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/lit/ - Literature

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14857160 No.14857160 [Reply] [Original]

Ever gone back and read something you wrote and found you could do nothing but cringe?

>> No.14857213
File: 169 KB, 633x605, 1531098277009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so fucking glad i didnt have any social media accounts when i was a teenager

>> No.14857240
File: 83 KB, 479x709, el.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the time
makes me want to end myself

>> No.14857244
File: 17 KB, 607x1060, schlurp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14857257

quality post

>> No.14857267

Some shitty creepypasta I made at age 12

>> No.14857273

Fucking this.

Sometimes I think about the issue on insisting on it. I mean, I said, did and wrote some stupid shit, but now it's gone. I wonder what would happen if I was called out by someone more mature or from a different ideology back then, if I were to give in and think differently or if I would double the bet. I think a lot of idiots are just trapped in a spiral of doubling the bet on criticism, that could have been broken when it was just one single stupid sentence. Back then you'd say that in a bar and no one would remember it, now people tweet for millions. And the more idiotic it is, greater the chances of you being exposed and reach even more people.

>> No.14857278

That's a parody account.

>> No.14857363

this shit is pure gold
i'm holding out hope it's not

>> No.14857370
File: 29 KB, 598x137, gold-jerry-gold!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to link

>> No.14857371

Wrote a Wow fan fiction about a troll scouting Northwatch Hold in the barrens when I was 16. It's fucking awful. Reading it makes me want to give up writing altogether.

>> No.14857530

Sounds kino. Post it please

>> No.14858284

Id honestly rather die, the prose is like chewing bricks

>> No.14858535

Don't worry, anon, I'm sure you've substantially improved since then

>> No.14858768

Yes, literally everything I write even though I know it's probably not that bad

>> No.14859444

based and self critic pilled

>> No.14859451

Everything I've ever written

>> No.14859460


t.non /lit/, 136iq, eng grad, business owner, entpa, scorpio, jungler, 26 yo, father of a girl

>> No.14859465


That feel. The worst.

>> No.14859469




>> No.14859481

My fantasy football league collabated on an erotic fiction on the smack board about one of the members for his birthday as a joke. It involved him fucking his gay college roommate in a threesome with a midget named Ganymede.
Still pretty proud of it actually.

>> No.14859529

lol how it goes schlurp? XD
dose it have a tongue in their? XDXD

>> No.14859565

here's a cringey essay I wrote about Hey! Arnold when I was like 18 or so

I have not watched the television show "Hey, Arnold!" in some time, yet it still seems to
occupy some constant place in my head. It was only some months ago when I first watched the
program and I have been enthralled in it ever since. I do not appreciate the show in the ways
that many of my peers seem to. They enjoy it on the basis of childhood nostalgia, whereas I
have never seen it before until recently. One thing I find most peculiar about the show is that
it is directed toward a younger audience, yet there are many adult themes such as alcoholism
(to some extent). And these adult references aren't tongue in cheek jokes like other shows,
these hold a permanent role in the show. The show also seems too melancholic, and many times,
have plots centered on character romance; something I could have cared less for as a child.
Another thing to consider is that a mature rated spinoff show was pitched to MTV. Never have I
heard of any kids shows with the possibility of mature spinoffs being produced. Also, the only
way a mature spinoff could be produced is if the main show already had some mature themes that
could be expanded on. So, in all, with the mature themes present but somewhat veiled, the main
themes and overall tone of the show being more melancholic and less bright and funny, and the
idea of a mature spinoff, I think it is more than just a dumb kid's show. I think this is why
the show has occupied such a place in my mind. It is something I have never seen before, a so
called "kid's show" that has meaningful writing, and fascinatingly complex and likable
characters. It also extols practical wisdom and virtues in a way that doesn't seem heavy
handed. It surprises me that any kid would watch or be interested in a show with such
subtleties and advanced themes and ideas. I have also read some analysis papers on some of the
episodes and it is surprising how much symbolic and visual information is conveyed. It is also
interesting that such a cerebral analysis can be done on a kid's show; a genre of television
that is supposedly mindless and immature. If I overheard someone discussing the depths of this
show, I would assume they were talking about some adult drama, not a cartoon. The show's
creator must be writing for some smart kids.

>> No.14859568

Thank you for reminding me to shave, OP.

>> No.14859570


>> No.14859611

No because I have moved beyond cringe

>> No.14859618

I had a myspace, thankfully I nuked it long before cancel culture became a thing. Now ive got nothing but a burner fb account and im just as grateful

>> No.14859624

/s4s/ is leaking

>> No.14860316
File: 398 KB, 242x362, Schlop schlop elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14860554

Eating from the trashcan, drinking from the toilet...

>> No.14860613


>> No.14860618

My fantasy football league just larps as prowrestling.

>> No.14860634


>> No.14860690

How grateful I am that I was so autistic that even having social media was too normie for me.

>> No.14860746

>riot is seling power - proof inside

>so i am only summoner level 27 and pretty bad at this game. my favorite hero is always malphite but always suck as him. so i see he has skin on sale and buy it. WOW! first game with skin my power level has increased so much. riot selling power? what do you think? please leave answers below

>summoner level 26*

>edit- proof i own skin for people doubting me

>> No.14861596

It still weirds me ought that after all these years half of the edgy atheists became tradcon alt right persons

>> No.14861925

Oh man, no one told me before that he was actually mentally retarded

>> No.14862080

It is, it's run by Micheal Cussack.

>> No.14862098


>> No.14862111

is this real?