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1489059 No.1489059 [Reply] [Original]

Conspiracies and shit.

>> No.1489086


>> No.1489088

The Illuminatus! Trilogy. I want to be Hagbard Celine so bad.

>> No.1489207

Foucault's Pendulum has the greatest concept for a conspiracy book ever.

>> No.1489213

Greatest concept, worst execution. I can't stand his writing.

>> No.1489217

fuck off troll

>> No.1489222
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Am I the only one who reads Hagbards lines in the voice of the ship captain from the simpsons?

>> No.1489224

I'm writing a book called Foucault's AIDS.

>> No.1489225

Eh? I'm serious. I read him in English so it might have been the translator.

Either way, Eco's writing is tortuous. Every sentence is convoluted on purpose. There are so many references to obscure historical figures and ancient scientific or philosophical concepts, it's like an encyclopedia except it's fiction. Everything is a digression. Every page has 20 semi-colons. It's like Pynchon took speed, started writing a book in Italian, translated it into English, then asked Finnegans Wake-era Joyce to finish it.

>> No.1489227

>Finnegans Wake-era Joyce

Lets not go around saying things we cant take back.

>> No.1489230
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Yes. Hagbard was a young guy, wasn't he? And he was stoned all the time. He probably sounded like Ted.

>> No.1489231

This is exactly how come it's so awesome. He's a fucking crazy guy, yo.

>> No.1489233

Read Hitlers, Mein Kampf, and how he thinks the jews will take over the earth with the help of media.

>Oh shit.

>> No.1489237

Maybe, but he would have talked like that JUST BECAUSE.

And he wasn't that young; he'd been a computer scientist, lawyer, engineer, and (of course) world class smuggler by the time we meet him. At least, if you believe what he says.

>> No.1489241

Finnegans Wake Book IV-era Joyce. There, happy?

>> No.1489245
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I don't know man. Remember the purple turtleneck he was wearing?

>> No.1489255
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islamic extremists hijacked two airliners and crashed them into the twin towers wherein jet fuel fire caused steel to soften and the towers to free fall collapse

>> No.1489256

Hagbard Celine
>He has a Norwegian mother and a Sicilian father, and physically resembles Anthony Quinn.

>> No.1489267

Holy shit! When did this happen? Just now; today?!

>> No.1489269


>> No.1489275
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>> No.1489277

The first Tower was demolished by a combination of the Jewish-controlled liberal media and the Pentagon, and disguised to look like a terrorist attack.
Meanwhile, the second Tower was destroyed by Islamic Extremists flying a passenger jet into it in a completely unrelated plot.

>> No.1489280

I'd like to have his sub and his Acapulco Gold.

>> No.1489282

Conspiracies in literature, dudes. Chill out.

>> No.1489283

I just want to be able to talk with dolphins.

>> No.1489285


why have many fires burned just as hot and for longer in similar skyscrappers yet none of them collapsed

(NIST, gov. others attribute the collapse to fire)

>> No.1489290

Am I wrong to interpret this book as a long-winded hippie parody of Atlas Shrugged? What with all the references to the book "Telemachus Sneezed", a sea-faring pirate named Hagbard Celine (like Rand's sea-faring pirate Ragnar Danneskjold) with every talent and skill in the world, the long speeches and diatribes...

>> No.1489293

The simple answer is that they haven't.

The complicated answer is that they haven't.

>> No.1489305


The concept behind Illuminatus is that every single conspiracy theory ever is completely true(Atlantis, UFOS, ect.).
It also took several jabs at the counter-culture of the time(Objectivism technically falling under that umbrella) and served as a platform for RAW and Sheas own beliefs. Those beliefs being that it is a bad idea to have strongly held beliefs.

Also RAW was a Randroid when he was 14(he grew out of it).

>> No.1489314

he also just assembled it out of crank letters he got while editing playboy, so in a way it is a lot like foucault's pendulum, at least the computer in that book.

>> No.1489326

It's funny to think of RAW, noted psychedelicist, being a devotee of such an ego-centric and "reality is objective" belief system as Objectivism.

>> No.1489333

That's the reason he "quit" it, really. He wanted to be a fat stoner and a liberal.

He couldn't live up to the standards, so he pretended to disagree. If you take careful note of the themes running throughout his writings, however, you'll notice he often pines for it -- as if he knows he were not living up to his full potential, knows he's living dishonestly.

>> No.1489338


>> No.1489343

Or, he realized that such pig headed beliefs were silly and unbecoming of an adult.

>> No.1489355

Nope. The evidence is clear and he basically copped to it in his U of O presentation (among other places).

He's really something of an analogue to L. Ron Hubbard or PT Barnum; they all initially tried to succeed by honest means, then just said "fuck it, I know the truth but a sucker is born every minute and it's easier to live by tricking people".

>> No.1489368

Think of RAW as a trickster character. He's a sort of Prometheus, Hagbard Celine, Eris, Odin, or even Bugs Bunny. He changes roles, shifts shapes, and plays tricks. Nothing he says is to be taken seriously. Ever.

>> No.1489376

So he's like a troll that one shuld not respond to?

>> No.1489384

Sort of, except following him down the path of lies can lead you to discover truths that would have otherwise remained hidden. Should Alice have chased the rabbit with the stop watch? Probably not. But she came out the better for it.

>> No.1489417

Exactly, but we seem to disagree on the truth which is detectable. You're still caught up in his rigmarole, I think.

RAW was a fraud, and it's a shame because his fraudulence didn't even result in any great success. Had he stuck to the honest path, living life passionately, rationally, and to the fullest - being a beacon proclaiming through his very existence that A must equal A - he likely would have managed better.

>> No.1489447

RAW died surrounded by friends and loved ones, smiling and excited for what came next. Rand died, scared and mumbling, with only her nurse by her side.

Who was the success?

>> No.1489461

Seems to me more people know (and care) about Rand than RAW. So Rand. c:

>> No.1489464

because the weekend before the attack they had the cleaning crews get the fuck out of the buildings and had 25 different large panel/moving trucks go into the parking areas and subbasements when people asked questions about why so much building material was being removed it was a case of shut the fuck up and mind your own business or lose your job. they packed the structural stress points with thermite charges that were extreme shock sensitive to blow and burn when the planes hit. also the planes werent the planes we were told they were. those planes were grounded and the passengers were killed. the planes that hit were flying bombs.

>> No.1489476

Your benchmark is "fans," not people directly involved in your life? Would you rather die 1) pathetically alone because you are such an asshole you've driven away all friends and family, but you have lots of fans whom you've never met 2) surrounded and cared for by people you love and who love you back, but without a teenage internet cheersquad of fans

>> No.1489482

Won't matter when I'm dead. But I would prefer fans that I've never met. Because if I have fans that are actually a large group, I don't need to be personally acquainted with them to know my message got through.

>> No.1489488

So you're a sociopath and a narcissist. That's cool.

>> No.1489497

I'd much rather have an idea passed down than a gene, and I don't need people standing around me telling me how great I am so I can "die happy".

>> No.1489508

Like I said, you're a sociopath. Human relationships mean nothing to you.

That's ok. It's clear why we disagree now.

>> No.1489516

interesting point.

anyone know any good 911 conspiracy books? i find it hard to wade through half the guff on the internet.

>> No.1489529

I'm not sure how you get sociopath from me. I don't violate or disregard the rights of other people, nor am I in any way antisocial. I'm just a normal person.

>> No.1489545


bumping for dat shit. need me some juice.

>> No.1489950

Ok, randroid troll derailed this a bit.

Has anyone read Cosmic Trigger by RAW?

>> No.1490116

jet fuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt steel. its merely very high grade kerosene with some lubricants added to it.

>> No.1490123

who doesnt want to be Hagbard Celine?

>> No.1490150

Ragnar Danneskjold

>> No.1491037
