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14872469 No.14872469 [Reply] [Original]

Christianity = slave morality

>> No.14872482

Groundbreaking analysis, OP, bravo. Truly the pinnacle of hermeneutic practice we all deserve.

>> No.14872485

yet atheists are the ones who are depressed and suicidal, LOL

>> No.14872492

OP = 14 year old

>> No.14872513

Exactly. Atheist are brave enough to face a bleak dreary existence head on. Of course it will be too much for some people.

Better then just medicating yourself with the opiate of the masses to ignore reality

>> No.14873132

woah really makes u think...

>> No.14873138
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>Atheist are brave enough to face a bleak dreary existence head on
Yeah, you're doing great. Lmao

>> No.14873142

Not who you replied to, but I agree.
What books for this feel?

>> No.14873218 [DELETED] 

you don't want to respected

>> No.14873234

Wow, such discovery, I thought Nietzsche was a good christian anon

did you know plato's cave is just like the matrix bro? deep

>> No.14873244

so you don't want to be respected by others?

>> No.14873300
File: 7 KB, 273x184, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you aren't a Christian you are atheist
Why are Christians so stupid bros?

>> No.14873346

>the slave resents those who determine values and calls all who are morally creative evil
such blatant projection, you would think he was being ironic

>> No.14873362

I like being humble. The universe has trillions of galaxies with a gazillion planets and stars and events much bigger than myself. Who is to say all of that is a grain of sand on something much much bigger. I think all religion is silly and all science is futile, we are literally dust, there is nothing to be done about that.

>> No.14873375

Given that the vast majority of people on earth are slaves, sounds like Christianity is the right answer.

>> No.14873382

>Who is to say all of that is a grain of sand on something much much bigger.
Your mom last night. She said she has never seen bigger.

>> No.14873411

That's a very religious sentiment though. It's pretty much Ecclesiastes.

>> No.14873420

>Bible literally tells Christians that they are slaves to God.
>OP: "Check out this rocket hot take, SHEEP."

>> No.14873440

>morally creative
l m a o

>> No.14873555

>morally creative
That just sounds like an excuse for performing immoral actions my man

>> No.14873566

>Morally creative

>> No.14873582

>nation state = slave morality

>> No.14873634

Religion - is the opium of the people

>> No.14873646
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I’m a brainlet so bear with me for a second
I don’t really understand “creating” values. We as a species already have a good idea on how nice or mean a person can be if they decided to pursue one extreme or the other, so it’s weird to me for someone to say that they are going to “determine” how much they care about other people.

>> No.14873652


You're just OOM, bro

>> No.14873922
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>slave values

>> No.14873934

lmao atheists btfo. you shall judge them by their fruits hahaha

>> No.14873939

"Values" goes further than other people. It also encompasses the purpose of one's existence, and why continue to exist in the face of suffering.

Right now, our societies answers to those questions is hedonism. Which won't hold, for reasons explored in Indian philosophy, and in Stoicism.

>> No.14873947


>> No.14874320

was nietzsche molested by a priest as a child? he resents christianity so much. he probably deserved it.

>> No.14874329

His dad was a pastor. So yes, his resentment is quite comical.

>> No.14874440

You're a fucking retard if you think that not being suicidal or depressed makes whatever you believe true. Please check your brain damage.

>> No.14874641

If the universe is bleak and meaningless then why bother being a fedora tipping retard little faggot?

>> No.14874776

Reading the second bullet point and thats mostly leftist liberal shit in 2020. Christianity has become an umbrella of traditional values in general. The lines of demarcation are much different 150 years after N.

>> No.14874780

>morally creative

oxymoron, i can't believe someone is actually stupid enough to string those two words together

>> No.14874860

>opiate of the masses
This is the real cope right here.
A belief in something takes no energy, no money, and very little of your time.
A belief in something that gives you mental ease, inner peace, is an oasis in the mind.
Religious people generally have things to do, and that belief they have is laid in the background where it doesn't distract them too much.
Atheists, though? Their belief that there is no god looking over them, it only serves to cripple and starve them.
When atheists say they are "strong", "brave", etc. it's like watching a starving african gloat that he is still alive, when one good shove from me will cause him to faint and probably die.
My opiate is free and my mind gets it. All I have to do is think about it and it's there.

>> No.14874864


>> No.14874883

Do they really only have powerpoint memes for you in Tel Aviv?

>> No.14874912


>> No.14874913


>> No.14874915


>> No.14875058

It's what all your like-minded loner fellows are doing, though.

>> No.14875103

Debunked by Spengler.