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File: 17 KB, 230x230, ainsley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1487758 No.1487758 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I realised I believe in a God

Not the christian one, but a god nonetheless.

And I'm blaming Kierkegaard.

>> No.1487775

What have you been reading, Ainsley?

>> No.1487781


>believes in something he can't comprehend

>mfw people believe in gibberish because of emotions

>> No.1487790

>Starts with the supposition that there has to be a god
>Works philosophy around it

Keep reading OP. There are other deeper thinkers.

>> No.1487798
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>mfw life is only worth living because of emotions

>> No.1487801


>mfw ur a slave to your emotions & social conditioning

>> No.1487802
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>Assuming atheists have little to no emotions


>> No.1487804
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>mfw you are feeling emotions for something outside the experience of life

>> No.1487816
File: 10 KB, 250x270, Dylan moran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you can't believe in region anymore because...

Well, you can, but people will laugh at you and throw things.

>> No.1487821
File: 8 KB, 200x246, 1293045691772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're using mfw and green text to discuss deep issues that man has debated over since time immemorial.

>> No.1487825
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My face when I belive in God and in a Divine Plan, but am not very relligious at all.

>> No.1487827

I saw a lecture recommended by /sci/ about the difference between humans and other animals.

By the end of the lecture, he talks a little bit about religion and the fact that we are the only species that can handle the contradition, in which if something is the least likeable possibility than it has to be.

I jumped to the part where he says this, but the lecture is good. Also, I love the contradition he says at the end.

>> No.1487832
File: 324 KB, 400x594, lavorpell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everybody is jumping in the 'I believe in a god that isn't quite the christian god' bandwagon.

>> No.1487833
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>My face when I forgot to greentext that shit.

>> No.1487835


>mfw u subscribe into something you don't understand or care about

>> No.1487857

Howabout this idea /lit/: There is supernatural entity that watches over all of us, but we each have our own personal entity, in order for good things to happen to us, our personal entity must make trades and concessions with other entities.

Sort of like karma, but you don't have much say in it.

mite b cool.

>> No.1487860
File: 86 KB, 637x469, 1243669776279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have read a lot regarding this issue, ranging from plato to pascal, going through Marcus Aurelius and many others.

>> No.1487871

wow no shit you believe in unicorns

>> No.1487873

Kierkegaard is awesome.

>> No.1487884
File: 693 B, 250x250, 1285518467188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mfw

>> No.1487889


>implying belief itself isn't an emotion


>> No.1487895

Just so you know, your post made me angry. I was fapping and I had to stop to rage.

>> No.1487893
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>mfw you assumed I'm not an atheist

>> No.1487902
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>mfw you must be a robot

>> No.1487905
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>mfw he masturbates on /lit/

>> No.1487946
File: 71 KB, 294x400, Problem-atheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized I was a Christian.

Thanks, Jack.

>> No.1487955
File: 22 KB, 381x450, c-s-lewis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when that made me chuckle.

>> No.1487993
File: 42 KB, 400x300, 0881_160726_RichardDawkins2blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must you always assume there's a problem?

As long as you aren't torturing, and stoning people to death, like the Muslims still do, we're cool.
Oh and keep your goddamn hands off of our children and governments. Then everything will be peaches and cream. Got me?

>> No.1488000

>mfw banned

>> No.1487999
File: 79 KB, 273x400, HE-MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1488005

Kierkee did the same for me OP.
the rationality of believing in...well, in believing.

>> No.1488017

I don't think there is a god. But it's possible.

Show me some:


Because there is none. When there is I'll consider it. Until then, I'm busy not caring, and any other view is simply uneducated as far as I am concerned.

>> No.1488023

Mmm no.

You appear to be proud of that barbarous heritage. I reason that it is all just so much water under a bridge, but since you are the one who believes in the afterlife, should you feel a little shame for mass murders and such?

>> No.1488026

Have you ever thought that maybe God wants people to believe in him without evidence?

You're talking about faith, which is the basis for any religion. Maybe God wants you to gamble on something not so certain.

>> No.1488027

Kierkgaard was shit.

It's like he retroactively ripped of Nietzche, but made it worse.

>> No.1488030
File: 30 KB, 414x280, dawkinsBackCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm no.

You appear to be proud of that barbarous heritage. I reason that it is all just so much water under a bridge, but since you are the one who believes in the afterlife, should you feel a little shame for mass murders and such?

This. As simple as that.

>> No.1488035

I believe in a God too. See him in all his glory when I look into the mirror.

>> No.1488045

recommend me kierkegard books please

>> No.1488053

You seem to think all Christians used to do was kill people.

>> No.1488060
File: 97 KB, 671x925, cslewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should you feel a little shame for mass murders and such?

Enlighten me as to why I should feel culpable for the crimes of people who corrupted the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and used them for their own, violent purposes.

>> No.1488065

If that's the impression I gave, I'll correct you now. No. The vast majority did as they were told and toiled for Emperor, King and Pope, and were no doubt decent folk. I answered the "favouroite Christian" thread with Martin Luther King

That's a poor excuse for a father figure. But yes, it had crossed my mind, for a couple of months anyway. It was as preposterous then as it is now.

>> No.1488066

"Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: but we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God."
Now, don't get me started on the definition of faith juxtaposed to the ridiculousness of asking for evidence.

>> No.1488068

Ah but it is you modern secularists christians who are the corrupters

>> No.1488072

i have to say that i admire those barbarous ancients much more than today's stock of watered down, secular humano-christians

at least they were interesting

>> No.1488075

Quote some contradictory scripture at me, bro.

>> No.1488083
File: 20 KB, 303x350, Take yer best shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't keep a bible handy anymore. You do it.

This thread is getting too violent for my tastes. Boys will be boys.
To bed.

>> No.1488084


Howabout this, For me, i believe in god the same way I do love. Both are based on chemical reactions in the brain, if you choose to embrace love there are a lot of positive things to be gained, negative things too, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. But i do think that both of them exist in human mentality for a reason. The reason for love existing is obviously procreation, The reason for a god existing? There are many possibilities, but to put it simply; I believe in god, because I believe in god. I don't believe in the christian god, but i do believe in a supernatural force that cannot be explained by physical means because it is not of the physical world. I don't want to kill anyone because of it, I won't be buttmad if someone disagrees, but it makes my life a bit more enjoyable than when I was an athiest, so I don't see the problem.

That probably doesn't make much sense, as it's late, but nevermind.

>> No.1488085

You seem to confuse lack of understanding with contradiction. I can explain them if you'd like.
If you can't grasp those verses, you'll never grasp the Christian religion. That's fine. If it's not making sense, it's not making sense. Maybe one day it will. Maybe not. All I'm saying is, you're asking for evidence, when Christian theology has already stated that you come to Christ through faith, not evidence. It's like ordering a hamburger at a KFC and being pissed they don't have it.

>> No.1488086

I find this shirt stupid. It's like saying I'm Scottish because my great grand father immigrated from Scotland.

>> No.1488093

>As if Christianity and its hundreds of authors make sense

And don't forget, its incomplete. Whole gospels where thrown away in the first and second century of the churches existence. But you think it was god who did it of course. HAHAHAHA

>> No.1488097

I have Scotts in me too, and I can ID myself in this same way. So yes, the shirt is saying just that. We humans all came from that continent. That dreaded continent that racists and prejudiced people have a deep seated hatred for.

>> No.1488100

No, we believe a large part of that was done by a man named Eusebius, as well as Pamphilus, priests of the 3rd century, who was following the example of their mentor Origen. All three extremely learned men, and highly respected, even today. But you wouldn't care about that, because you'd much rather think Christians are stupid people who close their eyes to history.

>> No.1488104

I'd rather choose what is right over what is easy.

>> No.1488112
File: 83 KB, 469x599, 469px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some Schopenhauer. He'll fix you right up, OP.

>> No.1488152

You'll end up getting a poodle though. And being the creepy guy who tries to come onto everyone.

>> No.1488177


believing in believing


Atheists and other skeptics, I triple dog dare you to read this:


william james!

>> No.1488179


faith is important

faith in govt, because people admit they don't have all the answers or the technical expertise

faith of children in their parents for similar reasons

faith keeps the thing going

doubt = debt = death

>> No.1488183


also check out oersted; he was a scientists/mathematician after all

"the soul in nature"

or emerson "spiritual laws"

>> No.1488185


there's also isaac newton and swedenbourg for you hardcore skeptics who think science and faith are mutually exclusive

>> No.1488194



as if the godless, utilitarian societies like the third reich, stalin, mao, etc. didn't kill people

>> No.1488203


your second reply illustrates an important point;

more people becoming atheists because of the decline of father figures, due to widespread divorce (in a relatively short period of time)

or see fightclub "if our fathers were the models for god...."

>> No.1488215


religion is about social fabric, and honestly it reflects the bonds of society to itself; hence church of iceland, church of norway, church of england, etc.

and to a less overt extent, religion everywhere

also, related, http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/formans/DefiningDeviancy.htm

by Daniel Patrick Moynihan btw, for all you liberals (learn from one of your own)

>> No.1488218
File: 106 KB, 576x800, sashasooosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember how you obv just wanted to namedrop an entry-level existentialist to look smart

>> No.1488244
File: 17 KB, 356x437, 1293349951357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Noone in this thread has read enough Sartre to realize OP's comment inconsequential

>> No.1488246
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>> No.1488248

Belief is a tool used to control the weak.

>> No.1488258


and you want us to believe that?

>> No.1488340


Non belief is a tool to mis-guide the weak.

herp derp

>> No.1488344

Do you believe in a personal god?
I believe in a higher power but not one with emotions or interaction with us or language. I'm quite fond of hinduism and buddhism which are more concerned with states of being.

>> No.1488349

so there is a god.. who gives a shit if hes there or not?

>> No.1488356

who gives a shit whether we give a shit or not?

>> No.1488403 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 800x769, 1288124446088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I check out /lit/ for the first time and realize that no one here is different than any other board

>> No.1488410

if someone were to post this on /sci/ im fairly sure more aspies would burst a blood vessel.