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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.73 MB, 1541x1600, Greece-map-boundaries-cities-locator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14892709 No.14892709 [Reply] [Original]

>Hasn't produced anything of value since Homer and the Greek Tragedians
Did Christianity/Platonism cuck Greece out of their discernible talent? What happened? I am Greek and have nothing but contempt for Greece and Greek people today.

>> No.14892716

Platonism killed your ideological foundation and then the Turk rape killed your biological ability to relight the flame. Now your destiny is to be as intellectually barren as the whole of MENA and Central Asia

>> No.14892726
File: 74 KB, 450x663, last-temptation-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was good

>> No.14892747

>he posted it again
I hate redditor cucks
You're pulling shit out of your ass.
It's shit.

>> No.14892749

>what is Kazantzakis, Elytis, Kavafis, Papadiamantis, Alexandrou, Politis, Solomos, the list goes on...

>> No.14892763
File: 61 KB, 356x480, C88DE0E9-9F24-49D5-812D-2497EDDF6004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Christianity/Platonism cuck Greece out of their discernible talent?
You just need better discerning skills when it comes to literary/spiritual value. Also, your self hate is not natural but result of propaganda.

>> No.14892764
File: 80 KB, 700x466, A0ECE46A-817C-4A44-9001-6838FB88ED30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking pseud

>> No.14892769

In ironic contrast to how Turks are a favorite subject of cuckposters, there is very little in the way of genetic legacy on Anatolia of Mongoloid steppe nomads. If anyone "cucked Greece" it would be the Greeks themselves drawing personnel from Armenia for centuries

>> No.14892839

Name one thing any nation or thing produced ever that is better than Homer.
>boot eets ohld!!

>> No.14892870

Finnegans Wake
Gravity's Rainbow
Moby Dick
The Golden Bowl
The Divine Comedy
King Lear
In Search of Lost Time
The Man Without Qualities
The Sleepwalkers
The Recognitions
Tristam Shandy
and so on

>> No.14892880

> What happened?

The wrong side won the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.14892892
File: 54 KB, 463x491, 81025AE0-9382-438B-BA3F-7E8A4DB325C4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More pseudery
Check your watch. That’s what happened

>> No.14892931

>implying any of these are close to Homer
Lol no.

>> No.14893010

Only Dante and Shakespeare might beat Homer, the others are good but nowhere near them

>> No.14893021


>> No.14893142
File: 511 KB, 1196x960, 1584288610457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Christianity destroys anything that is creative.

>> No.14893164

>in Greece

>> No.14893171

Borges and Proust make Homer, Shakespeare and Dante look like fucking retards

>> No.14893177

Go back.
Also Shakespeare and Dante aren't on the level of Homer, only a retard would say that.

>> No.14893188

Same thing. All of Christianity is the same. Christianity is a resentful force that destroys tradition, culture, and creativity.

>> No.14893199
File: 61 KB, 853x1333, F6F0E985-1A4B-4B9C-9711-006AE09C87C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Orthodox and the Catholic aren’t that much different despite it all.

Shhh. Things change. All this talk of trying to maintain continual Great literature, one classic after another is just missing the point of the whole thing. You’re like drug addicts chasing after ever greater highs.
Try to relax for crying out loud. Wander down other paths for hidden treasures.

>> No.14893203


>> No.14893206


>> No.14893213

Fuck you. One page of Borges is better than Homers complete work

>> No.14893232

It’s the foundation of all Western culture. We can’t deny that modern Greece has fallen from its once great stature but the same could be said for every Western civilization and to a far greater degree. Many Western nations have no claim to a significant cultural impact on the West whatsoever. Be proud of your heritage and it’s place in the pivotal unfolding of history as well as it’s absence of “notable deeds” in the modern West, which typically equate to nothing more than large scale turning away from any healthy and normal way of existing.

>> No.14893309

It’s an addition to Homer, a continuation.
The new works are supposed to be more mature.

Repetition is a hallmark of genre trash. Trash not because it’s unenjoyable, but because it feels like hollow plagiarisms. Read the cheap echo, read the originals, read the new works that try, and sometimes fail, to build on what came before.
Stop being resentful with the reality of it.

>> No.14893357

One Homeric verse is better than everything Borges ever wrote or said. The two aren't even comparable. Stop baiting.

>> No.14893411

As long as people continue to think of Greco-Roman civilization and Western civilization as the same, or a continuation, then a true understanding of history is impossible. It is beyond the abilities of any people to keep up greatness for more than a couple of a centuries. The essence of history is change, absolute Becoming towards an idealized Being (Perfection). Civilization is an allegory on the path to the Perfect Being, what we call God. (or the gods, for the Greeks).

Humans can never reach Perfection because they can never be content, unlike plants and animals, who have no drive to create like humans do. A people would have to have limitless stores of energy to keep Perfection in sight forever, which is impossible. Once the goal of Perfection is lost, the civilization collapses, having lost sight of its raison d'être. The gods of the Greeks were embodied in sculpture. The Christian god is behind every note of Mozart and Beethoven. As soon as the Greeks began creating atheistic philosophies like Stoicism and Epicureanism, their civilization was in its death throes. The Hellenistic period saw the decline of Greece and the rise of Roman imperialism, which forever removed Greece from the future of history. The final nail in the coffin was Christianity, which completely swept aside the civilization of Antiquity in preparation for a new one to arise.

>> No.14894382

Belthandros and Chrysantza

There's also the Eastern Roman mythos/folk tale about Arab incursions, the name escapes.

>> No.14894431

Proust was a gay Jewish hack and Borges would smack you across the face for suggesting such a thing.