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/lit/ - Literature

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14866133 No.14866133 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.14866143
File: 1.59 MB, 2643x2263, IMG_20200309_165103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know art editions are cooler, but this dog looks so funny. just wanted to share. i hope he makes my bros smile when they open the thread.
i love animal pics so much

>> No.14866178

03/10/20(Tue)08:14:16 No.14866015
What is the consensus view of academic philosophy? I’m considering making the switch for graduate school coming from an unrelated field but I have a somewhat negative view philosophy departments overall. Further, it’s an aspiration of my mine but I fail to name one notable philosopher who came from my background and made a switch as late as I’ll be making it. A lot of times I feel like my life is pointless anyway because I already wasted my undergrad and early 20s trying to get a job and make money only to realize I don’t care about that and I haven’t even published anything yet at 27.

>> No.14866204

i cant stop wallowing.

>> No.14866381

just stop, bro. you're not accomplishing anything by pitying yourself. 27 is not old.

>> No.14866418

Either be the first to make it happen or concede your freedom and possibilities to your facticity. Right now you are letting yourself be enslaved by the past. You are saying that your facticity (your previous choices, circumstances of birth, age, etc). The choice is yours whether to continue that enslavement or to embrace the terrible burden of your freedom. Right now weakness seems to prevail in you.

>> No.14866551 [DELETED] 

You’re right and I don’t mean to mope but this board is the only outlet with others that I have. I just don’t see any consistency in my intellectual development. You often read about artists, poets, authors, and philosophers and there’s a clear intellectual journey often, manifested from a young age, something I had but denied out of desperation to fit in or be normal. You can see where the dots of their life connect and lead them to a unified vision, but I feel as though I have no such trajectory. I’m at a point where I’m at a point of complete and total rejection, even hatred, of my intellectual story up until this point and none of the dots seem to make sense or point me towards anything important.

>> No.14866618

You’re right and I don’t mean to mope but this board is the only outlet with others that I have. I just don’t see any consistency in my intellectual development. You often read about artists, poets, authors, and philosophers and there’s a clear intellectual journey often, manifested from a young age, something I had but denied out of desperation to fit in or be normal. You can see where the dots of their life connect and lead them to a unified vision, but I feel as though I have no such trajectory. I’m at a point where I’m at a complete and total rejection, even hatred, of my intellectual story up until this point and none of the dots seem to make sense or point me towards anything important. I mean I was a piss poor student employee in areas I’ve come to hate and didn’t develop a serious interest in philosophy until I was 25. What philosopher/author/poet/artist could have the same said about them?

>> No.14866755

It's not really about the age but rather wasting time.
I think it's better do nothing and waste time than put your hopes into something and then fail.

>> No.14866761

Am I wrong to see beauty in decay and dilapidation?

>> No.14866794

>could have the same said about them?
Like I said be the first or be a slave to your facticity. In any case there are some at least who switched fields to philosophy, although that said they were already accomplished and reputable. The physicist Ernst Mach comes to mind.

>> No.14866801

I'm young and I'm not at the age where being a virgin is something worth worrying about too much, but it's still something I think about. I've been on a date, well she didn't consider it a date, but there's some clear interest in me from women. Just they would rather friendship than a relationship. Not against friendship, it's just I don't want to get used to rejection and become feeble or insecure about myself.
The last girl, woman, whatever word you want to use, I said that maybe we could be more than friends before she left to get the train. We got along, but she sent me this message by text in response.
"Hi it's [her name], I have been thinking about what you said earlier and I just wanna let you know I'm gay and have had a girlfirend for 7 months so I don't think we could be more than just friends x"
I still want to be friends, but I'm also a man with desires who wants a girlfriend who can recipricate those feelings.
I need to move on from the idea of being with her in that way and keep working towards my goals and all that.
She just had the most beautiful eyes though. Shame.
This post is to get this off my mind.

>> No.14866816

I recently submitted one of my writings to a contest hosted by my local university. I hope it at least gets an honorable mention.

>> No.14866864

Sick of idiots comparing coronavirus to the common flu to pretend it's not a big deal. I'm not in panic mode but we're living in the biggest black swan event of our lifetimes.

>> No.14866917

Yes, and I am not. I am not even confident I have the capacity to write well let alone complex topics. I’m basically a failed business student with a shitty office job who has hardly written or read a lick in the last 10 years, the most formative years of his life. Sorry. I’m just pretty unhappy with my life overall to be honest and I’ve been extremely depressed recently, even suicidal. I think about it daily now. I just hate myself and the world around me. Thanks for even responding.

>> No.14867114
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that's alright. beauty is mesmerzing because it's passing, brief, fragile. sometimes your focus shifts to its very destruction as its peak - which is called "having patrician taste".

>> No.14867120

so far there's more good than bad though.
> reduced carbon emissions from the biggest pollutor
> chink officials SHITTING THEMSELVES
> normans having a funny fit of mass hysteria
> /biz/bros an heroing funnily

>> No.14867134

We live in such an artificial bubble of false concerns, entertainment and distraction. But this picture, it reminds me that I'm alive, a real living thing. There are real threats and real dangers. We are in a bloody, violent struggle to survive.

Thanks for sharing it, Anon.

>> No.14867146

>an excuse to not leave the house
>an excuse to work from home
>a reason to not step outside into that smog filled, carcinogenic, disgusting, degenerate thing called society

>> No.14867151
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always welcome. i love animals, but i also love their natural violent ways. love horses because they can still be dangerous, not entirely idle like some overbred pets.
carnivores remind me of how it used to be, and can become one day. or who we are innately under those layers of civility.

>> No.14867155

we wuz kangz we wuz niggers ayayandmmz

>> No.14867163

>how it used to be, and can become one day. or who we are innately under those layers of civility

>> No.14867165
File: 28 KB, 348x363, i-wM1GpJ2hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Society poster
let's add
> pandemics in general are fun, more reasons to make edgy jokes online
> another reason to mock normie """humor""" with their corona maymays WHEN ASIAN COOFS XDDD le disney screencap reaction
> more acceleration
> if markets truly crush, can buy a 100$ house and 100$ AK-47 later

>> No.14867207

don't you feel like modern first-worlders are just too sensetive to reality, and, more importantly, to carnal justice, the eye for an eye rule? (speaking as a russian joo, so i dont really believe they're intentionally bred to be like that by other joos, more like a logical outcome of sheltered life)? i see this the most in eurolibs and anti-gun americans.

yeah, and let pieces of human trash dwell relatively comfortably (in yurop) parasiting on taxpayer money. if you kill a mugger, rapist or wonnabe murderer, you're doing humanity a favor. have they read The spark of life? concentration camp officials knew perfectly how humane american judging would be and thus smugly carried out their duties til the last day, calmly cleaning up their records.

>> No.14867211

Right there with you bro. I can't stand to see an abandoned warehouse knocked down and replaced with glasss and metal condos

>> No.14867228
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another cool pic
it says no matter who you are, with enough dedication to fight back you're GONNA MAKE IT.

>> No.14867549

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.14867666
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I kinda want to write the new Lolita but with E-Thots.

>> No.14867688

i know how many downsides there are, but im glad to be free from devoting a huge part of my time on simply surviving: growing food, making clothes, all that. the amount of free time and ease of simply sustaining is unprecedented (if you're not in third world). also, all the books and works of art available in a click, all for free and for everyone.

internet made it virtually impossible to ban something. burn the physical copies, erase it from the clearnet - it's still there, available for those who search. no important writing will be lost. no historical account will be completely erased from documents. i think it's kinda good.

>> No.14867763

There’s tons of texts which have been all but scrubbed from the internet.

>> No.14867886

some word counts taken from my diary desu

2,443 uses of “fuck”
1,239 uses of “shit”
443 uses of “sex”
1,037 uses of “love”
370 uses of “kill”
677 uses of “sleep”
2,271 uses of “read”
963 uses of “write”
788 uses of “mom”
587 uses of “dad”
5 uses of “nigger”
13 uses of “nigga”
2,586 uses of “time”
465 uses of “god”

>> No.14867914

I can’t get any rest. I don’t want to do anything. I don’t really like anyone. Except for cute girls.

>> No.14867929

lately ive been thinking about decay! the decaying body is still kind of a living thing in a sense so ive been playing with that idea. also, astral projection (specifically the idea of a silver cord that attaches the 'soul' to the body), how the moon is very slowly moving away from earth, and verbal storytelling (specifically parents making up bedtime stories for their children).

>> No.14867932

>but im glad to be free from devoting a huge part of my time on simply surviving

literally everything other than doing this is a surrogate activity - aka pretty much a cope

>> No.14867937

how do you CUNTS feel about cartel videos? thats a good way to realise you actually like living in society.

>> No.14867938

The TRUE 14 words

>> No.14867960

that might be true but how does it make them bad?

>human has innate need to entertain himself, intended to make him do survival shit
>fills this need in a way that allows him more comfort and safety than he would recieve in the wild
>is made better off as a result.

>> No.14867987
File: 176 KB, 800x1281, 1563217451255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the fourth industrial revolution?

>> No.14868016

It's true, it has really done a number on me. I don't think I've ever met a man in my life

>> No.14868049

sorry, i don't intend on spending my life to feed myself to live longer to grow more food to feed myself to ... like some feral NIGGER. i'm gonna read books and argue with people on 4chan like a civilized man.

>> No.14868056

theyre pretty comfy to watch from my not-AS-shithole country tbqhwy. i jerked off to ISIS video once

>> No.14868072

>surrogate activity
By far the dumbest term in the history of articulated thought.

>> No.14868113

you might unironically be a psychopath

>> No.14868133

i am, not diagnosed but i feel like might be it
adds some spice to know those guys arent going to their heaven now, too

>> No.14868186

There are no good and bad things. There are only things and our opinions. So say the stoics. Sickness is neither good nor bad. But if you think it is bad, then it is bad. If we understand this, we can avoid pain. We can reduce our painful opinions. But what does it mean? It means that our opinions are sown in the wind, but our feelings are firm. The bad makes us suffer, the good makes us happy. We cannot change that. We can turn a bad opinion into a neutral or good one. By doing so we reduce our suffering. But we cannot change the connection between suffering-happiness and our opinions. Stoicism turns bad opinions into neutral ones.

>> No.14868248

We don't actually have the freedom, claimed by the stoics, to turn bad things into good. That would make no sense in terms of evolution. We are *obliged* to find bad, what Nature tells us is bad, and find good what Nature tells us is good.

>> No.14868927
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mankind is a wild animal. sometimes it is peaceful, sometimes bloodthirsty, in constant change. there is no medicine against this disease. what once lowered the fever can fuel it another time. if you think you've figured it out, the world turns upside down. war is inevitable, you must always be aware of that. inactivity thus becomes the highest virtue. the good kindles the bad, the bad the good. for both, inactivity is like damp straw. it makes the fire ignite more slowly. thus it prolongs the quiet times. nothing more can be done. if the war sets the world on fire, not even damp straw will help. this is how nature is designed.

>> No.14868944

Any anons do an MA in Continental Philosophy with an unrelated BA/BS? How would you rate it?

>> No.14868954
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I got to pet a pug for the first time today

>> No.14868961

I can't stop having these obsessive violent thoughts about the people around me. I don't think I'll ever act on them, but the anger I feel is real and obsessive. The only information I can find online about this is all about intrusive thoughts. But this isn't just the occasional "what if" thought that pops into your head. I feel like my head is overrun with obsessive violent fantasies, I get so so angry with the people around me and I just want to beat them to a pulp. But I'm not a violent person... I'm not worried I will act out... but the rage is building up and up and I don't have an outlet. These are more than just intrusive thoughts and I can't find any information on it online. Its starting to take over my head, I feel hopeless.

>> No.14868967

What field/department are you doing it in?

MAs are kinda all over the place. Depends on your adviser, the amount of work they get you to do, how many years, what kind of work they expect. A lot of them are meant to give you a writing sample and good letters of recommendation for applying to PhD programs so they are a bit railroad-y. Others might be more freeform. Really depends what you're using it for.

I've also seen people have bad experiences solely because the professors they were working with were either AWOL or assholes.

>> No.14869040

How did it feel?

>> No.14869133

I don't mind pugs as creatures. They can't change what they are. But anybody who owns a pug is disgusting in my eyes. To have an innocent animal maimed and deformed to be your little plaything. To have its respirations and sleep patterns painfully and forever distorted by maiming it's snout. Vile, cruel, psychopaths buy pugs. At BEST they are ignorant, but it is hard to believe they are unaware of the inbred flaws well known to the breed.

>> No.14869239
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Writing a Touhou fan book is proving more difficult then I expected. Reimu is a poetically difficult because her personalty is so different between official print works. It's hard for me to give her the right balance between sympathy and apathy.

>short and curvy
I didn't think that body was passable for a 3d girl.

>> No.14869276
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I have had a receding hairline for maybe the last two years and I'm concerned my scalp may be balding now. Does this look like something I should be concerned about/start treating? Don't exactly have anybody I can trust to ask about this.

>> No.14869299 [DELETED] 

Shave it all off, anon. It will only get worse and you might start getting in denial over it, or simply not see it. You don't want a bird nest thing going on.

>> No.14869320

It was amazing. The pug was very friendly and it made me want a pug, but I know better (for reasons listed below). It was nice to see this specific pug too, because about a year ago someone in the building who brings their pug to work lost it and I spent a while trying to help them find it, let people know to look out for it, etc., and I only just recently found out that it eventually got found and was OK. So this is my first time seeing the "rescued" pug.

Yeah I agree and I had similar thoughts while petting the little guy. There are some right-wing romantic biologists from back in the 1920s who wanted to reconstitute primeval natural habitats and evolve animals "back" to their pre-human forms so that those habitats would be like the primordial wilderness, from when man was still in direct contact with nature. I think we should breed dogs back to wolves as a form of penance for our sins against animal-kind.

Although it would probably be better to just let breeds like pugs die out to prevent future suffering, it does feel odd to "kill" a breed.

>> No.14869324

Yes, that would be the worst case scenario and I completely agree with that sentiment. However, unlike a receding hairline, scalp balding is technically treatable with over the counter products. I wanted to know if I was over-analyzing my scalp, but it sounds like this will be a problem. Also I'm like 20 so cut me a break if I hesitate before going completely bald.

>> No.14869340

The world I live in is now almost completely sealed off from the world at large. I work remotely. I have social interactions maybe once a month. Talking to the person at the coffee shop is the only socialization I get in a normal day.

Honestly, it’s pretty comfy. With no one to challenge the merit of my autism I have no stress about being a total weirdo.

>> No.14869374

Over the course of a week, I have begun to hate my flesh, thoughts, and general presence on the Earth. I am not sure any longer if I benefit in any way to know family or friends --- there is no judiciousness in an American citizen, no upright moral code. Be it at as it may, though, I am still the same: a plebeian at worst, a dilettante at best.

>> No.14869407
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A step I’ve made recently in moving towards a more content version of self is realizing that a major fear of mine is not creating something meaningful before I die. I am a STEMcel with a good GPA but my degree can feel very unfulfilling at times, specifically the memorize and regurgitate aspect. I have studied music but not to such proficiency that I can make my own complex works. I am scared to invest time into non-technical writing though I feel that with enough practice I could be decent at it. Fitness and sports has always giving me a fragment of the sense of tranquil content that comes with “creation” if you could call aesthetic progress or medals that.

I have to make steps towards a creation-type goal to see where it lands me, or I suspect I will live life regretfully not taking up that deity-like craft. My borderline autistic mind can stop obsessing over cringy interactions and my subpar social abilities when all I want is escape from the plural world of prying eyes in my head AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.14869427

Okay so your options are to just shave it/keep it until it just looks sad, get medical help for it like finasteride or whatever, or become a (hopefully cute) tranny. Not sure how else you can get around it sorry onii-chan.

>> No.14869432

And also OP, I did enjoy the dog. He made me smile, thank you :))

>> No.14869433
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This virus can succ muh dick. I'm gonna touch my fucking face. I'm not going to wash my fuckin hands (any more than normal). I'm not wearing any stupid gloves or masks. I'm going to aggressively take public transport. If I'm going to get it I'm going to get it. A man has no business being fearful of such a tiny thing.

>> No.14869444
File: 73 KB, 540x503, 39d8762d354390644169bcd2c2077830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, no!

>> No.14869482

>become a (hopefully cute) tranny

>> No.14869491

This is also my view. If I get I get it. What can I do really?

>> No.14869495

I mean if you stop producing testosterone your balding should stop. Actual medical treatments for male baldness work by blocking DHT which comes from testosterone. But no, don't go start transitioning because I suggested it lmao, that's not something to just do without way too much thought and study.

>> No.14869558

I’ve just started looking into but it’s a large upper tier state school in the US, known for continental vs analytic. The faculty is overwhelmingly focused on race and gender with one guy who seems like he focuses on philosophy.

>> No.14869559

Greek philosophy*.

>> No.14869832
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What's a good way of asking out a girl in your class that you never once spoke too?

>> No.14869888

I've moved back in with my parents for a couple of weeks before I move to another country. While I was out on a run they were discussing my packing options and I saw that they had rummaged through my backpack while I was gone. Within my backpack is a drawing notebook that I used quite frequently this past summer to draw lewds of a monster girl OC (no nudes, but her breasts are very big.) I have since ceased this personal project, but I have not been able to bring myself to throw the notebook away.

I am slightly paranoid that they flipped through it and saw my sin. I spoke with them before they went to bed, and if they did see anything they haven't let on, but I'm still a little worried nonetheless.

>> No.14869894

My insurance doesn't cover any of the Dialectical Behavioral Therapists in the state, so I can't get any kind of treatment for my Borderline Personality Disorder without paying like $600 a month for it.

>> No.14869965
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, 57518930-0B0A-4389-8B10-2203EFA07C94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback. I live in a place where these scenes are prevalent. Old, rotting wood fences and unkempt, brown grass. There definitely is something special in knowing that something that at one point was pristine is now reduced to rubble, like you said, helps to remind us that it’s real. I recently went for a walk and climbed about some old coastal fortifications. Pic related.

>> No.14870019

I want a cute, romantic, /lit/ bf bros

>> No.14870043
File: 130 KB, 1200x674, CEBD1958-8EC8-41D7-9E0E-C91F67E19599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not feeling good, cunnybros

>> No.14870054

Why do we fetishize thinking so much? People often complain that with modern technology people don’t think as much, but why does that matter. We’re more productive than ever. I’m not saying thinking isn’t important, I think it is. I’m saying that we should analyze why we think thinking is so important and see what that yields.

>> No.14870075


>> No.14870080

Sorry, I'm not gay.

>> No.14870081

Nature is inherently perfect. The fact it can sustain itself is fact and we are inherently perfect as we are nature. everything is inherently perfect and we need to trust in it. If we kill the planet it is perfect, everything is perfection. There is no better, every action is perfect.

Suffering is inherently perfect

>> No.14870086

What separates a human action that upsets the balance of nature from nature? Aren’t we a result of nature. I vaguely remember Nietzsche criticizing he idea of living in accordance with nature in beyond good and evil but I don’t remember the specifics.

>> No.14870098

It hurts

>> No.14870100

dont open with the hard date invite. start by talking to her the way you would talk to a man (introducing yourself and chatting). gauge whether she'd be at all interested before you put her in that position

>> No.14870108

Well, are you cute?

>> No.14870124

What's cute to you. I would say I'm more handsome/hunky

>> No.14870130
File: 639 KB, 1536x2048, 37C3BC20-A4AB-4C32-893A-660314AB27AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think

>> No.14870146
File: 382 KB, 349x680, yeah my nigga cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14870148

Pretty qt, unironically

>> No.14870156

Take it to eHarmony

>> No.14870164
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, eMjhIiaYMiX-wZ5PYMkDCKiPzarwXDLgWzJ3wvW4Mp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this quote best captures my state of mind over the past decade. There's been this feeling of anxiety, helplessness, desperation and finality pervading my everyday life that has always left me feeling uneasy, try as I might to stay in the moment and enjoy my life for all its faults and follies, something has never let me go. And even after I left the comfortable repose of university life, abandoned becoming a lecturer–became disillusioned and disgusted with the way everything meant to help and better mankind has been bowdlerized and prostituted, healthcare and education become not only a means of making money but also to demean and degrade the common man–to live in the real world of human affairs and currency, entered the rat race fully hoping to embrace the work-hard-pay-off ethos–met the worst kind of vile, slovenly, idiotic, despotic, verminous, selfish troglodytes for compatriots–I can't stop thinking about how horrible life has been until now, how absolutely unfulfilling, utterly debased, mediocre, illusory all the feelings of accomplishment, affection, love, physical tenderness, stimulation and sobriety, how meaningless its all been in the face of this great, vague, unknown I've always felt near me, beside me but out of reach and menacing. How can I balance these two feelings inside of me, the will to do good in an evil world, the inability to give up the little hope I have only to see it betrayed again and again by the most beggarly of stupid and insipid individuals, the feeling of complacency despite the fear, really fear is the word, of maybe things being a little better, a little less horrible somewhere else?

>> No.14870174

I feel as though I'm at breaking point. I've chosen an arduous path with lots of glory at the end of it. I can't get out of the dark and muster the courage to take another step forward in my life. Distant lights cast big shadows, and my shadow seems to be eating me the fuck alive. There is nothing to be learned anymore from my past experiences, there are no realisations to be made that will change me or help with the tasks at hand. I can only train my brain. The only option is to do, and by doing so make easier.

>> No.14870179

But are you /lit/

>> No.14870204


>> No.14870220
File: 7 KB, 248x250, 1539578161237s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why will it hurt more?
the question you should be asking isn't 'Why will it hurt more?'. The question should simply be 'why?'.
>That doesn't explain anything
Alright, well, I don't have an answer for you. Saying because is easier
>You really hate him
All I'm doing is whats necessary. I have to bang all his friends. It's the only way to force his hand. And I want that hand around that gun.
>Again I ask why
And again I say because

>> No.14870495

please elaborate copelet

>> No.14870522

>Noooo you shouldn't do anything but survive!!!
>This totally wouldn't drastically curtail the possibilities of the human mind and body!!
Really fucking deep

>> No.14870631
File: 125 KB, 594x594, 94B036BD-28F7-43E8-B4E1-061166D9B231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14870653

A shy qt in my English class likes me but I have a hard time talking with her sometimes because she’s so introverted. I’m also introverted of course and have been meaning to ask her out for the past month (khv btw). But now coronavirus has hit our town and it’s highly likely the quarter will be finished online. Wtf do I do bros, I may have one more day to do it, or I could try though social media I guess, but i basically never use that and I feel like it’d be weird. This is the third time in my life I’ve procrastinated away asking out a girl and I don’t wanna fuck it up. The situation just never seems right idk.

>> No.14870663

I've found that for introverts it's better to get to know each other a bit through texting first. Makes it to talk irl afterwards. Maybe try it for a while, but also don't get trapped into it for too much.

>> No.14870697

Not trying to be deep. It's not a matter of judgement (whether humans should live in a constant state of survival vs. comfort) as much as a matter of fact. Man was not evolved to live in a non-hunterer-gatherer society, so every interest, hobby, and passion that follows afterwards from modern men is essentially an unnatural response to our lack of core purpose once basic needs have been met. Returning to my original point - it's all a cope.

>> No.14870750

Post the entire thing

>> No.14870770

based and truthpilled. if i'm catching it i'm sharing with the normans

>> No.14870780
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ugly scenery is just the best. it makes my heart ache and plants rage towards fuckers who put cigarettes out on my motherland's soil.

>> No.14870805

It's long.

>> No.14870807
File: 67 KB, 1392x287, tyjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do reddit faggots have to bring their reddit here, why can't they fit in

>> No.14871037

I was thinking recently of how I fit most of the characteristics from the section of the page except fire setting.


I keep going over in my mind and thinking of men like Bundy or Dirlewanger and how similar we might be in the head. I bet I could kill women even if theu were nice to me, just for the pure thrill of it. I'm a badass. None of you could do that. You would cry if you saw a dead woman in front of you.

>> No.14871052

I would rape and kill your mothers and grandmothers too just to show dominance and show who is the fucking boss around here.

>> No.14871054

I want you to make videos of crying and cutting yourselves. You simpletons claim to love me so do what I fucking say. I want to see some REAL crying and I want to see some REAL cutting. You gotta cry really hard to outdo Abordo so get going. I want you to hold signs saying "I am a shitskin retard" and "W is the supreme Master of us all" for one whole day without a break.

>> No.14871087
File: 283 KB, 819x1008, Portrait_of_Dr._Gachet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I felt disgusted by everything I saw. I believe humans are living ill gotten lives supported by committing atrocities on other species, or even other humans, as awful as that is. I looked at the people driving their cars in the traffic and it disgusted me. How can they do it? It's so selfish. I looked at all of the roads we have paved and all of the grass that is no longer there and felt repulsed by the ground I was walking on. I was sickened by my leather boots which felt so comfortable cushioning my feet, boots which I always think "what good boots these are". I talked about the numbers of apes left in the wild, the numbers of orangutans which are left without their forests to live in, the number of the unlucky animals who aren't cute enough for us to care about and how we take and take from them. And finally I wondered on these two points: is this the best we can do; was it all worth it. To me, it seems, agriculture has truly done more harm than good.

>> No.14871094

People in the future will pay good money to watch movies about me and my life. No one would see a movie about any of you.

>> No.14871148

Being a mongrel sucks. You'd think a multi-heritage background would be neat but it's a curse.

I live in the UK but was born in Armenia and raised in France. My mother is Sri Lankan, my father Armenian. People ask me "where are you from?", and if I say "France" they ask me why I don't have a French name or why I look "Indian", yet when I say "Armenia" or even "Sri Lanka" they ask why I sound French. This might sound like a trivial issue but I've spoken to other people with diverse backgrounds and it's a complex struggle hard to put into words.

I have no attachment to any culture. I know French, Armenian and Sri Lankan people and I don't fit in with any of them. A mutt doesn't have any people, he is an alien everywhere.

What I wouldn't give to be a plain James Smith from London sort of person.

>> No.14871242

i'm half jewish half russian, living in russia, moving to yurop soon, and it seems like i won't be struggling like that.
dont you associate yourself with french culture?
half-jew isnt really a mutt, for kikeness is a transparent additive (thats the best way to explain it). i dont speak hebrew and dont like israel/israelis, yet i instantly fit in with other joos and have many personality features of a joo (keen on revenge, good with money, etc)

do you speak sri lankan or armenian? have you ever been there?
> they ask why I sound French.
why dont you just answer you spent your childhood there? at this point most normans will be satisfied and fuck off with race questions.
also, it'll be wrong to think an average londoner has english national identity.

>> No.14871268

Jewish identity is weird because you can at will claim you are British or whatever, and nobody will ever question it because British Jews look and talk like Brits, and they have British names. Yet you get a group of Jews together in one room and all of a sudden their thick Jewish culture springs up from thin air.

But if you have a foreign name, or accent, or different skin colour, this isn't so easy to do. Try being Vietnamese British, or being called "Obatango Akoalamani" (indicative of Nigeria). This create an invisible barrier with concrete effects. Talk to any mix breed person and they'll talk to you about identity struggle.

The reason I don't associate with French (or any other particular) culture is that I wasn't there long enough to really absorb it. I spent a few years in Armenia, a few in France, then the last few in Ireland and England. Moving from place to place, changing schools etc isn't healthy I'm telling you.

>> No.14871300

>Moving from place to place, changing schools etc isn't healthy I'm telling you
i feel like it's only true for your childhood (0-14 years old) when core cultural identity is formed. you can be bicultural or more, but that's rare in today's globalism. sorry for you, anon.
being "a citizen of the world" these days really means belonging to nowhere

>> No.14871305

I'm currently finding it impossible to make the leap to an actually worthwhile career, but my writing schedule has never been better, I'm getting so much done. Hoping by the autumn I'll have a completed novel to send to publishers. Wish me luck frens, maybe the 20s is the year my life finally turns around

>> No.14871541

The first thing I did in the morning was come to this thread and look for (you)

My life is pretty pathetic.

>> No.14871555

I think we all do that somewhat instinctually. It’s like checking your phone. Which one is you?

>> No.14871556

Same. I try to post before going to sleep and then check up on possible (You)'s first thing in the morning.

>> No.14871576

that's pretty normal i think. like older people checking their email or youngsters opening their social media right after waking up.

>> No.14871735

What a bitch, should have said it in that same moment

>> No.14871753

If yoy dont speak with her, maybe you shouldnt say you loke her, aince you dont truly know her

>> No.14871798
File: 192 KB, 376x390, 1582340711151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start by talking to her the way you would talk to a man
>dont open with the hard date invite

>> No.14871875

There are a lot of furries that would legit turn into animal people, if given the chance. Their relationship with their own bodies and minds are so fraught, they have to reconstruct a self from the basics, which is easiest for humans in animal allegories, I suppose. Their situation is actually really interesting: for some, their fursonas are superhero-style alter egos, another personality sharing their mind and body depending on the mask they wear; for others, it's almost as they share their ego with another, purely hypothetical mind-body set. Like the Christian trinity, but dog instead of god.

>> No.14871941

I agree
The way time treats things as they and we pass through it is either like a white water rafting experience with no raft, or a kind of dance, or anywhere in between. A baby is born and its just cute, an adult is attractive based on how far they've come and who they are. Wdyt?

>> No.14872028
File: 20 KB, 316x395, fox happy smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with being a furry or wanting to be/having an alter ego.

Most people wish they were richer, or born with better circumstances. Most men wish they were taller, most women more attractive. Why is it suddenly wrong if you wish you were a different, often more gifted or in-tune with nature type of creature? Of course in real life "furry" beings would be much more horrific and not cutesy as how they are usually drawn, but that's easy for the imagination to smooth over. Human primacy is a spook, there is nothing unique or special about the human form other then what it has evolved to do in the real world, which has no basis or impact in the fantasy world. Anyone who thinks people who no longer wish to be human or "losing their humanity" or fundamentally arguing with a fallacy of human primacy in mind, and are incapable of detaching their own unchecked ego.

Prove me wrong, nigger.

>> No.14872138
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>Prove me wrong, nigger.
But I don't disagree, anon. Calm down.

>> No.14872612
File: 7 KB, 250x209, 1580938638724s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a lazy dog. i let myself drift. i've been doing this for 25 years and i see no reason to ever stop. the best time is after waking up, when you stay in bed and slumber. my life is tailored to this feeling. my parents are wealthy. in a few years i'll probably have to work, but it's still a while until then. sometimes i think i could kill myself when the time comes. i'm floating my nibba. i play with the thoughts of writing books and being a good person. but i don't enjoy doing those things as much as thinking about them. instead of apples and broccoli i eat liverwurst bread and drink beer with friends under heat lamps, smoking lots of cigarettes. i ain't never got no dad, ergo no superego. but being reasonably friendly is the easiest way. bad guys don't snooze.

>> No.14872649

learn to capitalize yourself

>> No.14872653

I feel attached to my post, and sometimes when I know I wrote something rude, I don't enter the thread anymore and let it die off.

>> No.14872661

furries are legit degenerates

>> No.14872678

I'd buy your mom flowers and ask he if she would cheat on her husband with a black man who I carefully pick based on his penis size.

>> No.14872734

What can be done about it though?

>> No.14872747

If you can't even try, you're not correct, you're just weak. Once you force yourself to fail from that mindset, you are no longer failing.

>> No.14872780

stupid bitch of an ENT surgeon dismissed my concerns and put off surgery when i can barely breathe through my nose and need surgery

fucking stupid cunt, my life is ruined because i cannot sleep and this bitch says i need to "spray correctly" and that i have allergies, when my nose is clearly deformed (deviated septum)
i wish i could punch her standoffish condescending stupid face in, fucking nasty old hag

>> No.14872806

Lost a job offer from a large, fairly prestigious firm because the satellite office I was hired at just decided to have its employees work remotely until the "COVID-19 is under control"

Back to xanax, weed, and wanting to die I guess

>> No.14872935

This one for the hood niggas, hipster bitches that shop at Lenox, dark skinned, light skinned, Asian and White women

>> No.14873000

It’s a good thing I have 4chan because I’m constantly banned from other places on the internet and always ‘take the joke too far’ irl.

>> No.14873219
File: 128 KB, 748x620, 1579501580266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a normie tells me "haha tone it down man loool you go too far sometimes"

>> No.14873334
File: 209 KB, 640x461, 1583800916365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my uni is closed for more than 1 month in my country, because of coronavirus, now I have the chance to read all those books I couldn't read because I was busy , but deep down I know that in reality Im not gonna read them, I will just browse 4chan like imageboard-addcited, cumbrain I am and I hate that.

>> No.14873660

I’m in the same situation. How do I not do this?

>> No.14873680

they're like the little brother who is hates being alone so they come and bug you in your room, but all you want is to be left alone

>> No.14873888

what's on your mind

>> No.14873926

those sexy trips

>> No.14873972

I get sad when I look in the mirror. I'm young, healthy, fit. But some of us are born ugly. It is hard for people to like me, and I understand why. Really only through immense effort on my end is any type of connection made. I'm sure a great number of people have seen my face and thought 'monster' or 'creepy'. I hope my soul looks better.

>> No.14874297

It makes me very sad to read biographies of famous men. It seems like their life is set towards greatness since the very early days and theres a sense of direction evsn in the most desperate times. I take a look at my life and theres absolutely nothing - no meaning, no direction, no talents or interests, just meaningless suffering.

>> No.14874349

Last night I had dreams of small black spiders eggs coming from a hash on my hand. The eggs would crack open and a lot of baby spiders would come out of it and start walking trough the floor, while I just sat on my bed feeling a relief because they were out my body while at same time thinking: what if there's more? I also had a dream where I was on some weird castle and trough the windows I could see a huge black dragon flying around a distant lighthouse. On this same dream I fucked a evil princess who was planning to kill me. I love sleeping so much. It would be cool if death was just a huge sequence of dreams.

>> No.14874362

"When men are not satisfied with what they need so as to
remain alive but desire more, they enslave themselves to passions
that disturb the soul, inflicting upon it thoughts and fantasies that
what they have is inadequate."

>> No.14874779

Did the coronavirus manifest as a result of the collective unconscious yearning for a solution to the boomer question?

>> No.14874837

Something like that yea

>> No.14874848
File: 145 KB, 446x363, 1562568737327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are days I want to physically harm the average poster on /lit/. I'm so tired of all the terrible fucking threads. I'd love nothing more than to take the average "books for this feel?" poster and knock every last tooth out of their mouth.

>> No.14874897

Do you guys think Kantbot has ever had sex?

>> No.14874982

"while intellectually i wish for peace on earth, spiritually i have tasted hell, and i know i cannot go back"
where tf is shit shit from i'm going to die.

>> No.14875108

Wat happened to snek

>> No.14875172

anything shitty that happens to you in life is always for the best, you might not realize it at the moment or when you're still affected by that situation but anytime you're fired, broken up with, rejected or something simply fails it all happens to make you stronger and is always for the best

>> No.14875178
File: 109 KB, 445x311, 1570109346841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm killing the man I hate the most, myself, to hopefully replace it with a better man.

>> No.14875202

have a (You) anon :)

>> No.14875594

The first bit of being sober is really enjoyable. Feels like a moment of lucidity after a long period of drifting through life. Almost like a drug in itself. It's the bit that comes after that, when the grind starts to take its toll, that is the killer. Sobriety is not the challenge, life is.

>> No.14875696

Kill Em All 2020
I am corona man
410,757,864,530 DEAD CHINESE

>> No.14875703
File: 1.12 MB, 2550x3600, Roastie whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to seriously consider Islam.

>> No.14875710

no, it is a real part of life and has its own unique appeals.

>> No.14875718

ew, and satanic digits prove it

>> No.14875722

Want to get my novels out there but have no idea how. I produce a lot of content but I have no audience and no idea how to get one. I'm worried my work will go unnoticed forever.

>> No.14875727

there is no benefit gained by watching movies rather than sewing a new tunic and hunting some rabbits. have free time is not impressive considering you will just fill it with tasks ultimately less fulfilling than survival.

>> No.14875730

not caring that some stranger spic died is normal, healthy behaviour seen in everyone but white leftoid faggots.

>> No.14875732

shaving it is gay. leave it grown but do not attempt to use trickery to hide the balding, just embrace it.

>> No.14875737

incorporate foods that lower dht levels into your diet more, that should help.

>> No.14875740

>hasn't actually read ted

>> No.14875751

I want to fight in a revolution or civil war somewhere, not even to support a certain cause but for something to do with my life that seems suitably dangerous and difficult—helping create a small off-grid town/group would suffice too, but you can not bring your ugly broads along to annoy the rest of us unless she's public use.
Also this: >>14875703

>> No.14875762 [DELETED] 

It's not about hiding it but accepting it when you get rid off it all.
MSM and molasses helps I've heard.

>> No.14875792
File: 1.20 MB, 2908x1920, 1576222073854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl

>> No.14875795 [DELETED] 


>> No.14875797

honestly, sort of based

>> No.14875828

shaving is still a cope, though less so than trying to cover up the balding.

>> No.14875906

Get up early and read outside

>> No.14875948

pee pee poo poo. vagina and penis.
Keep it cleanest as Peterson meme'thd.
Eat xannies and panties....
fuck jannies and trannies.
Figaro.... negero..... fucka hoe.
Ching chong sing song ding dong
brap hog in tight thong hits bongs

they do it for free

>> No.14875958

I would strangle you with my keyboard if I could you degenerate freak

>> No.14875962

this is the price of solar neuronhood

>> No.14875967

find and rape her it will help you heal and move on anon

>> No.14875990

thanks bruv

>> No.14875995

>tasks ultimately less fulfilling than survival.
you seriously speak like a first worlder who's never been through a deficit. i live in ex ussr and yes, i like not fighting for basic necessities or having to know a guy who knows a guy to get a new pair of decent shoes.

>> No.14876100

Unironically good

>> No.14876258

Hot take. I like it

>> No.14876271

An inner city police department will give you a similar experience, if you're serious. Every single one of them is hiring.

>> No.14876336

My life yawns at me like a big white sheet of paper to write on, but I can't get a letter out. My head is an empty dance hall, some withered roses and crumpled ribbons on the floor, burst violins in the corner, the last dancers have taken off their masks and are looking at each other with dead tired eyes. I know myself, I know what I will think and dream in a quarter of an hour, what I will think and dream in eight days, what I will think and dream in a year. God, what have I done that you make me recite my lesson so often like a schoolboy?
The sun looks like an inn sign, and the fiery clouds above it like the inscription: 'Inn to the golden sun'. The earth and the water down there are like a table on which wine has been spilt, and we lie on it like playing cards with which God and the devil play out of boredom, and you are a card king, and I am a jack of cards, the only thing missing is a lady, a beautiful lady, with a large gingerbread heart on her breast and a mighty tulip in which the long nose sinks sentimentally.

>> No.14876638

Hark! Tis' not my swolen member
A profitable salt mine, but water-washed,
Pure, stenchless meat, nor maggot-infested,
Though things do crawl from it,
From time to time, passing from body to body.
Bow down, my dear lad, lift up thy unpacked rump
And let an old seadog's ocean tongue let slip
The waves of thy erected contraption.

Tis' done. How long I longed to taste the sweet
Pie of a lad who still smells of mossy, scottish soil.
What has been given must be returned.
Help this old body of mine lay down on that table, me boy,
So that in my heart shaped shadow you may do the deed.
Attaboy! Attaboy! Be rough with my stuff, plenty of booty there be.

>> No.14876814

I think I would be happy if I had a decent job that is compatible with my autism, an apartment and if possible a dog. Would use all my free time to play games and read books. I don't ask anything else form life. However it seems like I can't even do that.

>> No.14876831

i appear to be at a crossroads in life, and i'm not sure which direction to take. so here i am, reading other people's thoughts on the shittiest imageboard around and generally wasting my time. hopefully the direction i'm going in isn't backwards

>> No.14876863

You're not yourself, when you are hungry. Have a chocolate bar!

>> No.14876875

miss me with that
>gay pirate poetry

>> No.14876925

Pretty decent prose, bro. Some of your metaphors don't really land though

>> No.14877102

>tfw dying of coronavirus
please send help. i can no longer go to work now, just hurts too much

>> No.14877128

afaik that's a translation of Georg Büchner

>> No.14877131

if you are boomer, die quietly and accpet your faith. if you are young you will be fine.

>> No.14877152

Leonce and Lena

>Act 1 Scene 3
Mein Leben gähnt mich an wie ein großer weißer Bogen Papier, den ich vollschreiben soll, aber ich bringe keinen Buchstaben heraus. Mein Kopf ist ein leerer Tanzsaal, einige verwelkte Rosen und zerknitterte Bänder auf dem Boden, geborstene Violinen in der Ecke, die letzten Tänzer haben die Masken abgenommen und sehen mit todmüden Augen einander an. Ich stülpe mich jeden Tag vierundzwanzigmal herum wie einen Handschuh. O, ich kenne mich, ich weiß, was ich in einer Viertelstunde, was ich in acht Tagen, was ich in einem Jahr denken und träumen werde. Gott, was habe ich denn verbrochen, daß du mich wie einen Schulbuben meine Lektion so oft hersagen läßt?

>Act 2 Scene 2
Die Sonne sieht aus wie ein Wirtshausschild, und die feurigen Wolken darüber wie die Aufschrift: Wirtshaus zur goldenen Sonne. Die Erde und das Wasser da unten sind wie ein Tisch, auf dem Wein verschüttet ist, und wir liegen darauf wie Spielkarten, mit denen Gott und der Teufel aus Langeweile eine Partie machen, und Ihr seid ein Kartenkönig, und ich bin ein Kartenbube, es fehlt nur noch eine Dame, eine schöne Dame, mit einem großen Lebkuchenherz auf der Brust und einer mächtigen Tulpe, worin die lange Nase sentimental versinkt

>> No.14877399

My android keyboard auto completes "the i" into:
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I find this quite funny and somehow ironic.

>> No.14877524
File: 6 KB, 236x213, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs killed a rabbit today in the yard. A small little animal, just a baby. I should say they more put the creature through the trials which ultimately led to it's death. It was me who executed the suffering animal with a shovel, splitting its head in half, and buried it behind the shop. I take no pleasure in the event. The conclusion to the little cottontail's short existence was violent and painful and utterly dispassionate towards it's innocence. In reflection over the episode – the actions of my dogs and myself and the fate of the animal now in two under a few inches of mud and my own feelings – I'm left to remind myself of a simple truth: the mangling of prey by predator stands beside starvation as the gold standard of death in the Natural world.

Most wouldn't blink. Dogs kill. It was practically a rodent. The flesh of the once living is a part of my own diet. So why record such trivialities? Surely my experience isn't so limited and shallow that I am shocked by the slaughter of a wild critter. And truly I am not shocked. But in the human world, the plane of our own creations, the gnawing reaper of cold Natural truth is easily and regularly obscured by an aroma of obsessions, of ambrosial nector and divine flashes, of separate nature, of discommunion. And oft we interact with the lesser world – as the illusion would have us believe it is – with eyes glazed and protected against the whirling void of Nature's still inertia so that we may fill our bellies or pass the time. Thus, the occasion to be properly horrified is not to be ashamed of but coveted and remembered for they are few and fleeting.

>> No.14877569

I want a new start and my own universe. I want this universe to have a god, and I am the god. I want to have my hands in every affair on the new earth. The dominant species will be 100% the same race, they will be sleek, beautiful, and look 100% like white europeans, but even better. They will be strict, passionless, regimented, and regal, like the Prussians. Never again will there be niggers, women in positions of authority, or homosexuals.

>> No.14877677

Work is going crazy because of corona. Shifts are being cancelled left and right. They've been trying to salvage what there is to salvage, but we're being hit with cancellations still. There's a good chance I won't be able to go in until mid to late April - at least. It's gonna be a financial blow for sure, and I have low hopes of us being paid out for the time. wat do anons. I'd look for a little job on the side, but I doubt now is a good time to apply for anything, and there's still a chance we'll be able to go back in in a week.

>> No.14877769

>bought what i thought was the bottom
>it wasn't the bottom
well, fuck.

>> No.14877777

Catholicism truly is heresy. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is the Orthodox Church of Jesus Christ. Find the way ye brethren.

>> No.14877783

wht ath the fuck is this
fuck you

>> No.14877823

What's the point. Will there still be suffering?

>> No.14877871

kike lmao

>> No.14878057

What do you mean anon?

>> No.14878283

What's the point of being God of a perfect people in a perfect universe? Or will you allow a certain amount of imperfection?

>> No.14878667

very Nietzschean

>> No.14878705

I had to check what board I was on

>> No.14878723

Sometimes I wish I was an orphan. No family to judge your actions and you have a great excuse for getting a simple job and not taking the typical route of college. By now, I would have been living in a trailer park or small department, with a normal comfortable job instead of being a student. Education is a mistake nowadays with the amount of progressive thinking the elite is pushing down our throats.

>> No.14878811

I don’t know anything.

>> No.14878854
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x907, The Fall of Phaethon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That painting is intense. Thanks, anon.
>beauty all around us, deep and profound, and yet we're shipwrecked and fucked. that sunset tho
Anyways, to contribute to the "woe is me", I'm currently drowning in anxious, obsessive thoughts. All day, so far. I might have to start a regular workout routine, because I actually don't want to blow my brains out. It's just rough when mental shit eats at you, and emotions fluctuate.
Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow.

>> No.14879153

There are two few words for saying 'silence'.
The only one that's feasible in all circumstances is 'quiet'. Every other word that could be used feels hamfisted.

>> No.14879175

what is neurosis?
why i'm so unfortunate to have.

>> No.14879188
File: 194 KB, 500x511, B3D8C76D-EDED-48E6-A912-FA84A6682825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want my friend and that girl who’s number I got to respond to my text. I’m desperate for companionship, it feels like a drug. I had my first shot of vodka last week and I didn’t feel shit, but when I’m laughing with friends I feel like I have the balls to do just about anything

>> No.14879362

In the right circumstances, "enough" is even more powerful than "silence" or "quiet" if you mean as a command

>> No.14879711

Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels that life has become sedentary. I yearn for adventure and an interesting life but it hardly feels like that an option anymore. I like to read authors like Jack London or Ernst Jünger or Herman Melville and see how filled with adventure their lives were and I don’t see opportunities for that anymore. I want so badly to just break out of this stasis of desk work but for the life of me I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

>> No.14879732

That’s a tough spot to be in. Save what money you can and be prepared to file for unemployment if you lose work (there’s no shame in it at all anymore). Keep your eye out for work in your area.

>> No.14880118

On your day off from work, don’t spend all day shitposting or jerking off. Instead get up early, go outside, and walk to somewhere you’ve never been before. No more fear. Nothing worse could happen to you out there than the boredom you feel from a sedentary life and the regret of dying having never done anything to change it.

>> No.14880197
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I don't think there's any more patrician romantic pairing than a /fit/ guy and a fat girl. I confess this may be my personal fetishes talking, but I just think there's something very aesthetic about a man being muscular and built, while the woman he's paired with is plump and soft.

>> No.14880250

>tfw I think I'm becoming a Christian

>> No.14880261

There's a greater than zero chance corona could take my grandmother and I've never felt anything I could describe as abject terror like this before.
Just about everything else in my life has fallen apart the last few years. I genuinely don't know how to approach the thought moving forward if the worst does happen. Offing myself feels like a very real possibility and that's not even the part that gives me fear, really.

>> No.14880358

I feel elevated and ennobled. Not long ago was I walking from streets to streets and alleys to alleys all alone in the dark when it occurred to me that I am, in fact, ennobled. As for my confirmation the loving mother nature in the same instant caressed my hair gently with a light wave of rain and a soft blow of the wind. And how I cherished her motherly caress! I, the blessed son of nature, hover around lightly. I am the lightest being in the world.

>> No.14880412

>Still in love with my BPD girlfriend from high school
This never ends, does it?

>> No.14880450

Travelling is nice to clear the mind. As the other anon suggested, you can go for a walk. Although a hobbie that involves any kind of outdoor activity comes in hand as well.

>> No.14880461

>still fantasize every day about being with that cute little girl
It doesn’t end, does it?

>> No.14880635
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> still fantasizing about that priest that called my voice beautiful once and liked my drawing of a decapitated Saint
1.5 years ago

>> No.14880668

I already do that. I am up and outside by 6 am almost everyday. I have relapses occasionally but I rarely jerkoff. I have to admit I’ve been on this site a lot but that is a recent development. This isn’t an issue of lack of a hobby. This is a total disenchantment with the world, a feeling like there’s no real escape. I need more than just a day trip to satisfy this. I need a change in my life to something more real and meaningful. I just don’t even know where to look.

>> No.14880726
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>ex gf from 4 years ago is now an eco-fascist egirl

>> No.14880744

I have an insatiable desire to blog about this coronavirus. I feel like I've assigned myself the manic mission to metaphysically solve it.

What first comes to mind is the notion of the "universal wall" that a particular global crisis might induce on politics. This is a question that political philosophers have studied at some length. Often the dilemma is framed in terms of a nuclear war or environmental catastrophe or even an alien invasion. What is interesting is that sudden wall that convulses the entire species. If not fear this phenomenon inspires tutoring, a valuation of human existence, which is normally taken as cheap in times of health and normalcy. Suddenly tribal, parochial, petty rivalries and enmities dissolve into the background of a universal threat.

This is a cultural and political singularity of profound interest. While it is true that people are dying and it is no matter to be taken as a mere curiosity, sense must be made out of it nevertheless.

>> No.14880765

Do you have any sense to make out of it or are you just trying to tell people it's an important phenomenon?

Hit us with your thesis, chief.

>> No.14880772

This universal wall evaporates all presumed dialectical antagonisms, or forces them to a head such that they are rapidly trust into a resolution. Even the richest of the rich must care for the poorest of the poor even just to act out of their own will to survive, because the problem is fundamentally ecological. Everyone must choose goodwill, the problems of the world cannot be treated as a mere externality by those with the good fortune of not having to care about them. This goes back Heidegger's notion of "care" in Dasein, the human principle of being. Our powers are such that we can extend the degree of our inner world to the world itself, to connect to any ontology to which the intellect and mind permits (which may be all onology, or Being itself). Thus, an external universal threat can be thought of "God's wrath" in the sense that it is a comic signal to the species, interpreted within the species, to value its own existence.

This is precisely what Humanity needs in its time of depressive purposelessness and crestfallen spirit ( a sentiment seen all over the world and not just in the west.)

>> No.14880773

I'm working on it. See my other post

>> No.14880783

Another way of putting it is: your life depends on your enemy.

>> No.14880790

A cool idea for an essay for sure. Scarcity makes group collaboration evolutionarily advantageous. It may be important to analyze the possibility for elites in positions that aren't existentially threatened to not give a fuck, and do you have any ideas for why this inherent 'care' is going to beat out individual darwinian instincts to survive?

>> No.14880796

A global crisis "universal wall" in any case would trivialize other struggles, because those struggles even in pure enmity would have to be postponed until the universal struggle was resolved. So even if goodwill is rejected, antagonistic forces are thrust into cooperation, or death. Thus existence itself, consciousness of existence as it is resevoired in the human, is poised to appreciate itself as a whole or perish. This is quite related to the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction yet is distinct.

>> No.14880804

>inherent 'care'
"Care" here is used in a specific technical sense in Heidegger's philosophy. It may partly be an issue of translation but it does not carry the connotations of "concern" that "take care" does in English. It means more of the sense "acknowledge the existence of" which means to allow into consciousness a given aspect of Being. For any "being" that has the essence of "beingness" Being, for it to be made aware of "care" must be taken of it. Thus the progress of knowledge is the continual process by which consciousness "cares" for any given depth of reality. Otherwise this reality is voided, not given the label of existence, treated as a nothing or an irrelevance, unthinkable.

>> No.14880830

malcolm x

>> No.14880833

this is a joke roit

>> No.14880842

Thinking about a homeless guy I saw while I was driving in the city.

He was holding a sign saying "This is what invisible looks like". Everyone on the corner walked around him and pretended not to see him, nobody read his sign, and he never said anything to anyone. This was just after a concert, and seeing him go unnoticed in a sea of people made me melancholic.

Something is wrong with this, but I can't find a good way to verbalize my thoughts. Is this generation more introverted by their constant drip-feed of "social contact" through the internet, or has humanity always held so little empathy for the lowest class?

>> No.14880931

Hmm, can’t really offer any advice there. Have you tried religion?

>> No.14880958


>> No.14881037

Yes, but I don’t see how that helps. What I’m looking for is an end to a sedentary existence, or a way to live life adventurously, not religious salvation.

>> No.14881049

Why are women biologically incapable of comprehending honor?

>> No.14881072

I guess the only way that would be possible is if your were somehow able to become a nomadic herdsman, or if you were to leave your life behind and start wandering the country.

>> No.14881084

i am seething in seeing a thing seen in a scene in the thing

>> No.14881187

I'm done thinking. I'm embracing non-thinking from this moment on. Farewell my thoughts.

>> No.14881203

I hope some future civilization will be able to read these threads as we read Roman graffiti.

>> No.14881210

Doesn't everything here get deleted after 3 days?

>> No.14881212

"When something breaks it makes a beautiful sound"

>> No.14881217

Emphasis on hope.

>> No.14881222

>prepared to file for unemployment
I can't even do that, considering I'm a student also. Only way I could was to switch to part-time studies which might well take a semester to take into effect, and I don't want to do it anyway. I'm looking if there's odd jobs around I can do for a little while and possibly from home; saw an ad for a magazine yesterday that's home office work, will send an application out this weekend.

You anons have any tips for jobs of that sort?

I would have suggested hikes/walks into natures as well. If you're looking to make it a constant, is a change in jobs a possibility? Something new-age like being a digital nomad sound appealing to you? Or something social, where you're able to support people? Or driving around the country, going where the wind takes you?

>> No.14881280
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>> No.14881731

This is the closest to zombie apocalypse as its going to get.

>> No.14881863

Kenkō references this in a really evocative way in Essays in Idleness. The sight of the scattered dead cherry blossoms in the autumn is in a way more beautiful than that of them alive in springtime (or something to that effect, Icouldn't find the exact quote)

>> No.14881899

For the most part, people have always ignored the homeless. I used to try and at least say something to them, but regardless of what their signs say about how "even a smile helps" or whatever, they're really after money. This isn't a judgement against homeless people, we all need money to survive. But most days I can't just hand out cash to whoever asks, so I just ignore them.

>> No.14881984

Drunk and high

>> No.14882717

i was meant for something great but i realized that i was only below average human

>> No.14882734
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I doubt the person that was memeing about Ezra Pound's Cantos a couple weeks ago is going to read this, but thank you for memeing Ezra Pound, his poems are nice, I've started with The New Selected Poems and Translations. Good stuff, thank you anon(s).

>> No.14882764
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Thinking about a girl I work with who I really like (and also has a boyfriend, naturally), she's pretty much the most beautiful girl I've ever met

Hope she's alright and doesn't get sick from this thing going around

Trying to lose weight and have lost 4 pounds but boy am I hungry

The gym isn't closed but with the current state of things it's probably better that I don't go and it sucks

I need to create more things

>> No.14882790
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In the last few weeks I've had mood swings much more often, I can't seem to get my life to have structure, which is mostly because I watch a lot of porn, and I mean a lot, and then I hate myself for it. My studies are very likely to take a hit and I'll need an extra semester to finish school. Those things combined with extreme social isolation make me constantly angry and I can't even scream because people will think I've gone mad. I have to confess being angry is also somehow soothing because it makes me feel like I haven't just given up and there's also some perverse enjoyment in suffering that you brought upon yourself. I always say I will try harder to better myself but it's always one step forward and two back. I wish I could stop being pathetic honestly.

>> No.14882804

I am not really able to put Buddhism away. I really like the core of the philosophy. I have had some relevant experiences. It seems like they are independent of my meditation practice. I am not sure whether sitting meditation is really right concentration for me. I really hope to accomplish the goal in this lifetime.

>> No.14883159

Has anyone come to change their ideology through reading to the point where they’re extremely ashamed at their past choices because they don’t align with that ideology?

>> No.14883166

Has anyone read enough to change their ideology and sense of self to the point that you’ve become ashamed at your past because it doesn’t align with that ideology or your sense of self?

>> No.14883188

based 4chan haiku, you captured the very essence of the 4chan experience anon, brilliant

>> No.14883217

A big crash will hit you and trust me you will hate yourself even more because you didn't change yourself sooner. By crash I mean you will be completely drained, probably your dick won't even get up, porn won't even be fun anymore, you will catch a flu, or you will be too tired to even sleep.

>> No.14883433

Do you guys know what you want/are supposed to do with your life? What age did you figure it out?

>> No.14883439

I’m gonna be a teacher unless some other high paying math job lands in my lap. I’m gonna live simply and frugally and hope that God provides me a good wife.

>> No.14883455

I have absolutely no idea what i want to do with my life and i'm 27.

>> No.14883460

After carrying so much for so long, I feel very empty. I am so thoroughly disappointed with my (adopted) country, with the people of my country. What do I owe them? Surely any debt has been paid.

I can not describe how it feels. An ideological low if there ever was one. There is no community. There are only webs of self-interest. From coast to coast it is like this. Perhaps people are different in different places. One of those failed, fucked up places. Perhaps they're still like that. Perhaps I should go there.

>> No.14883480

I can't function if I don't have an end goal and an outline of a plan in my mind. I worked out the general direction when I was around 18, and from there on I figured out the details. Now it's settled and in progress.

>> No.14883487

Same. That’s why I asked.

>> No.14883493 [DELETED] 

I’m the same way but I don’t see a path forward for me.

>> No.14883507

I’m the same way but I don’t see a path forward for me. I didn’t start early enough and I made the wrong choices.

>> No.14883799
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>tfw years of solitude and practice in CBT-based exposure therapy, Aristotelian golden-mean virtue ethics and Jungian/Petersonian allegorical heroic journey dragon-slaying experience has prepared me for the upcoming pandemic
I'm going to be okay.

>> No.14883851

At 17 I asked myself what kind of person I want to be and in that moment a picture of someone I met a few years earlier shot through my mind. I said that's it.

I'm 28 now and nothing has changed in that regard. It was until this point and it will continue to be one hell of a ride.

>> No.14883904
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>> No.14883918

You people stalkand harass me everyday and still know nothing about me. Do you genuinely believe a 23 yr old fan of Von Trier and Mishima is going to enjoy Wodehouse and Charlie Brown? You can enjoy what you want but get a fucking clue. Not everyone cares about the same interests.

>> No.14883971

There are costs to everything. At one point, governments should ask themselves whether the costs of halting the spread of the Corona virus are really worth it. We don't want to have a situation where people have to starve so they don't get the virus. Not everyone has a cute job that allows him to work from home. In fact, most people don't. A severe economic recession is not a price worth paying to stop the virus from spreading. A bad economy is not a bunch of numbers going down in some abstract realm outside the material reality of everyday life; it's people failing to pay their loans, failing to pay the costs of treatment for other diseases they were suffering from. It's already struggling workers losing large chunks of their incomes, people stranded abroad failing to make it back home, families having to cut down on food and other necessities. It's people resorting to robbery and other illicit acts to make ends meet. That governments are imposing uniform restrictions on people whose tolerance toward their impact varies wildly from one person to another is nothing short of criminal. If a person is willing to risk infection so he can maintain his standard of living then he should be free to do so. It's the responsibility of the people around him to protect themselves against the risk of contagion, the same way they insure against fires, accidents, and other ills of life.

>> No.14883973

>implying i wont kill myself in 10 years or so
otherwise its a pic about me

>> No.14884076

The purpose of life lies in the ultimate goal that you want to reach/accomplish with your life, consequently if you don't have any long-term goals, then you won't see the importance/purpose of your life period; while this question has been the ultimate question for humanity since the early ages of the human kind, when they had nothing but to eat and be not eaten, why felt the freezing cooling wind in winter and the boiling sun light through the summer, it has been so easy; back then they had an important duty and an ultimate goal to be alive for, they had the distinct will to persevering him/his kind and live forever, that's why the ancient Egyptians did all these mind blowing wonders, just to be known forever, they even did the embalming just to be alive for ever. That sounds like a fucking great purpose to live for. If you got over 30-35 years old without the purpose of life, then you should fucking kill yourself you pathetic faggot cuck, have a good day

>> No.14884182

>if you don't have any long-term goals, then you won't see the importance/purpose of your life period;
no shit

>> No.14884259

New place, new faces. So kind at first, but it spreads with every night. A touch of hostility not yet articulated. A voice arrived within my mind and said: they are not your responsibility. Who do you want to care for? That's all you need to tend to.

They are not my responsibility.
They are not my responsibility.
They are not mine.

>> No.14884308

Welp, my diocese just canceled public Masses until March 30th. This is saddening to me, I always go to Mass every Sunday.

>> No.14884376
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Honestly, I just live day by day whitout much time thinking about the future. I don't have big plans or desires. I just know I want to write, if that's going to work out, I don't know. Right now my only goal is to finish college, after that I will see what I'm going to do. I used think a lot about my future and it only gave anxiety, so now I try not to worry that much about it and just live in the present, trying to do my best at everything and hoping everything will be alright at the end.

>> No.14884379

Things are not looking good in burgerland lmao, there will probably be over a million cases (though undiagnosed because burgerland) this time next week. Major cities should have been in complete lockdown days ago.

/shut in gang/ finally gets a win though

>> No.14884408

Instances such as this virus outbreak show how centralized command economies have advantages over market economies. During crises, funnily enough, everyone becomes socialist. It goes to show how market economies are a luxury in so much of a sense, a product and possibility of good times alone. Once it gets too real, socialism is the default response.

>> No.14884432

Of course the inversion of this in capitalist ideology is that the crisis follows the centralization of the economy, when in fact the crisis is the antecedent; trying to lift millions of out pre-industrial poverty, provide reliable healthcare and full unemployment to them, and generally pick up the poorest of the poor and shape them into a functioning society, is a response to a crisis.

>> No.14884494

This virus is creating in me an awakening. The extent of its damage will remain to be seen, but in times of crisis, something is awakened in the human spirit. What truly matters in life shines forth, I see the love of the world. As I was laying in bed last night my eyes welled up with the thought of the beauty and preciousness of everything good, and resolved in myself to become an adamant and fearless soldier in service of the Good. My spirit and mind is in touch with the whole of being, my thoughts have lost any wastefulness and have boiled away the inessential. I am, like Sartre said when he was imprisoned, the freest I have ever been.

>> No.14884514

Why are you people so scared of the virus? Are you living particularly happy and fulfilling lives that are so scared of losing it? The virus isn't even fatal to those of you who aren't boomers.

>> No.14884515

...and this will pass away in a week lol

>> No.14884532

That chick in the ad with her legs spread should really be wearing pricier underwear, she looks kind of broke or like she's wearing shit she got for Christmas from gram grams

>> No.14884543

I’m not scared of dying I’m scared of feeling like I am dying and possibly getting lung damage while the hospital is overflowing with dying boomers

>> No.14884562

Maybe it will. I have no way of judging the extent of the robustness of civilizations' life support systems that have been untested by a shock of these proportions. Even if it does hopefully pass, I am gaining from the penitence and wisdom of this experience.

>> No.14884596

I'm not scared of it I just don't believe people who try to downplay it are really understanding what is happening. There are so many unknowns that it's hard to say what is really the situation, but even just given what we know for sure it's extremely serious.

I've absorbed a fuckton of information and speculation and seen how things have progressed since December and it is clear to me that the people who have been closest to accuracy from the beginning are those who were called scaremongers back when it was breaking.

>> No.14884598

no, I mean your experience and “wisdom” will pass away

>> No.14884615

No more than any other experience will. You don't know me or how my thoughts work, but rest assured they work on a level far beyond yours.

>> No.14884618

Just ate a lot for supper and now I'm taking a fat shit. Feels good.

>> No.14884652


>> No.14884664

Forums are gone, IRC is an empty house filled with a logarithmic sequence of sparsely decorated rooms, with even sparser densities of guests. Every day, the four chains that bind me to the internet rust a little more with the unwavering tide of youth attracted to it's brilliance, and I, like those chains will eventually become too brittle to hold onto the docks. What will I be then?

>> No.14884687

That’s great for you. My biggest issue is not having figured things out sooner to be honest. I feel like I missed my window to what I want out of life a possibility.

>> No.14884712


>> No.14884754

ignore the haters, they're just mad someone's moving up in the world and it's not them

>> No.14885599

Would dIrecting unwarranted hatred towards my poetry audience in blatant and offensive prose itself become the very aspect of the notion I wish to convey, sloughing the chaff and harvesting those normal souls left over?

>> No.14885606

The only acceptable way to own a pug is to kidnap one from the breeders. Spade and neuter it. Raise it in a happy home that provides it a happy life despite its health problems

>> No.14885800

Does anyone else struggle to turn their brain off and have insomnia as a result? I have all of these ideas swirling in my head 24/7 and I can’t turn them off.

>> No.14885916
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I'm tired, a little drunk, and want to go to bed. Figured I would write one more shitpost and check it in the morning.

>> No.14886030

Right now I feel ON. My whole body and being is electrified with a manic clarity. I see so wonderfully clearly. The whole intertangled web of possible eventualities I embrace with singular acceptance. Everything that was false has been evaporated, everything which had plagued me with a little root of gnawing fear, about nothing. It has all came to me and told me to live my life out without resignation, to put all the potential of lost years into every moment that remains.

"But shouldn't I be... Or shouldn't I do..." No. Everything is exactly where it needs to be.

>> No.14886047

In all eventualities is my own death. My own death is a little thing, just as death is always a little thing. Just see how nature deals with death. It is the other end of life, and in death is life... without life there would be no death, and without death there would not be much life--in the biosphere the dead organic matter is compost, the fuel of more life. One is a silent hero to oneself to smile with tranquility at the truth of one's own mortality.
Once death is accepted, life can truly begin. The true lie is that death is made mysterious, we are taught to fear death in things that have none of it, in our tiny failures, in meaningless slips, in the frivolous carnival that is made out of hopes and dreams. Peace is wrought out of the absolute denial of it, out the one fear that absolves and calms all lesser.

>> No.14886060

Meaning comes screaming into existence like the first sparks in a newborn, it is *pressured* out of nonbeing. Out of nihilism is the negation of nihilism, and in this case some law holds just as firmly as in arithmetic. The negation of nothing is a something.

>> No.14886131
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I don’t mean for this to sound as smarmy as it does but if you dig deeper I think you’ll see this mindset as fantasy.

Compared to the mostly airtight safety of human society, yes, the natural world can seem violent and unforgiving. “Red in tooth and claw,” and so on. If you disagree, I understand, since it’s not hard to find shocking examples of nature’s capacity for viciousness. What I’m suggesting is that nature is not a set of bloody jaws waiting for you just outside the bounds of society.

I’ve spent a lot of time doing zoological fieldwork, including some with dangerous animals, mostly reptiles. I’ve had telemetry tags in all sorts of critters of all sizes and niches, and the part that always surprised me was that most of them had fairly uneventful, placid lives.

Violence of any form is usually EXTREMELY resource-intensive as well as a giant gamble from the initiator. Animals find ways to subvert this, with things like venom (still quite costly to produce) and pack behaviors, but they all still try to pick fights that are as one-sided as possible. Many more animals I tagged were killed by disease and old age than predation, even among animals who lived near direct predators.

When my pet lizard has a full stomach, she’ll just sit sand watch the excess worms/crickets wriggle about.

This is kind of an embarrassing effortpost but I think people hamstring their ability to appreciate the incredible assemblage of nature by viewing it only as a vulgar bloody killfest that “lurks beneath” the comparatively “clean” conditions humans make for themselves.

I got really attached to the rattlesnake in the pic, he always came to the same spot to bask and one day I came to mark his coordinates and he was coiled up with a snek gf.

>> No.14886232

Yes. It's why I take sleep medication most of the time which causes my awakened brain to be in a stupor which sucks.

>> No.14886485

I'm going to write my novel this year or else kill myself. I don't want anything else in life. I have become what I am. It is very freeing.

>> No.14886734

I'm worried people are more knowledgeable about other people's ideas and perceptions of history or historical figures and the number of persons actually trying to understand or interpret the past/historical figures is dwindling to none. If its for the sake of an argument people will quickly look for and digest any materials they can find just to support their argument. This is turning into one big case of telephone where ideas are so misconstrued and distorted that something as recent as the 60s is being taken completely out of any context just for a "gotcha"

>> No.14886791
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All is well

>> No.14886913
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i don't want to write my heidegger essay i want to finger peint

>> No.14887200
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>hear ringing in my headphones
>"damn, they're breaking..."
>take them off, but the ringing doesn't stop

>> No.14887617

It's simply another vessel breaking.
Your soul is intact.