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14898341 No.14898341 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the briefest synopsis of mine: A group of mercenaries fight terrorists and dinosaurs on an uncharted island in the Pacific to prevent nuclear armageddon.

>> No.14898367

The Dinosaur Lords - Victor Milan

>> No.14898642

Seems interesting. I'll have to give it a look sometime.

>> No.14898988

I feel it would genuinely work if it didn't take itself too seriously and had a plot as well as action.

>> No.14899131

In some ways, I feel like that's what I'm going for. There's a cheese factor to it based on the premise alone, but I wouldn't say the tone is tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.14899171

Here’s mine
Jihadists fight mercenary security guards on Jurassic Park island to prevent the spread of COVID22

>> No.14899201

What is the meaning of this insult?

>> No.14899208

I'm in the process of writing two novels.
One is at 70k words and the other around ~20k.

>> No.14899260

H.P. Lovecraft is reborn in his final reincarnation as a cat, to an adult romance novelist who names him: Bitch-Nigger. He goes around killing dark furred cats in the neighborhood, with an eye of contracting toxoplasmosis to pass on to his owner. The routine is interrupted by a cult of opossums worshiping a cryptid from Antlantean times underground abducts him. After a harrowing ascent back to the surface world, he returns to his master's flat, finding him laid out in his furry suit after a binge, and takes the opportunity to smother him with his ass. He goes to the museum to abscond with the fetish the opossum cultists seek, preventing them from completing their designs against the human race, but is stopped by the janitor -- whom was part of his master's furry circle, and takes him home (promising to return him to the apartment the next day). The opossums are on the window sills, and burrowing their ways through the walls and under the floorboards. They seem to be getting bigger in the light of the harvest moon. Howard Phillips Lovecraft wishes he was back in miskatonic.

>> No.14899279

I can't imagine writing two books at the same time, but good on you.

>> No.14899358

Its compulsive at this point. I am so thankful for the coronashit because then I get to sit at home and write for 14 hours straight.

>> No.14899384

That is pretty nice.

>> No.14899433
File: 139 KB, 678x960, 71611B4F-D9CC-4133-9AA1-801EA7DA5405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first draft of the book I’m working on started as an 80k word attempt at a tongue-in-cheek fantasy schlock-fest about a peasant pikeman getting wrapped up in wizard fights.

Now the second draft is like 250k words (nearly done at least) about an abandoned Wizard tower between universes that has been accumulating runoff from the multiverse’s adjacent worlds. It’ll be hell combing through whatever manic episodes led to this but I maintain hope that some good stuff is in there.

>> No.14899457

Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.14899462

Good luck with this?

>> No.14899510
File: 101 KB, 500x469, 1DB0689A-5F83-4640-ACCC-1C7C27DCEA96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind words, anon, thank you, really.

Post yours so we can fellate each other into getting published.

>> No.14899512

I'm OP.

>> No.14899517

Do your dinosaurs have feathers?

>> No.14899526

When I see them in my mind's eye, no.

>> No.14899593

Now that you mention it I can’t remember when my own mind’s eye turned to featherfaggotry, but there it is.

What sort of mercs are they? Good guy world police types? Conflicted pmc types working for CIA-style orgs?

>> No.14899613

The latter.

>> No.14899633

My book is about the rise, golden age, and eventual decay of a family owned Italian restaurant in the rural farmlands of New Jersey. Follows the youngest son of the family as he spends his childhood in the 70's playing in it's smoky halls, his teenage years working, cooking, learning, and eventually is witness to it's fall to irrelevancy as his parents and grandparents die and it ends up in the hands of his brothers, neither of which have any care for it, and himself, wistful of a time when the building meant something to anyone. Eventually, some 50 years after its conception, his brothers sell it off without his permission, and the building is demolished.

It's the chronicle of a dying town, a family fractured by time, a love of cooking, and a longing for some sort of connection to an ancestral heritage our main character never really knew.

>> No.14899669
File: 1.09 MB, 1333x1584, 1581307225904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romance novel in a medevial fantasy world
>brave but awkward and shy knight has been in love with a princess since they were kids
>she's a warrior and extremely tsundereish, he is far too terrified to tell her how he feels
>they end up working together to go on a journey to save the world from an evil wizard who is actually her evil undead grandfather
>they end up defeating him and the guy gets the courage to tell her how he feels, they get together
>lots of awkward romantic drama, blushing, stammering, light teasing, hand holding and kissing

>> No.14899742

Two brothers in rural Auvergne vie for a shepherd girl in the years after WW2 as they reach adulthood. Their family and their community as a whole is still torn by loyalties during the war; their father was a POW in Germany while their uncle collaborated with the Carlingue to root out Jews. Several years pass; their uncle dies some timr after being released from prison. The brothers decided which one of them should be with the girl but he is conscripted to fight in Algeria, and the other one moves to Paris. The girl ends up either dying of some illness or marrying some total bumpkin. I don't know where to go from here but I want to skip ahead several decades.

Is this a good story? I'm still working on the basic story.

>> No.14899892

Not my cup of tea, but the idea and your samples seem sound.

>> No.14899905

There's the seed of something good there. Just flesh it out a bit more, and make sure there's a point behind the big time jumps.

>> No.14899920

Kinda sounds like the plot to an Oscar bait movie to me. Which means it'll find a audience.

>> No.14899967

>implying I'm going to sacrifice my daemon by talking about my book

>> No.14899977

You do you, dude.

>> No.14900041

I can't wait to see your book in an airport, ignore it, and then read it after finding it in the bargain bin for 50 cents.
Let us know how success feels OP

>> No.14900071

Checked. Also, talking about your novel while writing it is a sure fire way of losing the energy to finish it.

>> No.14900277

I sure will.

>> No.14900281

I wrote a little bit today. I'm not worried.

>> No.14900816

Seen a few of your samples and generally like your work but

>they end up defeating him and the guy gets the courage to tell her how he feels, they get together
Seriously? Seems like the most generic and anticlimactic way you could've ended it. Even Disney dares more in their recent princess movies.

>> No.14900838

Boy meets fairy in the woods of Texas and they grow attached and become friends, teach other other parts of their world.
Then he volunteers in 1914 to join the First War as a Medic, telling her he'll be back by Christmas and is gone four years. Book switches to her perspective in that time.

>> No.14900848

That sounds hilarious.

>> No.14900853

Sounds dangerous. I like it.

>> No.14900860

Does he fug the fairy, anon?

>> No.14900868

Does he join the Canadian Army in 1914 or do you mean he joins the war in 1917? Just a pedantic nitpick.

>> No.14900882

A coming of age/horror story about middle school boy who begins to be infested with terrifying and vivid nightmares, which eventually begin to overtake his grip on reality. He must venture to the heart of his dreamworld to discover the dark secret that lies within, and try to put a stop to it once and for all.

>> No.14900887

He's sixteen by the time the war starts, and at that point has known the fairy since he was about ten. He joins the Canadian Army after taking some money from his uncle and taking a train up north.
I'm thinking of that. She's an Irish fairy whose family came over to the states in the 1800s and she's round about 150 by the time the story starts. They certainly have something there, some connection when she meets him in the woods that night when he was 10.

>> No.14900915

This shit is hollywood material.Sounds like buddenbroks and 1000 years of soltitude,which both won an nobelprice.

>> No.14900919

I generally don't like coming of age tales, but the horror twist might convince me otherwise.

>> No.14900936

I love that Stand By Me shit, but yeah, it gets really wacked out on horror. Think A Nightmare on Elm Street sans Freddy until the halfway point, then it becomes closer to Isekai/The Neverending Story but the Dark Fantasy world also has elements of Science Fiction and Weird/Absurdist fiction.

>> No.14900943

Interesting. I hope it pans out for you.

>> No.14900949

Thanks fren

>> No.14900970

Guy gets isekai'd only to get NTR'd for eternity.

>> No.14901059

I'm working on a fantasy novel where the main character is the bodyguard and stool groom for a prince. He's instructed by the king not to let the prince into a certain section of the city and when he disobeys that order the prince is killed in a terrorist attack. So he has to go on the run. And the whole thing is actually about 9/11 being an inside job. Also there's a lot of smut.

Opening paragraph:
>A cold wind, carrying impressions of cottars nestled by dim inglenooks, sweeps my hair(dark and only beginning to recede) but does not stir the torrid miasma stifling my room. My nightly savior, unrustled by the wind, lies spread on her back. A thin sheet goes only as far as her waist, daunted by rotund milkers that beckon me to return to bed like a mountaineer to yet unconquered snow capped peaks. I step softly in response to the call, bend forth beneath the sheets, betwixt the thighs, before the hairy maw, and breath in the crust of my exploits. I place my lips to hers. They adhere to the glistening post-wetness as they would a cold stone. My salivation works away the mucilage till my tongue breaks through to the sour effluvium of yestreen's exertion. The odor is oppressive this near the fountainhead of the miasma, a rosebud blooming upon each emanation of it's twisted perfume. I breathe deeper.

>> No.14901095

I'm writing a screenplay. It's a slow burn family drama, mystery/thriller with near-future hard sci-fi elements. (I know that sounds like a cluster fuck).

>For many years, Maya has put her life on hold to care for her Dad, a warm and stubborn biochemist who still insists on an arduous daily trip to his lab. Maya enjoys work as a primary school teacher, but worries about the increasing automation and abstraction of her role. Sometimes she hears her half-brother’s name on the news; usually titling a puff-piece on his latest corporate acquisition or philanthropic venture. Mathias, the jet-setting sibling she’s never met, ruthlessly denies all attempts at contact. When their Dad disappears, Maya receives disturbing demands.