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File: 48 KB, 800x450, woody_allen_associated_press_widelg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14905478 No.14905478 [Reply] [Original]

"I have a very grim, pessimistic view on life, since I was a little boy. I do feel that it's a grim, painful, nightmarish, meaningless experience and the only that you can be happy is if you tell yourself some lie and deceive yourself. One must have one's delusions to live. If you look at life too honestly and clearly, life does become unbearable because it's a pretty grim enterprise."

>> No.14905485

Cuck mindset

>> No.14905486

No, no, he's right.

>> No.14905494
File: 451 KB, 1210x1600, Orson-Welles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Henry Jaglom and Peter Biskind's "Lunches With Orson":

O.W.: I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.

H.J.: I’ve never understood why. Have you met him?

O.W.: Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.

H.J.: He’s not arrogant; he’s shy.

O.W.: He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

>> No.14905493

Literal retard firstly, but secondly he is just another corrupting jew mindset. Literally a child seeing quantity over quality.

>> No.14905496


>> No.14905497

>3 seconds apart
well hey

>> No.14905500

How so?

>> No.14905501

blah blah blah shut up

>> No.14905504
File: 79 KB, 674x506, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's true.

>“If life — the craving for which is the very essence of our being — were possessed of any positive intrinsic value, there would be no such thing as boredom at all: mere existence would satisfy us in itself, and we should want for nothing.”

>> No.14905507
File: 33 KB, 480x447, F527F038-0F06-4F6A-A240-EF923811D434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favorite Woody Allen movie? Before you answer, you should know: when I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our house. He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother’s electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me. He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we’d go to Paris and I’d be a star in his movies. I remember staring at that toy train, focusing on it as it traveled in its circle around the attic. To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains.

For as long as I could remember, my father had been doing things to me that I didn’t like. I didn’t like how often he would take me away from my mom, siblings and friends to be alone with him. I didn’t like it when he would stick his thumb in my mouth. I didn’t like it when I had to get in bed with him under the sheets when he was in his underwear. I didn’t like it when he would place his head in my naked lap and breathe in and breathe out. I would hide under beds or lock myself in the bathroom to avoid these encounters, but he always found me. These things happened so often, so routinely, so skillfully hidden from a mother that would have protected me had she known, that I thought it was normal. I thought this was how fathers doted on their daughters. But what he did to me in the attic felt different. I couldn’t keep the secret anymore.

When I asked my mother if her dad did to her what Woody Allen did to me, I honestly did not know the answer. I also didn’t know the firestorm it would trigger. I didn’t know that my father would use his sexual relationship with my sister to cover up the abuse he inflicted on me. I didn’t know that he would accuse my mother of planting the abuse in my head and call her a liar for defending me. I didn’t know that I would be made to recount my story over and over again, to doctor after doctor, pushed to see if I’d admit I was lying as part of a legal battle I couldn’t possibly understand. At one point, my mother sat me down and told me that I wouldn’t be in trouble if I was lying – that I could take it all back. I couldn’t. It was all true. But sexual abuse claims against the powerful stall more easily. There were experts willing to attack my credibility. There were doctors willing to gaslight an abused child.

Last week, Woody Allen was nominated for his latest Oscar.

>> No.14905510

>What’s your favorite Woody Allen movie?
Match Point is kino. Didn't bother to read the rest of your post.

>> No.14905511

Damn that’s rough. I like Manhattan best

>> No.14905515

Remember that part when he gets that high school girl to say at the end “everybody has to get corrupted sometime” and then woody Allen looks at the camera and smirks. Yup

>> No.14905517

Hi Dylan. Midnight in Paris is my favorite even though it's on the sentimental side.

Also, your mom is nuts and you should get away from her. Keep an eye out for Ronan too.

>> No.14905521

Hannah and Her Sisters or Annie Hall. Midnight in Paris, Manhattan, and Blue Jasmine are comfy too. Now I'm in the mood to watch another. Maybe Crimes and Misdemeanors. Goodnight slut.

>> No.14905522

No, no he’s an intellectual dwarf. A childish brain.

Best Orson biography? I’ve always liked him.

>> No.14905524

Nobody asked you bitch. Fuck off.

>> No.14905526

Yes, I'm an anti-semite.

>> No.14905528

"Orson: You Have Fallen" by James Kasinski.

>> No.14905529

The book that quote is from is great

>> No.14905531
File: 1.11 MB, 374x586, 1563070070217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should watch Stardust Memories, Hannah and Her Sisters, Annie Hall and A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy. These are his most /lit/ movies.

>> No.14905532

No wonder Welles movies are shit. He doesn't understand the world.

>> No.14905533

Watch Stardust Memories and A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy now

>> No.14905536

Thanks for the recs, Anon. Will watch them soon as I'm in a Woody mood these days.

>> No.14905542
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>> No.14905551

What an awful-looking man.

>> No.14905560

>>“If life — the craving for which is the very essence of our being — were possessed of any positive intrinsic value, there would be no such thing as boredom at all: mere existence would satisfy us in itself, and we should want for nothing.”
Oh come now Schopes this is a bit ridiculous, also Allen says absolutely nothing similar to Schopenhauer.

>> No.14905561

>performed and practically memorized all of Shakespeare by 16
>made the greatest movie of all time at 23 years old

Meanwhile, you are trying to look good for the camera

>> No.14905564

What a boring sod

>> No.14905566

seething woody fan itt

>> No.14905574

>made the greatest movie of all time at 23 years old
He made 2001: A Space Odyssey? Gee I didn't know that.

>> No.14905579

orson's description of allen - and people like allen - is spot on.

>> No.14905584

holy fucking based department

>> No.14905595

>If you are timid, you are arrogant
Welles had the 'tism.

>> No.14905597

Stop pandering
Stanley was nearly 40 when he made 2001 in 67’ with 7 movies under his belt
Orson was 23 in ‘41, it was his first film it destroyed the American tycoon Hearst
He was a KKKING

>> No.14905600

>Stardust Memories
I did it was terrible.

>> No.14905601

Still not the "greatest movie of all time" like you said.

>> No.14905610

Wasn't he a communist?

>> No.14905614

back to /int/

>> No.14905620

I can't use anchors either. It fucked with me when I was younger. I've gotten better though.

>> No.14905623

You wish he was right, because then you would be absolved of any obligation to make something meaningful out of yourself

>> No.14905627

On the contrary, the meaninglessness of life is liberating because then you can create your own meaning. Positive nihilism I believe they call it.

>> No.14905628

he was 25

>> No.14905633

Citizen Kane is the greatest movie of all time. Kubrick is the greatest director, but his best movie was Clockwork. Get your facts straight or I’m gonna take a giant dump on you

>> No.14905635

>his best movie was Clockwork

>> No.14905638


>> No.14905642
File: 51 KB, 792x612, 343232432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citizen Kane is the greatest movie of all time

>> No.14905643

even more based
shut up soiboi

>> No.14905655

Was it influential? Yes. Is it a masterpiece? Yes. Is it the greatest film of all time? Absolutely not.

>> No.14905661


> The first and only (as far as we know) Top 10 list Kubrick submitted to anyone was in 1963 to a fledgling American magazine named Cinema (which had been founded the previous year and ceased publication in 1976)," It runs as follows:

1. Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941)
2. Wild Strawberries (Bergman, 1957)
3. I Vitelloni (Fellini, 1953)
4. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Huston, 1948)
5. City Lights (Chaplin, 1931)
6. Henry V (Olivier, 1944)
7. La notte (Antonioni, 1961)
8. The Bank Dick (Fields, 1940---above)
9. Roxie Hart (Wellman, 1942)
10. Hell’s Angels (Hughes, 1930)

I bet you haven’t seen half of those movies. BOW DOWN

>> No.14905664

Kubrick thought The Godfather was the greatest.

>> No.14905667

It took him two years to make

>> No.14905678
File: 41 KB, 600x477, 9a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



1. I Vitelloni (Fellini, 1953)
2. Wild Strawberries (Bergman, 1957)
3. Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941)
4. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Huston, 1948)
5. City Lights (Chaplin, 1931)
6. Henry V (Olivier, 1944)
7. La notte (Antonioni, 1961)
8. The Bank Dick (Fields, 1940—above)
9. Roxie Hart (Wellman, 1942)
10. Hell’s Angels (Hughes, 1930)


>> No.14905682

> greatest movie
Tokyo story
> greatest director
Robert Bresson
>Welles’ best film
Chimes at midnight
>Kubricks best film
I don’t really like any, probably 2001, paths of glory, or strangelove. Take your pick. Killing is my favorite, but not his best. Haven’t seen eyes wide shut though.

>> No.14905688

fuck off hipster. no one cares.

>> No.14905691

>1. I Vitelloni (Fellini, 1953)
Amazing definitely not 1 for even Fellini though. La dolce vita
>2. Wild Strawberries (Bergman, 1957)
This or fanny and Alexander is best Bergman.
>3. Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941)
Chimes at midnight is better.
>4. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Huston, 1948)
Probably best Huston, maybe Maltese falcon. However, the wild bunch is better.
>5. City Lights (Chaplin, 1931)
Keaton is better than Chaplin, and the kid or modern times is chaplins best. Odd choice desu.
>6. Henry V (Olivier, 1944)
Never saw
>7. La notte (Antonioni, 1961)
Never saw
>8. The Bank Dick (Fields, 1940—above)
>9. Roxie Hart (Wellman, 1942)
>10. Hell’s Angels (Hughes, 1930)

The rest I’ve never heard of

>> No.14905695

I’m not a hipster, Film is just a hobby of mine, even though I don’t really like films or filmmakers

>> No.14905697

I grew up not depressed but I realized that I can find value in my interests. I have this brain that likes things and why not make myself happy by learning? I was basically built to learn. The meaning of life is to live to care for your biological needs and contentedness follows

>> No.14905702

Not gonna lie I’m not even mad I like you guys, cinephiles frequenting /lit/ is a good thing. Cinema is based af. Fuck niggers

>> No.14905714

then why have it as a hobby if you don't like it?

>> No.14905719

>Tokyo Story
Based. But the donkey film was crap
>Chimes over Kane and ambersons
Are you smoking crack nigger?
>hasn’t seen ever kubrick film multiple times yet
are you some sort of woman?

>la dolce vita
No it’s definite between Cabiria and La Strada homie
Over virgin spring? Over autumn sonata? Ur tripping
>wild bunch
Better that falcon and Sierra? I don’t believe you
> Keaton better than Chaplin
You are obviously Mexican or speak Spanish or have severe mental handicap

>> No.14905724

2001>EWS>The Shining>Paths Of Glory>Barry Lyndon>FMJ>A Clockwork Orange>The Killing>Dr. Strangelove>Lolita>Spartacus>the other two are up for debate

>> No.14905727

It’s an old hobby, I don’t watch movies on my own anymore

>> No.14905728

What does he mean ?
Why being shy is arrogant ?

>> No.14905732

>Based. But the donkey film was crap
You're pretty brave to out yourself as a pleb so willingly

>> No.14905736

giga based

>> No.14905741

>>Tokyo Story
Complete brainlet
>Based. But the donkey film was crap
Baltzahar is his like 3rd or 4th best film. It’s great but not his best. Lancelot is his best then country priest.
>>Chimes over Kane and ambersons
>Are you smoking crack nigger?
Haven’t seen ambersons for some reason.
>>hasn’t seen ever kubrick film multiple times yet
>are you some sort of woman?
I have except Spartacus and eyes wide shut, I’m just tired of manchildren obsessing over him, when he’s not even the best American filmmaker.

>>la dolce vita
>No it’s definite between Cabiria and La Strada homie
Fellini is my favorite director, still need to see amarcord. Anything is fine except 8 1/2
>Over virgin spring? Over autumn sonata? Ur tripping
Haven’t seen either. Haven’t seen most secondary Bergman films
Chimes is his most esoteric,
>>wild bunch
>Better that falcon and Sierra? I don’t believe you
It might be. Falcon isn’t the best noir. That’d be Laura, big heat, or out of the past
>> Keaton better than Chaplin
>You are obviously Mexican or speak Spanish or have severe mental handicap
Fuck Chaplin. Keaton had balls.

>> No.14905745

I’m gonna take a shit on you

2001, Clockwork and Barry are one movie, that’s the first/ highest tier
same as Shining, Full Metal and Eyes aside Shut, second tier,
Then, in this order, Paths of Glory, Dr Strangelove, Lolita, The Killing, Killers Kiss, Fear and Desire, The Seafarers, and then at the very bottom is the very embarrassing Spartacus

>> No.14905749

>>Tokyo Story
>Based. But the donkey film was crap

what the flying fuck are these opinions

>> No.14905752

Paths of Glory is great, you stupid nigger. And The Killing is among the best noirs out there. Not the best but top 25 or 50.

>> No.14905762

You can just say it's a good noir anon, you don't have to pretend like you can name 25 better noirs

>> No.14905771

>Tokyo story
Take me home I wanna go to sleep now Story
Honestly Escape was so good he made it forever with that film
It’s pretty good, Kane is still 1. Chimes was really slow but I’ll give it another try soon
>not the best American filmmaker
And who would that be?! Be very careful how you answer that

That was a great film. amarcord was comfy. Vitelloni was awesome, I agree with kubrick
Virgin spring is not secondary. If you haven’t seen that, the magician, or sawdust and tinsel you are cheating yourself
That’s not Huston. Vincent Price is a boss btw
>Keaton has balls
So what, Chaplin fucking wrote directed stared and made the music for all of his films. Chaplin is hollywood and cinema

>> No.14905779

It's one of the most popular genres out there... yes, I can name 25.

>> No.14905780

This is now a patrician thread, tread softly nigger

I agree, faggot


>> No.14905790

You sound insufferable. Hope coronachan gets you.

>> No.14905798

Welles had autism. Ignore what he said and enjoy (some) of his films.

>> No.14905800

I was completely reasonable. Hopefully you rot in hell for being such a faggot though

>> No.14905802

Ok do it

>> No.14905806

Hell doesn't exist, faggot. The closes thing to Hell is living on Earth.

>> No.14905821

Fallen idol, third man, Laura, out of the past, big heat, big sleep, Maltese falcon, third man, strangers on a train, sunset blvd, double indemnity, Manchurian candidate, la confidential, Chinatown, touch of evil, in a lonely place, asphalt jungle, woman in the window, sweet smell of success, conversation, shadow of a doubt, the public enemy, night of the hunter, detour, long goodbye, lost weekend. Killing is better than mote than half of these though

>> No.14905828

Then hopefully you live for eternity rotting and decaying but never dying, so that 100 years after coronavirus kills me you’re coming back to this worthless site sitting in decay and squalor with a grin on your lip while insulting other anons, faggot.

>> No.14905832

>Killing is better than mote [sic] than half of these though
Yeah I know

>> No.14905834


>> No.14905842

Don't talk out your ass next time ya dumb bitch

>> No.14905846

The Maltese Falcon
Shadow of a Doubt
Double Indemnity
The Big Sleep
Touch of Evil
Sunset Boulevard
The Asphalt Jungle
The Phantom Lady
Rear Window
Touch of Evil
Shoot the Piano Player
High Sierra
White Heat
Murder. My Sweet
In a Lonely Place
Les diaboliques
The Postman Always Rings Twice
The Killers
The third man
Call Northside 777

and part of this group:
The Killing

>> No.14905851

I gave u the best noirs, faggot. Half of them were neo-noirs, you’re the one who wanted me to tell you them. You said killing was top 25-50 it’s much higher and now you agree and say I’m talking out my arse you fuck.

>> No.14905854

Half of these aren’t noirs

>> No.14905857

Noir is not only about detectives and thugs. It's a mood, an aesthetic, a particular outlook on life.

>> No.14905859

Match Point is shit, probably his worst movie.

>> No.14905860

Night of the hunter, asphalt jungle, and Chinatown are better than the killing imo

>> No.14905861

>Not the best but top 25 or 50
All I wanted was you to flounder trying to name 25 better noir films than The Killing, which is not possible. You tried to fluff your list with neo-noirs and non-noirs and still didn't succeed
this guy's list has the same issues, somewhere between the two of you there is a decent list

>> No.14905863

So then Scarface 1932 is a noir? One false move is a noir? Lone star?

>> No.14905866

Stop bickering like women faggots

>> No.14905867

Friends of Eddie coyle

>> No.14905869

Didn't realize it was an A Place In The Sun remake before watching it lol, I enjoyed it but I wouldn't put it in the top 10 Woody flicks

>> No.14905873

>All I wanted was you to flounder trying to name 25 better noir films than The Killing, which is not possible. You tried to fluff your list with neo-noirs and non-noirs and still didn't succeed
I never said there were you fuck I thought you did, unless I’m confused as shit

>> No.14905874

Nah, it's one of his best dramas. Scoop is his worst. Or one of those shitty comedies he makes some times like Hollywood Ending..

>> No.14905881

I didn't say I could name 25 better films. I said The Killing was among the best 25 noirs. My list is the second one.

>> No.14905882

this is exactly the truth

if that were true you wouldn't be sitting here posting that on /lit/, you'd be out living your life

>> No.14905884

I’m so horny, I’m a dog roof roof. Fuck me daddy ooo la la I’m a dog bark bark bark, hey there’s dogs on 4chan now bark bark. I’m a dog guys, hey guys I’m a dog bark bark bark. There’s dogs on 4chan now guys, I’m a dog bark bark. Hey guys hey guys bark bark bark, there’s dogs on 4chan now, I’m a fog. Ask me what kind of dog I am? Bark bark bark

>> No.14905887

the internet is part of our lives now, boomer.

>> No.14905891

>if that were true you wouldn't be sitting here posting that on /lit/, you'd be out living your life
Life is just unfulfilling no matter if you realize it or are able to distract yourself. One day I’ll be dead and all my goals will be comical, like a naive child devoured by the infiniteness

>> No.14905903

Literally all of them are.

>> No.14905909


>> No.14905915

All the films in the second list are noirs. There isn't a single neo-noir.

>> No.14905931
File: 161 KB, 1288x1600, 79A43A14-9129-4958-9427-DD4C5D217DB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the greatest noir film
If you disagree you will die

>> No.14905932

Rear Window is certainly not a noir and Les diaboliques is a large stretch of the definition

>> No.14905951

Rear Window might be seen as a neo-noir but because of its release date (1954) it pretty much fits into noir territory. Les diaboliques is French noir.

>> No.14906861

This. Also applies for Ricky Gervais; victim complex matched with inherent sense of superiority. Means they can't be kind or generous to anyone because they always feel like they've been wronged.

>> No.14906865

Surely this rests on the assumption that boredom is the default setting and all the time that we AREN'T bored is because of something outside of existence?

>> No.14906879

This is the worst thread lit has ever seen.

>> No.14907047

Add to that what Houellebecq has written about humour:

>What is humour other than the shame of feeling a real feeling? A kind of trick, an elegant slavish pirouette in the face of a situation that usually generates despair or anger? So you can understand why humour is so important today. In an earlier letter I wrote that I didn't believe in the Jews. Well, in general that is true, and yet, in some ways... for the Jews have undoubtedly developed, before anyone else, the famous sense of humour with which it is unfortunately possible to endure almost anything.

>> No.14907054

It's literally a rip off of An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser.

>> No.14907186

Crimes and Misdemeanors for drama. Although Judah is going to fuck up again in another few years. There's no way his "poof, it's gone" conscience will standup to another whore crossing his path. And Mia Farrow is straight nuts.

>> No.14907298

Radio Days is his best

>> No.14907674

From Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature
>All this can explain the interest of Orson Welles for Kafka. Cinema has a much greater link than theater with architecture (Fritz Lang, architect). But Welles always brought together two architectural models and consciously used them. Thje first model is that of splendors and decadence, of archaisms, but possessing a completely contemporary function, rise and descent along infinite stairways, low-angle and high-angle shots. The second model is that of the wide-angle and depth-of-field, unending hallways, contiguous traversals. Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons use the first model whereas The Lady from Shanghai uses the second. Even though The Third Man isn't credited to Welles, it reunites the two models in an astonishing mixture of the sort that we've been talking about: archaic stairways, the great ferris-wheel sticking up into the sky, the rhizome-sewers that are barely underground, the contiguity of the sewer pipes. Always the infinite paranoiac spiral and the unlimited schizoid line. The film of The Trial is even better at combining the two movements; and a scene like that of Titorelli - the little girls, the long hallway in wood, long shots, and sudden contiguities - shows the affinity of Welles' genius with Kafka.

>> No.14907680

I could totally fill up endless books with shit like this holy fuck$$$$$

>> No.14907703

then why don't you

>> No.14908662

How can someone get way with marrying his own daughter?

>> No.14908742

It was his partner's adopted daughter, not his.

>> No.14908749

Too many steps. Dudes who write like this are in the network. They have publishers practically begging them for material. Same as always. When I learned that I realized 90% of a library is just that: imagine your in a french cafe surrounded by authors, and you pick up from a friend that so and so knows a publisher and he needs something written up for x subject by random date. So you go and say, hey I’ll have the first chapter on your desk by tomorrow, but I need an advance- bickering and bartering and then negotiate/ and that’s how people paid their bills. They apparently still do this, except with this it’s not a novel or a think piece but fucking opinions about movies lol it would be easy to write, but not worth the hassle of BUY MY BOOK.

>> No.14908755

I Never got the pessimistic mindset. Ive stayed awake at night thinking, but I never came to a negative conclusion. Just absolute ambivalence.

>> No.14908802

> Jews and their hokhmes
Oy vey, so deep. Not as deep as his momma's netherbits, tho.

>> No.14908816

I love Allen's films but this is incredibly based

>> No.14909136

This is actually spot on. Sometimes you act timid to refrain from provoking people and thus causing someone to wound your pride. There's a difference a truly timid person's well-intentioned simplicity and childishness and a conceited person's spiteful, envious duplicity

>> No.14909152

platitudes are based now?

>> No.14909201

Beautiful. Saved.

>> No.14909715

platitudes have always been based

>> No.14909718

Cope mindset

>> No.14909749


>> No.14909778
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We must create an anti-cinema movement, but that is only reflective of the larger state of things, it will still do good even if little.

>> No.14909818


the only woody allen films i could name are ones i've seen in this thread.

>> No.14909854

Imagine taking the ramblings of some neurotic jew seriously. People would hate them less if they’d stop unloading their complexes on the rest of us.

>> No.14909865


>> No.14909886

This is so fucking accurate

>> No.14910129


>> No.14911374

right, but why?

>> No.14911397


I didn’t know reddit mouth breathers were here

>> No.14911509

Anyone who disagrees with Welles is a chode

>> No.14911687

Introverts are ridiculously arrogant. Their "humbleness" is arrogance. Their "shyness" is arrogance. They are as arrogant as anyone else. But you won't know that because they are afraid. They don't talk much not because they are shy or quiet, but because they are afraid. Afraid of being made fun of, afraid of being humiliated. Afraid of other people. This is where the arrogance, and the contradiction comes in. Introverts crave validation; they crave it more than any extrovert. They want to be praised, they want to be glorified. But the fear of humiliation prevents them from striving for it. It makes them paranoid. That fear drives them to hate everyone else, to antagonize everyone else, to sit in a corner and spit on everyone who passes by.

Now, what will our poor little introvert do now that he can't get his validation from other people? He will be put on a pedestal, by himself; he will rub the nose of others in the dirt, by himself, all in his own mind. This is why they are so passive aggressive: they don't need to bring you down physically, you are already humiliated in their own minds.

Their patronizing tone, their false sense of humbleness, their self-depreciation; it all makes me nauseous. I want to hold them by the ears, and scream in their faces at the top of my lungs. To beg them, please, raise your head and stop smiling at yourself. That you are not so superior to me that you have to resort to humiliation to bring yourself down to my level.

I want to humiliate them. I want to humiliate them till they lose that sense of pride. I want them to be humiliated by others, again and again and again, until their deformed and exaggerated sense of pride and self-esteem gets grounded into dust, so that they can rebuild it to be normal like the others.

I want to punch their lying faces. I want to cause them great pain. Not to cause them injury; nor to humiliate them. But to make their faces become angry, frightened, weeping – anything but that smug, almost anaesthetized serenity they wear everywhere. To break that shell of humility, to scratch away that veneer of humbleness, to reveal the haughtiness and hypocrisy inside.

Hypocrisy? Yes, they are hypocrites. Arrogant people are by nature hypocrites. They have impossible standards for others while forgiving themselves their own transgressions. How else do you think they keep up their façade of humble superiority? Another aspect of their hypocrisy is their sensitivity and cruelty. Introverts are sensitive, that much is true, and also a well-known fact. What most people are not aware about is the unusual cruelty of introverts. They can be very cruel. This is because they believe they are more “emotional” beings, able to feel and appreciate the finer sensations, while other people are Neanderthals whose amplitude of both sadness and happiness is minute. They’re not cruel because they’re sadistic or heartless, they simply don’t believe others feel the same way as they do.

>> No.14911692

The mind of an introvert is inbred. The prejudices it holds feed off themselves, and the biases festering within confirm themselves. It returns, again and again, back to itself for comfort and validation, like a spiral circling inwards ad infinitum. (This inbreeding of thought sometimes leads to a very deformed and ugly view of other people and the world. No surprise then at the fact that sadists, masochist, fetishists, serial killers, are more often than not introverts).

As I said before, introverts get validation from themselves. External input is filtered to remove anything which might affect their prejudices and biases. This is why they appear to be so neutral, not because they are actually so, but because they are afraid to bring out their opinions into the glare of public scrutiny. They start getting anxiety at the thought of people picking away at their precious little values in the broad daylight. At the thought that their worldview might be wrong. All they want to do is to sit in the dark and let their biases and prejudices fester while quietly smiling to themselves in their surety.

Not surprising since their entire world is closed up like a tightly wound ball of yarn inside their minds. Unlike extroverts, who are more receptive in that they welcome feedback from the outside, introverts are not so, they rarely ever change their inert minds, no matter how much evidence you throw at them. They are stubborn, afraid of change, unreactive and often they mistake this stubbornness, which originates from fear, as integrity.

>> No.14912018

Nigger fucks kids.
All the while he could have actually done some good shit in his pathetic life besides coping how grimdark everything is and how he needs a little girl to jack him off while the coke binge hasn't faded away.

>> No.14912049

Orson was too based for this world, can charlatans like him even exist nowadays?

>> No.14912059


>That you are not so superior to me that you have to resort to humiliation to bring yourself down to my level.

Aren't they weak to begin with? Why must you dominate them further? Why bother if their supposed self aggrandizement is otherwise unboasted due to their unintruding nature? Do you like to bully the weak?


>They start getting anxiety at the thought of people picking away at their precious little values in the broad daylight

But is the only reason you shared this opinion is because you are cloaked in anonimonty? Do you seem to speak so well of the introvert because you are one?

Otherwise, you overall have given the best character summary of Dostoyevsky's underground man!

>> No.14912067

You diliberately twisted his quote before attacking him via ad homenim. How much of a threat to you is he?

>> No.14912139


>> No.14912155

Dumb. If you look at life honestly and clearly, one sees only matter and energy, and that is neither good nor bad.

>> No.14912261

Fuck off

>> No.14912277

Yes, yet another reason he was based.

>> No.14912280

he's an athiest jew

>> No.14912311

This isn't true at all. You can look at life honestly, see all its nightmarish aspects, and still enjoy yourself. It's just that simple people like Woody Allen (neurotics in general) interpret life's events in a reflexive manner. They give up immediately. They don't believe in self-mastery, and so they never attain the equanimity necessary to feeling healthy and happy in the face of tragedy. They're NPCs.

>> No.14912332

>nightmareish aspects
no such thing

>> No.14912374

From a human perspective, which is the only one we have, there are obviously nightmarish aspects. No one experiences life "objectively".

>> No.14912396

I didn't mean objectively

>> No.14912597

what about experience you gimboid

>> No.14912602

he's right, but his movies suck
Leos Carax's "Holy Motors" is the cinematic blackpill of the century

>> No.14913233

Illusions. You're not taking the fully objective view if you take them seriously.

>> No.14913653


Orson said it better and with more tact

>> No.14913696

He's not wrong, though a dreadful person's work can work a certain magic for the worst in us. Welles was the opposite, and played the charlatan because, and not despite, he was nothing like that in reality. His candor had a certain incandescence which, quite naturally, got him into some trouble with nasty and mistaken people.

>> No.14913854

>brainless consoomer internet dwellers justifying his addiction

People like him are a threat to all of civilization. Neutered, docile sheep.