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14860694 No.14860694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>21 almost 22 year old kv
>just want the love of my life not slags that want to be spit on and choked
>made no friends in college
>will graduate to soon have my soul ripped out by wagecucking
Is suicide the only option?

>> No.14860697
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>> No.14860708
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.14860710
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same except no degree

>> No.14860714

get that piece of paper anon

>> No.14860715

life is super gay sometimes anon but don't cuck out with a rope. you'll have periods that are shit but as long as you don't totally give up on yourself and the world you also have some really great times ahead. take up meditation. try to be more positive. if you can, try to be more social. wage slaving is whack but is unavoidable for most people. find a wage cucking job you don't totally hate and take pride in being good at it. work at getting better at talking to girls. there are still lots of good ones out there but if you never learn how to get over going up to them and chatting you'll never get to find out if they're a good one, a bad one, or just an okay interim one. there are still nice christian-raised girls from good families who don't want to get spit on. there are also, believe it or not, good, caring, kind, feminine girls from good families who will treat you like gold and be loyal who DO like getting choked and spat on. sexuality is weird (i'm sure you've had some less than wholesome sexual thoughts yourself--don't despair because of it). Good luck anon and God bless. I know you'll find your way

>> No.14860722

Don't let your life be ditaded by your short comes Anon. I hope you find happiness

>> No.14860759

Stop watching porn man. Seriously, do whatever you have to do because after the age of 24-25 that shit is locked in forever. Literal brain damage.

>> No.14860760

I was a kv until a month before my 23rd birthday. Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter to girls nearly as much as you think it does.

I was probably on the path to incelhood until I stumbled upon the self improvement community at 20 yo. Spent the next 2-3 years just lifting, working harder in college, putting myself out there to find a part time research assistantship, maxing my hygiene, and dressing better.

It all happened naturally once I stopped having a defeatist attitude. In terms of virginity, I found that owning it was the best way to deal with it rather than being ashamed or lying about it. When girls found out I was a virgin I'd just brush it off with a smile saying "yeah, just hasn't happened yet" or use it as an opportunity to flirt "you rascal, trying to be my first eh?". But yeah, my first lay was just entire I turned 23 and then I had a few more before I met my current gf who I've been with for 4 years.

As for wage cucking it's only bad if you fall into the cycle of of work eat sleep rinse and repeat. Lots of people have happy fulfilling lives despite working 9-5 jobs. The key is to have hobbies and do shit instead of blowing hours and hours watching Netflix, playing video games, or browsing shit like 4chan and Reddit. It's up to you to make your life fulfilling.

>> No.14860775

Dude I am stronger than everyone on this board. I don't care about slags I just want someone to love.

>> No.14860797

If you're OP, then my advice is this: as counterproductive as it sounds you have to fuck some slags before you'll find your companion.

Getting your dick wet a few times will make you more comfortable around women. There's a nervousness that virgins have that could hold you back when you find a quality woman. I found my LTR only after banging a few broads.

>> No.14860806

I think I will just kill myself some time.

>> No.14860819

What does this have to do with literature? Go back to /r9k/, loser.

>> No.14860820

You have all of eternity to be dead. Stop being a pussy, man up, and live for another 60-70 years.

>> No.14860821

Your distasteful attitude towards women is likely what’s driving them away. You ever heard of the Madonna/whore complex? By differentiating women into reductive categories of “sluts” or “unrealistic idealised fantasies”, you’re reproducing the age-old cultural phenomena of men hating women simply because they don’t live up to their absurd standards.

You’re not perfect, so why should you expect the same of your partner?

>> No.14860828

I might be in a good mood right now and often I am hopelessly depressed but I am telling you, If I killed myself I wouldn't be able to extract as much joy that I am currently from the mediocre activity of clicking my computer, I am glad I haven't killed myself. I think about suicide almost daily (not emotionally but logically if its worth it) but there's really no point because you could just be reborn into a worse version of this life and you'll regret it. Just wait it out until you are 27 at least, go do martial arts or something and realize women are nothing special.

>> No.14860832

I don't hate women

>> No.14860839

Yeah you do. You think you can categorize them into "slags" and "quality women" you twat. That unhealthy autistic need to categorize is a common trait of incels/school shooters.

>> No.14860846

Who said anything about being perfect? I don't stick my dick in every hole I see, no matter how easy it may be, so I expect them not to take every dick that comes towards them. How is that an unrealistic standard?

>> No.14860860

I just want someone I can connect with. And if anything I don't feel any better about most men.

>> No.14860861

Accept that you will go to hell if you commit suicide and that your present life might well be punishment reincarnate for a previous successful attempt. Serve your sentence with dignity and stoicism and be rewarded in the hereafter.

>> No.14860868

If girls took every dick that came their way they would literally have thousands of sexual partners. Even the biggest "slut" you know has slept with less than 5% of the men who have shown interest in sleeping with her.

It's easy to judge them when you aren't in their situation. Hit girls have opportunities to fuck thrown at them on a daily basis. Guys could never understand that. Imagine what it'd be like if half the women you encounter wanted to fuck you.

>> No.14860869

I'm 32 and I giggle at threads like this.

I thought the same way you did. Throughout my 20s I had not only great moments and gfs and friends, but also depressing shit moments much heavier than the ones I've felt at 21.

Life has ups and downs. Make an effort to make friends, what else is there to do. Just don't believe you've got to the end of it, whether it is in misery or in success.

Now that I'm more mature I can face problems much more easily, not because the problemas are easier themselves (usually, they are harder), but because I know that when I'm 50 looking back, all of this will look small. When we are kids we cry your hearts out for falling and injuring our knees. It was, at that moment, the worst possible world, but now it doesn't sound like the end of the world. It's the same thing.

Sometimes we grow too greater expectations and we feel the hangover when it does not go as planned. I won't say don't plan things or don't expect things, but that the antidote to his hangover is in your own doing. Expectations and hopes can be products of our own work (emotional work, efforts to socialize, humbling experiences, new experiences, etc), rather than pictures on the wall that we must wait to happen. The more you do in life, and the good and bad experiences that come with it, the more reference you have to build more realistic expectations and you'll know how to get there, rather than daydream about it.

A good first step is to get out 4chan. I was a regular up until 2013. Now I come here once or twice a year just to see how it goes and try to cheer up faggots like OP.

>> No.14860873

*Hot girls

>> No.14860893

I wouldn't fuck any of them. I've rejected about 6 girls this year. I'm waiting for marriage, period. I expect the person I'm looking for to hold themselves to the same standard, not more, not less.

>> No.14860898

What are you saying. He wants an inexperienced girl the way he is himself inexperienced. Sluts are easy women, they don't have anything noteworthy. Any woman can be a slut, it is difficult for a hetero man to be the equivalent.

>> No.14860957

It's easy to hold yourself to that standard when you've only had your willpower tested 6 times. Women can get 6 offers for sex a week, easily.

>> No.14860958
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99% of men live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior fo those women. All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.14860965

I said 6 times this year. I've been "tested" (if it's a test, it's not a very hard one) multiple times throughout my life.

They can and probably are hit on more than 6 times in 3 months but that's irrelevant, because, like I said, it's not very hard to say no. Stop projecting your own weakness and lack of willpower onto everyone else.

>> No.14860971


>> No.14860977

All of this is a cringe defense mechanism you've developed as response to being unwanted by acting like a condition imposed to you was a choice (oh I don't care about degeneracy and sex anyway, I'm waiting for true love!!) and your first relationship, even if it's great, is going to shatter several of those illusions as you'll have to deal with the fact that your girlfriend, like any non-2d woman, doesn't want a pussy bitch boyfriend who can't fuck and can't behave in society.

So for the love of god, for your own good and the good of the ideal relationship you might encounter eventually, learn to make friends and learn to pick up and please "slags", be someone a girl would be proud to call a boyfriend, and stop with the bullshit illusions about being a modern templar or whatever

>> No.14860996

>getting laid is a weakness

>> No.14861008

This post is the epitome of cope. There are plenty of virgin girls waiting for the one (or, at the very least, girls who have only had sex once or twice before) well into their 20s.

>> No.14861016
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>23 almost 24
>was briefly engaged and common-law married but she wanted to live in the city and focus on her career and being with her and living that life made me feel like a loser
>get bullied out of college, screwed up one shot at academia and now stuck in an endless stream of repetitive, dead-end manual labour jobs
>currently living in parents basement as a NEET while I try to self-study the equivalent of a college education
>parents will kick me out in a couple months once my sister comes home from University
>hair is starting to thin out
At least I'm kind of popular with women I guess. My plan is to move to Europe and completely fabricate my background while I try to charm/sleep my way up the social ladder.

At least you aren't me, and I don't even dislike my life that much. What you should do is read the unabridged autobiography of Casanova, it will teach you more about life than life ever could, and it's insanely long so it will keep you busy for a solid year by the end of which you'll have an intimate knowledge of 18th century Europe.

>> No.14861025

>get bullied out of college
What happened
And you should of moved

>> No.14861030

Yeah, being a sex addict is no different than being a porn/masturbartion addict, which is in no way different from any other kind of addiction.

If you can't control yourself and simply not have sex with people you are not interested in forming a family with, then that's being weak. Me personally, I'm disgusted by women who are "sexually liberated," so it's not very hard to say no when they hit on me, but with more traditional, homely kind of girls, I have to consider deeply whether I can see a future with them, and the answer thus far has always been no, so I haven't had sex. I've had two relationships in the past, but once it got to the point where it was expected to have sex, I ended them both because I couldn't see myself marrying those girls and having children with them.

>> No.14861043

Hate to break it to you chief, but all women are whores. You're not gonna find what you're looking for.

>> No.14861061

Marriage and children is just another cope like religion.

>> No.14861064

What’s the point, anyways?

>> No.14861080

I got my first girlfriend at 24

>> No.14861107

>Having sex = Can't control myself
Why do you think in such extremes? I've turned down some opportunities for sex and pursued others. I've never cheated or even considered cheating in a relationship and I've been in one for five years as of April. Real life isn't black and white. Moderation is key.

>> No.14861117

Girl was crushing on me and tried to drunkenly hook up with me. I rejected her so she accused me of being 'a potential rapist' or some crap like that, idk. I also managed to piss off the POCLGBTQWERT community by making fun of them for trying to set up race segregated dorm rooms and water fountains and shit, which got me labeled a racist and turned into a social pariah. It was kind of fucked up because I couldn't even go to school events without people coming up to me and harassing and threatening me, but every time I complained to the school they just ignored it or said its none of their business.

I was kind of fucked up in the head because I saw a couple kids I'd went to high-school with get capped in the head like two months prior, so in hindsight I probably could have done something to save my GPA but instead I just self-isolated and let it tank and now no university wants to touch me. It's kind of a waste because I was always a smart kid and had a lot of good options previously but now I may as well have just dropped out of highschool since all it amounted to was wasted time.

I did move. Now I live in my shitty small home-town and most people I grew up with talk down to me for going to school instead of getting a trades cert like they did. It's garbage but I want to save up a decent amount of money before I move again.

>> No.14861126

>race segregated dorm rooms and water fountains
lol I've seen you post before

>> No.14861127

Try joining some sort of social/athletic club, going to church, a meetup for whatever your hobby is (or start a hobby that is semi-social). You’ll never find anyone sitting at home on your computer.

>> No.14861132

No I meant move with her

>> No.14861137

School is almost over for me I have one semester left so it's not worth it. I don't like socializing anyway.

>> No.14861151

>Girl was crushing on me and tried to drunkenly hook up with me. I rejected her so she accused me of being 'a potential rapist' or some crap like that, idk. I also managed to piss off the POCLGBTQWERT community by making fun of them for trying to set up race segregated dorm rooms and water fountains and shit, which got me labeled a racist and turned into a social pariah. It was kind of fucked up because I couldn't even go to school events without people coming up to me and harassing and threatening me, but every time I complained to the school they just ignored it or said its none of their business.
There's no way any of this is true, right?

>> No.14861157

Hey man getting choked doesn’t mean that the person is a whore. You could meet a very nice girl who just so happens to want to be bound up or something. Open your mind.

>> No.14861160

>I don't like socializing anyway
Ok enjoy your shitty friendless life as a wage cuck.

Or grow the fuck up and start doing stuff to make it better. That means forcing yourself to socialize and get good at it despite you not enjoying it.

>> No.14861172

I don't like most people. I find the fact that I have to try to sell myself to some midwits in hopes of finding someone I will probably never meet that I can connect with demoralizing. I would rather be a recluse.

>> No.14861176

Yeah it's a high chance they are just a whore

>> No.14861180

>tfw about to turn 24
>tfw good job with future
>tfw plenty of friends I see weekly
>tfw /fit/
>tfw entrepreneurial side hustles
>tfw interesting hobbies
>tfw been told by multiple girls that I'm attractive enough to get want girl I want
>tfw virgin

>> No.14861183

>because after the age of 24-25 that shit is locked in forever

>> No.14861187

>been told by multiple girls that I'm attractive enough to get want girl I want
everyone is going to tell you that

>> No.14861193

You need to practice your empathy. Even if you find your angelical virginal wife, I bet she wouldn't stand your egomaniac view on people in general(preconceptions)

>> No.14861194

If you find most people hard to interact with, they're not the problem. You are.

>> No.14861202

Why would they just lie about that? I've seen girls be honest about guys who are ugly why not the other way around? I've had plenty of attractive girls ask me out before, I even had a girl cold approach me in the gym once and ask for my number with 0 introduction before that. Surely that means I'm not fugly

>> No.14861206
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>> No.14861216

My friend, you are caught in the worse of the scales of hell: the autistic Chad.
Your self awareness is what is gimping your progress. I suggest YOU to approach women, since most cases of fuck up you mentioned were from approaches of the girl. This will hopefully make you look and sound more confident and detached from the whole virginity thing. Good luck!

>> No.14861220

What an absolute conformist view.

>> No.14861224
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>> No.14861225


>> No.14861243 [DELETED] 

I don't care what most people care about. I don't watch Netflix, I haven't listened to the latest rap album, American politics are a joke, etc. I have nothing to talk about with these people.

>> No.14861248
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Probably. I've ranted about it on here on multiple occasions, and I'm still pretty bitter about the whole stupid thing. When I was OP's age I was getting accepted into all the elite colleges with scholarships and everything. Now it's all just wasted time and I swear that my hair gets thinner every day.

Plus all the dead-beat hippies in my town have an obnoxious "I told you so" attitude about it because my town is an oasis of rural poverty, drug abuse, and backwards crab-bucket mentalities in otherwise pristine wilderness. 4chan is my only form of social contact these days because its better than hearing another condescending lecture about how I need stop reading gay books and get a real job.

She didn't want to risk hurting her career by moving. Which is fair enough, but don't turn around and ask me to marry you as though I should devote my life to you when you wont take a six month setback in your career to be with me. Idk, I still love her a lot but our relationship was causing nothing but grief for both of us and she has a pretty good life going on so I didn't want to be the person responsible for fucking it all up by demanding she move to some random city with me and start from zero again.

The water fountain thing is embellished. It was just dormitories, student newspapers, and some campus events that they wanted to be race-segregated. Also some students were trying to start a kind of campus secret police to harass and isolate 'the bad people' ("I'm not going to name names, but we all know who they are" were their exact words lmao, bunch of faggot gestapo wannabes) and I made fun of them during the student elections because I figured, come on, I'm can't be the only one who thinks this is fucked up. If I wasn't, the other people had the sense not to say anything.

Its okay though. Once I've got a ~7 grand saved up I'm getting on a plane to Europe and never looking back. North America can crash and burn for all I care.

>> No.14861250

This isn't the "write the cringiest thing you can" thread.

>> No.14861258

I don't care about what most people care about. I don't watch Netflix, I haven't listened to the latest rap album, American politics are a joke, I don't care about the ape hoop player that died, etc. I have nothing to talk about with these people.

>> No.14861259

I've been doing that more but I still always fuck it up in like sitcom-tier ridiculous ways. I swear to god my life is some kind of black comedy for remote viewers

>> No.14861260

Hire a prostitute. You aren't going to have some kind of super romantic first time, but a kindly and experienced whore could at least teach you how to fuck and get you past your anxiety.

>> No.14861265

so you don’t have any

>> No.14861272

I don't find any of that crap interesting, either. You don't have to have normie interests to make friends and develop a social circle. Your attitude is so shitty and negative though, it's easy to see why no girls want you. Every time someone in this thread offers you good advice you make bullshit excuses.

>> No.14861277

I'm not him, but if you keep autistically looking for peer reviewed shit for absolutely everything, you're an r*dditoid and i don't want to recognize your existence.

>> No.14861279

You sound like a grandpa that can't interact with the younger generation and end up reclused of society out of his will. People will always have something to show you, even the humblest ones.

>> No.14861282

Well I can't find anyone that doesn't have these interests. I was born a poorfag and am surrounded by poorfag people. I haven't given excuses.

>> No.14861283

Nigga you have tons of shit to talk about as long as you have opinions and values about anything, you just have to be unabashed to actually speak your mind about the un-usual. And if you have any degree of charisma, people will actually find it interesting and likeable because they now have something new to take away that isn't more of the same-old. I don't give a fuck about any of those things either but I can go on at length about what actually interests me and have people time and again telling me they just like to hear me talk. You have a personality, use it.

>> No.14861284

I dont even want a super romantic first time but I want to at least fuck a girl who's doing it by choice instead of for money.

>> No.14861287

>I haven't given excuses
>I can't make friends cuz I was born poor
Are you seriously this lacking in self awareness or have I been baited by a pro?

>> No.14861289

>dude this shit gives you permanent irreversible brain damage if you do it beyond a certain very specific age range
>how do you know?
>lmao don’t ask fuckin retard

>> No.14861290

I don't have charisma or personality

>> No.14861298

You must not know what it is like to only be around poorfags

>> No.14861300

Brain plasticity doesn't just disappear at age 24-25 lol. It just takes a bit longer to shake addictions after that age. The guy you're arguing with is a retard.

>> No.14861306

Wahhh life is hard. Other people have raised themselves out of the dirt. You have all the resources in the world available to you through the internet. Take the leap.

>> No.14861328

I don't care about money I just want someone to be close to. I wasn't lucky enough to be born with connections to people that like books and art.

>> No.14861330

I do. All my childhood "friends" are potheads and losers now that hate me for escaping the crab bucket. Every thing I ever did to improve myself was met with resistance. I was ridiculed for quitting alcohol, going to the gym all the time, studying hard to earn scholarships in college so I wouldn't be neck deep in debt. Poor people are fucking crabs that oppress each other way more than the privileged do. In fact most wealthy people I've met are genuinely kinda and want others to succeed.

>> No.14861343

I guarantee you that independent of your financial situation, you would be stuck in this problem. You should focus on this that are within your power, like working in your charisma, rather how you put in words your thoughts, and in your empathy.

>> No.14861347

>I can't make friends because I was born poor and my friends are poor
>I don't care about money or escaping my poor shit life

Jesus you are retarded

>> No.14861351

Nah I give up im just going to read books in my room until i decide to end it

>> No.14861356

You don't know what poorfags are like don't talk to me

>> No.14861357

Then do it and live stream it for us. Nobody here is going to give you sympathy you whiner.

>> No.14861368

Apparently they're self defeating retards who make any excuse possible not to better themselves or their lives. They'd rather stay losers and try to get sympathy than try to pick themselves up.

>> No.14861382

She's choosing to do it for money. That's probably a better reason than most women have when they have sex.

>> No.14861397

Not that anon, but that's an accurate assessment desu. Add in a bit (a lot) of childhood abuse/neglect, inter-generational drug addiction, an inferiority complex, and sense of disdain for anyone who doesn't feed into their self-defeating circle jerk and you've pretty much hit the nail on the head.

God I wish I lived around nice rich people.

>> No.14861398

"Stronger" my ass

>> No.14861435

Idk it seems dirty. Like I'm not some incel fag who's sitting around waiting for the perfect virgin waif but I dont want to catch clamydia the first time I fuck either. I just want to convince a normal girl to sleep with me for the sake of my ego

>> No.14861549

Physically stronger yes. But going to the gym hasn't done anything for me other than attract some retards and stress relief for 2 hours so who gives a shit.

>> No.14861557

You are right. I should accept that I am an unlikable person and be content with reading in my room alone.

>> No.14861578
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No girl is going to sleep with you for the sake of your ego. She'll sleep with you because she's horny and you've somehow convinced her you're a good lay, or because she's trying to boost her own ego, or because she's mad at her boyfriend over something, or she's drunk, or she wants to get back at her father, or because one of her friends just slept with a guy and she doesn't want to fall behind, or because one of her friend is into you and she wants to hold that over her, or because she's never been with a guy of your ethnicity before and she wants to check it off her list, or possibly she's just young and trying to fuck as many guys as possible before biology forces her to find a provider and settle down to a life of sexless monogamy... maybe she sees you as that provider and thinks that if she tells you all the right lies and waits till the forth date to fuck you (because she's not that kind of girl) then she'll be set to retire.

There's a hundred reasons why a woman might want to sleep with you, and trust me, doing it for money is probably the purest and most decent reason of all.

Your problem is you think a woman is going to save you. That some girl out there is going to care about you enough to truly get to know the person you really are deep inside, and that she's going to like that person and want to be around that person and share intimate moments with that person, and that once this happens your life is going to be justified. Maybe this could happen, but you better be able to give her some solid dick first to keep her around. At the end of the day you're always going to be alone with yourself however, and if you try to base your worth on how one woman sees you you're inevitably going to end up in a toxic relationship of dependency and control.

Do you want to get laid, or do you want some kind of certificate that says you're not an irredeemably broken virgin who is incapable of having healthy relationships with women?

>> No.14861580

>absurd standards
>not being a massive whore

The roastie reveals itself.

>> No.14861604

You misunderstood me, the reason why I'd rather a normal girl than a hooker is because it would help my ego. I don't have any allusion that a girls reason for sleeping with me is because she cares about me or some shit, I'm saying my reason for sleeping with her instead of resorting to a hooker is ego. It would give me more confidence in my looks and actions with subsequent women if the reason I slept with a girl didnt boil singularly down to a business transaction

>> No.14861620

>calling out unsubstantiated claims about biology is r*ddit