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14881965 No.14881965 [Reply] [Original]

What is some literature with a pandemic feel?

>> No.14881971
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>> No.14881972

Let’s be honest - the left hasn’t done a bad job fixing these problems in order to satisfy the growth of capital. Although it’s only helpful for capital, no one else.

>> No.14881976

The Plague Years
Love in the Time of Cholera
Any excessively popular book as it can be said to have had its fanship spread like a disease, Harry Potter, Twilight, Tao Lin, I don't know

>> No.14881997

This is completely retarded. Portugal has always been praised by american (((progressives))) as being a great example of functioning universal healthcare. Yet the health system is near collapse and he have only just hit 100 cases today. Not only that but the government is even asking for help from the private sector.

>> No.14882006

While that may be true, it's still better than losing all your money and your home because a family member got sick.

>> No.14882007

>Not only that but the government is even asking for help from the private sector.
Why is that damning?

It isn't that 100 people have COVID-19, it's that they're trying to avoid too many people in ICUs later on. The US is going to be in a very bad place soon.

>> No.14882021

Krasznahorkai's books all have an apocalyptic feel. Satantango is my favorite of his.

>> No.14882033

Guaranteeing those things doesn't mean they would be of good quality. The goverment sucks at providing services.
>t. latinamerican

>> No.14882034

>schools are closing! where do i send my children?
How would any progressive reform fix this issue in the context of COVID-19? Have progressives been opting for online schooling for all ages or something?

>> No.14882048

The Eyes of Darkness

>> No.14882060

>what is hyperbole
Shit dude based retard

>> No.14882061

>accept the govt. is inefficient and inept with taxpayer money and services
>want to give it MORE money and power thinking that will fix it


>> No.14882067

School would not be a place for cheap babysitting so that parent worker drones didn't need to be paid as much to produce baby-future worker drones.

>> No.14882101

Every other government is handling it a lot better. The coronavirus is exposing how shit and unprepared this country is.

>> No.14882108

Italy, Spain, and Iran seem to be doing a great job.

>> No.14882117

>Where do I send my children?
>How do I afford healthcare?
Your husband.
>I can't afford to take off work!
You should be home, raising the children.
>I don't have guaranteed housing!
What about your family?

All of these things were non-issues before feminism and the destruction of gender roles.

>> No.14882124
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Italy really is doing a great job. US policy seems to favour an exponential curve for some reason, it's nuts and you're not prepared in the slightest.

>> No.14882138

Almost every European country is underdiagnosing at this point. The spike in US cases is due to a relaxation in testing criteria.

>> No.14882263 [DELETED] 

If you think European countries are having trouble then the US is going to be in the shitter.

>> No.14882273

>Almost every European country is underdiagnosing at this point.
Absolutely not relative to the US, this is one of the biggest issues: lack of diagnosis at all in the US. Europe developed the current gold standard for COVID-19 diagnosis, there's certainly data bias in there but underdiagnosis is a bs point tbqph.

>> No.14882287

>late January Wuhan locks down with thousands of cases
>people have been travelling from the city to locations all over the world for months, so the virus is definitely already spreading everywhere
>if governments want to prevent it they have to lock everything down now
>wait until it starts becoming serious(eg. Italy and Iran), then lock down after it's too late

What did literally every government on earth mean by this?

>> No.14882290

This progressives createde thous problems in the first place

>> No.14882296

They didn't want their imaginary numbers to start getting smaller.

>> No.14882297

>then lock down after it's too late
You can't lock down forever, and you want to do it at just the right time to flatten out the curve. I'm not convinced it's a great approach either, but other solutions require more imagination than whole flocks of politicians are capable of .

>> No.14882304
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>> No.14882308

The Decameron and V.

>> No.14882316

doesn’t answer the question at all dumb leftoid

>> No.14882317

wouldnt the best time to flatten the curve be when it is just starting? So there are fewer sick to deal with, and fewer deaths

>> No.14882331

But muh fascism

>> No.14882344

Literally this, i guarantee you humanity will one day kill itself because the alternative is problematic.

>> No.14882377

Sweden and the UK have restricted testing to hospitalizations meeting certain criteria within the last week. The US has relaxed its criteria.

>> No.14882389

South Korea is the only country handling this properly. Europe is on fire, and they're willing to doom everyone else whenever Merkel demands lifting travel restrictions.

>> No.14882423

And Vietnam

>> No.14882434

and Singapore. Though it's a bit easier for such a small country. And Japan seems to be doing very well also. Basically the rich east asian countires are the only ones who are being logical.

Idk if the numbers they're reporting are trustworthy but they aren't losing their shit anyway.

>> No.14882437

Really just Mondaugen's story

>> No.14882498

>Portugal has always been praised by american as being a great example of functioning universal healthcare
Literally fucking when? I have only ever seen comparisons to scandi healthcare

>> No.14882538

That restriction was pretty much always on in the UK, I don't know about Sweden but probably similar. The German lack of deaths but high diagnosis is the opposite, the vast majority of people being tested there are healthy and young. I wouldn't be surprised knowing the German culture if they're hiding that people have been diagnosed but died.

The testing gap in the US is a very well known problem atm, in fact I think the article >>14882124 is taken from talks about it a bit.

>> No.14882545

I saw some data group suggesting that the German healthcare system was especially good in Europe too based on COVID-19 data (it isn't bad, but generally you get the UK, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden/Scandinavia held up as being especially good in certain ways).

>> No.14882548

But then boomers wouldn't die

>> No.14882644

>amerifat looks up how Portugal "fixed" its drug problem
>wow so progressive
>finds out this country has been ruled by berniebros for the past 45 years
>wow such a progressive country. america should be more like portugal

>> No.14883356

No, that doesn't flatten the curve. You have a certain amount of effective lock down time and a certain amount of people who are or have been infected. There's a critical point where, if you stop interaction for a week or two, you stop a sizeable number of people both infecting new people while they also develop immunity to the pathogen, so there's like a point of greatest impact. The third constraint is ICU capacity, that Italy got overwhelmed also triggered the current behaviour.

If you do it very early you end up with negligible numbers of people immunised, but you would still have a certain level of infection in the population, it'd be like setting it back by a week or two. There's also the issue of public acceptance, the problem needs to be perceived and it generally isn't with illnesses.

>> No.14883360

>>amerifat looks up how Portugal "fixed" its drug problem
That's not a healthcare thing.

>> No.14883362

Pathologic 2

>> No.14883378

I genuinely can't follow your logic here. If you shut down everything for 2 weeks early on then you are just buying some time, ok. But if you shut down things during a later period, no matter how much you stop the spread, arent you still just buying time? It's just going to keep spreading afterward the same way that it would keep spreading in the scenario where you shut down early.

>> No.14883395
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> the government sucks at providing services

>> No.14883424

statutory healthcare, housing and education were initially right-wing policies designed to stave off the influence of the french revolution....also they were part of the "logic of industrialisation". The state needed a healthy, educated workforce.

"Social policies" are not necessarily a "left-wing" thing. Many of them are literally conservative and are designed t maintain the status-quo

>> No.14883427

nevermind im retarded. I thought about it and realized what you're saying. That if there were a large group of immune people they would act like a buffer in the population after quarantine is lifted. You would need a lot of people for that to work though no?

>> No.14883457

I love how American progressives like to smugly sing themselves as the heroes by saying "see, guys? That's what we were warning you folks about!" without bringing up the fact that they're utterly incompetent at proposing reasonable solutions.
The healthcare debate is summed up to "we should have free healthcare for all! What do you mean 'no'? Waah waah the right is bad for disagreeing with us", when they should instead be focusing on working on solid proposals that could be realistically implemented, as opposed to the classic "just do like Europe!" thing.
I also wonder that this Skyler Johnson guy thinks would be a solution to the student housing issue.

Anyway, answering to your question now that I already vented, I recommend you Pale Horse, Pale Rider by Katherine Anne Porter

>> No.14883469

>Where do I send my children
Nowhere, they stay at home which is the whole point.

>How do I afford healthcare
By being a responsible adult, saving up during good times to endure the bad times.

>I can't afford to take off work
See above.

>I don't have guaranteed housing if I leave school
You have parents, or grandparents, or friends.

>> No.14883481

I was trying to find a good diagram, but to eradicate an illness, no, you only need to have about half a population vaccinated (this was a late stage strategy with Polio vaccinations). In this case the important thing is only about slowing it down because of treatment, so you only need a very small buffer to stop the acceleration of new infections rather than full on herd immunity. You also have the brief period during the lock down period where infectious people aren't infecting as much, so it sets the rate back a little bit too.

>> No.14883488

>By being a responsible adult, saving up during good times to endure the bad times.
I also saved up Mommy and Daddy's trust fund through the hard work of being born to a rich family.

>> No.14883501

>just do like Europe thing
Nigger, that is the solid proposal. Raise taxes and corporate taxes and take the burden of healthcare provision off of employers. Private insurance should be a premium and employers could offer it as an incentive.

>> No.14883504

How does that work exactly? Say 5% of the population is immune doesn't that just reduce the likelihood of each transmission by 5%? If each sick person infects say 3 others, it would still exponentially spread even with a 5% immunity would it not? Im terrible at math so if this wrong let me know

>> No.14883524
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>Of course a 300 million habitants country can apply free health care for all!
>Look at this country the size of Oregon with a closed economy and close to none immigration doing it!

>> No.14883542

Are you aware that healthcare systems in Europe differ by country, right? It's not like they're all doing the same thing. And that the US is very different from most European countries demographically, economically and socially, right? I'm not against universal healthcare, and I actually think it's really retarded of America to not have it yet, but planning an efficient public health system (unlike the NHS) is more complicated than saying "raise taxes to have money then make hospitals/pay people's bills"

>> No.14883554


>> No.14883563

>but planning an efficient public health system (unlike the NHS)
Are you saying the NHS isn't efficient? Would you care to elaborate you dumbass hillbilly?

>> No.14883588

what will happen to politics once the proverb people get the majority?

>> No.14883608

>Of course a 300 million habitants country can apply free health care for all
It can

>> No.14883619

>I love how American progressives like to smugly sing themselves as the heroes by saying "see, guys? That's what we were warning you folks about!" without bringing up the fact that they're utterly incompetent at proposing reasonable solutions.
They have the right to be smug because they are right. Their proposals are competent you are just a contrarian.

>> No.14883716

no only north korea is handling it correctly you get shot if you cross the border all packages are held for 10 days and disinfected before delivery

>> No.14883760
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>> No.14883768

friendly reminder that you should live near your family so you can support each other in times of hardship
also get a job, hippy

>> No.14883769


>> No.14883775

Literally was about to post this feminists are just brain dead puppets of the capitalist war machine

>> No.14884111

>where do I send my children
why does this person think the schools are closing, if socialized mass childcare is an alternative?

>> No.14884130

>friendly reminder that you should live near your family so you can support each other in times of hardship
Boomers flipped the bird to intra-family support

>> No.14884135

Support each other by accidentally killing your grandparents?

>> No.14884185

All this means is that we have solved inequality issues in the wrong order.

>> No.14884205
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>friendly reminder that you should live near your family so you can support each other in times of hardship
Yes! And marry our cousins, because they're so attractive.

>> No.14884602

women would be at home to look after the kids if not for liberals injecting them into the workforce
that solves question 1
question 2 is dumb because your health insurance is the same regardless of the virus
question 3 is dumb because people are being requested to work from home or are being given paid leave also you're dumb ask for benefits I don't fucking know not my problem save more next time
question 4 is dumb you don't need to leave school if schools close temporarily just bum around in your dorm or go back to your parents you retard lmfao maybe get a job when other wageslaves die or live off your parents' money when they die not my problem
Are progressives really this retarded?

>> No.14884661

This is all about Boomers protecting themselves. The Covid-19 mortality rate for people under 40 years old is literally zero. The schools are not being closed for the sake of the students.

>> No.14884793

what i came into the thread to say. my roommate is reading this right now (he just got to the airborne toxic event) and is losing it LOL