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14870657 No.14870657 [Reply] [Original]

What are some must read books on eugenics?

>> No.14870659


>> No.14870660


>> No.14870661

Are you a fellow eugenicist?

>> No.14870664

Please Jannies delete this racist thread.

>> No.14870665

how is this racist? You finna get dabbed on nibba

>> No.14870681
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Shhhh. Don't worry, you can stop crying. The scary opinions won't hurt you.

>> No.14870686

Whyes, my IQ is greater than 130 (SD 15).
But at the same time I find most eugenicists extremely cringey.
The way I got into eugenics was, of course, a Nick Land tweet:
>Who'd have thought that trying to squeeze a super-computer through a narrow tube would lead to these kind of problems?
I thought with modern technology we don't really need to be squished into a tube anymore. Firstly, we don't so much need to fight or run or even do physical labour, for the most part. Some of us need to, but that's where human biodiversity and racebranching comes in. And secondly, we are getting close to artificial wombs and so on that will instantly make being squished biologically redundant (something that could of course be achieved through selective breeding etc. anyway).
It's one of the most promising ways forward with regards to achieving greatly superior intelligence - forget computers, just create a subrace by selecting for big smarts

>> No.14870699

im a black guy

>> No.14870705

>we are getting close to artificial wombs
Wow, so much cope.

a) We're not.
b) Even if we are, you're still not gonna score. Not even with a robot.

>> No.14870711

You're not thinking hard enough anon. With today's tech anyone can already legally create their own little Eugene (and be the sole legal parent) simply by following these simple steps:
(a)by an egg that was taken from a high IQ women
(b)hire a healthy woman from a poorer country to carry the child for you (it technically isn't her child, because you used someone elses egg, and it is your own child because you used your own semen)
(c) Ta-da! You have your own high IQ child despite being hyperautistic and not wanting to touch a female with a 10 foot pole.