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/lit/ - Literature

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14897626 No.14897626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14897671

Their wit is from nihilism. Positive because they happen to have "Rousseaun" nature, brought about by their homogeneous culture and high intellect. But also from an autistic blindness, the archetypical cannot see the whole, only parts. Parallels are a mystery to them, what is is to them only what is apparent.
Why there are no significant number of great English musicians.

>> No.14897683
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>no significant number of great british musicians

>> No.14897691

Archetypical Anglo*
Literalist. Superficial. Who else could be so stupid to think race is only only the color of skin? Perhaps why the English face is distorted, beauty beyond linguistic is foreign to the Anglo.

>> No.14897700
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1.Pink Floyd...
2. Hmmm, eeh
3. Aaah?

>> No.14897716

King Crimson
Jethro Tull
Basically every prog rock band ever

>> No.14897730

Downland, Purcell, Byrd, Knussen, Johnny Greenwood, Thom Yorke, etc
Floyd is shite except for the debut

>> No.14897736


>> No.14897738
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It's Over bros ..

>> No.14897746

Rock and its variations isn't music

>> No.14897749

Gary Numan

>> No.14897754
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>Rock and it's variations isn't music

>> No.14897783

He wasn't.


>> No.14897790

You're not gonna force this meme on my watch

>> No.14897795

barron trump lol

>> No.14897810

that doesn't make sense, still I posted academic composers, so what's your excuse?

>> No.14897881

There are exceptions to every rule.

>> No.14897893

Nietzsche was funnier and more witty than any of the inbred faggots on the left btw.

>> No.14899008

>likes radiohead
>hates the floyd
OKC is DSotM 2.0

>> No.14899019

>NEETchey more witty than Shakes
kek good one Germ

>> No.14899031

Most genres of electronic music owe their existence to anglos.

>> No.14899035

He's right, though. Pink Floyd went to shit after Syd's left.

>> No.14899044

Did you miss my point? He likes Radiohead

>> No.14899053

they have some good tunes here and there.

>> No.14899061

Nietzsche actually makes me laugh Shakespeare is an unfunny fuck but he writes great poetry.

>> No.14899064

Shakespeare is hilarious at times.

>> No.14899066
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>tfw you will always be a G*rmoid subhuman and never an Anglo-Saxon or Ashkenazi brainchad

>> No.14899078



>> No.14899088

Shakespeare > All of Germany

>> No.14899091

On what side do Saxons fit?

>> No.14899102

Ashkenazi master race
Slavic and very possibly Jewish.

>> No.14899106

2/10 bait

>> No.14899111
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>> No.14899116

Beethoven was German.

>> No.14899117

>Slavic and very possibly Jewish.
>When there's pages of quotes from him talking about how proud he his to be a kraut
Cope harder Nigel. Not my fault A*gloids can't into the arts.

>> No.14899127

More like krauts can't into literature.

>> No.14899143

German easily has a more storied literary history than the A*gloids who really only have Shakespeare who was probably a crypto-Mick since he was actually Catholic and most of the other great writers of English language literature came from Ireland.

>> No.14899151



>> No.14899160

Sorry mate but Anglo lit is far richer than German lit. You can have music and philosophy, but Anglos rule literature, alongside the Frogs.

>> No.14899167

I don't know what's worse appearing in the same category as Merkel, or Blair.

>> No.14899168

He meant "an Anglo-Saxon, or an Ashkenazi brainchad"

>> No.14899220

There's absolutely nothing worth reading in the Anglo cannon outside of Shakespeare and Milton and that's a fact.

>> No.14899824

shouldn't it be the other way around?

>> No.14899849


>> No.14900733


>> No.14900754

to read the Anglo cannon, you have to speak English

>> No.14900761

post-OK Radiohead>floyd

>> No.14900764

I don't hate Floyd btw, they're just shite

>> No.14900784

I like Radiohead OK, but most of it is ersatz art music just like the Floyd is. Own it

>> No.14900813

I s2g I always mistake D.H Lawrence for David Myatt.

>> No.14900945

>Pointing out a typo is the height of A*glo argumentation
Oh got'em!

>> No.14900967

it's not a typo, you're just ESL

>> No.14900978

Yea but the left side of it is filled with ugly people

>> No.14900991

What about my diary desu?

>> No.14901009

>Angl*s have an inferiority complex
Who could have guessed. You will always remain inferior to based Germans

>> No.14901803
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>Why there are no significant number of great English musicians.

>> No.14901885

Go back to your contaiment board >>/his/

>> No.14901913

easily the most pathetic cope I've seen on this board.

>> No.14901914

do you mean musicians as clsasical musicians?

>> No.14901947
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Celts rise above the all

>> No.14902117

You have to be at least 18 years of age to use this website

>> No.14902148

Being ignorant is your fault alone, shitbird

>> No.14902240
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There is no European people which has brought more harm to humanity then the Germans. They dealt the killing blow to Rome and delayed our societal and literary progression who knows how long. They started countless religious conflicts in the interim between now and then. They needed a piggyback from us anglos during the 7 years war to get a win, and I wont even start on WW1 and 2. Bismarck was the last good German. A few good writers and beer doesn't come close to making up for their collective crimes

>> No.14902277

Kid A ain't ersatz, plus Greenwood's film scoring is kino

>> No.14902386

And what about Radiohead do you find in any way good? I've never seen a band take so much from others and do so little at all with it. Listen to Thom Yorke and you realize that he's a braindead cunt who
Just heard Talk Talk, Can, and Autechre and legitimately thought that he was at all interesting or talented enough to create something similar. Once you reach a certain point of musical exposure you should legitimately be embarrassed that you ever thought they were good.

>> No.14902535

>They dealt the killing blow to Rome
A good thing, or we would still be stuck riding in chariots and thinking Aristotle is the height of brilliance!

>> No.14902984

He’s right. Anglos have no concept of high culture.

>> No.14902996

Yorke is a good songwriter, and has both an interesting to singing and ambiance (Suspiria Score) but Greenwood is the main dish. His work with Penderecki is really good.

>> No.14904056

>They needed a piggyback from us anglos during the 7 years war to get a win
And A*glos need to piggyback off all their allies in order to get a win against anyone who isn't a primitive tribal people.

>> No.14904076

>we would still be stuck riding in chariots and thinking Aristotle is the height of brilliance!
are you implying this isn't preferable

>> No.14904089

>There's absolutely nothing worth reading in the Anglo cannon outside of Shakespeare and Milton and that's a fact.
The only author worth reading from Germany is Goethe. So England wins since they have TWO authors instead of one.

>> No.14904116

>They dealt the killing blow to Rome
Honestly anyone who uses this as an argument against Germans must be both historically and politically illiterate. Any nation or tribe will take advantage of any other nation or tribe if it is both possible and profitable.

>> No.14904118

did everyone forget that anglos are germanic? english is a germanic language.
not only that, but english is more closely related to german than german is to any scandanavian langauge.
you guys are fucking retards.

>> No.14904122

lmao based

>> No.14904128

I hate anglos but German literature is a joke, let's be honest.

>> No.14904134

I hate continentards lol

>> No.14904205

we are closely related peoples why must we fight i like germans too if we be friends we will be unstoppable.

>> No.14904315

And Schiller, Holderlin, Novalis, von Eschenbach, Kleist, Mann, Hesse, Junger, Rilke, Nibelungenlied, Nietzsche (yes he counts), Brecht, etc. etc.

>> No.14904863

nice memes

>> No.14904876

All shit.

>> No.14904921

lmao at dolph lundgren in there