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File: 65 KB, 1237x867, puzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14892034 No.14892034 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about Aeneid? Is it a Homer fanfic or is it a literary masterpiece that stands on its own?
>pic unrelated

>> No.14892096
File: 1.72 MB, 2854x3806, 2D061E91-6FBA-4B02-B773-A0CF5A67D127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To stave off potential retardation...

>> No.14892100

Since the question leaves it (perhaps intentionally) ambiguous, can you place the food on any part of the square or are you limited to the vertices?

>> No.14892110

Since it walks on any surface couldn’t you ”open” the box so that all surfaces are on one plane, then find the longest distance like that?

Aeneid was great, prefered reading it over both Odysseus and Iliad

>> No.14892119

oh shid i fugged up

>> No.14892135

Any part.
If you can solve it, solve it and post your result. Remember, it's not B.
It's not B.

>> No.14892145

I will never believe that it isn't B

>> No.14892152

Why do you believe it's B?

>> No.14892163

because it is clearly the opposite corner of the object.

>> No.14892166

Is it 0.5m down from B?

>> No.14892170

Just scatter the food all over the box.

>> No.14892180

Does the bug only walk along the vertices?

>> No.14892185

I didn't know that teachers in 1987 USSR had the mentality of 2020 America. These concepts are just too reddity.
Also, who says that 10th graders could solve the problem?

Anyway, Aeneid is not a fan fiction because it is founded on entirely different needs than modern fan fic is. And it is better than Homer.

>> No.14892203

>the bug can walk on any face of the box it wants
The statement of the problem was adapted to make it easier for /lit/ to understand.

>> No.14892207

it is B and I will hunt you down and beat you with a rectangular prism until you admit it

>> No.14892212

It's not B. Seriously, try and work out what the actual furthest point is.

>> No.14892213

>The statement of the problem was adapted to make it easier for /lit/ to understand
Nah, you just pulled it out of your ass. Show us the actual exam, if otherwise.

>> No.14892226

If you can't solve it, you can't solve it, and that's alright. Just be honest and admit it.

>> No.14892227

It's b. Any other vertex is closer to a. Any other point along an edge is closer to a. Any other point on the faces is closer to a.

>> No.14892230

It's not B.

>> No.14892234

Prove it

>> No.14892238

Im convinced this is just some gay social experiment to see if people can be convinced of something obviously untrue

>> No.14892240

I'm still waiting for someone to post the correct answer. If no one does, I will do it myself.

>> No.14892244

It's basically the same as a 2010 b thread with the image titled autism test. The real test isn't if you can do it or not, but if you are lame enough to try

>> No.14892247

Cope brainlets. It's not B lmao. Seriously, go on and try to prove why it's B. You can't, because it's not B. There is another point which is further away from A.

>> No.14892248
File: 67 KB, 492x225, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's B. Change my mind.
>pic unrelated

>> No.14892259
File: 30 KB, 319x276, E1F8F975-F78A-48BE-8B48-725862C3918D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag
I made a half ass attempt to solve this and figured it would be some point very close to B on either the back or top face.
Video confirms this and the fact that this is a problem from a 2010 man tournament and the solution would require a compass or graphing software

I’ve never read the Aeneid

>> No.14892268


>> No.14892282

absolute fucking memery. take a real rectangular prism and measure the distances on it, that point will always be closer to A than B is

>> No.14892288

> the solution would require a compass or graphing software
The solution doesn't require either of those. Only a head on your shoulders.

>> No.14892302

Actually an idiot. The point is that it can walk along the vertices or take a short cut. There's a point that is further from B and >>14892096
This idiot actually proved it but couldn't read simple instructions that say "it's not B"

>> No.14892305

Stop drooling.

>> No.14892308

no short cut would ever make it closer to reach any point than b

>> No.14892314
File: 208 KB, 907x495, 1555589753005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The answer is B. If you collapse the box into a 2D surface it will cease to be a box, invalidating the question.

>> No.14892324

OK-ish but not even 1/1000000000000000th as good as Homer. /thread

>> No.14892326

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.14892333
File: 61 KB, 940x545, autistic-child-having-meltdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not b
>it's not b
>it's not b
>it's not b
>it's not b

>> No.14892337

Idiot. B isn't (1;3) but (1;2;1) and A isn't (0;0) but (0;0;0).

>> No.14892338

>he doesn't use 10 rolls of toilet paper a day in a dionysian flurry of excretion both anal and nasal
nothing personnel kid

>> No.14892339

It's 1m down from B.

>> No.14892364

I'm not talking about solving it, I'm talking about you being a faggot.

>> No.14892382

Since the but takes the shortest path the longest distance it can walk is placing the food 0.2 units to the left of the point B. So if the the point B has coordinate (1,1,2) the food is placed at coordinate (0.8,1,2).

>> No.14892398

It's not B.
It's not B.

>> No.14892420

hilarious that op claimed the image was unrelated, but then only responds to posts about the image and ignores every answer to his supposed question

even worse that /lit/ is falling for the bait so hard

>> No.14892428
File: 64 KB, 300x378, meltdown autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14892433

hahahahahahaha omg

>> No.14892435
File: 40 KB, 600x800, 1584158098489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not B.

>> No.14892438

You're also an idiot because the bug walks on the surface. He can't clip through the box. So finding distance in the xyz plane doesn't answer the question.

>> No.14892451
File: 53 KB, 500x729, 141347144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb, writing something with python to figure this out

>> No.14892454

And the computer will tell you it's not B if you ask him nicely :)

>> No.14892457

What's 2+2?

Hint: It's not 4.

>> No.14892466

And yet it's still not B.

>> No.14892477

It's some point on the lower face iirc

>> No.14892504

I'm about to write a proof about how this is the correct answer. OP is literally just replying wrong to any answer to a be an edgy troll.

>> No.14892524

This gay problem again? It’s point C such that C is 1/4 of a unit over and down from B on the top surface. OP is a homo for posting this AGAIN but this time under false pretense.

>> No.14892529

Now try and convince the other posters that this is the answer.
90% still believe it's B lmao.

>> No.14892558

Looks like the old thread was pruned or else I’d provide a link. It’s very close in distance to B. B had a distance of 8 and C was 65/8 if I remember correctly.

>> No.14892582

You flatten the box.

>> No.14892591

how does the bug knwo the shortest path if he never walked on the thing. do you even science bro? you think knowledge comes from skydaddy? knowledge comes experience fucking retard. i could kill you with a single stroke.

>> No.14892597

What are the other vertices supposed to be named, there is no standard way of naming points, not B. There's only B labled, fucking ask the problem correctly, and it is B. Faggot.

>> No.14892608

>instructions that say "it's not B"
''it's not b'' is nto an instruction drooling whore, go back to spreading your legs

>> No.14892625

What's with the retarded way the question is asked?
Can't you just ask "What's the shortest path the bug should take to reach B from A?"
>it's not b
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? B is the point the bug's walking towards.

>> No.14892632
File: 44 KB, 960x720, 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking 3D retarded if you can't see this. Please look up what a vector is if you seriously want to disagree.
PS >>14892096 is right.
If you don't think so give the point you fallaciously think is right. If you don't it's clear you're just trolling and gay

>> No.14892641

not sure if bait or just retarded

>> No.14892650


>> No.14892652

I know this is b8 but some posters do have really poor spatial reasoning
Try thinking outside, or at least on the surface of the box

>> No.14892662

That video is wrong and the maker of it demonstrates that he can't comprehend 3d algebra or functions by going through all that autism instead of just casting the prism into a 3d space, assigning points to the vertices, and finding that going through the prism the distance from A to B is the largest (yet the distance that you would need to travel on the surface is even larger) it equals sqrt(6) and B is the answer

>> No.14892673

B is the farthest point from A. But the bug takes the shortest path. Shortest path between A and B is root 8. You can find a multitude of points whose shortest between it and A is larger than root 8

>> No.14892674

>the correct answer is already posted ITT and people still insist it's B
these are the """people""" calling you a midwit lmao

>> No.14892675

How is that possible, what route can the bug take to get to b that is shorter than point c on the top? You're retards

>> No.14892715

this, kek

>> No.14892762
File: 41 KB, 473x500, 2fnyr06hg7f01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks it's B

>> No.14892782
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20200315_173536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness my autism, shit handwriting and bad english

>> No.14892793
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x3024, 20200315_173544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking phoneposting man

>> No.14892799
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 20200315_173548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove me wrong btw

>> No.14892830
File: 64 KB, 1046x847, 9C48242B-86D6-470B-B8BF-D95468819823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valiant effort but you’re wrong, there is a shorter path to B. Pic related is your hint

>> No.14892909

>codemonkey attempts geometric proof

>> No.14892944

It's not B.

>> No.14892951
File: 4 KB, 315x418, you have to think inside the box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a hole in the box at point B
so you can put food on the other side of point A

>> No.14892953

Pretty based

>> No.14892959

Thanks for proving me right

>> No.14892964

Wrong. Even if you make a small hole at B, the point of furthest distance will not be on the opposite side at A. There will be a point of even further distance.

>> No.14892972

Please upload it so we can read it.

>> No.14892996

>By symmetry P, the solution to the problem, is on BC.
Why would that be true?

>> No.14893015

the poem is too good to be a fanfic

>> No.14893018

How influential do you think it was to the history of literature?

>> No.14893054
File: 422 KB, 828x1307, 2D8AFBD6-08B6-4002-84F1-41D4CFB08C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you are a brainlet.


>> No.14893055
File: 2.11 MB, 2964x3952, 6C2DDA1F-93EA-4F1C-A3B1-6AFA301F2CF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This answer is wrong. There are 3 ways to travel to any point on the box. If I choose a point that is 1/4 to the left of B and 1/4 down from B, I get a distance squared of 8.125 for all three paths. The min of these distances is 8.125.
HOWEVER if I chose a point 0.2 units to the left of B and at the same height as B, I get a distance squared of 8.84 from two of the paths and a distance squared of 9.64 from the other path. The min of these is 8.84. Clearly 8.84>8.125.
Pic related is the 3 possible paths one can take to any point.

>> No.14893112

It seems like you might be right. This is interesting. I'll try to think about this more.

>> No.14893134

The answer is 1/4 unit in from B in both dimensions on the top side of the box.

The equation you need is:
sqrt((2-x)^2+(2+x)^2) = sqrt((3-x)^2+(1-x)^2), where x is the distance out from B in each dimension on the top side.

Which is the same as the distance going from the front side to the top side = the distance from the front side over the right side.

>> No.14893136
File: 31 KB, 1237x867, sodasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I figured out your mistake. There is a shorter path of length squared 7.24.

>> No.14893141


>> No.14893176

Sheeeeit. Well 8.125 makes sense now because it's the same length no matter which path you choose. Since all the distances would be increasing it makes sense to find the point where they are all equal. Because if I move off that point one of my paths will become shorter than the others.

>> No.14893196

Brainlet here. I sort of understand now, but why does it have to be 1/4 of a unit? Why not 1/8 or other lower values?

>> No.14893404

That's what you get when you solve the equations.

>> No.14893804

tfw i can't math

>> No.14894165 [DELETED] 

Now that I look at this, your drawing doesn't reflect the model. Where you drew C is not where it would be.