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/lit/ - Literature

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1487850 No.1487850 [Reply] [Original]

Authors whose works you aren't very fond of. To put it another way, you wouldn't mind to see their writing hand shattered in a letter press.

:Harry Turtledove

>> No.1487861

inb4 King, Rand, Meyer, Rowling

>> No.1487859

Walt Whitman

I welcome your hatred.

>> No.1487863

Jane Austen.

>> No.1487867


>> No.1487869

Kipling. Bukowski.

>> No.1487872

Agreed a million times over.

>> No.1487876

mailer, delillo

>> No.1487882

Nathaniel Hawthorne. I would gladly brew tea with his tears.

>> No.1487885

Dave Eggars
Tao Lin
Neil Gaiman
Chuck Palahniuk
Tom Robbins

>> No.1487888

I'd love to take a sledgehammer to both of Eggers's hands.

>> No.1487898

Russell Banks for Rule of the Bone

Jonathan Raban for Waxwings

these books totally sucked at the end but they seemed OK at first so I was duped into reading their shitty, unstructured endings. I felt I was robbed of my time and hope both these authors die in a fire because they are frauds

>> No.1487899


I feel...not hatred, but more of a dispassionate loathing for DeLillo. Sort of like what you'd experience when you get a snot-filled Kleenex stuck to the bottom of your shoe in an alley somewhere.

>> No.1487901

Never heard of these faggots. G'way, chimp.

>> No.1487910

ugh, Robbins.

a friend gave me Still Life With Woodpecker and I threw it down in disgust after a couple chapters. Trash disguised as deep and edgy. Fuck you, Robbins. You don't have the skill to write like Vonnegut, fucker.

>> No.1487911

All the authors I truly hate a dead already. The ones alive today, I can ignore them enough that they don't bother me. One of the benefits of not reading much contemporary lit, I guess.

>> No.1487915


how about: fuck you

>> No.1487916

I've never read Robbins but I know so many people that I don't like who love the bastard.

>> No.1487924

Pretty much the same experience here. Anyone who likes to be spoon-fed ideas that have been strained of their wholeness and put into the literary equivalent of a romantic comedy will love Tom Robbins. His prose makes me want to blow up his house with a cesium bomb.

"Life is so goofy, so erotic and so deep all at the same time! Let's all have some cutesy dialogue as foreplay to my hippie idealism."

>> No.1487927

Terry Goodkind.

He only knows two things to put in a chapter: a 30 page pompous speech about how awesome Objectivism is, or a rape.

A lot of fantasy novels read like they were dug straight out of the minds of fourteen year old boys, but Goodkind writes the most juvenile, embarrassing to read shit in the genre. And when that genre includes Piers Anthony, that's really saying something.

>> No.1487929

surprised no one has mentioned tucker max.

>> No.1487931

exactly. exactly.

fuck that guy.

>> No.1487937

cosign on this shit

>> No.1487938
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>> No.1487944


I... enjoyed Ogre, Ogre by Peirce Anthony.

>> No.1487948

You...have bad taste.

>> No.1487961


Well I got it for free so no harm done.

>> No.1487966

I enjoyed them too. In my defense I was 12 or 13 at the time.

>> No.1488001

Tom Robbins, Neil Gaiman, Terry Prachett, Douglas Adams, Thomas Pynchon, Henry Miller et al.

>> No.1488025

Tim Winton. I haven't read anything but his stuff clearly meant for idiots that was forced onto me during school, but stooping that low is unforgivable for any author. To be fair, I've heard other works of his are alright, but still. Aforementioned point. Only books I outright hated in all of my schooling.

>> No.1488029

Haven't you heard?
You aren't allowed to dislike Douglas Adams.

>> No.1488038

Douglas Adams really was a terrible writer. Funny ideas, but his prose is woeful.

>> No.1488069

Disliking Douglas Adams is fine

But for disliking Pratchett, you should be executed.

>> No.1488115


>> No.1488149

The radioshows are excellent. The books start off well, but get worse and worse.

>> No.1488355


Supposedly he's the 7th most read non us author in the United States, but I've not heard of him nor his discworld series. A shame to hear he has Alzheimer.

>> No.1488357

Any author that writes pop fiction or writes to get rich.