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14893197 No.14893197 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Christianity is not traditional. Christianity is a resentful force that destroys tradition, culture, and creativity

>> No.14893204

His pussy gods and goddesses couldn't do shit about the Christian god. Accept the defeat. The catholic church has already been by the church of reason back in the 18th ce.

>> No.14893235

>picture containing a quote and presumably a picture of the man it originated from
>no name of the man

oh no

>> No.14893253

Monotheism kills tradition, of that I am sure. Christianity is the ultimate technical leap before industrialization.

>> No.14893256

Dude. Read the top paragraph again.

>> No.14893466

Reminder that the first gentile Christians had themselves been pagans who therefore themselves effected both the obviation of an effete grown paganism as well as the curtailing of the destruction of the environment. Reminder that no abstract, populist resentment is quite so bald as the author's own. What a thoughtless, moronic board this has become.

>> No.14893482
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>Monotheism kills tradition, of that I am sure.
This. People go from producing poetry to their ancestors and heroes, from pouring libations to the ethnos, and from looking to become as gods/heroes(ancestors) in both words and action to ehm... going to church on Sundays and decrying everything that isn't mere abstractions and/or a historical particularity as works of the devil.

>> No.14893491
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>NOOO you can’t just btfo my nihilistic pagan twig worship and actually build civilization founded on higher values
>might makes right (aka the same moral nihilism the leftists espouse) cause i like to fetichize the totem of muscular male warrior body, for my boomer parents raised me as a soia


>> No.14893509

Wow. Is this really descriptive of the past 2000 years, anon?
>Monotheism kills
Monotheism *is* tradition, rather.

>> No.14893519

Your ancestors were Christians for centuries. More than a thousand years. They lived through and shaped Christianity. You have almost nothing to do with pagans buttfucking each other in the forest 1800 years ago. But your parents were Christians, and so were their parents, and so on and so on.

>> No.14893522

Wait, that man is clearly not an athiest.

>> No.14893526

Might is right is a Christian concept, you know, you think your right because your on the side of the almighty! And you have Da Truth!

>> No.14893530


>> No.14893534

I didn't ask to be born mom!

>> No.14893536

You are describing the people living under Protestant heresy, not Christianity. Great, beautiful works of art have been produced under Catholicism and orthodoxy. The protties autistically screeched art out of their pseudo religion.

>> No.14893541

Imagine what the person who wrote this post looks like

>> No.14893543

>Monotheism *is* tradition, rather.
You do not derive any tradition from it though. It's sterile. It can only be used to dismantle genuine traditions. It is a religion of the book and of mere eternal pilpul as Christians continue to try and create more dogmas from its writings.

What is Christian culture? The sacraments? The liturgy? Once a week being in a specific place as opposed to other places?

>> No.14893544
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>People go from producing poetry to their ancestors and heroes
What is the synaxarium? Who are the cloud of witnesses and how do we relate to them? Hebrews 11,24-12,2

>and from looking to become as gods
2 peter 1:4. The classical notion of christian salvation is literally theosis / restoration of imago dei, transformation to the likeness of god.

sounds like you have a beef with modern prots, not actual christianity

>> No.14893548

All Christianity is the same

>> No.14893551

Bosh. If lying to yourself suits, by all means do. But that's cope precisely, idiot.

>> No.14893552

They literally are. Unless you are Asian, Indian, or Arab - which, if that’s the case, pagan larping does not apply for you.
You can worship a tree in the forest all you want, but the truth is Europe is historically Christian and it has been for over 1700 years. Your ancestors were Christians and so are your neighbors. Deal with it.

No, it is not, you ignorant fuck. Heresies are something else entirely.

>> No.14893563

Christianity isn't a real traditon

>> No.14893564

You'll never get it.

>> No.14893566

It is. Pagan larping, on the other hand, it is not. That is, unless you have spent a little too much time on this Taiwanese coin enthusiast aol chat.

>> No.14893570

Sure. nice non-answer

>> No.14893572

What is it you'd dismantle, anon? Why is there any argument in the first place? Posting against an atraditional cardboard scheme seems a bit silly, doncha think?

>> No.14893577
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Come home white man

>> No.14893586
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It’s a middle eastern tradition that seeped into Europe and infected the slaves of stupid imperialism. A bad turn, a bad tradition overall, and it ought to be forgotten asap.

>> No.14893589
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>Christianity is a resentful force that destroys tradition, culture, and creativity

>> No.14893594

How do you guys take him seriously?

>> No.14893613

>It is.
It isnt, nobody would understand Western poetry for example without atleast knowing something about the pagan world view, or modern ideas about nature.

Christianity is not a culture and a tradition, the West is.

>> No.14893622
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Even camp can have a serious side.

>> No.14893627
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Yes, arguing with you people is pointless. Every argument is a trick and every counter-argument taken from your book is quotes taken out of context. Every proof is another heresy and not real Christianity. Every historical proof is accidental.

Either you get it or you do not. Understanding the subversion and perversion that is caused by Christianity is plain for all to see, except for those enamored by promises of eternal life through faith to the point that denying the empirical is not only justified but one of the greatest virtues.
>a fucking building
>empty ritualism for the sake of foreign abstractions
No thanks

>> No.14893631

What LARPing bullshit, it's just historical cosplay. Just a bunch of former atheists who are too scared to admit they blasphemed christ.

>> No.14893639

Hurrdurr Christian empty me no read bible me parents never love me me never read any christian authors me no like christian dumb pagan smert

>> No.14893641

Blasphemy is opinion.
Religion trash mind-rot

>> No.14893642

>’the West’
doesn’t exist as a notion before the civ building of the (christian) carolingian dynasty and, later, scholasticism.

>> No.14893646

Only because the Greco-Roman world saw itself as the center of the world.

Ovid's Metamorphoses (Rolfe Humphries trans.)

The Four Ages

The Golden Age was first, a time that cherished
Of its own will, justice and right; no law,
No punishment, was called for; fearfulness
Was quite unknown, and the bronze tablets held
No legal threatening; no suppliant throng
Studied a judge’s face; there were no judges,
There did not need to be. Trees had not yet
Been cut and hollowed, to visit other shores.
Men were content at home, and had no towns
With moats and walls around them; and no trumpets
Blared out alarums; things like swords and helmets
Had not been heard of. No one needed soldiers.
People were unaggressive, and unanxious;
The years went by in peace. And Earth, untroubled,
Unharried by hoe or plowshare, brought forth all
That men had need for, and those men were happy
Gathering berries from the mountainsides,
Cherries, or blackcaps, and the edible acorns.
Spring was forever, with a west wind blowing
Softly across the flowers no man had planted,
And Earth, unplowed, brought forth rich grain; the field,
Unfallowed, whitened with wheat, and there were rivers
Of milk, and rivers of honey, and golden nectar
Dripped from the dark-green oak-trees.

>> No.14893647

>What LARPing bullshit, it's just historical cosplay.

Question: What standard do you use to judge if someone is serious about what they belief?

>> No.14893648
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>Reminder that Christianity is not traditional

Of course. That's the point, the advent and such.

>> No.14893654

So should the English language. Anyone who studies classical language knows the inherent superiority of them (particularly Greek and Hebrew) to the modern noun-oriented nonsense (we) got going on today.

>> No.14893659

>doesn’t exist as a notion before the civ building of the (christian) carolingian dynasty and, later, scholasticism.
Take that back just a step further and the West are basically the domain of the Germanic tribes as they migrated out.

>> No.14893667

I think its pretty obvious

>> No.14893670

Nice adjectives bro.

>> No.14893674

Also, you failed to actually awnser my point, which I didnt notice in time.

IF! I need plenty of knowledge of for example pagan culture, to understand many poems written in the last century, how can the West be Christian.

IF! I need plenty of knowledge of for example pagan culture, to understand a lot of philosophy written in the last century, how can the West be Christian.

>> No.14893675

no answer, huh?

>> No.14893676

>robbery is just like an opinion

>> No.14893681

>I think its pretty obvious
Alright, then expound the obvious, I am waiting.

>> No.14893685

>But your parents were Christians, and so were their parents, and so on and so on.
right, until you get back to the pagans

>> No.14893687

No, typically I don't take people who dress up as Harry Potter very seriously either. Hopefully you grow out of this.

>> No.14893693

>No, typically I don't take people who dress up as Harry Potter very seriously either.
You mean Christians?

>> No.14893699

Robbery is a capitalist construct. What’s it to do with religion? You’re just muddying the waters

>> No.14893703

>Understanding the subversion and perversion that is caused by Christianity is plain for all to see
Not at all. The christianisation of Europe is literally synonymous with the advent and dawn of higher values, europe before christianity was basically a bunch of tribes worshipping trees and fighting over purely material things. Explain to me why you long back to da primitive days in da woods ? Looking at it EMPIRICALLY (lol), it’s not plain for anyone to see what higher value there is in this flat materialist worldview of primitives that you fetichize.

You give no ‘historical proofs’, just a bunch of strawman shadowboxing with some charicature of modern evangelicalism. Might have more luck debating christians if you actually knew a thing or two about european history, and with that church history ofc.

>> No.14893704

Damn. Legit crit..
Will be more mindful in the future, if there is one

>> No.14893714

Alright, i'll take the bait.

Explain how a people with a mythology, could lack higher values, if they where purely material, then they would have no need for a system of symbols and metaphores.

>> No.14893715

Ignorant faggot

>> No.14893723

>Ignorant faggot
Can you explain why that is?

>> No.14893729

Who is "our" you fucking LARPing wuwuzzing schizo?
Romans had no concept of progress. The linear conception of Time is a Christian idea, and this guy's adherence to it shows how his thought structure was formed by Christianity.
I was going to mention the Cult of Mary, but then he says this is non-Christian? Even though it's Christian? What schizo mental gymnastics is this? Also Gothic arches are literally built in the shape of vaginas. Adoration of women (whose childbearing ability symbolizes the future, which is why they are so worshiped in Christianity) is a core tenet of Christian civilization. The Cult of Mary did not disappear, it was transmuted into modern feminism.

>> No.14893744

>Romans had no concept of progress.
They did, though like all pagan cults they believed the universe renewed itself, which led to a golden age, then a decline etc.

>I was going to mention the Cult of Mary,
Just Isis/Demeter worship.

>> No.14893761

All art created by Christian authors must be taken as creations by solely the authors themselves and not deriving from any Christianity, because all poetic liberty necessarily will be at odds with the religious dogmatism of Christianity. No muses and no divine favoritism because to accept these would be to accept a continual unfolding of divine revelation which is at odds with the legalism and dogmatism of Christianity. Not to mention the eternal Christian quest to discover new heresies.

Dante's Divine Comedy can therefore not even be classified as a Christian work, because there are no such things outside the bible and perhaps early traditions that have long ago been cemented through the councils.

>> No.14893777

Every human culture is symbolic (it is the nature of language), but in pagan culture all referents are immanent is the point. Immanentism is the common denominator between the primitives and modern materialism.

>denies immanentism and cyclical temporality, the two hallmarks of the pagan worldview
k this guy is funny. go to church breh, you are basically a christian in denial

>> No.14893779


>> No.14893788

Where is the evidence for this? Roman history as the Romans recorded it was mostly bullshit. They didn't even record history, as what we would call history, until Quintus Fabius Pictor, who arrived quite late in Roman history after the Second Punic War. And even then, they didn't care about accuracy. They were fine with piecing together stories to tell the history of Rome, which is largely what "history" meant to the ancient world. Livy is a notorious example of this, he was far more of a storyteller than a historian. Also the Greek word for "history" and "myth" were synonymous.

The Romans and Greeks had a totally different idea of what history, and time itself, was. The Christian concept of linear time has to show how the past was dark and unenlightened and how we are headed to a glorious future. We have innumerable examples in our culture of an obsession with the future, while the Romans and Greeks had precisely zero.

>> No.14893791

This is another proof of the anti-traditional nature of Christianity. Not satisfied with supplanting the previous cultures and traditions it must also make sure to twist and utterly destroy them in the histories and minds of every person. Everything non-Christian must become a source of mockery if not ultimately forgotten.

To the Christian, everything not from the middle east is wholly and utterly demonic. Christianity is the religious equivalent of the classic Obama saying of "You didn't build that."

>> No.14893795

>Every human culture is symbolic (it is the nature of language), but in pagan culture all referents are immanent is the point. Immanentism is the common denominator between the primitives and modern materialism.
No, because that would imply that the Logos in Mythology, points to something which is immanent.

>> No.14893805

>Where is the evidence for this? Roman history as the Romans recorded it was mostly bullshit. They didn't even record history, as what we would call history,
Are you implying that the Bible is somehow a genuine work of historical fiction?

>We have innumerable examples in our culture of an obsession with the future, while the Romans and Greeks had precisely zero.
That has its origin in the Northern European concept of Ragnarok and the end of the Gods, which grew from the seasonal transitions.

Christians originally has no sense of a distant future, because Christ believed that the end would come soon.

>> No.14893818
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>that last paragraph

Didn't expect that

>> No.14893845

Hard to reply to your rather vague post, but the notion of logos in pre-christian hellenic thinking is exactly a concept of immanent order or immanent generative principle (see the use of the concept in heraclitus or stoics e.g.) It only gets transformed into a transcendent logic with the christian worldview, in the new testament (see John 1) and the greek fathers.

>> No.14893863

Are you implying Christianity has stayed the same for 2000 years? It became more and more otherwordly and immaterial after it came to Europe.
>Northern European concept of Ragnarok and the end of the Gods
Seeing as there are no actual Norse sources for their religion, and all we know was recorded by Christian writers, it's likely that everything we know about it is from Christian interpretation.

>> No.14893881

>Hard to reply to your rather vague post, but the notion of logos in pre-christian hellenic thinking is exactly a concept of immanent order or immanent generative principle (see the use of the concept in heraclitus or stoics e.g.) It only gets transformed into a transcendent logic with the christian worldview, in the new testament (see John 1) and the greek fathers.
After I read through the definition fo immanence, I now reject that the Greeks had any concept of the trancendent divine and I personally reject the concept as being insane.

>Are you implying Christianity has stayed the same for 2000 years? It became more and more otherwordly and immaterial after it came to Europe.
Alright, so you think Christianity can change, that destroys the orthodoxy of that faith.

>Seeing as there are no actual Norse sources for their religion, and all we know was recorded by Christian writers,
That is a lie, read up about the subject.

>> No.14893915

>I personally reject the concept of transcendent values as being insane.

So you affirm my critique.

>> No.14893927

>So you affirm my critique.
No, you affirm my critique.

Yeah, I understand now what you are trying to say, because Christianity has no such thing as an immanent concept of the divine, Christianity is basically just atheism really.

There is a God, but he is not part of existence, doesnt interact, can not be experienced on a mystical and logical level.

Just belief (accept something without reason), thats basically atheism. You cant be religious and not be immanent.

>> No.14893936

Also, I just realised Christianity is a lot like Epicureanism.

>> No.14893937

'No more brother wars' but for religion.

>> No.14893954 [DELETED] 

>satisfied with supplanting the previous cultures and traditions it must also make sure to twist and utterly destroy them in the histories and minds of every person. Everything non-Christian must become a source of mockery if not ultimately forgotten.
This is exactly what you're trying to do, kike. >>14893761 Here you're reducing the role Christianity and the bible have had in influencing european creative and scientific works. Newton, michagelo, dante, petrarca, tesla, bach, etc. These intellectual prelates were all formost, christians; remember here that I am not saying no one but Christians are capable of good-works, but that Christianity played no small part in creation of these thinkers genuis. Also note that all these Christian thinkers admired their pagan past, and saw Christianity as building on it. Not tearing it down. To say a Christian identity is as simple as going to church on sundays is symptom of someone who is ignorant to the extent which the princibles of Christianity have shaped them and the culture surrounding them. Nearly everything you do is rooted in Christian theology, its in the etymology of words as innocuous as 'goodbye,' in the layout of your city streets, your central political thoughts. The West did begin as pagan. But for the past two millennia, up until the 21 century, its thinkers, armies, kings and queens, usurpers, revolutionaries, and people have been with few exception, Christian. And to deny that is sorely misguided.
>To the Christian, everything not from the middle east is wholly and utterly demonic.
Not true, I'm Christian. I view Islam as a powerful cultural force which is on the cusp of a golden age.

>> No.14893961

>satisfied with supplanting the previous cultures and traditions it must also make sure to twist and utterly destroy them in the histories and minds of every person. Everything non-Christian must become a source of mockery if not ultimately forgotten.
This is exactly what you're trying to do to Christianity. >>14893761 Here you're reducing the role Christianity and the bible have had in influencing european creative and scientific works. Newton, michagelo, dante, petrarca, tesla, bach, etc. These intellectual prelates were all formost, christians; remember here that I am not saying no one but Christians are capable of good-works, but that Christianity played no small part in creation of these thinkers genuis. Also note that all these Christian thinkers admired their pagan past, and saw Christianity as building on it. Not tearing it down. To say a Christian identity is as simple as going to church on sundays is symptom of someone who is ignorant to the extent which the princibles of Christianity have shaped them and the culture surrounding them. Nearly everything you do is rooted in Christian theology, its in the etymology of words as innocuous as 'goodbye,' in the layout of your city streets, your central political thoughts. The West did begin as pagan. But for the past two millennia, up until the 21 century, its thinkers, armies, kings and queens, usurpers, revolutionaries, and people have been with few exception, Christian. And to deny that is sorely misguided.
>To the Christian, everything not from the middle east is wholly and utterly demonic.
Not true, I'm Christian. I view Islam as a powerful cultural force which is on the cusp of a golden age.

>> No.14893985

>Yeah, I understand now what you are trying to say, because Christianity has no such thing as an immanent concept of the divine, Christianity is basically just atheism really.
No, that would be islam or judaism (monotheistic impersonalism). Hence the incarnation. “ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” The unconditional transcendent source of all meaning has revealed himself in relation to us as a PERSON who has acted in the world, defeating death (finality) through his self-sacrifice and promises us a part in this victory by following him.

But paganism shares impulses with modern atheism in that it rejects the existence of a transcendent (unconditional) source of truth for a purely material worldview. Pagans go on worshipping the mere changing of the tides and the winds while we speak to and walk with the fashioner.

>> No.14893993
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>> No.14894005

btw he's a leftist
not sure why would a leftist say that

>> No.14894025

I'd take Christianity over any other religion.

Jews - Religion of scam artist and con men.

Muslims - Religion of hairy uggos that like to shout and blow themselves up.

Animalist - Laughable cucks to everyone. Enjoy your animal spirit while Chad Christian fucks your girlfriend.

Atheist - Degenerate faggos and trannies. Not a single one of them is attractive or will have grandchildren.

Buddists - Weirdos.

>> No.14894050

Christianity - Religion of old ladies and feminized men

>> No.14894051

Hindus- weirder Buddhists

>> No.14894065

You- faggot

>> No.14894087
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>> No.14894100

He's exaggerating. Roman paganism was already moribund when Christianity rose.

>> No.14894138

>Christianity - Religion of old ladies and feminized men

Wrong the karens and soibois are atheists. They will not have grandchildren and their degeneracy will die out with them.

>> No.14894161

C'mon dude, are you acting like Ancient Greece and it's intellectual culture did not exist? I mean sure Germanic tribes may have been similar to your description, but the lack of historical record makes it difficult to say so definitively. But the very height of Western philosophy and art were found in the pre-Christian era.

>> No.14894181

Plato clearly held a concept of a transcendent divine principle or reality, in contrast to the immanent and imperfect sensible realm ordinarily observed.

>> No.14894196

Imagine worshipping a female lmao

>> No.14894205

Imagine worshipping anything lmao.

>> No.14894215

>Monotheism *is* tradition, rather.
Monotheism is just atheism by another name.

>> No.14894217

classical greek culture was a short lived and geographically very local phenomenon of antiquity. The survival of its memory was thanks to its christian synthesis in Rome, and the transmission and discussion of texts within the eastern christian empire of byzantium and later, as a result of christian civilization building, western scholasticism. Most of Western Europe was in a bad spiritual slumber until christianisation.

>> No.14894224

Christianity is the most insidious form of atheism.

>> No.14894256

Property is theft.

>> No.14894258

lel yeah we're just gonna pretend Christianity is not at all a very feminine religion and that every fucking trad larper out there is complaining about that this very moment

stereotypes are there for a reason

>> No.14894304

>Christ is a warrior who chains himself to sin and death and sacrifices himself, enduring torture and suffering, for the undeserving, rotten sinners of the world
>defeats death in eternal victory, harrows hell and chains satan
>says ‘whoever is not ready to take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me’
>his followers endure persecution for hundreds of years, worship in catacombs and are martyred in thousands of gruesome ways because they refuse to bow to temporal authority
>very feminine

Sure, bud

>> No.14894308

>Reminder that Christianity is not traditional.
I'll take Truth over "tradition" any day of the week, larpagan. Seethe and die.

>> No.14894428
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>Christ is a warrior
Holy fuck. You're in complete denial.

>> No.14894438

>I'll take Truth
Where's the evidence?

>> No.14894461

>Holy fuck. You're in complete denial.

>Military Orders like the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic knights and many others
>Northern Crusades
>Conquest of the Americas
>Godfrey of Bouillon
>Joan of Arc
>Hernan Cortés
>Isabella I of Castile
>Charles Martel
>Justinian I
>Olga of Kiev
>Vlad the Impaler
>Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar
>Richard Lionheart
>Jean Parisot de Valette

>> No.14894469
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>Jews - Religion of scam artist and con men.
Bad news bud your religion is literally Jews v2.0. It is 100% anti-European and anti-metaphysical.

>> No.14894479

What you mean is that you take hope over tradition. Which isn't something you should brag about.

Very much a far-left/feminine idea. A political willingness to stake a historical nation and its future on what basically just amounts to a hope that everything will probably turnout alright in the end and that it is more virtuous anyway to stake it all on these progressive ideals, be it population replacement or what have you.

>> No.14894485

And these trad larpers are the ones saying pagans are the ones larping.

>> No.14894499

cry me a river Christcuck

>> No.14894501

>What you mean is that you take hope over tradition.
No, how about you stop trying to tell me what I meant with my own words?
>Which isn't something you should brag about.
Don't tell me what to or not to brag about.
> A political willingness
I don't give a shit about politics.
>to stake a historical nation
Nations don't exist, they're nothing more than abstract concepts. Prove me wrong on this.
>and its future on what basically just amounts to a hope that everything will probably turnout alright in the end and that it is more virtuous anyway to stake it all on these progressive ideals,
I'm not a progressive. Or part of any political group for that matter.
>be it population replacement or what have you.
I don't give a shit about the "browning of the West" or whatever.

>> No.14894504

>Every great warrior and conqueror in the history of Christianity has been a larper
>Because fuck you.

>> No.14894511

Jeese man this guy's a fucking idiot, literally blatantly wrong in many parts and other at best propagandic spew.

>> No.14894526
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>nations are abstract but what I believe in and is willing to stake the former on isn't
based and rabbi Yeshoua bar-Joseph pilled

>> No.14894537

>nations are abstract but what I believe in and is willing to stake the former on isn't

>> No.14894550
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>doesn't care about the "browning of the West"
Might as well have not replied to his statement, everyone knows.

>> No.14894555

Why are you so afraid of brown people now? You know that your ancestors were all at some point brown right?

>> No.14894565

I think pagans won this round boys Time to shut it down!

>> No.14894572

>I think pagans won this round boys
They definitely did not "win" the round in Rome 1500+ years ago.

>> No.14894579

How do you miss the point this bad?

>> No.14894594

I saw your point, I just didn't give a shit about it.

Now answer the question. Why are you afraid of brown people?

>> No.14894629

Modern christoids have as much in common with the Knights Templar as modern pagans have with Haakon Sigurdsson

>> No.14894686

If you are a 21st century Christian you pretty much have to be a millenarianist at this point; its impossible to reconcile the Christian concepts of love and charity with the instinctual desire for self-preservation of you and your tribe. 2+2 no longer equal 4. There's no enemy host to march out against. We are just in decay.
Especially because the rot is so slow, like a poison drip, all from the inside.
That's a criticism of modern Christianity not Christianity in general.
>The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.
Karl Rahner.

>> No.14894700

>that’s just a criticism of the Christianity that actually exists, not the fairy tale version I invented in my mind
sure, you got me there.

>> No.14894721

Christianity is ultimately a personal journey towards God. You can look at modern Christians with disgust all you want, the religion itself remains pure.

>> No.14894733

Ehh, righto..

>> No.14894735
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>> No.14894746

In a way, that's correct. Relative to everything else going on when it emerged it was certainly perceived by many in that light. Now thank God for having been liberated from all that bullshit.

>> No.14894749
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>> No.14894768

this was made with /pol/cel hands.

>> No.14894771

>No true scotsman

>> No.14894778

nice try but I got it from r/atheism

>> No.14894794

>muh logical fallacy
You picked the tool, I just utilized it.

>> No.14894817

>Accept the defeat.
You should take your own advice. The church is becoming increasingly irrelevant in first world society.

>> No.14894836

>A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
>dominant cultural expectations.
I'm sure these will be fun in the years to come without the church.

>> No.14894838

As if society with the church breathing down its neck is free of degeneracy, right?

>> No.14894862

All religions are complete shams, the only reason one would hate Christianity above all others is because it beat your favorite religion in the race for survival.

>> No.14894888

>Pagan LARP
doubly cringe when muh traditional pagans want to cling on to Plato who only used paganism as a dress for his proto-Christianity

>> No.14894906

At least you could purge them back then without scrutiny

>> No.14894916
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Holy based...

>> No.14894923

The church didn't purge all the cowards and the ignorant. It created many of them and was run by many of them.

>> No.14895035

Is the King James Version of the Bible the best for an English reader? I’m looking to read it for the literary and mythological value.

>> No.14895122


>> No.14895126

the main critique that the KJV has is that it sacrificed fidelity for poetic beauty in the English language.

>> No.14895152

What translation would you recommend?

>> No.14895177

Fuck English, me a madman, learn Koine Greek and read the original manuscripts.

>> No.14895185
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>not reading the Latin Vulgate

>> No.14895195

>Not learning to speak Aramaic which was Jesus' language.

>> No.14895208

but muh tradishun!!!!!!!!!!!!! pederasty and human sacrifice are ok as long as they're BASED AND EVROPEAN!!!!!!!!!
seriously, i've yet to see a pagan that actually cares about anything beyond COOL EVRUROBEAN AESTHETICS!!!!!!!! ODIN EPIC

>> No.14895319

See the thread.

>> No.14895893

Sure in an atomized and world denying way. Immanence is the first step towards the transcendent. You deny immanence and the transcendent becomes the chasing of one slice of the immense and ineffable. Christians just cut off that slice and have the hubris to call it god.

A religion made for the gullible so as to increase centralization at the expense of previous cultural forms by the breaking down of traditional pagan (everything before Christianity) distinctions into a uniform blob of mediated individualism. It has only gotten worse as the powers of the world have grown beyond city's and states. This is why Christianity has become more and more lifeless. The earliest Christianity of Europe was in many ways pagan.
Top and bottom United against the middle is the equation of Christianity.

>> No.14895904

>but muh cucktianity!!!!!!!!!!!!! World denial, empty pity love, cultural destruction, and slow breaking down of your own race is ok as long as they're BASED AND CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!
>seriously, i've yet to see a Christian that actually cares about anything beyond COOL PITIFUL WEAK CROSS GUY AESTHETIC!!!!!!!! WEAK SLAVE RELIGION IS EPIC

>> No.14895922

At this point then it is a semantic game of what is considered pagan in your meaning of the term. Excessive individualism really isn’t that much of a defining character in the larger phenomena of Christianity (of course it has appeared and has a core aspect of it). I usually dislike a lot of modern pagans since they by and large deal in polemics due to the subject matter. Not that Christians don’t, it’s just they are more comfortable in their place. It’s a rather large topic, and general abstraction tend to be just that.

>> No.14895928
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>You deny immanence
>what is the incarnation lmao
>Athanasius: “ Just as the Lord, putting on the body, became a man, so also we men are both deified through his taking on flesh, and henceforth inherit everlasting life.”
>irenaeus btfo’d heresy of gnostic world denial in the 2th century
>me no understand, droooool

>weak cross guy aesthetic
Lol no. classic christianity is
>victorious conqueror and harrower of hell aesthetic

>> No.14895951

What pagan culture do you need to know to understand poetry and philosophy? If an allusion is made in any work written in the west odds are it's a biblical one.
And where did you find it, in the republished collection of pagan works preserved by christian monks?

>> No.14895959

Probably referring to Greco-Roman (while somehow trying to connect it with German or Norse or whatever), while ignoring many biblical stories like David and Goliath do the same thing, or that a good proportion of the good Greco-Roman philosophers believed in the monad for any serious issue of thought.

>> No.14895993

>Come home white man
When that building is brave enough to adopt a "WHITES ONLY" policy, I'll consider it home.

>> No.14896021

If you require that to participate, then "whiteness" is your true God. You have to surrender everything before God, which is the hardest part. It doesn't mean turning your life or your belief systems upside down, but the foundational core of your identity and dignity as a human has to come from God or it may as well come from nowhere at all.

>> No.14896025

You can't steal a thing if it doesn't belong to nobody.

>> No.14896027

The fact that your deepest concern with regarss to your understanding and preservation of your being in the world is literally fucking pigment is testimony to the spiritual poverty and materialism that haunts pomo redpills as it does the degens and lefties they claim to revolt against. No wonder neopaganism is attractive to them, cause it offers the guise of being “original” yet is of all spiritual depth and this fits into their modern cosmology: a mere worshipping of twigs and leafs

>> No.14896037

*is void of all spiritual depth

>> No.14896057

You just lost.

>> No.14896062
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What is your problem with Orthodox customs?

>> No.14896064

Like how whites are losing in their own countries?

>> No.14896066

>schema monk

good one

>> No.14896077

Oh, the struggle is real. But you can’t discern the spiritual war taking place for the souls of the world today if all you look at is pigments. You don’t even comprehend what is going on in front of your eyes if your understanding is
>NONONO chocolate in my vanilla! must protect white skin!

>> No.14896081
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>race is just pigment yo

>> No.14896087

again your modern, materialist presuppositions showing. You have more in common with the mentality of your pomo leftists friends than any of your ancestors

>> No.14896099

These are beautiful responses, but here's a series of questions and please BE HONEST:
Do you think the Church would be capable of rising to the same intellectual level it attained within Europe if it was developed in Africa, Oceania, or Asia? And if you do believe that, why did God see to it that only White people bring other races into his kingdom? Why is it that the Christians of Ethiopia and Syria were incapable of creating civilizations equal to Europe's christian civilizations? Why didn't God see it fit to have them christianize their continents?
Let's be real. You know why God had us deliver light and the rest of the world sit in darkness until we arrived.

>> No.14896109

So would you say churches closing down due to the Corona outbreak is deciding "healthyness" is the true God?

>> No.14896145

I would instead ask the motivations behind such questions arising in my mind as a believer. as far as i see, they provide nothing to the exaltation of the kingdom; they only provide a backdoor through which to sneak human pride back into our hearts. the answer to your questions (and i don’t have answers, cause i find it uninteresting) is ‘it may be’, but what do you want out of it other than an excuse to exalt yourself (work against the kingdom)? I would self-inquire about my spiritual health and seek the counsel of a spiritual father if I was haunted by those types of questions

>> No.14896158

i dont really think christianity totally replaced it, especially if we're talking premodern. the more pressing matter secular christian sects that, as 'secular' would imply, are worse. dumb and simplified, state ideology.

>> No.14896170


I like Orthodoxy, I just don't like the larpers it attracts

>> No.14896179

hiro please rangeban america

>> No.14896184

Shut up.

>> No.14896210

He's correct of course, christfaggotry is garbage and it's a good thing that it's finally dying out. Hopefully we'll see the continued growth of polytheist faiths in Europe and elsewhere over the coming decades.

>> No.14896218

>finally dying out

Christianity is steadily gaining tens of millions of followers every year (this is after accounting for deaths and apostates), it is exponentially on the rise in africa, south america and asia. A third of the world is christian at the moment. Sorry to tell you, but the devil is steadily losing.

>> No.14896223
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>race is deeply spiritual

>> No.14896255

Reminder Odifreddi didn't say any of that neopagan ethnonationalist stuff and that he believes we're all migrants because we descend from H. sapiens, i.e.: exactly the sort of thing you'd expect from his Anglo equivalent Dawkins:

Reminder semitic propaganda is trying to discredit atheist liberals by spreading memes with their faces and /pol/ talking points in them, while ridiculing ethnonationalists that repost all these lies while not checking their sources.

>> No.14896298

"Christianity undermines the family" (and we could add : promotes individualism), 16th chapter of Fukuyama's "The Origins of Political Order : From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution" (2011), here some excerpts :

>> No.14896358

Yes, you can.

>> No.14896363


Children who are brought up communally in an extended family community turn out healthier and better adjusted

>> No.14896374

Citation needed.

>> No.14896377

go on then lad, enlighten me on what neopaganism actually has to offer apart from cool arno berker statues and marvel movies, really, tell me

>> No.14896398

>“Life expectancy in Europe and the Mediterranean world at the time was less than thirty-five. The probability of a couple’s producing a male heir who survived into adulthood and who could carry on the ancestral line was quite low. As a result, societies legitimated a wide range of practices that allowed individuals to produce heirs. Concubinage has already been discussed in this regard in the discussion of China; divorce can be seen as a form of serial concubinage in monogamous societies. The levirate was practiced when a brother died before he produced children; his wife’s marriage to a younger brother ensured that his property would remain consolidated with that of his siblings. Cross-cousin marriage ensured that property would remain in the hands of close family members. Whatever the case, the church systematically cut off all available avenues that families had for passing down property to descendants. At the same time, it strongly promoted voluntary donations of land and property to itself. The church thus stood to benefit materially from an increasing pool of property-owning Christians who died without heirs.”

“The reasons for these prohibitions, Goody argues, are not firmly anchored in the Scriptures, or in Christian doctrine more generally. The prohibited practices were common in the Palestine of Jesus’ birth; Jesus himself may have been the product of a cross-cousin marriage, and the levirate was common among the Jews ... The theological arguments in favor of the new prohibitions were often taken from Old Testament sources that the Jews interpreted quite differently.”

>“The church made it difficult for a widow to remarry within the family group and thereby reconvey her property back to the tribe, so she had to own the property herself. A woman’s right to own property and dispose of it as she wished stood to benefit the church, since it provided a large source of donations from childless widows and spinsters. And the woman’s right to own property spelled the death knell for agnatic lineages, by undermining the principle of unilineal descent. These donations turned the church into a formidable economic and political institution”

“These changes had a correspondingly devastating impact on tribal organization throughout Western Europe. The German, Norse, Magyar, and Slavic tribes saw their kinship structures dissolve within two or three generations of their conversion to Christianity. It is true that these conversions were rooted in politics, like the Magyar monarch István’s (St. Stephen) acceptance of Holy Communion in the year 1000. But the actual change in social mores and family rules was enforced not by political authorities but by the church on a social and cultural level.”

>> No.14896407

“By the end of the seventh century, one-third of the productive land in France was in ecclesiastical hands; between the eighth and ninth centuries, church holdings in northern France, the German lands, and Italy doubled. The church thus found itself a large property owner, running manors and overseeing the economic production of serfs throughout Europe.”

>> No.14896423

>dominant cultural expectations
That's just hegemony. You don't need church doctrine for that.

You still can. You just need the right—what was it, oh yes—dominant cultural expectations.

>> No.14896444

The only tradition, culture, and creativity that deserves to survive is that which does.

>> No.14896475

>Plato who only used paganism as a dress for his proto-Christianity

This is next level mental gymnastics, good job

>> No.14896702


>> No.14896708

Did. Nothing supports your retard opinion.

>> No.14896731

Anyone disagreeing with OP supports it with their very existence.

>> No.14896734

>tribes worshipping trees

They had it right.

>> No.14896737

You know your ancestors were all pagans at some point right?

>> No.14896749

No, that post is simply bullshit. Plato wrote his stuff ages before Christianity was even a thing. There is literally zero indication that his thoughts had any connection to anything monotheistic, this is simply christian retconning, and shows the intellectual dishonesty of christian intellectualism, which simply cannot admit that one of the main pinnacles of western thinking came from a non-christian background. Which ironically actually is cope

>> No.14896771

Plato is a weird case because he was also pretty distant from many of his fellow Greeks. No other Greek wrote like him and he introduced a foreign concept to the culture (the forms). Not that I support the Christians opting his work, but I understand why they latch on to him more than other Greeks.

>> No.14897035
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Funny how a religion of "peace and love" completely BTFO of muh warrior pagan culture

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Aclea - Vikings wrecked by Englishmen
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Basing - English withdrew, but the battle was indecisive
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Marton - Follow up to the previous battle, Vikings lost
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Brissarthe - After murdering woman and children and then attempting to loot a church, the Christians slaughter the Vikings
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Brunanburh - England kills 5 viking kings and a prince, Vikings utterly crushed
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cathair_Cuan - Norse defeated by Catholic Irish, driven out of Ireland
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cynwit - Wrecked by the Saxons again
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Englefield - Saxons won
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Edington - Great Heathen army destroyed
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Glenmama - Native Irishmen annihalate Norse invaders that had settled there
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Leuven_%28891%29 - Franks destroy heathens that were planning on looting churches and killing woman and children (as they do). Vikings stop murdering villagers in France for a while because they're scared of the French!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Paris_%28885%E2%80%9386%29 - Hailed as being successfull by the Viking scum, in reality they raided an undefended Paris and then fled with their tails between their legs once Charles the Fat arrived
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus%27%E2%80%93Byzantine_War_%28860%29 - Attacked the Byzantines when their army was driving back the Arab hordes, murdered many woman and children before fleeing in fear at the sight of the returning Greeks

This one here is a very important one
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus%27%E2%80%93Byzantine_War_%28941%29 - 15(!) Greek Ships defeat the Viking navy of over 1,000 ships. The Vikings who have landed then flee when the army comes to defeat them.
>Instigated by the Jews (Khazars - revenge for persecution by the Greeks)
>The Vikings were Jewish puppets
Not even surprised

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Saucourt-en-Vimeu - More Vikings slain by Franks
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stainmore - England wins
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stamford_Bridge - Very famous one. Englishmen went on a forced march from the South of the country all the way to the North, where they encountered Barbarian Norsemen murdering woman and children (as usual). Even though they were exauhsted they managed to destroy the Viking army
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Sulcoit - Viking settlers in Ireland defeated

Tell me then, why does this image of the Vikings being a 'strong warrior people' even exist?

>> No.14897050

>What is Christian culture? The sacraments? The liturgy? Once a week being in a specific place as opposed to other places?
Fucking this. Christian strategy is unironically to be so passive aggressive that everyone folds to them.

>> No.14897055

Ladies and gentlemen the fishers of men! Burn in the Hell you threaten others with, worthless fucking demon.

>> No.14897056

Paganism isn't nihilism, moron

>> No.14897059

no u.

>> No.14897089

yet paganism is dead and larpers have to reconstruct it from fragmented sources preserved by the mercy of the church and academic monographs

>> No.14897109

>ultimately a personal journey towards God

>> No.14897160

>his God can die
lamo what a cuck

>> No.14897168

What's good in Christianity (i.e., mother worship and intellectual cleanliness) stemmed from "pagan" society and we have the records to demonstrate it.

>> No.14897190


Christianity is rejection of the ideas of ‘holy physical sites’, his disciples worship him in Spirit (John 4). Also, your description of persecution fits more with totalitarian ideologies like islam, less so christians, who have more so been on the receiving end of that stick. Stop strawmanning.

>> No.14897193

Blablabla all postering

>> No.14897195
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>your description of persecution fits more with totalitarian ideologies like islam, less so christians, who have more so been on the receiving end of that stick. Stop strawmanning.

>> No.14897210

>proud and noble religion is outnumbered by orc religion which promises salvation for everyone who mindlessly obeys the teachings of king rabbi

And like a kike, you’re proud of it

>> No.14897217

And you're what's bad in Christianity: arrogance on top of ignorance, and fearmongering because you're a social parasite.

>> No.14897219

>get asked simple questions
>respond with Talmudic pilpul nonsense

>> No.14897265

Good post

>> No.14897327

>Tell me then, why does this image of the Vikings being a 'strong warrior people' even exist?
The same way any culture gets typecasted as that. It's just a romanticized way of looking at the past.
Same thing applies to medieval knights, romans, tribal warriors, "noble savages," samurai, etc. When it reality it's just rich brats or people making mud pies and eating bugs. Just average people in a different time period.
People enjoy the idea that they come from a unique or strong bloodline because they think it makes them special.

>> No.14897364

Really? His answer was just a maybe, that's pretty weak compared to his answer about why churches adopting a Whites Only policy is bad.

>> No.14897915

I think he does what he can to play fair; if haunted by such questions, he'd seek consultation. Though indifferent himself, his answer's not incorrect.

>> No.14897950

Hes right. You fear that your quest of an all too human god is but just a copy of ancient pagan cults that you have demonized to support your own faulty dogma.
Irony at its prime.

>> No.14897964

Holy fuck you are ignorant. Making thyself the victim of the world so as to ignore one's own "dealings with he devil". Ignoring all the torturing of one's own people so as to continue the mental image of you being the "Noble and harmless victim".
Amazing to me how simply and dualistically christians think.

>> No.14897969

Yup that's pilpul alright. It's infected your mid-wit brain.

>> No.14898000
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>> No.14898005

Those are the questions that face our people in this era, him ignoring it shows that he has allegiance that is foreign to his own people. Therefore siding with the enemy through ignorance of the problems. Neutrality is itself a choice.

>> No.14898022

>according to Christianity the feminine is evil
Not saying it's "evil", but how as female equality gone for the West? Doesn't he know that women were gaining more and more power toward the end of the Roman Empire? The Arab Empire even? All empires fall when women gain equality. Women shouldn't be mistreated, but they can't be given freedom. He describes exactly WHY Christianity saved the West.

>> No.14898278

And just like that, Christians were silenced.

>> No.14898479

Christianity was a return to Roman virtues after the pagans started running sex orgy parties and shipping in every shade of negroe. Paganism wasn't long for this world in the 300s. If not Jesus, Mithras, Sol Invictus, or any of a hundred others.

>> No.14898619

>All empires fall when women gain equality.
Correction: all empires fall when the men become more like women. Women never "gain" equality, because they are too weak for that; men simply lose their strength, their ferocity and dedication and elite posture, to the point where they become indistinguishable from women, and then women wear the pants only once they see that none of the men around them are fit to wear them anymore.

>Women shouldn't be mistreated
I agree, but they will be if everyone adopts your view on the matter.

>> No.14898624

>Implying that beliefs are similar genetic traits.

>> No.14898641

>proud and noble religion is outnumbered by orc religion which promises salvation for everyone who mindlessly obeys the teachings of king rabbi
The fuck are you talking about? Didn't you see that in almost all of those battles the Vikings were the aggressors?

>> No.14898680


>> No.14898720

Biology has greater influence over ideology than vice versa. This has been studied for a long time now, which is why Western religions have fallen out of grace with most of the intellectual elite as the prime ideology and geneticism / biological determinism is the championing ideology that replaced it.

>> No.14898732

Maybe these gods do not depend on idols or ritual magic

>> No.14898803

By that logic, religious conversion should be either impossible or near impossible. Why do people voluntarily convert to other religions in your view?

>> No.14898820

>Why do people voluntarily convert to other religions in your view?
We Are All Africans.

Joking aside, not only are our genomes very complex, but our religions are too. There are many facets to them that appeal to a broad range of people. Most people on earth today also possess a broad enough genetic mixture that they can find themselves pulled towards conflicting ideologies, or desires if you will, within themselves. Also, "religious conversion" is VERY often not a personal process, but a socializing one; the views of the religion aren't always understood and the values of it are sometimes only feigned rather than inherited in order to pursue a certain social status.

>> No.14899194

So what youre saying is that he's essentialy Laodicean?

>> No.14899256

>muh ancestors :)
Tell me how this is any better than Varg or wiccans

>> No.14899264

I like to sniff farts and lick boy feet

>> No.14900204

>Robbery is a capitalist construct
Holy fucking shit your level of idiocy never ceases to amaze me

>> No.14900312

That's gonna be a nah dawg.


>> No.14900374
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>> No.14900386

pea brained chthonic thinking

>> No.14901265

Your ancestors hated niggers too, but do you hate niggers today? Why not?

>> No.14901338


>> No.14901346
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>> No.14901350
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>> No.14901599

>By that logic, religious conversion should be either impossible or near impossible.
No. You don’t know anything.

>> No.14901604

>when people rightfully defend their lands from Abrahamic invaders, they’re ‘agressors’

Ok kike

>> No.14901707

This “person” should be tortured for being so much of a dehumanized dumbfuck, dishonest, incoherent demon. Egyptian-platonic tradition, Christianity and Hinduism are the only traditions worth respect, the former and the latter for their metaphysical depth and Christianity for, besides its metaphysics, incarnating Truth.
Is he crying for the other millions of deities from autochtonous people who were crushed?
There is so much to say about christian wisdom, I mean, apart from the metaphysical grandeur, isn’t he aware of its instantiation in art, which is wisdom and truth? I think only egyptians can rival in this aspect.
His saying “they think women are evil” is enough to despise someone like this for his lack of any profundity in a matter critiqued with so much effort. Did he forget that Salvation literally came from a Woman? That christianity considers A WOMAN to be the most perfect human being?
His try to link jews to christians is lamentable. The very definition of a jew is his anti-christian inclination.
Please, ignore these kind of beggarly, dishonest people who is in want of real education and genuine spirituality.

>> No.14901717

Ok christcuck

>> No.14901719

>worship my kike religion or im gonna torture you to death !!!!!!!!!!!!
peak apologetics

>> No.14901778

>That christianity considers A WOMAN to be the most perfect human being?
Who? Mary?

>> No.14901922

>ignored the whole post to attack a caricature due to my borderline illiteracy and dishonesty
peak hylic retort


>> No.14901952

>pagans got cucked by christians
don't care desu, fuck pagans and fuck atheists, not even an abrahamic

They can't deal with it, they want to go back to gods Christians wrote about because they like Marvel and mom made them go to church when they wanted to play video games

Why are pagans so annoying?

>> No.14901962

That's not how life works though

>> No.14902160

the most based /lit/ picture i`ve ever seen


>> No.14902172

It's actually wrong though. Christians don't believe Earth is bad, that's some pagan/gnostic nonsense

>> No.14902201

gnostic nonsense is the most logical conclusion after Testaments and Paul.

>> No.14902228

But it misses a lot of steps though. For some reason it reframed from citing the Christian development in the “rising best” category, which is rather huge. For example Pico Della Mirandola: Oration On the Dignity Of Man. Who portrayed man as a rising beast, something between a beast and angel who wishes to rise to the later, but due to being part of the former is even more spectacular for doing so.

>> No.14902233

t. Marcion of Sinope

But in all seriousness, I can see how you come to this conclusion, to be honest - but as a Zoroastrian, it feels like a cheap imitation and misunderstanding of my own religion.

>> No.14902247

If anyone wants to read. I know there was a more poetic translation somewhere, but couldn’t find it.

>> No.14902254


>> No.14902850

>proofs of god

>> No.14902926

Not a bad list. A little small.


Try them out

>> No.14903064

>Holy, I can’t understand what was just said! Better not ask or might learn !

>> No.14903134

>a New Zealander!?
>On my lit!?
It's more likely than you think.

>> No.14903148

>loses three quarters of their territory to the Muzzos

>> No.14904368

In all of those battles the Vikings were the INVADERS, and the Christians were defending themselves from their raids.

What part of that doesn't get through your thick skull?

>> No.14905246
File: 114 KB, 660x825, 1582977194046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think the Church would be capable of rising to the same intellectual level it attained within Europe if it was developed in Africa, Oceania, or Asia?
But the church started off in Asia, specifically the Middle East. Even before the crucifixion you have 2000 years of Abrahamic tradition in Israel.
>Why didn't God see it fit to have them christianize their continents?
The same reason God hardened the heart of the Pharaoh, they weren't ready for Christianity. Ghastly deeds were committed all over the world, and thus salvation was postponed. A period of penance was necessary to bring in the rest of the world into the Christian fold. It also places duty on Christians to proclaim the faith and risk their lives for the souls of others, to become poor as Christ wanted.

>> No.14905261

The strong defeat the weak. If pagans were stronger, their culture and tradition would not have been destroyed by christians.

>> No.14905273

Belloc was such a badass.

>> No.14905280

That argument doesn't work with neo-p*gans since they believe paganism has some kind of intrinsic superiority and/or nobility over Christianity, no matter the circumstances. Talk about being dogmatic.

>> No.14905282

Not how it works. There's luck and a larger number of weak can overwhelm the strong.
And imagine relying on darwinism to defend your cuck religion.

>> No.14905283


I know pagans usually don’t read history. But still. Most of the Vikings were raiders, and most of the contents germanics got converted in the late Roman period and early medieval. Almost solely through prostelatizing and willing conversion. Maybe if you talked about the Baltics or at a stretch some of the Slavic lands, you might have a point.

>> No.14905336

If your ideas can be overcomed and defeated, what good are they for? If the supposed pagan values that you hold do jack shit for you, what greater intrinsic worth do they have?

To put it in another way, if your gods can be defeated, why worship them?

>> No.14905377

It's always been a numbers and technology game. Christianity rode in on the backs of roman technology, roman weapons, and destroyed pagans. Strength isn't just "muh genetics", it's more than that.

>> No.14905518

Why can't Christians just fuck off? I don't even care about whether or not they worship pagan gods, I just want them to let me be myself!

>> No.14905527

>Why can't Christians just fuck off?
The Gospel compels us to spread the Word of God to all the peoples of the earth.
>I don't even care about whether or not they worship pagan gods,
We don't.
>I just want them to let me be myself!
Confess the resurrection of Christ and that He died on the cross for your sins and we'll let you be.

>> No.14905543

Charlemagne converted the saxons by force, conversion of the Frisians also went together with a lot of violence and Frisian meant half of the modern Netherlands. So this debunks your claim.

>> No.14905552

> Our religion demands us to be pushy and uncivil.
Like a real Jew

>> No.14905556

>To put it in another way, if your gods can be defeated, why worship them?
Because that is a true statement and your allpowerful God of love is not true.

>> No.14905557

The strong are always the majority.

>> No.14905559

>dude might makes right XD t. jesus
christlarpers are the worst people on this board

>> No.14905568

Matthew 10:34
>“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

>> No.14905570

desu I don’t think you’re illiterate although you’re definitely dishonest

>> No.14905575

yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about

>> No.14905578

The idea that Jesus was a pacifist is retarded. He came to spread the Truth, and He wasn't fucking around. Neither are we.

>> No.14905585

Nah, Christianity's message is more based on Right makes Might.

>> No.14905586

I am waiting for any of the two billion Christians to finally start a crusade. Its gonna happen any time now. You can force White woman to take the big black christian cock at gunpoint.

>> No.14905588

Christianity is based on the might of the masses, pagans on individual great men. Its why you are so mediocre in everything.

>> No.14905589

>I am waiting for any of the two billion Christians to finally start a crusade.
No individual Christian can start a crusade, retard. It's the pope that needs to sign off on that shit before making it legitimate, anything else would be LARPing like the peasant's crusade.
>Its gonna happen any time now.
Like the neo-pagan resurgence, any time now.
>You can force White woman to take the big black christian cock at gunpoint.
Keep your weird racial fetishes to yourself.

>> No.14905592

>Christianity is based on the might of the masses, pagans on individual great men.
So there hasn't been Christian individual great men and women in Christianity?

>Godfrey of Bouillon
>Joan of Arc
>Hernan Cortés
>Isabella I of Castile
>Charles Martel
>Justinian I
>Olga of Kiev
>Vlad the Impaler
>Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar
>Richard Lionheart
>Jean Parisot de Valette

And many, many others.

>> No.14905606

>No individual Christian can start a crusade
Admit your religion is inpotent.

>Like the neo-pagan resurgence, any time now.
Not an article of my faith.

>So there hasn't been Christian individual great men and women in Christianity?

No. Aristocracy and republicanism are a pagan vestiage, these political systems evolved straight from the Germanic Thing. Thats why with the introduction of Christian democracy great men ended.

>> No.14905625

>Admit your religion is inpotent.
>Goes on to conquer two thirds of the world
Sure thing buddy.

>Not an article of my faith.
Neither is crusader an article of mine. You think we're muslims or something, the spread of the Gospel is, wether it be by the sword or not, that depends on the situation.

>No. Aristocracy and republicanism are a pagan vestiage,
So monarchism is Christian? Ok.
>these political systems evolved straight from the Germanic Thing.
Nah pretty sure the Greeks created those systems first, mate.

>Thats why with the introduction of Christian democracy great men ended.
Clearly not going by the list I just gave you, and those are just some of the big ones. The number of great men in Christianity is endless.

>> No.14905651

So Germans converting Germans? Most of the major tribes were Christians anyways. Goths, Franks, Vandals, Ostrogoths.