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14865221 No.14865221 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i find out my mommy philosophy professor is married
>tfw all that time spent visiting during office hours was wasted
do i still have a shot bros, I cited one of her works in my research paper and made her blush like once during office hours when I feigned being frustrated when I couldn't answer a logic question.

Is it possible bros

>> No.14865226

You never had a shot, anon.

>> No.14865235

>Made her blush like once...
How so? Explain the situation better and why that would demonstrate that she had any leanings towards you.

>> No.14865238

don't get her fired for a #metoo scandal, you have to wait five years after you finish your last class with her like a psychologist

>> No.14865255

You still have a chance. She could be in an open marriage.

>> No.14865262

We were talking about Wittgenstein and she kept throwing basically non sequitur logic curveballs at me, eventually I pleaded mercy, she laughed and blushed then said "Your just like Ludwig himself".

I like to think that our office hours are dates.

>> No.14865266

Is she hot?

>> No.14865520

>Your just like Ludwig himself
As if she knew "Ludwig himself" personally, or something. Fucking women, I swear.

>> No.14865522

>not having a philosophical affair
what were you even trying?

>> No.14865537

Leave Ludwig to me.

>> No.14865540

How tall are you?

>> No.14865594

Good question. Educated women tend to prefer shorter men.

>> No.14865602

>mistaking this for fact
fuck idiots, i swear

>> No.14865630

>"Your just like Ludwig himself".
She's calling you a queer, anon.

>> No.14865640


>> No.14865737
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>> No.14865746
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1567999566260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf bro, im so jealous, no mommy philosopher ever called me something like that. I would literally die happy if I was talking about Nietzsche with a hot older women and she called me freddy or something. I would literally die. Fuck you.

>> No.14866003

Does she have large Milkers? Otherwise she isn’t a real mommy.

>> No.14866005

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14866018

He is taking a shot at living the dream of being treated like he is mentally 12 years old by a philosopher mommy. Don’t fuck this up for him.

>> No.14866031

If this Is true, she's a bimbo whore and you shouldn't continue in pursuing her affection

>> No.14866067

Pics and blurry her face

>> No.14866380

Stop loving her physically, and start loving her platonically as your mentor and intellectual partner.