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14897252 No.14897252 [Reply] [Original]

literature about the fault in one part of the system leading to total system collapse?

>> No.14897324

The markets will recover in a few months, there's nothing to worry about as long as you don't sell your stocks like a dumb fucking caveman.

>> No.14897336

Taleb's Black Swan and Antifragility

>> No.14897374

I have nowhere to post this so I'm going to say it here.

Last year I Invested £15,000 into the FTSE 100, intending to cash out after a year. I know it was a gamble, but to be honest, I thought any fluctuations would be evened out in 12-16 months.

Well, the coronavirus happened and now my money is locked for at least another two years. My emergency fund is depleted, I don't have a job, and I can't pay for my university in September (doing a Master's).

So I'm most likely just going to sign on the dole and spend another year browsing 4chan.

>> No.14897400

I pray a guardian spirit will be with you and keep your soul strong in this time of need. Stay close to friends and try to make this most of your free time.

>> No.14897406
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Sorry man. This is all so surreal. All it took was a month.

>> No.14897449

You can probably get a job in that time, school's cancelled so this is probably a good opportunity to go job hunting.

>> No.14897514
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tumbling down

>> No.14897522

Your fault. Market crashed after weeks of coronavirus speculation, you had plenty of time to get out.

>> No.14897527

>and I can't pay for my university in September (doing a Master's).
Apply for a grant for your thesis/dissertation/capstone.

>> No.14897538

How much is that in non-cuck currency?

>> No.14897541
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>he hasn't bought the dip

>> No.14897544

Look it up with google.

>> No.14897553

Fuck, that's a lot of money. Why didn't you back off in time?

>> No.14897559

when it's going down, it's already too late

>> No.14897590

It's never coming back. Anyone who tells you different has no clue of what is happening in the world.

>> No.14897597

How old are you anon? Who advised you to invest? They are retarded.

>> No.14897603

Thanks for the comments. I'm just going to be waiting to see how things pan out because for all we know, universities might still be closed come September in which case might as well just wait for next year when things calm down.

If the situation does improve, however, I could just cash out at a loss but given that we're only witnessing the beginning of exponential spread, I doubt this will happen.

>> No.14897609
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>> No.14897610

Markets have always been going up in the long run since their creation, what's different this time?

>> No.14897617

A midwit.

>> No.14897636

Best case scenario: end of reserve currency/petrodollar
Worst case scenario (and more likely): complete collapse of the west
Most people will frame this entirely in economic thinking, but our problems are much greater.

Just keep in mind, what took 18 months back in 2007 has occurred in 3 weeks this time. All shots fired by the US have only increased panic and they're running out of money.

>> No.14897640

Literally Kaczynski

>> No.14897648

Coronavirus took off the fake band-aid that was the "solution" for the 2009 economic crash. It was coming down eventually but coronavirus made it faster. Thanks Obama.

>> No.14897654
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>> No.14897658

The investing equivalent of that is "the market always wins". If anything that's a argument in favour of investing in index funds.

>> No.14897681

>collapse of the west
This is pure hysteria

>> No.14897685

Yeah, zoomers won't get this but it was basically common knowledge at the time that saving banks would only offset the crisis into the future. Media even discussed this to a degree.
Most have never known anything but a stock market that goes up even as the economy was getting worse. They likely could have done a better job by giving money to actual businesses and production efforts. At least the collapse would be less severe, and perhaps we would have western companies making products and medical supplies rather than hoping china doesn't poison us in economic war.
Don't think Obama had much to do with it though. Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump have all played their part in this.

>> No.14897688

Nope. Perhaps you just haven't been paying attention.
Read better books as well.

>> No.14897694

Stay fearful

>> No.14897698

A good example of this is Britain's response to the virus. Herd immunity is just another term for rolling over and dying. A society like that has no right to survive and will not for long.

>> No.14897704
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Who says I'm afraid?

>> No.14897727

This is a misinterpretation. This system has been turning to collapse for a long time, and it is a bit unfortunate that most will see the virus as responsible. This may prevent a lot of people from ever considering the real mistakes.
The system itself is the problem and the crisis was visible at least for the last year. The virus is only a trigger and not the cause.

>> No.14897806

Right. 40% of Americans have no savings and live paycheck to paycheck. If we close restaurants and other hourly places of employment they might sink.
And of course its twice as bad in the US because our social safety net is both abused and underfunded, but we'll see.

>> No.14897859

Im putting my money in and buying everything my wealth allows. In 10 years my money will be trippled. Basically everything is on discount.

>> No.14897865

Exactly what i did.

>> No.14897878

Go outside you fucking loser

>> No.14897900

A few months? A couple years sure but I wouldn't think companies are going to be as well off in a couple months as they were at the end of last year.

>Best case scenario: end of reserve currency/petrodollar
There's a 0.99 percent chance of that happening. The world is more dependent on America than ever than when a financial crises breaks out.

There's a realistic chance this ends up destroying the EU since the European banks are tied to euro area sovereigns, and the euro is systematically designed to fail in any crisis if they follow their own self-imposed rules

>All shots fired by the US have only increased panic and they're running out of money.
The Fed can't "run out" of money.

What "band-aid"?

>> No.14897907

People have been saying to buy index funds. When the market recovers, the bounce back will be significant.

>> No.14897936

These same doomers have been claiming the collapse of the west is just around the corner for years. They're just street corner preachers droning on endlessly about the apocalypse now.

>> No.14897937

>What "band-aid"?
Bail outs.

>> No.14897939

The West has already collapsed. You're living it

>> No.14897955

China already seems to have their shit under control. We will too soon enough.

>> No.14897966

>white men are having less sex therefore society is collapsing
>this completely unrelated dip in the economy related to a natural disaster is the obvious next step in this
say it with me:

>> No.14897971

The fact you boil it down to this is an example of the west's collapse. Its over, but cope with your stale memes

>> No.14897975

What does that have to do with anything now? Companies that never received a bailout historically are suffering the same effects of coronavirus. It's forcing things to shutdown operations regardless of their current or past profitability. If you're oppose bailouts you're basically wanting to hand power over to China.

>> No.14897993

You asked what the band-aid was. Bail outs are the band aid. We have an economic system (capitalism) which has repeatedly shown itself to be unstable. Every time we reach the breaking point the government decides to bail out the major companies. The Fed has recently conjured up 1.2 trillion from thin air to give to the banks. That is the band-aid.

>> No.14898012

What you're describing isn't a "band-aid" but systematic feature. You can't allow major corporations and banks to just dissolve and expect things to work out fine. Any cost is better than the alternative option.

>> No.14898034

Obviously nobody is advocating for that. But at least nationalise the companies you're bailing out. Or abolish private property altogether.

>> No.14898053

Nominal ownership is largely irrelevant. You're input isn't going to have anymore impact on a nationally owned company. Guaranteeing some real changes in management and such is the only thing that really matters.

>> No.14898097

And you can't guarantee any real changes unless you nationalise or change the laws. Moreover, why should companies like JP Morgan be privately owned when they relied on the public to keep them afloat? Bail out should = nationalisation in my book.

>> No.14898108

this has literally nothing to do with bailouts and there are no apparent systemic problems. When people stop working and spending, economies will trend downwards. There is exactly no economic system that can stop this.

>> No.14898111

>paying for a master's degree

>> No.14898132

You can change corporate laws easier than nationalizing an entire sector

>> No.14898153

You're a retard. The economic crash was already inevitable. People were warning about it way before coronavirus came about. Coronavirus has just been a catalyst, that's all.

>it's not a systemic issue
Yes it is. Boom-bust cycles are built into the system. It's been the same story since even the late 19th century.

>> No.14898593

Every Disney movie where the villain has a fatal flaw?

>> No.14898724

This. Western civilization died at Stalingrad

>> No.14898768

why would the spectacle end if it's endless

>> No.14898894

in economics- Wynne Godley and Hyman Minsky

>> No.14899345

Same dude. But I invested the full £20,000.

I'm down £5k, and pulled out on all stocks, to prevent an even deeper dent. I don't think there will be a recovery until a company says they have a vaccine ready for humans, and 1st trials start in April, so we still have 2 weeks of down turn. We're already down to stock prices of 2012 for fuck sake, and it'll probably get down to 2008 price levels.

Anyone who says they're will be an immediate V shaped recovery is also kidding themselves. It will take months if not years before investors fully commit themselves back to prices from a few months ago.

>> No.14899364

It won't take years for them to come back to where it was because the panic is purely around the virus. Once a vaccine, or news of a vaccine, comes forth, stocks will level out and begin going up. It won't be an instant rise back to pre-virus normalcy, but it won't take forever.

>> No.14899439

People don't seem to realize the problem. The last 7 years have been a bubble. Indices coming down to pre-2013 levels is not bad, it will weed out the bad and new good will come from it.

This correction is faster and larger than ever before because the stock market and debt is larger than ever before.

The higher up you are, the harder and longer the fall.

>> No.14900535

There is literally no bad consequences of this happening

>> No.14900562

the correction hasn't happened yet and stocks won't bottom out until summer/fall. And that's just the correction that was imminent from the China shutdown and contradictions in the bull market coming to a head, now we have to take into account almost all western economies being at least partially shut down. The stock market will rebound eventually assuming our society doesn't collapse (which I don't think it will) but it will take a long time. I'm planning on buying when I think it's near the lowpoint and holding. The amount of economic damage from this will be much more significant than 08 imho.
>took three weeks
anybody who didn't see this coming as soon as 17% of the global economy began shutting down in january is retarded. And you're being hyperbolic about the collapse of the west. If western economies go down anyway the world will follow, nobody's gonna abandon the petrodollar without fatally wounding their own economies.

>> No.14900567


>> No.14900593


There is absolutely no reason to believe that a vaccine is in the offing.

>> No.14900618

Lol. Checkmate.

>> No.14900631
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>> No.14900775

it's a prank bro

>> No.14900782

It's the great leap into the digital future

>> No.14900837

Literally anything by Voltaire.

>> No.14900839

nothing even came of the 1987 crash

>> No.14901493

>0.99 percent chance
Want to bet?

>> No.14901500

This. It's already over, you just don't realise it.

>> No.14901527

Yes, I've got cash on hand and ain't panicking and trying to get rid of it.