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/lit/ - Literature

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1487092 No.1487092 [Reply] [Original]

ITT; yfw "Stagolee" applied for janitor of our beloved /lit/.


>> No.1487098

Anything to get rid of threads like these

>> No.1487097

OP here.

Also; Deep&Edgy

>> No.1487103

good enough. We need janitors- even tards with some sense of limit are better than straight tards.

this thread is now about why /lit/ needs janitors

>> No.1487102

petition to have his application rejected starts ITT. nao.

a trip with power will be a power trip.

>> No.1487111

Maybe the best janitor we can get is Behemoth.

>> No.1487113

/lit/ doesn't need janitors. The few Ayn Rand threads there are are bearable, and the other 80% off topic shit is neato. Without those piles of off topic threads, /lit/ would be an empty room with Stag and D&E being huge fag bags.

>> No.1487114


"why /lit/ needs janitors..."

d&e and ty are janitors by default. CAPSGUY could be deputized...or maybe BBEAR... but Stago... c'mon.

>> No.1487121

/lit/ does need janitors. To clean up Stagolee's shitty threads about himself, and to clean up all the troll threads about why literature is useless that you retards keep falling for.

>> No.1487126

What can a janitor even fucking do?

>> No.1487147

don't worry guys they check your post history when you apply for a janitor position, and they actually do only hire helpful members of the community.

>> No.1487150


>> No.1487154

I applied guys. I'm not a trip fag either so.....maybe I'd be a good lil janitor

>> No.1487156

Stagolee would make a pretty good janitor considering he has so much experience deleting his own threads so much on /v/

>> No.1487160

This made me realize that... while we're expecting a tripfag to become janitor, they are most likely going to hire an anon. :O

>> No.1487161

Do they? That's not fair, I started off on /b/ 2 years ago-ish. I was retarded then

>> No.1487163

As far as I know, all janitors have to be anonymous when browsing. If Stagolee was accepted, he'd have to give up his belove'd tripcode.

>> No.1487167


>> No.1487168

I wish you all the best. Thank you for not being a tripfag.

>> No.1487173

I really doubt they've saved your posting history from 2 years ago, duder. I imagine it's more like the past couple months at most (although I have no real idea, maybe there is some massive archive of everything posted to 4chan that they can search by user)

>> No.1487179
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they only check your board history and the posts are saved for about 2 weeks if i remember correctly, so they would check your last 2 weeks worth of posts on whatever board you have applied for

>> No.1487180

There isn't. The last server update included having a saved history of posts, but before then, no.

>> No.1487182

Well here's to hoping they don't judge me based on when I have an erection and act retarded.

>mfw this is the kind of thread I would report if I were a janitor. In fact I'm doing it now lol.

>> No.1487184


contrary to what most people believe you are not truly 'anonymous' on 4chan.

your posts are saved for 2 weeks minimum and your I.P. is logged with every post. You are easily trackable and in fact a member of 'anonymous' has been traced and brought to court for the hacking of Sarah Palin's email account.

Moot gave evidence against the member of anonymous

>> No.1487187
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>> No.1487189

Am I the only one who finds every one of moots public actions interesting? Like he's a pseudo celebrity thing? I don't know maybe I'm just a faggot or something but I love reading about cool shit he's done.

Especially deleting /r9k/ the new one is awesome.

>> No.1487190


actually i believe there has always been post data saved.


the actual incident happened a long time before the trial, i think 2009, and the last server update was late 2010 i believe.

(moot gives the offenders I.P. address)

>> No.1487196
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>> No.1487197


He also gives regular lecturers at Universitys, has been guest speaker at many conventions and has a new business called canv.as (google it) he just required backing from investors for

>> No.1487201
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the term 'anonymous' when used there refers to the fact that they do not advertise the fact they are janitors. Not whether they use a tripcode or not.

lots of janitors have been trip code users...

>> No.1487203

>mfw that's my face all day....every....day.

>> No.1487205

>lots of janitors have been trip code users...

>> No.1487208


yes actually, there used to be a lot of janitors, they they changed the system so there were no /b/ specific janitors like there used to.

you must be new to 4chan

>> No.1487214

>you must be new to 4chan

>> No.1487219


course not bro
course not

>> No.1487220


>> No.1487229


shush bro

>> No.1487230
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>no money
>no recognition
they do it for the love of the game

>> No.1487235



>> No.1487236

>shush bro

>> No.1487237

Janitors are supposed to be anonymous. No tripfag can be an janitor. If you reveal yourself, you get kicked out.

Also, /lit/'s focus is too narrow. We need to widen our horizons. All arts and humanities should be welcome here.

>> No.1487241


srsly bro.

>> No.1487243

They do it because they don't have anything else in their lives. No job, no girlfriend, no friends, no hobbies.

>> No.1487247

lol they actually think being a tripfag is the same thing as telling ppl you're a janitor, lol idiots

>> No.1487248


you misunderstand the wording used.

janitors are supposed to keep their position anonymous. they may or may not use a tripcode, as long as they do not tell people they are janitors it's fine

>> No.1487251

The tripfags said that they applied. They haven't even started and a they've already broken the rule.

>> No.1487254

i am sorry

>> No.1487255

>srsly bro.
>janitors are supposed to keep their position anonymous.
What makes you think any janitors have been tripfags then? Did they TELL you?

>> No.1487259

maybe Brownbear !5EJ71eKlNQ!!6SnjW+BUlLP...
is a janitor?

>> No.1487264

lol, thread died quickly
fuck tripfags

>> No.1487265

Then he's just told us he's one...

>> No.1487267

/lit/izens! Lend me your ears. Behemoth should be janitor.

Aight that's all, niggas, stay cool.

>> No.1487273

Wouldn't mind Poke or Behemoth as janitor, I'll be honest, but it will probably be an anon

>> No.1487288

no because they're not janitors yet.

it's pretty well documented that the current Mods all live in NYC (apart from one iirc) and they were all tripfag janitors who then became mods and then moved to NYC to actually get paid to work on the site full time.

please don't try and talk about something you don't know about.


/lit/ does not have a janitor, only 22 out of the 44 boards have janitors.

and if i became one it'd be no business of yours

>> No.1487290

Poke is an asshat, Behemoth a nobody as far as I'm concerned.

To be honest, nobody on /lit/ really distinguishes themselves as being a good janitor.

>> No.1487294

okay why do you know this much about janitors and mods

>> No.1487300


just picked it up.

>> No.1487305

You mean none of the tripfags.

>> No.1487312

I'm sure whoever gets the gig will do a good job.

PS, I thought all the tripfags were the same person. Hm.

>> No.1487313
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>Poke is an asshat, Behemoth, Brownbear, capsguy, tybrax, Fabulous, Stagolee, Truman Capote, Arcueid Brunested, Mogwai, Isabelle Huppert, Taiga, AnorexicChan, Sunhawk, Courage Wolf, bearded pynchon guy, cooltop, Latro, Neuro, JamesBond etc is a nobody as far as I'm concerned.


>> No.1487319

i'm sorry

>> No.1487320
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I am the broest.

>> No.1487322

I lolled.

>> No.1487403

>tybrax is a nobody
Show some respect!

>> No.1487415

Every hour there's some new tripfag thread where all the tripfags suck each other's dicks.

It's like the ugly neighbours are having an orgy and we have to hear and even smell the goings on through the walls.

It really is quite nasty.

>> No.1487458

j'aime tybrax

>> No.1487460

Thanks Brownbear. That was really informative. If you are selected to become a janitor would they contact you immediately or not till after the acceptance period?

>> No.1487599


well if you are selected from the applicants you have a kind've 'interview' over IRC where they ask you about your knowledge of IRC and some extensions essential to being a janitor.

after that they give you a kind of list of rules, though they're very easily bent to suit each board. just a framework, they then let you do your own thing but your actions are logged and they review them with you for 2 weeks every few days.

after that if you havent been kicked off the course you become a janitor and have your actions checked once every two weeks - a month depending on how busy they are.

these applications take any
time from 2 weeks to 2 months so just wait to hear something, if not, then welp, you didnt get it.

>> No.1487731

my "friend" applied to be a janitor but I don't think he has much chance against the likes of BBear. He's also been reading up on IRC cause he's never used it till he found out it's required.

any at advise for my mate Brownbear ?

people other than moot get paid for this site?

>> No.1487742
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Brownbear and Stag are going to keep you foockers in line. Have fun with your shitty /lit/ while it lasts.

>> No.1487750

i mean, of course he applied. there was no "mfw," it was just a forgone conclusion that I resigned myself to once I saw moot's announcement.

>> No.1487768

how does Brownbear know all this shit anyway? Also, how many janitors will be selected to patrol lit? anyone know?