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/lit/ - Literature

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14907525 No.14907525 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of these is the most patrician to learn?

>> No.14907533

German if you’re more into philosophy
French if you’re more into theater and fiction
Spanish or Italian if you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.14907538

living languages are not patrician.

>> No.14907566

not nice but true

>> No.14907594

It would be pretty easy to rank these in terms of their quality and abundance of literature:
1. French.
2. Italian.
3. Spanish.
4. German.

If you factor in, however, philosophical works, German would be higher on the list. French and Italian are the best options in my opinion and I highly recommend picking one of those two. French publishing is the best in the world though. French is the ideal literary language mostly because you buy hundreds of French books easily and for cheap online, whereas your options with German are scarce. Italian and Spanish publishing are good but will cost you more.

>> No.14907597


>> No.14907603

Spanish has much better prose fiction than French. Italian has Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, and the entire canon of opera libretti.

>> No.14907608

hey anglo, did you know russian aristocracy did not speak russian? No, they didn't. They spoke french. You know why russian literature flourished? Because it is influenced by french literature. All the russian authors spoke and wrote french. Now take your underaged, contrarian ass off this board and read a book, because obviously you have never opened one in your life.

>> No.14907610

Spanish=/= Italian

>> No.14907647

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.14907655

Just learn all of them

>> No.14907663

wasn't russian aristocracy german?..

>> No.14907668

—————-list starts here
English (indisputable)
Music (gods language)
Ancient Greek (for theology)
Latin (for science)
Arabic (for magic)
Farsi (for poetry)
French (for philosophy)
German (for being a badass)

Everything else is literally garbage

>> No.14907681

Incredibly based. Russophilia is the epitome of plebhood.

>> No.14907704

This. Don't be lazy.

>> No.14907749

If you can learn a Romance one, you can learn them all. Don't be a lazy faggot.

>> No.14907808

All barbarian and vulgar.
Learn Greek.

>> No.14907810

Damn froggy got real seething. Russian lit isn't in French.
You are just an ignorant papist.

>> No.14907819

Romance tongues are the opposite of barbarian.

>> No.14907834

Learn a real language like Greek.

>> No.14907844

Greek is barbarian. I'm learning Latin.

>> No.14907846

I have learned spanish which after getting used to it started to pick up lightning speed after about 8 months of learning, now i speak it fluently and think in it, though i make heaps of grammatical mistakes but the important part is being able to enjoy the language.
I am now doing Italin and German at the same time, finding Italian extremely easy due to the grammatical similarities with spanish and german relatively easy due to similarities to my swedish. The important part ive learned is to have fun learning it and both Italian and German have been more fun to learn than spanish.
Not saying i dont love spanish, because i do, i think it was just a bigger threshold since it was the first language i picked up as an adult, which came with some self doubt the first months or so, but now i know what its like to learn a new language and that immersion and relaxation and fun is key.
Fuck french.

>> No.14907847

I'm not Catholic. Fuck off. Any man of good sense in history despised and loathed Russia.

>> No.14907867

>now i speak it fluently and think in it, though i make heaps of grammatical mistakes
pick one, retard

>> No.14907868

Learn how to speak English next

>> No.14907908


>> No.14907909

Fluently as in i dont think at all when i speak it and have mindless conversations just shooting the shit with spaniards. I have by no means mastered the language.

You need to learn english yourself if you couldn’t understand my post

>> No.14907925

Both despised and loathed?

>> No.14907937

It's "English", not "english", you stupid nigger.

>> No.14907963

Do you have trouble understanding the word if the first letter is not capitalized?

>> No.14907970


>> No.14907990

Learn proper English, nigger. Is it too much to ask? For fuck's sake.

>> No.14907993

Do you have trouble understanding the word if the first letter is not capitalized?

>> No.14907994
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>Russian literature is Russian aristocracy

>> No.14908000

The Romans considered Greek superior to Latin, that tells you all you need to know. But whatever's the easiest route that makes you feel civilized, German.

>> No.14908002

I think my english is better than yours and you’re a native speaker no less

>> No.14908010


>> No.14908013

German for thinking
Italian for feeling
French for fucking
Spanish for... surviving
Really though German is best for philosophy, French for pornography, Italian for poetry, and Spanish for short stories. (Really Russians do poetry better and Anglos do novels better btw).

>> No.14908018

I'm not even a native speaker but your English looks disgusting and nigger tier.

>> No.14908027

>that tells you all you need to know
Not really.
What? I'm not German.

>> No.14908032

What about for talking?

>> No.14908035

Hey xin li stop fighting chunk i

>> No.14908042

That is one broad statement

>> No.14908046
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>Really Russians do poetry better

>> No.14908047

Holy fuck you know some retard wrote this

>> No.14908048

Russian sounds the best, but in specific contexts (typically serious contexts). I think English is the most versatile (look at Shakespeare) but that might just be native language bias.

>> No.14908051

My english is aesthetic bliss

>> No.14908052

Well the Romans were wrong.

>> No.14908063

You wish, nigger.

>> No.14908077

No you’re right, english is a great language, its just ruined here in mainland europe cause everyone tries to speak with a cali accent and it has lost all its personality here.
English isn’t as beautiful sounding or looking of a language as the ones mentioned in the OP but it is handsome and super utilitarian

>> No.14908082
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china gang
china gang china gang

>> No.14908100

based and 中華pilled post

>> No.14908128

french and italian

>> No.14908145

Listen, let us try to find the noblest language. It's not any Romance language because they're vulgar Latin. Germanic languages were also considered vulgar compared to Latin. It must be Latin then. Yet the educated Latins all learnt and spoke Greek and considered it nobler than Latin. Never did the Greeks such a thing with any language. And in fact, Greek is the language of the greatest masterpieces, such as Homer and the Bible. (and happens to be amongst the most grammatically sophisticated languages) It is the ultimate lingua franca.
This is only not the case east of the Indus, where the lingua franca is Sanskrit and further east Classical Chinese. These three are the most francae of linguae francae. It is indisputable.

>> No.14908162

based and hellenicpilled

>> No.14908163

chinese and japanese are objectively shitty languages

>> No.14908179

>and the Bible
Only the New Testament. Old Testament was written in Hebrew.
>It is the ultimate lingua franca.
Greek is not a lingua franca in the West. Latin is. The Greeks were not even Western.

>> No.14908189

I wouldn't expect a 野蠻 to say anything different

>> No.14908197

Tonal languages is literally niggerspeak

>> No.14908200

Spanish has way richer literature than Italian lol, it is not even close.

>> No.14908202

And Aramaic

>> No.14908220

I'm not impressed to see people on this board reduce languages or cultures down to a set of empirically-observed qualities which are judged on a scale from bad to good.

>> No.14908230

Vulgar latin doesnt mean latin that is vulgar you fucking dope.
“Vukgar latin” was what the romans called the everyday speech that wasn’t the fine prose they wrote with. It wasn’t “vulgar” in the sense of how that word is used today.
Romance languages developed from the dialects of this everyday Latin.
Spanish comes from the Latin dialect they spoke in the region “Castille” of the Iberian peninsula (spain) and the king decided that this was the dialect they were going to make the official language, Castilian, which was later to be named spanish, because it was the language spanish people in spain speak.

>> No.14908233


>> No.14908237

“Vulgar”, not “Vukgar” obv fuck

>> No.14908239

Can any of you read as well in your second language as you can in English?

>> No.14908251

It's not about the West, it's about which is the most franca of linguae francae. And it is clear Latin doesn't have a chance, from what I said above.
So? It is still universally considered (besides by actual retards) inferior to and a corruption of Latin.

>> No.14908257

Wrong thread.
Here's where we make resolutions and shitty plans for studying 30 languages without ever settling on one just for the sake of thinking what would give us more recognition points.

>> No.14908264

I started learning french in high school and, now that I'm in my mid 20s, French comes across more directly than reading in English. However, I spend a lot more time on French lit than English so that may be the reason.
t. 'murican

>> No.14908276

English is my second language and yes.

>> No.14908285

It’s not universally considered that at all.

>> No.14908294


>> No.14908304

What the fuck do you think lingua franca even meas? Greek is not a lingua franca. Not even close. Latin was at some point.

>> No.14908338


>> No.14908341

Greek being the lingua franca for the eastern half of the Roman Empire is not exactly an obscure historical fact

>> No.14908353

Yes it is. Go back to rddit.
I mean it in the sense of the noblest language that the intellectual must speak above all others. I know that is far from its exact meaning but let us not argue of semantics now.
You do not even know basic history. Greek was the lingua franca among the high class Romans and all the eastern Roman Empire and Alexander's conquests.

>> No.14908356
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με βάση

>> No.14908365

>I mean it in the sense of the noblest language that the intellectual must speak above all others. I know that is far from its exact meaning but let us not argue of semantics now.

>> No.14908369

Greek was a lingua franca in the eastern half of the Mediterranean since the conquests of Alexander the Great, and it lasted until the fall of the byzantine empire.

>> No.14908395

What's funny?

>> No.14908539

You’re full of shit, thats what

>> No.14908557

All ok.

>> No.14908565
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>Spanish for listening to Spanish metal

>> No.14908579

I can read French and Italian. The answer is probably German, closely followed by French.

>> No.14908600

You're a retard.

>> No.14908601

>not for the sake of listening to Mexican rap music

>> No.14908605

Cool. Latin was the lingua franca all over Europe. until the 18th century.

>> No.14908634 [DELETED] 

How is french for fucking ?

>> No.14908651

Go back.
Yet the actual Latins preferred Greek.

>> No.14908652

Anglo ideas about the continent are rather droll, are not they?

>> No.14908659

Why does greek have to be superior to latin in your world?

>> No.14908668
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Japanese, of course

>> No.14908671

For me it's French.

>> No.14908701

19th century Russian lit is

>> No.14908703

God Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.14908712

>Yet the actual Latins preferred Greek.
Grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.14908725

It is literally directly superior to Latin, in the real world.
When the Latin speakers adopt Greek as second language despite being conquerors and not conquered, there could not be a clearer sign that Latin cannot be 'highest', that Greek is 'higher' than Latin.

>> No.14908726

>I mean it in the sense of the noblest language that the intellectual must speak above all others. I know that is far from its exact meaning but let us not argue of semantics now.
What sort of postmodern shite is this? That's not at all what it means.

>> No.14908727

>>14908703 see >>14907681

>> No.14908729

The Greeks did not prefer Latin.

>> No.14908732

God tier:

Mid tier:

Low tier:

>> No.14908741

Maybe I slightly adapted the term. It's not postmodern. I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.14908744

Thats so autistic

>> No.14908746

>God tier:
Ouch, I shudder to imagine the sort of god you believe in.

>> No.14908752

Not an argument.

>> No.14908753

You are an absolute retard and I am sure as fuck you can't speak any greek or latin.
The only lingua franca today is english.

>> No.14908775

You perverted its actual meaning to fit your agenda. That's evil and corrupt.

>> No.14908783

I can speak Greek and Latin. (not perfectly, and mostly read rather than speak, but you get it)
I guess you don't get it. Of course today the "lingua franca" is English. But it is not a noble language, when you take into account more than just the present and languages spoken today, and you analyse from a literary, historical, philosophical theological and linguistic view. I am not saying anything controversial, stop being so defensive.

>> No.14908790

No I simply wrongly and naively assumed that we have the same terms in mind. Either way, I was referring to the language most noble, not exactly to the "lingua franca". Let us not further protract this meaningless discussion.

>> No.14908801

Please so a quick analysis from those points of view. Go ahead, you seem like you know your shit

>> No.14908803

Who are you to say that a language is or isn't "noble"? The magic fairy of languages?

>> No.14908821

Shut up, Jew, for fuck's sake.

>> No.14908864

Fucking seethe Latincuck.
I've already done it. Literally do a surface level research, or just try to dispute it, try finding a language nobler than Greek that isn't Sanskrit or classical Chinese. You'll see it is/was considered less noble than Greek or, rather, a language that is/was considered less noble than Greek, in the context in which it was first spoken.
A regular logical man that can see facts for what they are.

Germanic barbarian Frankish Latins sure do get fucking seething easily. Reminder Homer is better than anything in your language and the Latin vulgate will always be just a translation no matter how much you meme it as divinely inspired. Go ahead, seethe.

>> No.14908879

Homer is overrated.

>> No.14908974

I have to learn French and German for theological studies, although I already have a vague grasp on Spanish due to my heritage.

>> No.14908981
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All the ones who answer anything but spanish are cucked anglos with a mediocre understanding of literature. French literature is immensely overrated –that is not to say that it is bad– and is shit nowadays. Nevertheless anglos are fond of their language as they are a bastard child of them.

>> No.14909237

You guys are underrating spanish way too much and overrating german

>> No.14909313

if you go by most important works published in that language (may it be literature or science), German is undeniably better than Spanish.
If you go by real life utility, Spanish is better.
What language is the most "patrician" however is entirely up to preference

>> No.14909347

That is factually untrue. Spanish produced some of the greatest work of literature in 17th and 20th century.
Only for Don Quixote, arguably the greatest novel ever written, it would be worth learning.

>> No.14909355

Forgot to say, truth be told german is the superior language in philosphy.

>> No.14909878

You're overrated.

>> No.14909882

what do you even mean by
"noble" lmao

>> No.14909889

I'm not rated at all.

>> No.14909895

Some ESL tier buzzword. That nigger believes lingua franca means "noble" kek

>> No.14909896

>try finding a language nobler than Greek that isn't Sanskrit or classical Chinese.
you don't know any of those languages larping faggot
>muh noble chink
opinion discarded

>> No.14909921

And yet you still manage to be overrated.
Not a hard concept to understand at all.
I've already explained this to you.
I know one of them. And you did not adress my point.

>> No.14909928

Men before we draw swords again, let us pay respects to the Sumerians, the father and mother of writing and language...

>> No.14909938

The Sumerians were cool

>> No.14909957

>I want to change the meaning of a term only because I love Greek cock so much!
We get it, bro, you're a greekaboo.

>> No.14909959

>Not a hard concept to understand at all.
then explain it retard

>> No.14909967

>I know one of them. And you did not adress my point.
>presuming to know the value of languages he doesn't even know
LMAO you're so fucking stupid

>> No.14909981

Master your mother tongue.

>> No.14910883

italian for sure
Bitches love dudes who can sing italian

>> No.14910885

the total opposite of this

>> No.14910886

spanish will give you access to south american literature as well as spanish lit

>> No.14910902

Bro learning another language is gay. Just double down and improve your English skills. The only exception I suppose is to learn Latin.

>> No.14910904

this. learn music instead of a 2nd language

>> No.14910911

this. i would add mathematics

>> No.14910922

>uses nigger all the time
And you're criticising the ESL?

>> No.14910958

Most people would say german, but I think Italian is the real answer. French works are easily and widely translated into english. Are spanish works.

Italian is less translated. And German is translated often, but due to the difficulty of the language its hard to translate well.

I'd say: Italian>German>French>Spanish

>> No.14910978

This. This

>> No.14911325

Ok americanos