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File: 105 KB, 756x840, tractatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14883516 No.14883516 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, do I just keep reading this shit like this? I thought it was a overdone meme that analytics were boring and tasteless in their writings. What the fuck is the bullet note shit? Did he not care to string his thought together in sentences/paragraphs? It reads like a book of aphorisms wtf

>> No.14883561
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1563514266124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually reading analytic philosophy
i just read secondary sources on analytic philosophy, like textbooks, so i don't need to slog through this.

>> No.14883579

That's how you denote important concepts and theorems in a mathematical text.

>> No.14883581

He makes a proposition and then explains it in a number of sub-propositions. Sub-propositions also can have sub-sub-propositions that explain them. It's an unconventional format, and W. doesn't really fit in with the rest of the analytics. Actually the greater part of analytic philosophy can be seen as anglos misunderstanding W. and then debating each other on their own misunderstandings.

>> No.14883590

Lmao the footnote contradicts what is written.

>> No.14883593
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>analytics think this is what was going through Plato's mind when he defined man as featherless biped
is it a mental illness? should angloids even be allowed near philosophic texts?

>> No.14883617

Tractatus is partly a satire/ironic parody: it's an a priori philosophical system (like "I think therefore I am) that, later on, has a proposition which directly states that no propositions are true a priori. The final line is ironic given that he just spent dozens of pages speaking about the unspeakable, etc.

The best way to get into Witt is to the forward of the Tractatus, then read from 6.3 to the end, then read Philosophical Investigations, then go back and enjoy Ludwig trolling the absurdity of philosophy itself.

>> No.14883627

No you start by defining your terms.
What does he mean by world, fact and things? Read Euclides you troglodyte.
Any meaning gathered from this text is simply projection.

>> No.14883628

oh the horrors of a people where good literature isn't taught, not least of all Dylan Roof came from this: a young boy thinking to write his heart, knows no other form of discourse than a political manifesto.

>> No.14883630

Wittgenstein's tractatus is named is named so in explicit homage to spinoza's tractatus theologico politicus. The structure of propositions as well as the basic intention of it parallels that of spinoza's ethics. ie. intellectual lens polishing, clearing out the space for genuinely rational, ethical thought and the experience of God through the geometrical method. Anglos and positivists never really understood Wittgenstein, the tractatus is better read as modernist poetry, grounded in the aesthetic literary and moral concerns of early 20th century vienna. All that matters must by necessity lie outside the world of facts, ie. poetry, ethics and religious experience. Karl Kraus and Kierkegaard were amongst w's favourite writers at the time. His latter philosophy of everyday language is another beast entirely

>> No.14883643

In the ethics, spinoza reflects on the fundamental insufficiency of symbolic language, likewise:

My propositions serve as elucidations in the following way: anyone who understands me eventually recognizes them as nonsensical, when he has used them—as steps—to climb beyond them. (He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it.)
He must transcend these propositions, and then he will see the world aright.

this is what i mean by 'lens polishing'

>> No.14884110

No, it didn't.

>> No.14884197

>Wittgenstein's tractatus is named is named so in explicit homage to spinoza's tractatus theologico politicus

the name was suggested by someone else, LW wasn't making a homage to Spinoza when he wrote it.

>Anglos and positivists never really understood Wittgenstein, the tractatus is better read as modernist poetry, grounded in the aesthetic literary and moral concerns of early 20th century vienna.

except that he wrote it during and after WW1 and completed it in 1918 before the Vienna circle even existed.

you are just pulling this out of your ass.

>> No.14884241

Wittgenstein admitted in a letter that nobody can really understand the Tractatus. He wrote it in a manner that was aesthetically pleasing to him to the point of being incomprehensible for a reader without additional explanations.

>> No.14884842

LOL good luck defending any of your points when you meet someone who ACTUALLY knows what they're talking about. good for debating normies though i guess

>> No.14884887
File: 101 KB, 608x712, 1581821495541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should angloids even be allowed

>> No.14884975

Based Quentin
When are you making a video on Lovecraft?

>> No.14886364

Only read the main points
>1 The world is everything that is the case
>2 What is the case,...
Everything else if filler and nerd shit

>> No.14886448

He wrote it and gave it to Frege to read who thought it was inane

>> No.14886480


>> No.14887220
File: 550 KB, 329x400, hasaki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh man I'm so logical, look at all my propositions, they all logically follow each one from each other"
>They don't follow each other at all
Damn it, Ludwig. On the same note, I like his ideas on finitism.

>> No.14887225

based Subahibiposter

>> No.14887257

why do you think that it's quentin?

>> No.14887271

If you want to understand Wittgenstein you have to read Subahibi.
Reread Subahibi.

>> No.14887298

Not true, the subpropositions are corollaries rather than explanations.

>> No.14887302
File: 487 KB, 1536x2048, scadi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not rereading it every July
You're not even trying, anon.

>> No.14887316

As much as I love the game I got kind of soured on the fact that they used the Kickstarter money to produce the Full Voice HD and didn't port over the new content to the English release. I guess there's the benefit of only reading the original version, but still.

>> No.14887319

is that really him?

>> No.14887324

Yeah it's from his Twitter.

>> No.14887343

Every time I read what analytics (especially early ones) are trying to do I'm just confused we haven't settled the conversation when they were btfo by Godel

>> No.14887350

Also, I haven't read it, but judging from the CGs the epilogue it added to the Yuki/Hasaki ending apparently doesn't have Hasaki in it. I wondered why that might be and apparently her voice actress retired in 2011. Point being, it makes me wonder how legitimate any of the new content even is.

>> No.14887374


He's arguing for realism on that page.

His mistake is actually in identifying the actual state-of-affairs with logical facts. These are completely separate realms. A logical fact is an epistemic object; it is created by the human mind as a means of understanding the objects of the senses and their relations. But there is no guarantee that logical facts are, or can be, identical to reality as-it-is. The axioms of logic are based on continual experience from the sensory organs, so the actual truth-value of any given logical statement is dependent on the accuracy of the sensory organs in interpreting reality as-it-is. If it is the case that those senses are lacking, there is reason to be dubious of the truth-value of all logical statements. Those senses are, indeed, lacking. It follows that Wittgenstein's identification of "facts in logical space" with "the world" (which he uses as a term for all-that-exists in the actual state-of-affairs) in 1.13 is likely false.

>> No.14887376

There isn't much new content to begin with. The one additional chapter was a continuation of the sunflowers ending. The "true" ending was End Sky 2, so the new stuff was never intended to be relevant.

>> No.14887388

I know, I'm just saying it doesn't seem like they even had the possibility of making it line up with the actual ending since Hasaki could have no voice acting, so they had to write something that would get around that. That doujin comic epilogue that they translated with the Kickstarter was nice though, about Takuji and Kimika moving on after dying.

>> No.14887396

Also I wonder whether it's even a good idea for Tomosane to be voiced. Obviously part of the reason he wasn't originally was because the game had no male voice actors (Takuji is voiced by a female), but maybe that's better. Also I'm not sure if I'd be interested in all of the scenes with the bullies having full voice acting.