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/lit/ - Literature

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14861001 No.14861001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Taking a college creative writing class because I need the extra credits. Holy fucking shit I didn't realize I'd want to kill myself this much by coming to class. These niggas literally write like fucking 12 year olds and they're all adults, and it's not an introductory course. I know my writing isn't the best, and they are also just learning, but holy fucking shit, these kids come into class and talk about how much they loved a story someone wrote that's literally riddled with errors and the guy who wrote it has an obvious jap or gore fetish. What the fuck it's like none of them have ever read a book in their entire lives.

Please post your own experiences with creative writing classes so I don't feel so alone in this.

>> No.14861639

Can you write up an example of one of these 12-year-old writings? I'm morbidly curious.

>> No.14861694

I second this

>> No.14861730

>and the guy who wrote it has an obvious jap or gore fetish
Post it

>> No.14861759

I'm in an introductory creative writing course in college and it's fucking awful. What's surprised me the most though is how bad the professor's advice has been, despite him having a PhD in creative writing. On the first day of class he mentioned in passing that he can't write fiction for shit. When I visit his office for advice he usually reads my paper, sits silent for a second, and then throws me the most ridiculous, tone deaf suggestion possible.

>> No.14861767

Now you can show your classmates your work, and introduce them to good literature. Use their work as a repellent, pushing you further to literary greatness!!

>> No.14861935

https://pastebin.com/r80aygWa gore fetish
https://pastebin.com/i0pF22AK jap fetish

>> No.14862079

Lol wow

>> No.14862783

Jap one isn't bad. Full of small grammar errors, but wasn't bad.
Gore one was awful. Can't believe someone would turn that in as a story. There's nothing there but self-loathing, misguided misogyny, and shock value.

>> No.14862821

>She destroyed me, and made me feel like a moron, and that’s when something snapped in me.

Kek this is very good

>> No.14862841
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>> No.14862888

Someone should do a jokey analysis on the gore one remarking how gender roles for Tania and Zander have been swapped. Tania is very cool and logical, and she doesn't let emotions govern her life. While Zander is overwrought with emotion he can't control which ends up breaking him.

>> No.14862907

> Knowing that she was getting in my way, I quickly disposed of her, slitting her throat. It wasn’t her fault, the poor thing, but that’s life.
My sides

>> No.14863009

Performance of Gender and Masculinity in The Promposal: A Study

>> No.14863065

Now post yours so it's fair.

Don't be a pussy.

>> No.14863069

what if he already did and wanted us to be impartial?

>> No.14863071

Treat it like an anthropologist and give regular updates with the choicest specimens of functional illiterates' cringe

>having a PhD in creative writing
Those who cannot do, [profess]

>> No.14863082

>that's life

That's a hell of a line though.

>> No.14863083

All of my class submissions for English 202 are comprised of text copied from random /lit/ threads by a bot I wrote. It's all automatic as the assignments get posted.

I have a 105% in the class, of course.

>> No.14863095

Plot twist

>> No.14863125

Well, I feel a little better about my own writing now.

>> No.14863137

Wow I was about to sign up for Creative Writing. Glad I didn't if it's like that at mine. So far I'm happy with Law and Polsci/Philosophy. I can always do creative writing in my own time.

>> No.14863301

It would be if it were his

>> No.14863312
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>the escalation on the gore one

>> No.14863580

I'm a double major in English Literature and Creative Writing. The first couple of years in Creative Writing sucks absolute balls because almost everyone is taking it for a GPA booster. At my university, if you want to continue and take third and fourth year classes, you have to have (and keep) a minimum grade of an A-. Luckily that weeds a shit ton of the awful writers out. Of course there are going to be some awful writers that slip in, but during my workshops in third and fourth year classes, the material they bring is actually pretty good. My focus is in poetry, and honestly, the poetry workshops have been pretty good.

>> No.14863623

prof unironically did this, his phrasing was literally something like "this story really exemplifies the entitlement of incels"

>> No.14863631
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>the promposal

>> No.14863651

>break into the house of the girl you're stalking
>it's her mother's bedroom
>the mother is there
>she threatens to call the police
>what do I do?
>slit her throat
>that's life

>> No.14863741

>While walking by one of the peeling spots Brian rips off a big piece of the “new” paint from the wall and tosses it on the ground.
What an asshole.

>> No.14863750

This ought to be a joke lol, no way someone is that bad.

>> No.14863756

Brat writers switching from past tense to present angers me intensely. INTENSELY.

>> No.14863767

people say incels irl or is this a troll?

>> No.14863799

he really said the word incel irl and everyone in the class started talking about incels. i wish i was fucking joking. the prof is like 40 and he is a turbo feminist

>> No.14863915

When I took cw everyone in my class was incredibly pretentious and hacky, like what a 14 year old thinks is deep. First assignment was to write an introduction and most of the class titled their assignment, "On introducing myself" which doesn't make sense and even if it did it would still be a fucking retarded thing to title your project.

>> No.14864629
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There's a lot of very bad writers out there anon. Not just in colleges classes. Many of them are published writers with best selling books. I have no idea how their books sell, nevermind how their crap gets published to start with.

I am glad Kindle let's you download book samples before reading.

>> No.14864709

If you're college-age it's understandable you don't yet realize how utterly pathetic profs are when it comes to teaching real-world skills.

If you're a business prof, it's because you couldn't make it in business and earn 100x as much. If you're a creative writing prof, it's because no one wants to read your shitty writing, etc.

>> No.14864743

>If you're a creative writing prof, it's because no one wants to read your shitty writing, etc.
this is often the case, but a really good workshop professor is endlessly valuable-- i really lucked out with mine. super encouraging, taught us how to give meaningful critique, and his own work is actually worth reading/engaging with. in lower level cw courses (and probably a decent number of upper level ones, too), sure, you'll have a bunch of hacks who got a phd and think they know shit, but it's not a lost cause-- google the people who teach at your school, read their work, and then decide if you want to sign up for the course

>> No.14864806

Lol OP delivers, this is some quality cringe.

>> No.14864809

We heard the most godawful poem by this extremely self-satisfied 18-year old girl talking about how she wishes she was eight. Nobody could think of shit to say about it, so finally I complimented her use of seeked instead of sought cause it nearly fit the rhyme scheme and the poem was about innocence. So everybody jumps on that one point says they felt the same and oh wow that was a creative choice yadda yadda and once we are finished complimenting her she goes, “oh I didn’t know that that wasn’t a word. I guess sometimes you accidentally make great stuff, right?” This is how every workshop goes.

>> No.14864843

>If you're a business prof, it's because you couldn't make it in business and earn 100x as much.
Depends on the professor. I have seen some professors who were successful before tiring of 80-100 hour weeks, and deciding to take their windfalls from the private-sector and 'retire' to teaching while still living very comfortably.

>> No.14864864
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>that’s life

>> No.14864895
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In one of my intro classes there is some rich yuppie that managed to fuck up so bad in Secondary school that he ended up in my below-average public university. He's taken private classes that all those yuppie's take and was blessed to have a aristocrat dad that got him to learn all the classics young. My class essentially is getting a random partner, they read your piece outloud and then critique right after. This jew fuck managed to get some retarded stoner lgbtq stacy who through misunderstanding producing probably the most god awful critiques i've ever heard. We usually have to come back with edits corresponding to the critiques so this kike although produces probably the best work in the class gets absolutely assblasted by room temp IQ critiques and has to just take it, the guy constantly argues with the critiques but are professor just shuts him up every time. The course is gonna be fun seeing this guy blow his top every other class

>> No.14864924

In California you can look up professor's salaries at state schools. My writing professor makes more than 400k in salary plus benefits. Seriously wtf. I mean he's not a bad professor but it seems crazy.

>> No.14864941

this is fucking hilarious, I hope he loses his shit one day and calls her retarded

>> No.14865304
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>Have to take creative non-fiction writing course in 4th year of college
>First day we do some writing exercise where this fat gamer looking kid with long hair actually wrote something really nice
>Couple classes later the kid is supposedly a tranny and proceeds to spend the rest of the semester writing pieces all about how suffering it is to be a tranny
>Rest of the class is pretty much the same with everyone writing nothing but shitty tumblresque liveblog pieces whining about everything that's wrong in their life like having to move house or about how they were dumped by their girlfriend
>Only person who ever wrote anything good besides the tranny was a Chinese exchange student

>> No.14865352

jesus christ

>> No.14865466

>Taking Comp 1 in college and all we do is fuck around in class
>Not improving at all as a writer
>Get A’s despite thinking my writing is garbage
>Jap author honestly has better writing than me


>> No.14865825

Based combination. I tried to approach those three through econ which was fucking retarded.

>> No.14865847

What would ever compel you to take a creative writing course though, especially if you’re American? This isn’t 1900. I loved art and writing but my courses in high school were such garbage that by the time I got to college, I wrote those sort of things off altogether.

>> No.14865857

I refuse to believe that these are real.
You just wrote them yourself to pull an epic prank on /lit/

>> No.14865869

Yeah I think it makes sense. The plan (at this stage) is to do Law as a profession, keep philosophy and general "arts" stuff to the side as a hobby, then at some point take all my big law bucks and retire early to a relatively frugal rural lifestyle where I can focus on writing or other "creative" endeavors.

>> No.14865896

Do you really think that anyone could bring themself to write something so bad without being completely earnest?

>> No.14866462

I’m of the opinion that academic philosophy is kind of retarded in 2020 and aside from maybe Heidegger all of the philosophy I admire has been written by people who weren’t academic philosophers so I think that’s probably a good call. You could always go to graduate school or join the Military it law school doesn’t work out. I really wish I got more into literature and did something more oriented around it like you at your age instead. I regret my trajectory so much.

>> No.14866466

How long until you think you’ll stop practising law? I’m thinking of doing basically the same thing but not sure when to stop working and go monkmode

>> No.14866529

>I have no idea how their books sell, nevermind how their crap gets published to start with.
Because just as there are awful readers as well as awful writers. People who can look at a heaping pile of dung, see only the undigested corn bits, and think to themselves 'that looks appetizing.'

>> No.14866536

This. I know a guy who was making millions a year, and was just miserable. He taught cinematography to me in junior high, really nice dude.

>> No.14866583
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>Always something wrong with 13

>> No.14867289

I aim to drop it maybe my mid 30s, I'm 18 now. It's all subject to change though.
I should be able to save enough money by then to buy a nice bit of land with a small comfy house.

>> No.14867467

Just do you best to get into a top law school if you’re in the US. The market is not great outside the top tier.

>> No.14867491

I have a film degree and the production kids were the biggest retards who couldn't follow basic rules in my screenwriting classes. Good thing all they have to do is hold a boom now.

>> No.14868034

Luckily in not a burger

>> No.14868093

Good. The more time I spend on this board, the more I realize how completely fucked the entire American system is. I want to go to law school but I’m not about to take on six figure debt to be unemployed.

>> No.14868126

Honestly, for many degrees Americans should really consider studying abroad. Law is a complicated one because it's so tied up in the specifics of the country, but most other degrees can easily be studied at any number of Universities in any number of other countries that would ultimately be much much cheaper than studying in America, even accounting for the costs of living abroad.

>> No.14868178

I would happily go to graduate school abroad but I have no idea how to go about that. I only speak english and my grades weren’t good here so I’m not even really competitive for schools over here. I can’t imagine euro schools would be eager to take me. I’m at a point where I pretty much hate the US to be honest with you. I would up and move to Europe in a heartbeat if I could.

>> No.14868239

2nd link not working

>> No.14868247


>> No.14868267

Come to Aus. Our government's pretty shit, but the people are (mostly) nice and we have good Uni's here.

>> No.14868315


>> No.14868336

Australia bro. It's a good option.
I'm from New Zealand personally. Our universities aren't terrible and are pretty cheap even for international students. There's also fuckloads of international student support because we get so many students from China, South East Asia and the Pacific Islands.

>> No.14868396

Bad to useless teaching, self-indulgent students who wrote either 'satire' [quaint word used to excuse bad and insincere/morbidly ironic shock-schlock], resentment when coursework grades were given in class [I got highest in my class, one particular lesbian poet extraordinaire who submitted a Noragami ripoff for her prose section was infuriated] - and so on. I'm doing a creative writing module in uni but have not gone to any of the classes because I imagine these cancers metastasise post-college.

>> No.14868409
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It do be like that sometimes

>> No.14868412

I have a friend who got a masters in creative writing and he writes pretty well, albeit exclusively poetry. he went to a fancy schmancy liberal arts college though.

>> No.14868953

I would honestly like to do a creative writing MA but my bachelor’s is in a social science.

>> No.14868995

I thought my writing was shit. The crappy first novel I wrote at 14, 8 years ago, is miles ahead of the quality of that arsepile.

>> No.14869054

>Twit: Is there gay representation in your novel
>Me: Actually yes, there is one gay couple with high plot relevance, as their secret relationship is manipulated by the villain to gain power
>Twit: So you see the LGBT+ community as a tool for evil and glorify a society that suppresses gay relationships?!
>Me: No, they're victims. That's the poi-
>Twit: Do they at least get a happy ending?
>Me: No, they die-
Twit got too angry at that point for me to explain it takes place in an war setting and they die in the war... because they're military and military are at risk of dying in wars.
I also pissed them off because the other gay couple isn't "gay enough" because their race has no biological sex and they're just both masculine and address themselves as such in English (because masculinity is a useful trait in a motherfucking war).

>> No.14869672

What uni are you at brother

>> No.14869676

Victoria Wellington

>> No.14869715

>I want to go to law school but I’m not about to take on six figure debt to be unemployed.
It can be worse. You can end up working at Wendy's and two other jobs, and play Pharaoh (1999) in your free time.

>> No.14870112

A writing group at my college were all sharing their “slam poetries”

Yep, time to burn academia to the ground

>> No.14870235

Same, and I got into one

>> No.14870241

>Be me
>Be this morning
>Sleep deprived, but bang out a decent essay
>Bitch who always talks about her slam poetry pipes up about some shit about how sorry we should feel for the wolf that got glassed in the excerpt
>Interrupt her and talk about contrasting imagery between the descriptions of the dead wolf and the alive wolf
>She's fucking seething, but the professor is loving it so she doesn't say shit

>> No.14870933

Have you started yet? What’s your experience been like so far?

>> No.14871838

Can someone repost Jap? The paste died.

>> No.14871865

bro, dont be posting other people’s work, no matter how badly you want to
its the rule of the writer’s workshop and it is a sacred place

>> No.14871948

yeah that's why I left them on a timer. kind of regret posting on a guest account cos I want them to expire faster

>> No.14871960

>that one creative writing teacher whose lectures and advice all came from "how to edit your story" books off amazon
>that one kid who wrote a sex scene in a story and the class was cringing so hard at all the romantic virgin cliches they didn't say anything
>that one girl who wrote only children's stories
holy crap, I didn't even get to the gore. The monologuey casual yet refined tone and that dialogue is too much to bear.

>> No.14872199

Glad I saved it for personal kekkage, be quick though. This one expires in a day too.

>> No.14872208

College level writing classes are a big redpill.
You don't understand how retarded the average person is until you've been in one of those. And these are university students who are supposed to be at minimum above average intellectually speaking.

>> No.14873124

or until you start wagecucking in one of those jobs with a pseud title that a GTA pedestrian AI could do. hits harder when its later

>> No.14873393

The promposals a pretty cheeky name tho, I like the name. A pun like that isn't earnest, right?

Would anyone be so kind as to critique the promposal? I'm new to reading (I'm 26), and I have my own thoughts on it, but I'd be grateful for insight into where some of your heads are at.

>> No.14873437

It's awful, even if the writer was aiming for some sort of critique on men who only see women in the role of potential girlfriends.

>> No.14873456

Uh, correction, but that's death.

>> No.14873540

>even if

I have to imagine he was, though, right? I don't think it's possible to not have that basic attempt at substance in a CW class. I don't know what the average CW 101 student is capable of but there has to be that.

Assuming that, I can't parse any insight into the angry incel psychology. I was wondering if there was an attempt at trying that I overlooked altogether, regardless of depth. Is asking prom in her blood the perverted extreme in thinking women *belong* to men, guts and all?

>> No.14874538

Thanks bud.

>> No.14874574

It's a lot better than the gore story but it's clear he's padding the story with description and it's full of cliches.
>from his fingertips to his toes
>What felt like years
>sent a shiver down Brian’s spine
>painfully obvious
>After what felt like an eternity