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File: 39 KB, 333x333, Dostoyevski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14878543 No.14878543 [Reply] [Original]

>“If someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth and that in reality the truth were outside of Christ, then I should prefer to remain with Christ rather than with the truth.”
What the hell did he mean? Isn't Christ the Truth?
> John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

>> No.14878578

Based. Even if Jesus Christ was not a divine entity, Dosto would still want to be along him for his Christian moral.

>> No.14878586

I have seen several Russians say stuff like that. Lev Shestov wrote an entire book practically about this conflict between reason/our understanding of truth and God. Pavel Florensky also had a strange concept of reason in the service of belief. It seems to be rooted in a distrust of the very concept of a static reality that happens one way, because God is infinitely more extensive in all 'dimensions' than that would allow for.

and this is clearly tied to the conflict between the way Jesus behaved and the way power operates in the world as well

>> No.14878608
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Dostoevsky wasn't a christian you pleb. it's truly a testament to the retardation of christcucks that they can't realize Dostoevsky was only ever mocking them
He literally makes all of his intelligent characters Nihilistic academics who despise christianity and all of the christians are fools or cowards. Dostoevsky saw christianity as something fit for the peasants and his entire corpus is a dedicated effort to lampooning the religion via sarcastic fulfillment of its asinine tropes.
Dostoevsky was laughing at all of you. He lived in outright defiance of all christian doctrines. he wasted fortunes on prostitutes who he played sadist on. he had multiple affairs. he drank and gambled himself to ruin. But it was all okay because he could just shit out another parody of christucks and he knew they'd eat it up.
Seriously I don't understand where this whole "Dostoevsky was a christian" meme came from. a critical review of his life and works immediately reveals that he was one of the most profound atheists who ever lived.

>> No.14878627

You clearly didn't read Brothers Karamazov and his diary stupid weeb.

>> No.14878711

slightly subtle bait

>> No.14879791

5/10 bait

>> No.14879814

It means Christianity is more of a practice rather than a set of beliefs to which you can ascribe the property of truth or falsity.

>> No.14879900

>Dosto would still want to be along him for his Christian moral.
brainlet take.

>> No.14879930

Too long and on the nose. 2/10 b8

>> No.14879948


>rationalism is for fags


>> No.14880891
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>> No.14880895


Yes, that's why he said IF. In case you didn't know, that indicates a hypothetical situation.

>> No.14880904

A bit homo tbqh

>> No.14880916
File: 109 KB, 568x319, 1582248069229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the hell did he mean?
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness";

>> No.14880926

>if Jesus Christ was not a divine entity
Then Dostoevsky would not even exist.

>> No.14880937

>Isn't Christ the Truth?
Yes. See Revelation 3:14
>And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
Poole writes
>These things saith the Amen: Amen, as we have oft noted, is a particle used in asserting, and in wishing, or praying; here it hath the use of a noun, and is assertive, he that is true, as it followeth. He may be conceived thus to preface his epistle, to ascertain to the ministers of this church the truth of what he blames in them; or of the threatenings or promises contained in it; to which purpose he also calls himself

>> No.14880948
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a subhuman modern anglo-bugman interpretation of his words

>> No.14881149

bla bla bla fideism bla bla

>> No.14881189

From what I understand instead he's saying that even if one somehow proved absolutely to him that there was no Christ or any divinity, he would believe in it all the same.

How I interpret this is that his faith is the only thing keeping him from nihilism and absolute emptiness and is of such importance to him that he would easily go as far as abandoning rationality all together should it contradict this principle.

>> No.14881193

i love how midwit bourgeois keep talking abut proof

>> No.14881231
File: 46 KB, 720x697, niqab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He means his faith is "bad faith". The truth of Christianity is irrelevant to him, if it were a delusion then he would still subscribe to it.

>> No.14881259

lmao. orthodoxy isn't fideist. try interpreting it again with your highly limited pseudo-rational anglo brains.

>> No.14881282
File: 79 KB, 500x629, Fyodor-Dostoevsky-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See below, brainlet. The word "proof" doesn't even appear anywhere in there. Just shows you the Anglo fixation on "proof", their false dialectic between faith/rationality and their perversion of literally everything possible.

This. If you look at the actual quote it makes it even more clear what he meant. (as literal of a translation as I could do)
>Ecли бы кaк-нибyдь oкaзaлocь... чтo Хpиcтoc внe иcтины и иcтинa внe Хpиcтa, тo я пpeдпoчeл бы ocтaтьcя c Хpиcтoм внe иcтины...
>If it somehow happened... that Christ is outside of truth and that the truth is outside of Christ, then I would prefer to stay with Christ outside of the truth...

>> No.14881305

Rofl so much coping in this thread. He's saying he believes in God because of the way it makes him feel not because it's true. Same thing atheists have been saying forever religion is irrational and emotion driven

>> No.14881310

So in other words, he literally prefers a kosher fantasy over a gentile reality.

Behold, the kike slave

>> No.14881338


you realize it's all gentiles getting fooled by the kike degeneracy, right? they want to keep all the kosher stuff to themselves and christianity tells us that kosherness is for all of humanity.

>> No.14881487

No such thing. It's all just chemical reactions bro!

>> No.14881547

I know what he is saying because I've felt it too. He means his beliefs are so dear to him that truth and reality are irrelevant at this point.

>> No.14881568

>beliefs are so dear to him that truth and reality are irrelevant
Christ and the Trinity is the only truth and reality under his beliefs though.

>> No.14881579

You are missing the point. He feels a conflict between "reason" and his beliefs, and he is saying that though he feels threatened (or else he wouldn't have written this), he ultimately doesn't care if reason proved him wrong.

>> No.14881602

>He feels a conflict between "reason" and his beliefs
Yes, and he says that this faulty human "reason" (detached from Christ) does not surpass the truth of Christ.
>he feels threatened (or else he wouldn't have written this)
Epic bugman-tier analysis. You feel threatened by Christ or else you would have not written this.

>> No.14881606
File: 62 KB, 644x800, 2c8822f2e43a0591a734ae732a19c0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if Jesus Christ was not a divine entity

>> No.14881611

>thank G-d the Jews were here to teach me how to be human , I don’t know what I’d do without my greatest allies
literal brain damage

>> No.14881619

Maybe I expressed myself poorly. I meant that his beliefs are threatened by reason, not he himself. Keep in mind that I am neither an atheist nor a bugman that you are so zealously attacking. As I said, I understood him since I'd felt it too.

>> No.14881637

He means that he would stick with Christ, because if there was truth beyond Christ it would be inherently arbitraty. So that it would be better to stick with the literal figure of morality

>> No.14881663

You are all misunderstanding this. He’s saying if there is no meaning to anything, if some sort of divine love and forgiveness is not a constitution of the universe, then he rejects reality and chooses religion even if somehow it was proved beyond a doubt untrue. He would rebel against a meaningless reality basically