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14859837 No.14859837 [Reply] [Original]

I have hazel eyes, bad/weak jawline, thick eyebrows, prominent nose and my hair is brown

>> No.14859846
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>> No.14859903


>> No.14860621
File: 29 KB, 517x635, 1583613255415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a fucking life. We aren't friends and I utterly abhor you. If you genuinely like charlie brown, bug bang theory, and gilligans island you have the brain of a fucking child. I mean it. Your entire family is a freakshow circus with a tranny and an ugly geeky little girl. I think every one of you are fucking losers that I want nothing to do with. The fact that I even know you pathetic fuckers makes me angry. Harassing me on the internet doesn't make me think you're not a geek. Get a fucking life.

>> No.14860624
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>> No.14860956

lmao wtf is this

grow the fuck up loser

>> No.14860972

Bro what?

>> No.14861024

I want nothing to do with trannies or losers or freaks. If you want to stay and discuss Buddha, Lingpa, Bergman, Wertmuller and Fellini then fine but actually discuss them instead of whatever the fuck it is you shitheads do. Of course I dislike you and your stupidity.

>> No.14861038

Go outside weirdo, speak to people, read

>> No.14861040

i literally fucking hate you for shitting up the board with this OP

>> No.14861105

pure distilled 'tism

>> No.14861112

The OP of this thread is a dipshit I know who is angry at me because I called genre fiction trash and told him to read Mishima or the Dhammapada instead. There.

>> No.14861119

what's your basis for that assumption? you sure you're not just a paranoid schizo?

>> No.14861130

I know it's you. Just get it through your head that we aren't friends and I think you are an idiot. Do not be surprised that everyone does not habe the same interests as you.

>> No.14861139


I'm not OP bro. guess you're a paranoid weirdo after all.

>> No.14861228

Dude, you're a fucking idiot and a geek. It genuinely pains me that I even know you and you think we're friends. If you don't know about a topic I post about then just post nothing at all. Jesus.

>> No.14861660

Best thread on lit right now desu

>> No.14861729

The dude's brother in law is a fucking tranny, I kid you not. His brother takes it up the ass from a fat guy in a dress while he watches outside the door masturbating.

>> No.14861764

Dont fucking @ me you little shit. Go ahead and quote me and OP in your post so I can show your dumb ass that we're not the same person.

Btw, Is this irl drama or is there a thread full of your antics with OP?

>> No.14861799

morbidly obese, balding, afro-anglo-semitic phenotype

>> No.14861834

I didn't say you were the same person. I was telling you. He is always here stalking me even though I told him. i wanted nothing to do with his loser ass or his loser family. He will even reply to theology or arthouse film threads I make with ""hilarious"" one liners only he thinks are funny. You see he knows nothing about the topics but feels the need to annoy me woth his stupid posts anyway. If he knows nothing about the topic he should just shut the fuck up and not say anything. If I make a thread on Von Trier then guess what? It means I want to discuss Von Trier. NOT your stupid jokes. NOT big bazinga theorem. NOT kid's cartoons like charlie brown. If you like that stuff you are certified double digit IQ moron.

And the tranny is even worse. He can cut his balls off and put on a dress but guess what? He's a fat, ugly stupid guy in a dress.
>Why do people mock me?? Waaaa??

Cause you're hideous. You're a walking freak show.

>> No.14861939

Obese, tall, receded chin and deep set green eyes

>> No.14861953

just ignore him then, jeez. why are you getting so worked up over someone you consider a loser?

>> No.14862510

Post pics. The last autistic newfag i know of getting chased out was Frankie the Cuck and it's been too long since we've had a good feeding frenzy.