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14867861 No.14867861 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s favourite Lovecraft story?

>> No.14867909

the one when he sees squid niggers

>> No.14867922

The one's he didn't write. Some good stories by John Langan, Laird Barron or Ligotti.

>> No.14867935

The Silver Key + Through the Gates of the Silver Key.

>> No.14867961
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I like ‘The Dunwich Horror’. The mash-up between rustic country degeneracy and pulp action works wonderfully.

>> No.14867992

finally someone who isn't Colour Out of Space and Rats in the Walls.
Though my favorite is the Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

>> No.14868078

I really like his first story The Tomb, it has a lovely bucolic feel, the doomed protagonist is very comfy.

Also The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath is all kinds of sweet and poignant and like Hans Anderson on heroin.

>> No.14868086

that's the first Lovecraft tale I read, and it's still one of my favourites
that said, the Shadow Out of Time is my favourite right now. the concept of the main character's body being taken over by an alien intelligence for a year, then piecing together the clues from his own suppressed memories, going on an archaeological expedition to Australia (such an uncommon setting for horror), leading up to the climax - really great stuff.

>> No.14868114

The Cats of Ulthar

>> No.14868205

People like Colour? I thought it was underwhelming.

>> No.14868269


Dreams in witchhouse is comfy. Why do so many people say its his worst?

>> No.14868275


Colour sucks tentacle dick

>> No.14868284

The whole Dream Cycle is a chilling wonder

>> No.14868437

I'd thought Colour was the general favorite. Whenever I hear people bring up HPL, they almost always say Colour is their favorite, and I've never understood why. I really ought to reread it.
What I would give for a faithful adaptation of that. So damn comfy. When Lovecraft wants to do adventure instead of brooding, macabre stuff, he does it so well. Also I remember finishing Dream-Quest for the first time after reading it all night when I was having insomnia. I finished it right as the sun came up. Was an almost transcendental experience.

>> No.14868474

Mountains of Madness
Shadow over Innsmouth
Rats in the Walls
First 90% of Call of Cthulhu (he fucked up the ending so bad)

>> No.14868581

I still don't understand how Cthulhu got sucked back into R'lyeh.

>> No.14868592

>On the Creation of Niggers

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.


>> No.14868605

I literally read the last two pages over and over trying to understand what happened. The great unfathomably powerful madness inducing Cthulhu just got boat'd and went back to sleep.

>> No.14868607
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After deeper analysis, results said
>Yup, it is.

>> No.14868633

What would happen if Cthulhu got hit with an artillery shell - from that era even? Would it do more harm than good, blasting his squirmy innards everywhere and infecting a greater area with antediluvian diseases? Though I never took Cthulhu to be more than what he's described as: a high priest. Basically a caster class: drive humanity insane from a distance and then eat them while they're addled. The fact that he can regenerate is one of the only things making him stronger than other lesser Great Old Ones like Dagon or Hydra.

>> No.14868690

The whisperer in the darkness

>> No.14868892

The temple, because the horror and conflict is all human and the cosmic horror is only hinted at near the end. The color out of space and the rats in the walls are both great in a more obvious way. Celephais is also really beautiful.

>> No.14868898

One of the few Lovecraft tales where the good guys actually win, it's definitely an oddity in his ouevre.

>> No.14869102

colour is fucking GOD TIER

>> No.14869125

It's a masterwork in foreshadowing.

>> No.14869149

As all know, our report included a tale of a hard ascent - a confirmation of Lake’s opinion that the great peaks are of Archaean slate and other very primal crumpled strata unchanged since at least middle Comanchian times; a conventional comment on the regularity of the clinging cube and rampart formations; a decision that the cave mouths indicate dissolved calcareous veins; a conjecture that the certain slopes and passes would permit of the scaling and crossing of the entire range by seasoned mountaineers; and a remark that the mysterious other side holds a lofty and immense super plateau as ancient and unchanging as the mountains themselves - twenty thousand feet in elevation, with grotesque rock formations protruding through a thin glacial layer and with low gradual foothills between the general plateau surface and the sheer precipices of the highest peaks.

>> No.14869156
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why his sentence so BIG tho ?

>> No.14869169

>the one when he sees squid niggers

>The Shadow out of Coom
>The Coom out of Space
>In the Mouth of Coom
>On the Coom of Niggers

>> No.14869181
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As far as stories goes then I liked many of his works, The White Ship could be my favorite one but that might be due to personal reasons and not qualities of the story itself. I would like to mention The Mound, not because it's one of his greatest stories, but because it's often overlooked and I quite enjoyed reading it.
It's terrific, after reading it all I was baffled that this wasn't what the man was most famous for.

>> No.14869189

i only remember reading the shadow out of time and that drunk guy stuck in a tomb one.
i really enjoyed the shadow out of time. really cool.

>> No.14869623

Maybe a deadline struck, or a world limit, and he had to end it all very quickly.

>> No.14869633

Lovecraft himself thought Colour was one of his better stories, so that's probably why.

For me? It's The Music of Erich Zann

>> No.14869640

they accidentally woke up cthulhu and he rose but saw the stars weren't right so went back to napping

>> No.14869646

The music of Erich Zann is probably the best-executed story of his(possibly besides dagon), but I don't find the concept particularly scary at all.

>> No.14869661

“Fiddlin’ the demons away”

>> No.14870201

The doujins with Nyaruko.

>> No.14870221
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shadow over innsmouth

>> No.14870677


>> No.14870941


The Temple was genuinly unsettling for me.

>> No.14870946


Colour is his worst. Is it just you samefagging colour? Whats the appeal?!

>> No.14870950

The Outsider

>> No.14870954


Shadow out of time is fantastic.

I also liked the one where the dying sorcerer bodyswapped with his daughter then proceeded to take the virginity of some dude and marry him in order to steal HIS body.

>> No.14871060

The worst? I find that hard to believe. May I ask why?

>> No.14871091


A thing in a meteor drops. Then slowly kills people over the course of months that could have easily moved away. Then leaves. The end.

>> No.14871101

1. It's pretty solid.
2. It's not racist, so normies feel fine recommending it