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File: 379 KB, 1070x914, Screenshot_20200316-195935_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14900282 No.14900282 [Reply] [Original]

Find me a more retarded fringe ideology than this.

>> No.14900286

Normal communism

>> No.14900292


>> No.14900323


>> No.14900329


>> No.14901025

how many of you cunts are out there?
how many more do I have to filter?

and why is every single one of you retarded?

>> No.14901030

You have no idea

>> No.14901035

Theism is certainly retarded, though.

>> No.14901041

So, Star Trek?

>> No.14901068

Esoteric Nazism

>> No.14901071

Literally just replace
>nuclear war
>intelligence explosion
and you've got accelerationism.

One of the things that makes me hate garden variety Marxists is that they actually want things to get worse so that "capitalism breaks down", paving the way for something else. They don't realise that there is absolutely no guarantee about the "something else", and as soon as you take away the assumption that something else will emerge - Marxists turn out to be rank misanthropists with a shapeless desire for other people to suffer, become desperate, become angry.

>> No.14901083
File: 137 KB, 500x500, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, terrestrial

>> No.14901155

>these guys have faith that people will do the right thing once granted freedom
>but i don't
>that means THEY are misanthropes
what a bizarre post

>> No.14901157


>> No.14901164

you can't

>> No.14901253

how does this even warrant a wiki article. it’s like a parody of twitter edgelords with anime avis

>> No.14901263

This screenshot doesn't even get into the dolphins

>> No.14901270


>as soon as you remove a critical part of revolutionary theory it’s no longer revolutionary theory!!

Bro please read what you’re writing.

>> No.14901638

Please elaborate

>> No.14901690

They’re all retarded because they’re all anonymous


>> No.14901711

Last Sundayism or whatever the fuck its called its literally something the bazinga man would come up with, even single mom raised fedora wearing faggots dont have that level of autism

>> No.14901749

Do people unironically believe in 'Last Thursday?" I thought it was just a thought experiment?

>> No.14901758


>> No.14901759

Never heard of it

>> No.14901776

the yudkowsky-style singularity people? it's basically just a rewording of old ufo worship into new jargon so it's closely related to what you posted.

>> No.14901813


>> No.14901945

Yeah, that's mainline Protestant orthodoxy. It's essentially academic skepticism (sensory information is inherently wrong and fails to give us any understanding of the world) retooled for dumb Bible thumpers. It's completely retarded and turns God into a fucking psychopath, along the way completely invalidating the entire Christian religion.

The Classical response to Academic Skepticism was
>lmfao fuck off retard

>> No.14902041

Sounds based ngl

>> No.14902268


>> No.14902348


>> No.14902557

You almost had a point there

>> No.14902576

Dafuq did I just read

>> No.14902724
File: 39 KB, 600x543, kon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14903242
File: 27 KB, 565x531, MV5BNDUyMzQzNWYtOGU3OC00YzZkLTk0YmMtYWQyZjQ5MDU4M2FhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDkzNTM2ODg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one may call him a bootlicker, an economic incel, a christfag in disguise, and it all runs off him like water off a raincoat.... but call him a resentful misanthrope and look how suddenly he recoils, "I've been found out!"

>> No.14904085

Literally traditional trots. Posadism is so weird and stupid it drags itself out of the filthy hole trotskyism is in

>> No.14904094

More like Pozzadism amirite