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14875993 No.14875993 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so underrated ?

>> No.14876063

There are plenty of explanations and discussions about koran or nick land, but not once have I ever seen legit talks about stirners work other than
>le spook

>> No.14876074

Because he is mostly just an intellectual curio. The people that do read him either think "huh, okay neat" and move on, or "this really isn't for me" and move on. The only people that really wallow in his works, or at least affect that they do, and construct an identity out of it are a particular breed of post-4chan diaspora trannies that branched out to twitter and those obnoxious dream-meme-screams for fashy/commie/whatever teens type facebook pages.

>> No.14876085

Once you start to get a grasp of his point of view, it get's really difficult to "follow" his advice. Since his critique is so broad, he probably hits you at some point and that's the hard part. Also - he gives no specific instructions - you know "how", but you don't know "what".

>> No.14876099

“Alt-right” kids are cucks and followers and can’t stand Stirner’s ideas. Their big into god and semen retention now.

>> No.14876116

Stirner is just another enlightenment causality that thinks peasants can be aristocrats with the #mindset. Both you with Stirner and the Alt-right kids with their Ride The Tiger manual are no different than someone like Mike Cernovich or a PUA grifter. Buy The Book that has The Answer and get The Mindset and watch how everything becomes perfect. Didn't work? Maybe you need to sign up for my advanced course!

>> No.14876187

dude mean spirited taoism lmao!

>> No.14876238

AFAIK Stirner had no intentions of turning peasants into aristocrats. And don't belittle Stirner because of a group of people who get evidently him wrong.

>> No.14877251
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>> No.14877260

>constructing your personality based on other people
Like a piece of clay, an NPC is what you are

>> No.14877455

How could you craft a personality without an other to contrast it against?

>> No.14877472 [DELETED] 

He was a cuckold.
Doesn't political tribalism get old for you? Especially defining yourself by what you are against, that part always makes me yawn.

>> No.14877498

Logical progression from life experience. Logic is objective and does not need to be contrasted to anything.

>> No.14877526

>Stirner is just another enlightenment causality that thinks peasants can be aristocrats with the #mindset

Have you ever read Stirner?

>> No.14877571

It needs the contrast of things that are not logical.

>> No.14877703

>Logic is objective

>> No.14877899

>using the based translation
Good anon.

>> No.14877966

>Just because we, as flawed humans cannot perfectly know objective morality means it's a spook

Futile response to futility

>> No.14877992

>defining yourself by what you are against
That’s easily done and over with. As for what I am, telling people I am an anarchist or socialist means butt-all to people because they don’t know what these things are, so indeed, mentioning what I am against spells it out plainly enough for them.
In a post-capitalist world, we won’t need to say “I am anti-capitalist”, a post-religious world say “I am antitheist”. They’re nothing but words of clarification. In sports some fans are bound to say “I hate the Yankees” or the like. Get over it.
>I yawn
And I look into the alternatives and the methods for moving on.

>> No.14878052

How do so many people misread Stirner? It's not like he's hard. A spook is an abstract idea treated as real, that we then act out as real. Of course objective morality is a spook, but not because we can't achieve it. It's a spook because it's the tangible nothing that leads us and our actions, when the egoist recognizes this and is willed instead by nothing but the self.

>> No.14878090

Being intangible does not make it nothing.

>> No.14878092

No learn what is black, you contrast it to white. However, logic isn't learnt, nor is there opposite of logic. There are only things which comply logic and those which don't. But logic itself is pure, just like consciousness, for there is nothing to contrast it to.

>> No.14878440

Then the guy known for saying "All things are nothing to me" probably isn't for you. I think he lays out an interesting enough argument that's surprisingly relative given the time it was written.

>> No.14879456

What anime is this from?

>> No.14879588

Kill la Kill

>> No.14879619

>Logical progression from life experience.
Which mostly involves dealing with other human beings. For example the very language that structures your thoughts which you learned by imitating other people.

>> No.14879706

Based and hereditarian pilled

>> No.14879715

Huh what? Personality is highly influenced by genetics. This dialectic "other" nonsense is mind cancer. It's meaningless

>> No.14879717

This is just your latent penis envy that you have no semen to retain.

>> No.14879724
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Based and Freudpilled. Out of all his ideas, he got it spot on with the penis envy one

>> No.14879965

what makes him different from any other skeptic?
same shit from 300 AD

>> No.14879982

i'm a miya stan too

>> No.14879989

Hes a literal cuckold that only communists like.

>> No.14879994

Let me break it to you. I in no way have any penis envy.

>> No.14880092
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underrated among whom?
I think it is appreciated exactly as much as it can possibly be, given the psychological makeup of our species.
Many more people are familiar with Nietzsche, of course. But how many of them actually understand the concept of an uebermensch, never mind think it is something to aspire to? "Nietzsche inspired the Nazis" etc.

>> No.14880099

Strange times call for strange b8

>> No.14880175

There is no "probably isnt for you", there is objective and subjective, and they are both for me.

>> No.14880369

Sheeeit woman you convinced me

>> No.14880392

Whats miya stan?

>> No.14880439

>Stirner is just another enlightenment causality that thinks peasants can be aristocrats with the #mindset.
Based. Ultimately, he's just another in a long line of philosophical liberals.

>> No.14880452

Bro stop using the English langauge, or any language for that matter. They weren't constructed by you and they're conditioning your thoughts and experiences and ultimately "your" personality. Like a piece of clay, an NPC is what you are

>> No.14881068


It's natural that your base ideas are influenced by your life, including other humans. However, all other thoughts can be derived from your base ideas, and don't require a book, assuming you are not a retard NPC. Also, about the language, language is a tool to express thoughts, therefore it opresses nobody.