken. Martin knows everyone is done with the series. No one cares what his books may do that the show didn't. That's another reason he stopped. He knew once the show was done, ASOIAF was done.

>> No.14911350

well maybe.

I think it was a mistake to have taken the thing to TV 'before' it was finished; that's a lot of deadline stress on the creative juices.

>> No.14911362

He probably made more money getting optioned by HBO than he would've just selling books, so I doubt he's bummed.

>> No.14911420
File: 96 KB, 1080x601, 80C558D0-0B6D-430E-A80A-A7E03560E230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religious people: The Iliad, The Works of Shakespeare, Pilgrims Progress, The Divine Comedy, The Canterbury Tales
>atheists: Rick and Morty, Clerks II

Yeah, I’m thinking you’re cringe

>> No.14911455

those lumped examples are so arbitrary they're beyond relevancy.

Let's hold up Hitler and Ghandi as well as being Theists, why not

>> No.14911467
File: 1.95 MB, 1668x2222, Patrick-rothfuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he?

>> No.14911473

Hitler was an atheist though

>> No.14911507

Yeah, I'm thinking you're JRR Martin fucking with me now

>> No.14911512

Yeah, I'm thinking you're a retarded baboon

>> No.14911531
File: 2.43 MB, 498x278, edwards gibbon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking ..

>> No.14911567


>> No.14911571

>Hitler was a thiest

>> No.14911611

>guy wrote a million different plotlines and now has to deal with figuring out what the fuck is going to happen.
In the digital age, if you're writing popular pulp fantasy, there really isn't any excuse for not taking advantage of the free crowdsourced machine plumbing the lore. His publisher ought to be doing this anyway, just to have more editorial clout when submission time comes.

>> No.14911655

Answer: American writers.

>> No.14911805

There isnt anything that can take long. He wants nothing to do with people on here but knows they won't leave him alone. He tried to put a mirror in front of their face so maybe they would realize how fucked this site really is after trying time and time again to explain honestly how bad he was feeling. I think he's just angry at himself for still caring his much even though he knows his readers just wanna cause him harm and make him feel bad.

>> No.14911895

Has he deleted the blog where he said if he isn't finished by June 2020 we have permission to chain him to his desk?

>> No.14911930

I dont know, but i recall something about his and his family's privacy and how he won't be finished until he feels it's no longer an issue

>> No.14911943

he's whoring it up heheh just like in the books,

>> No.14911972

Will he survive corona?

>> No.14912260

He should just stop caring and move on as if he's not seeing the constant references to some trivial blown out of proportion things he wrote in the past, essentially proving what he feared every time he tries to look through social media.

>> No.14912262

Well, that seems hard, he should just stop using social media all together and go full analog, very romantic image that

>> No.14912267

But you can't expect someone to stop using social media in today's day and age, he's gonna feel even more isolated. That can't be the solution

>> No.14912283

Hmm, maybe you're right. For now I don't have any idea what's the best option for him, I can only imagine he feels stuck and doesn't know how to handle the situation at all. Maybe it's best to just leave him alone

>> No.14912364

I'm pretty confident we'll have Winds by 2021. It's the completion of Spring that worries me

>> No.14912388

Maybe being stuck at home due to this whole situation will help him finish the book

>> No.14912431

from yesterday:
"For those of you who may be concerned for me personally… yes, I am aware that I am very much in the most vulnerable population, given my age and physical condition. But I feel fine at the moment, and we are taking all sensible precautions. I am off by myself in a remote isolated location, attended by one of my staff, and I’m not going in to town or seeing anyone. Truth be told, I am spending more time in Westeros than in the real world, writing every day. Things are pretty grim in the Seven Kingdoms… but maybe not as grim as they may become here."

>> No.14912444

Based! So he's working hard after all. Excellent news. Thanks, anon.

>> No.14912456

Hitler and Gandhi respected each other a lot

>> No.14912499

Honestly Corona-Chan has brought nothing but good. I am really having a great month

>> No.14912595

>it takes a pandemic to get this fatty writing

>> No.14913067

Don't get your hopes up. He's got some distant Targaryen cousin to write a few thousand pages about first.

>> No.14913679
File: 804 KB, 2400x2948, Percy_Bysshe_Shelley_by_Alfred_Clint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14913748
File: 847 KB, 500x281, 1526155143894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too busy on the trampoline.

>> No.14913770


>> No.14913785

This would be believable if they didn't have him wear that hat

>> No.14913792

Shelley's good, but not a strong example in this argument. Someone could spit back Blake and then it becomes a matter of taste (in which many are sure to speak insincerely out of desire to prove a point).

>> No.14913801

so he can milk the series for all its worth.