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File: 248 KB, 1172x568, mensadk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14846133 No.14846133 [Reply] [Original]

what's /lit/'s IQ?
also describe how you feel about life in general, are you depressed etc

take this test, one of the most accurate online: https://mensa.dk/iqtest/

i'll start: i think i'm pretty normal but abused drugs heavily during adolescence (14-18) and ever since then i've been suffering from anhedonia. people tell me i'm smart but i don't feel that way

>> No.14846141

I don't read Danish.

>> No.14846147

ive scored as high as 131 and as low as 118 on the more legitimate tests i could find online so I'd guess it's somewhere around 125.

who else /midwit/ here?

>> No.14846150

my iq is 99.99 (almost perfect) and i'm incredibly depressed all the time

>> No.14846155

those tests usually give me around 130
im not smart, i cant do math, cant do philosophy, cant analyze literature, can't do science, etc.

My worldview is some kind of mix of edginess and paranoid skepticism, occasionally I believe in God

>> No.14846288


Can i go one day without seeing a bell curve?

>> No.14846296

The number of bell curve threads is a bell curve

>> No.14846360

Yeah, I've smoked a lot of weed in my life so my cognitive speed has likely taken a knocking. Last time I took it I scored 141 but got 125 this time, also am high

>> No.14847381

130 over here, it doesn't speak for artistic merit, so that's my cope as I write and paint. I'm currently in a biochem/physics degree, but it's mostly so I can be more knowledgeable in my writing.

>> No.14847505

i also have a biochem degree. biggest waste of time in my life

>> No.14847512

No, fuck you.

>> No.14847538

why do you say that? I'm only in my first year.

>> No.14847554

175 on the SB
>life in general
A profound solitude punctuated by fleeting contact with ghosts

>> No.14847610

a lot of the grunt work has been automated, and continues to be automated making entry level positions very competitive both in academia and also in more industrial settings. you have to be exceptional, and prepared to complete your masters/phd, etc, which would be a minimum of 6 more years for you. all to obtain a 50k entry level job somewhere. i got denied so many entry level positions in biochem/biotech etc. I gave up and went into HVAC. Now I mostly deal with hydronics, though I also bang tin with the monkeys now and then. I highly recommend switching majors unless you have a particular passion for it.

>> No.14847617

How come these tests are always just matrices? Aren't real IQ tests more comprehensive?

>> No.14847619

IQ is pseudoscience.

>> No.14847629

define "science"

>> No.14847836
File: 177 KB, 787x582, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've scored 124 GT on ASVAB which is supposed to correlate to IQ, so maybe this is right.
Current IQ tests are all bullshit. Life is the true IQ test.

>> No.14847909

Oh yeah, my perception of the world.

Let’s start with God. God is omnipotence & omniscience which, btw, are mutually inclusive. Power largely requires some knowledge & knowledge generally begets power.
Humans and all life seems to be on a path of growing in power & knowledge. The end goal of humanity is to become God.

On a personal level, I am my experience, and nothing else. Everything only intrinsically matters to me insofar as it effects me. When I feel good, that’s good. Vice versa, and death, which is antithetical to existence, is the worst evil.
I exist across a given timeline, so the goal is to maximize pleasure while I’m alive & obviously continue living. Power can best ensure pleasureable outcomes for me, so power is obviously something I want more of. Knowledge works with power, and also is a joy in and of itself. Broadens horizons etc.

So that’s it

>> No.14847921

>God is omnipotence
Gonna assume your iq isn't too high.

>> No.14847922
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That's the result, but I did a lot of those thingies in the past, so maybe it's exaggerated. Never did an actual test.

I hit my head at 9 with enough force to break my nose, and used to pass out drinking around 3-4 times a week for about 3 months when I was 20, but no abuse beyond that. Obese and sedentary too, 110kilos 5'9. 24yo.

I'm pretty autistic, but can get across as smart and funny to most people without incentives fuck me over socially, over prolonged contact. I can thrive in social settings if exposed to it for a sufficient amount of time(that's what the heavy drinking kind of was about) even though I'm pretty shitty at first.

Diagnosed with depression, but it was mostly about a lack of motivation rather than actually getting sad, and a lot of anxiety. ADD too and it's getting worse. The only think that kind of sucks about life is how much time I wasted being lazy, it's pretty good otherwise. I Spend most of my time alone at home by choice, since I'm pretty bad at impulse control and end up losing a lot of time if I have company.

>> No.14847937

>science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe

>> No.14847955

define "universe"

>> No.14847976

>beliving in pseudo (((science)))

>> No.14848072

probably around 90 but internally (and inexpressibly) 200

>> No.14848092

look at stratified demographics based on iq and their success rate. I think you'll see it stands the test, every ivy league school wouldn't be using them as their entrance exams if they weren't valid.

>> No.14848099
File: 52 KB, 600x361, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One short of mensa...

>> No.14848114
File: 686 KB, 1920x1080, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel not much, not bad or good. i have one good friend.
just trying pass my classes now as i dropped out but now im back because the jobs you get without degree and connections made me consider suicide. just consider.

>> No.14848146

I have severely damaged by brain(drugs, blunt force trauma, serotonin syndrome x3) but still have a knack for pattern recognition and love complex abstract ideas. When I was younger I scored consistently over 130, but the last time i took one I was extremely stoned and got 128. I do have dyscalculia, so I am very bad at math and it frustrates me that I'm essentially stuck on algebra.

I used to be very edgy but I tried to be less cynical and more authentic with my point of view, and to an extent its been working. I guess all the braincells I've killed didn't kill my innate curiosity. IQ doesn't really matter but its probably the best predictor for intelligence I guess.

>> No.14848162
File: 217 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 130 a respectable score?

>> No.14848166

123, so I guess I'm officially a midwit. As for my worldview, I'm a naturalist and I believe the most likely outcome for humanity on it's current course will be something akin to Brave New World or Wall-E.

>> No.14848197
File: 128 KB, 1279x583, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was administered the WAIS-IV by a psychiatrist a couple of months ago. My subscores were too variable for an overall IQ to be assigned. I worry that I've made myself dumber after years of drinking too much and not sleeping enough.
On a day-to-day basis I'm sufficiently stressed that I don't realize that I'm lonely. I alternately go through phases of being really into Buddhism and being really into drinking.

>> No.14848204

Does sleep deprivation lower iq?

>> No.14848219
File: 34 KB, 752x537, geenus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think life is a lot like Harry Potter and/or Star Wars. Personally I don't believe in IQ as it's fake pseudo-science and we would be better off taking a test like the sorting hat where you can just be whatever you want to be inside your heart, maybe I'd become a muggle with an IQ of 120!

>> No.14848255

I actually have no idea, but on the other hand chronic sleep deprivation fucks you up in so many ways that I don't see how it couldn't. But perhaps I'm catastrophizing.

>> No.14848273

I'm pretty sure neither alcohol or sleep deprivation lower iq. Alcohol kills brain cells, but there's no evidence it lowers iq, any correlation between low iq and drinking is causal rather than a result of alcohol consumption.

>> No.14849047

the ceiling on that test is 145, nice try midwit

>> No.14849075

I got bored halfway and just picked random options and got 117

>> No.14849143
File: 335 KB, 1008x491, IMG_20200307_125542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135 on Mensa's test at least, it's most likely around 137-8

And I have accute depression period bi-weekly or monthly

>> No.14849360

When you grow old and the possibility of dying soon becomes a salient aspect of your life, would you abandon your family and use all available wealth on drugs and prostitutes?
How can you trust your emotions to bring about the best possible outcome? How do you understand the purpose of sacrifice or juggle between satisfaction and pleasure without values that are not determined by emotions?
What if the world makes you unhappy, does all purpose crumble away?
I find it hard to understand how someone can view the world as you do. Perhaps you are a psychopath, and find lasting satisfaction only from superiority and domination, for which a conscious desire for power is necessary. To me it seems like that is the only way in which it could take precedence over everything else.

>> No.14849491

Bro that's just the distribution graph it doesn't show your score.

>> No.14849498

All I know is I passed with a B, 86.

>> No.14849568

>IQ 99
>naval engineer
I like life, but I have various bouts of deep melancholy coupled with an eating disorder, they might stem from not getting enough sun and vitamins though. Those bouts of melancholy inspire me though, they help me find entertainment in art

>> No.14849635

These online tests are surely bullshit, no? When I take a real test I got a full personal analysis back with paragraphs upon paragraphs along with the individual scores for the areas of intelligence that made my final IQ result. I take one of these online tests and it tells me what my IQ is and that's it, isn't that fucking useless?

To rephrase it; you could be smart in one area and be retarded in another, then you could end up with just an IQ of 100 and no idea of these details. I cant quite remember well but I'm pretty sure real tests are a lot longer than this

>> No.14849694

>you could be smart in one area and be retarded in another
Yeah it's called a learning disability and most IQ tests are administered to detect disability rather than ability. That's why smart people will almost never end up taking a real IQ test.
Also this test is just visual spatial so there's no need for a breakdown beyond that.

>> No.14849707
File: 40 KB, 973x610, 1583591733364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all of you reporting a score more than 100 as you iq lol @ you. How can you possibly score more than 100%?

>> No.14849737
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reminding me that i am a midwit and there is nothing I can do to change it

>> No.14849749
File: 35 KB, 873x618, 1529792565161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling quite good.

>> No.14850408

this test doesn't reflect what score you'd get on a real one at least in my case, I went to a private psychologist and I got >150, on this test i got 120

>> No.14850562

Coping midwit, this test is as close as you can get to an actual mensa test.

>> No.14851681

>IQ test administered by psychological
>IQ test administered by a "club" you have to pay to get into
>IQ test that claims to copy an IQ test administered by a "club" you have to pay to get into

>> No.14851698
File: 9 KB, 634x412, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an imbecile

>>14850562 wrong, the pen-and-paper test takes an entire fucking afternoon, is much more difficult and sets you back 50 bucks.

>> No.14851812
File: 228 KB, 1062x548, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got lazy at question 30 and just guessed the rest of them. Either way I'm still a retard.

>> No.14851845

You can tell this test is complete bullshit.

>> No.14851889
File: 179 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200307-172211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14851909

>muh IQ meme
Got 121 when I was 15 or so. Had like 4 different therapists and they all reached almost the same result, and funny enough interwebz tests usually gave me 121 too. It's over a decade ago and I feel slow as fuck these days, so wouldn't want to touch my self-image by doing more tests.

Life is … mostly great. Would play again. We obviously should try to make it great for others too. It's a multiplayer game after all, and these are more enjoyable if the community is having a good time as well. Though seeing the current developments, I'm not quite sure why I still believe in humanity.

Was a depressed suicidal fuck as a teen but then I started to focus more on me and things became fun again.
Haven't touched weed before I was 22 or so. Being an asocial loser and too Jewish to waste money on drugs had its pro's.

It's basically "how stressed and underfed were you as a kid" test. Hence it tends to correlate with moneys.

Not him but I don't get why "pleasure" often gets interpreted as "hookers and blow". Fucking and drugs is very basic enjoyment for a few minutes/hours before you need to take a break. Things where you create something is where you get a constant stream of pleasure with much smaller breaks.

>> No.14851917

>every ivy league school wouldn't be using them as their entrance exams if they weren't valid.
but they don't use IQ tests

>> No.14851925

What do you think the SAT and LSAT is?

>> No.14851927

>It's basically "how stressed and underfed were you as a kid" test. Hence it tends to correlate with money
this is not an honest appraisal of what we know about iq tests and what scores correlate to

>> No.14851931

Doesn't SAT has actual questions instead of the whole dumb shapes thing?

>> No.14851932

admissions tests whose correlation to iq is dubious

>> No.14851941

Except iq is determined by genetic factors and isn't influenced by the environment at all. Money still influences genetics, but it doesn't have to do with your childhood.

>> No.14851949

It measures iq as well as reading comprehension and math skills.

>> No.14851982
File: 250 KB, 1080x1349, IMG_20200308_004039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the only /lit/ IQ

>> No.14851997
File: 413 KB, 1215x884, Screenshot_43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a graphical IQ test on a /lit/ board

These tests are for autistic people who cannot into language.

Guarantee most of the people on this board would do better with a language based test.

>> No.14852024

I think you're mistaken

>> No.14852027

cope, someone with a high iq would do well on either test.

>> No.14852030

Most people on 4chan are in the 120-140 range
Change my mind

>> No.14852037

The SAT was originally derived from an iq test.

>> No.14852038

>but it doesn't have to do with your childhood
How comes? It very likely affects whether you got right/any nutrition as a kid and how stressful your mommy was, and then how stressful your childhood will be.

There are too fucking many studies to mention, and it seems like common sense either way. Would also explain why Western IQ scores aren't improving after our nutrition got turned into a mess full of sugar and life's got more stressful after neoliberalism failed for good.

The genetic factor is more about the "iq cap a person would reach under ideal conditions and gene expressions" hence rarely too relevant in real-life. Generally the whole heritability of genetic intelligence is so painfully misunderstood and one of these "technically correct" things.

If browsing 4chans didn't do the job, nothing else will. I'd be shocked if the average is above 110.

>> No.14852041
File: 723 KB, 566x524, beautiful image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fellas I got a question.
I took a weschler test which is four subtests. I scored bad on three of them and scored 141 on VCI what does this mean? what I do

>> No.14852045

most people on /lit/ are 120-140, I can't say the same for /b/.

>> No.14852057

i'm not going to take any iq test so i will never have proof i'm a midwit

>> No.14852061

I've taken the test and know I'm not a midwit.

>> No.14852081

True /b/ is a cesspool. I had the boards that are focused on some intellectual pursuit in mind. /lit/ /biz/ /sci/. I do think people on /pol/ are also quite intelligent but that doesn’t mean they have much common sense

>> No.14852084


I've taken a Mensa test in an official setting (not in my bedroom with my autist face illuminated by my monitor) and scored in the 98th percentile on a language based test.

It's not a cope it's just not autism.

>> No.14852099

I'm not going to bother to look that up, but it certainly isn't an IQ test now

>> No.14852108

not officially, but it's still the purpose of these tests.

>> No.14852114

iq should be all-encompassing, in a perfect test they'd measure both. You hurling pejoratives doesn't scream high iq anon.

>> No.14852117

There's some similarity, but you are wrong to call the SAT an IQ test. It's not even a question of semantics, they are quite different. And obviously a test that expressly isn't an IQ test can't test IQ

>> No.14852125


It doesn't really matter what it should be I'm telling you what it is. They have multiple tests and always have had multiple tests. Autistic people do poorly in linguistic based tests.

>> No.14852127

>hurling pejoratives
autist located

>> No.14852133

Its core is still an iq test, they added the reading comprehension and some of the more in-depth math sections later so they wouldn't be called out on discriminating by iq.

>> No.14852137

simp located

>> No.14852144

anon, autist isn't a buzzword

>> No.14852146

on this site it sure is

>> No.14852158

I don't know why you're so insistent on this. Have you taken the SAT? It is two (used to be three) components that test math skills, reading comprehension, vocabulary (and, formerly) writing ability and grammatical knowledge. I don't know what "core" you're talking about. Again, maybe some of the analogy questions are like something you'd see on an IQ test, maybe SAT scores correlate with IQ, but it's not actually all that similar to the WAIS or whatever, much less matrix tests like what OP posted.

>> No.14852164

if you frequently get called an autist, my guess the word probably has some descriptive power

>> No.14852176

that's not what I said and that'd be faulty reasoning anyways.

>> No.14852178

barely literate so keeping up with you folks is task.
feelin good and hope you all are doing the same.

>> No.14852185

>faulty reasoning
ok autist

>> No.14852188

If the results correlate does it matter if it's similar to other modern tests? It was based on an iq test and has been altered over the years.

>> No.14852200

I already know your iq, so I don't really have to infer anything here.

>> No.14852203

>if scores on two tests correlate, it is because they measure the same thing
and regardless, the correlation isn't really that strong and we're working with limited information

>> No.14852216

ok, ok, for the road: you're an autist

>> No.14852217

>It was based on an iq test and has been altered over the years.
You ignore this which was my original argument. They correlate because that was its original intention.

>> No.14852235


>> No.14852329
File: 130 KB, 718x537, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I got a score above 100 I hereby declare online IQ pattern recognition tests as a legitimate measure of intelligence.

Whenever I've been close to death, I've felt extreme comfort. If dying isn't very scary, then I don't think I have to live with any regrets.

>> No.14852471

please respond

>> No.14852557

It means you have decent reading comprehension and that's about it.

>> No.14852591

what to do of with this?"???

>> No.14852599

not much man

>> No.14852603

You have a high S intelligence, but low G it would seem.

>> No.14852610

oh cool. gonna kms.

>> No.14852614


>> No.14852632

based and lauritspilled

>> No.14852642
File: 46 KB, 1023x565, IQ test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im clinically retarded

>> No.14852704

what is S intelligence. is there some LITerature I could read on the subject you recommend

>> No.14852718

It's a concept in psychology. S-factor is your skill on a specific test, wheres G-factor is your baseline skill you bring to every test.

>> No.14852729

G is your ability to learn skills and S is your aptitude in that specific one.

>> No.14852743

What's midwit IQ range?

>> No.14852745


>> No.14852749

Oh, okay, so I'm more than fine. Thank god, what would I do if my IQ was only 130

>> No.14852762

oh alright. what sort of things does this translate too. like what does a man do with this information. cause if I was all kinds of smart i'd be a nuclear engineer but with just this who knows. I've looked for literature about this but not much found

>> No.14852765

That 131 must feel great, I wish I could join mensa.

t. 130iq

>> No.14852771

I actually hope you don't feel bad about it.

>> No.14852778

I'm being sarcastic, mensa's a stupid organization of prestige masturbators and I think an iq point or two is negligible anyways. What's your iq out of curiosity?

>> No.14852797

Nuclear engineers probably have a higher baseline G than average, but in theory, someone with just a specific aptitude for math could succeed as one.

All I know about this stuff is from psych lectures I've watched, I don't what to recc you on the subject, but I'm sure there's a chart for it somewhere.

I'd say go into what you have an aptitude for, C.S. Lewis wasn't a very logical thinker, and a mathematical idiot, but he was also rhetorical genius and a prolific writer.

>> No.14852818

Yeah, a point is negligible, especially since distance from the average fogs the accuracy of the test up, and 142. Really hoping people don't just feel worthless if their number isn't high enough for them though, there's so much more to it than that.

>> No.14852820

ok. Still I'd like a book to read about thing that is this

>> No.14852828
File: 286 KB, 720x1356, Capture+_2020-02-16-21-13-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14852863

True, the interplay between iq and personality are what dictate one's life. You match a high iq with conscientiousness and you have einstein, you match it with high neuroticism and you live in the woods mailing bombs to people.

>> No.14852900
File: 359 KB, 999x1500, Creamy.Mami.full.1356926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and personality, even subordinate to the sum, is complex on its own. To relegate yourself to that number (ofc with reason, you will just have to put certain ideas aside if you're like 105) when the sum is so multifarious and stratified is just not kind to yourself, especially with how prone you guys are to despair/depression.

>> No.14852905

110ish. I know several languages and use them to read genre fiction. I think philosophy is interesting but I don't read it. My life is very minimal and will probably remain minimal. I think that's about it.

I am below midwit lol.

>> No.14852929

But isn't it stratified for the purpose of determining your general intelligence? How prone you are to succeed in most situations(pertaining to the skillset that's tested of course). I'd agree that many people here too-often turn to clean labels for themselves and they tend to put the cart before the horse in terms of success and ability. If your score is low it's an easy excuse to behave in whatever preconceived notion you have for someone like that. It's self-fulfilling.

>> No.14852995
File: 30 KB, 1024x768, Creamy.Mami.full.903084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no I didn't mean IQ was stratified, so yeah, overarching ability I mean you can't just, look at your 120 IQ, say omg I'm a midwit, and then give up when that's good enough to make a real effort. And then the opposite, where you have kids who get 150 IQ, ace elementary/high school and then just get destroyed when you're against higher tier people in higher education. Like you guys are on /lit/, you like reading (for the most part) amazingly insightful work, your IQ is still high at 125 compared to the majority. At that point, you need to brandish your willpower, push yourself to your limit, and I'm sure you'll create so much greater output than you expect. We're so prone to interpreting so grimly every situation in our lives, but often things turn out well after the fact. I'm glad we got to have this conversation, it's nice.

>> No.14853066

I agree with everything you're saying here. There's too much intellectual defeatism in these threads. The people on /lit/ clearly value the intellect, so when a number value is placed on their own it clashes with one of their highest values, and the thing with numbering yourself is your iq will never be high enough. The seed of all motivation and success is optimism and iq results only amount to a neutral affirmation or unnecessary doubt. I've enjoyed this talk as well, not enough positivity around here

>> No.14853089
File: 67 KB, 324x171, gorky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outta post a picture to get replies

>> No.14853122

Yes, I feel the same way you do, and yeah, of course, I'm always glad to have an actual conversation with people and I'm not a negative person whatsoever. For people to have interest in Goethe, Ovid (me), Borges, etc, you have something unfortunately rare and you should nurture it at every turn. Literature is such a splendid enterprise, it can change and expand our world utterly in the span of a day and, through it, we can peer into what of being human is truly eternal. I could never contain my enthusiasm for all that in a post :)

>> No.14853135

Truly, literature makes the soal soar, whatsoever that means.

>> No.14853142


>> No.14853147

I got 132. Had trouble focusing because I couldn't give two shits about random shapes and patterns, exactly why I despised math past what can be applied. I just put random answers on the last few because I was bored. I was always attracted to history, art, architecture, philosophy, political science because the "symbols" are actually interesting because I'm not autistic and get excited about retarded quantitative lines and dashes. I hate everything that isn't words or pure visual aesthetics. Fuck iq tests,

>> No.14853151

Yeah, in many ways.

>> No.14853225

i study/learn about this stuff, so i'll make some comments

its strictly graphical because they want to remove cultural biases

i've seen other iq tests before. yes, this one seems pretty legitimate, but a ~very legitimate~ will likely take much longer

the philosophy is that there is something known as the "g-factor". some guy did some co-relational analysis between several "smrt things" like math, reading, logic and stuff; and found that they were positively co-related. i think the idea of tests like this is just to find "your g-factor"

but again i shall note that a measure of "g-factor" (and not super great i might add, but also likely as good as we have) is not indicative of specific domains of intelligence

the same goes for 90% of the "interesting psychology"

there's a general trend of iqs shifting upwards, so 100 is no longer average. but iirc anything like 120+ would be considered to be quite smart by most people

there is a correlation between iq and SAT, but its not super strong

you'd be surprised at /b/

>> No.14853379
File: 56 KB, 837x470, 1560677784217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of the midwits at 129.
I hate it, and want nothing but to escape reality. I have developed somewhat of a consoomer personality except the media I consume is more obscure and "out there" (relatively speaking). Even still, I don't even have the attention span to really be immersed in anything so I mostly jump around a lot in what I'm interested in.

>> No.14853447

I find it interesting how almost nobody with a score between 85 and 125 posts in these threads.
I know you guys are out there lurking, and I can't blame you for not wanting to participate in this pretentious circlejerk.

>> No.14853462

There are plenty of people that posted below 125

>> No.14853468

What "out there" media do you consoom? I don't think an inability to concentrate is linked to 5 or so iq points.

>> No.14853471

Thank you for considering 129 to be king of midwits so I can safely take my position as peasant of witwits at 130.
I got a 90 when I took this test on another website lol

>> No.14853477

Some of these tests have 100+ questions and my score lowers significantly with those higher ones. I can't concentrate for an entire hour on pattern recognition questions. I think 60-80 questions is a good range for reliability in those taking the test and verifiability in the results.

A fellow 130 I see

>> No.14853559
File: 1.26 MB, 1440x1080, 1559415881814.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly imageboards; vidya like Yume Nikki, LSD Dream Emulator (I am really fascinated with dreaming and dream related media), roguelikes, etc.; esoteric literature and philosophy although I have a problem keeping up with reading. My music taste is very normalfaggish but it's incredibly broad to the point where I would just say a bit of everything.
In retrospect it isn't very out there.

>> No.14853568

Sounds about as esoteric as mine

>> No.14853572

If you're reading literature and philosophy surely you have at least a functional attention span. Most people today read much beyond the odd genre novel and pop-nonfiction book.

>> No.14853584

Like I said I have problems keeping it up. Sometimes I'm able to read a book to it's entirety, but most times I can only read a chapter then drop the book for couple or several of weeks.

>> No.14853594

Ritalin and coffee my friend, maybe try reading shorter amounts, but more frequently as well. 30 minutes a day with consistency helps build a better routine and then you work your way up. I find I'm most productive in the morning so that's when I read.

>> No.14853605

139. I have no special talents (perhaps aside from an aptitude for learning languages that's by no means preternatural), and have resigned myself to the fact that I will have to resort to no small amount of charlatanry if I'm to have any chance of "making it" as an academic. I'm depressed, but not quite so much this semester as I have been for the past couple years. I certainly have no ambitions as such: I just want to survive, be left alone, and acquire a wife at some point along the way.

>> No.14853609
File: 14 KB, 329x161, LIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, your SAT scores are a better prediction of your IQ than an online test.
Second, if you think taking an online test is representative of your IQ then at least your not a midwit.

>> No.14853617

I should add this is from a real test that a psychologist gave me when I was like 8, not one of these clickbait sites.

SAT hasn't tried to be an indicator of intelligence since like the 80s. And in any case the tutoring industry has just completely fucked any notion of standardized testing. I got 1540 btw

>> No.14853618

Data mine over in >>>/sci/ fren

>> No.14853635

What's been making you feel better recently? Does it have anything to do with whatever your readings are?

>> No.14853648

SAT prep courses have only shown to increase your score on average by 20 points in each section. So it is fairly indicative of iq.

>SAT hasn't tried to be an indicator of intelligence since like the 80s.
Why are they still looked at by prestigious universities, isn't the student body's GPA their academic bottom line?

>I should add this is from a real test that a psychologist gave me when I was like 8, not one of these clickbait sites.
This is a mensa practice test that's timed. Don't see how it's "clickbait".

>> No.14853678

>Why are they still looked at by prestigious universities?
Probably because they are so convenient and lack the institutional variation that goes into GPA. My high school GPA was definitely artificially inflated because I went to a private school that basically gave me an A by default. Afaik most top schools have gone to making it optional. That said, I'm surprised by the 20 points figure. I felt like it helped me quite a bit (although my score was already high).

And MENSA is itself the clickbait of learned societies. But sure, the test is "legit," idrc

>> No.14853909


About 280. Never joined Mensa because it's a scam, but I'm pretty damn smart. This thread is just for bragging, right?

>> No.14854146
File: 350 KB, 1236x835, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizoid, neet for 7 years, don't feel strongly about anything and am generally dead inside

>> No.14854190
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strange, that should increase your score
actually based. what do you do for a living?
wow, based aggie poster, are you me?
wow, neet for 7 years? how'd you manage that? sounds like fun! my hope is that the coronavirus fucks america so badly that being a neet will seem normal and not shameful.

I scored 128. feel like blasting my brains out. i want to be a polymath. i want to write poetry and literature and philosophy and paint and compose music and direct films and so on, but all polymaths have 150+ IQs, so i might as well give up.

>> No.14854432


>> No.14854747

As a 110 iq sub-midwit I am appalled at this thread because I thought the higher IQs were geniuses and instead they are /lit/ posters. Maybe the reason I can't relate to you guys is because you are literally out-of-my-reach smarter. Honestly, based also on other 120+ IQs I talked to this makes me give less of a crap about IQ overall because it doesn't seem like I can imagine living life on that mode and the appeal of being one step smarter is gone.

>> No.14854785
File: 28 KB, 720x544, e1fcd597-de59-4ad1-b3af-2135afbaf97e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one chance at life
>born in the 110-140 range
>suicide time

>> No.14854799

What posts don't you understand?

>> No.14854802

Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. You're far above average intelligence and many great men have had similar iqs.

>> No.14854909

Just seems odd how actual 120-130ers are usually weird and pathetic guys with several disorders that make them barely operational and here I am neither weird nor pathetic and it just seems incomprehensible to me lol.

>what posts
E.g. this guy >>14853559 (note: dont take the following seriously, this is a 110 iq post) looks to me like he doesn't even use his brain and his method of entertainment is looking at stuff he doesn't understand or that was never intended to be meaningful really hard. I'm sure a 130 IQer like him must be able to discern something there but it seems like a trap for his intelligence because I can't imagine e.g. the author of yume nikki doing much more than putting random stuff in the game that had some resonance. I dont know, I'm not even a midwit, and he and the other 130 IQs are free to do whatever, but I am incapable of actually looking up to that. Broken brains.

>> No.14854972

I'm 130 and I have a crippling anxiety disorder, so you have me there.

I don't think people in the 120-130 range see entertainment much differently than you do. We compartmentalize it, there's more rewarding and effort-intensive entertainment like books and works of philosophy(any complex hobby fits here) and then there's somewhat mindless stuff that you enjoy because it's a relaxing escape, like video games, tv, movies, etc. Whatever you're interested in is going to bleed into both those groups, the anon said he was interested in dreams, so his mindless entertainment includes that theme. He's not pursuing it out of purely intellectual interest. Someone that enjoys ancient mythology might read genre fantasy novels, but their intention isn't to analyze them and learn from them the same way.

>> No.14854980

A high iq doesn't equate to high conscientiousness, smart people can be just as good at wasting their time and being lazy.

>> No.14855123

I kinda rushed it coz it's nearly 2am here and I couldn't be fucked taking my time. I got 119 with 20 minutes to spare. But much more comprehensive IQ and cognitive testing last year (when I was getting tested for ass-burgers, and apparently I'm not a sperg) I got 129.

My world view is kinda shitty. People suck. The planet sucks. But I am a hard determinist. The universe is just an unfolding domino effect in real time. If there is an outside observer watching it happen, especially if they're the ones who set up the dominos, they can already see how it's going to end.
I have faith that we are being watched. The watcher/s ain't all good or all bad. They're just like us. Fucked up and in search of meaning. I guess that's us. They probably made us to try and fix something, same way some parents have kids for the same reason.

>there's a general trend of iqs shifting upwards, so 100 is no longer average
That's not how IQ works retard. 100 is always the baseline average. As people get smarter, most still cluster around the middle of the bell curve, the peak of which is arbitrarily assigned the value of 100.

>> No.14855209

An old IQ-test will compare you to what was average IQ at the time the test was standardized - which may be lower than todays average. So yes the baseline is 100, but this generation would score higher on the tests from 50 years ago. The quotient is scaled as it's modernized for 100 to be the average, but people's iqs are definitely increasing. You misunderstood what he meant, although he was a tad vague in his language.

>> No.14855216

In other words, their numerical iqs aren't increasing, but their actual intelligence is.

>> No.14855364

120 is still not rly midwit, and the test i took literally took days to complete and is far more thorough than 39 questions which are all matrix reasoning, the test I took had 15 different things to account for, matrix reasoning being only one of them. I got a 5th percentile score on matrices making them my weakest.

i just do be letting da people know that this is just matrix reasoning and if they got a full-scale iq they might have a lot better score.

>> No.14855386

Yea, I'd imagine the people that scored well here would be skewed higher with the linguistic sections.

>> No.14855424

Almost everyone here is above 120
I dont believe this shit

>> No.14855439

we're on a literary board that shitposts about which philosopher is the most based. The average's going to be higher here. I'd imagine people with lower scores aren't likely to post here either.

>> No.14855444


>> No.14855568

Got tested as a child (2nd Grade). Got 140. Online tests tell me I'm somewhere in that range (give or take 10). Life is good. I like things. There's really nothing more to say.

>> No.14855575 [DELETED] 

I'm 124 brainlet :c
Maybe I will have a future if I have enough discipline

>> No.14855579

130iq here

My view is that the vast majority of opinions and arguments are informed by overly simplified and misrepresented data. These problems that humanity faces can only be solved by thinktanks with experts in many fields, they're too multifarious for any small group, or single person. People's proclivity for success is determined by genetics and the obstacles in their way are environmental, they're really the same as everything's a deterministic illusion of free will(kind of an arbitrary distinction when morality is brought up), but we like to think of environment as being the more important and as a dynamic factor for success.

I'm currently in a math/physics major and studying philosophy with every spare class. I'd like to work in an arctic research base someday, staring out upon a drifting white plain in a permanent day is an aesthetic I'd very much like to experience. I write for pleasure, and if I ever publish fiction it'll be once I'm dead(unsure if I'd even want that).

I used to be depressed, but I've adopted the view that life is intrinsically death anyways, as it would be lopsided and meaningless binary otherwise. I'm not afraid of death, but dying is a phobia of mine. If I obtain a terminal illness I'd not like to die in a sterile hospital room, I think I'd take the "final overdose" and best case scenario see heaven once.

The day to day is fine, I drink coffee and learn new ideas. Getting out of bed and being earnestly curious, can't ask for much more.

>> No.14855596
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>tfw 105 iq brainlet sperg

>> No.14855620 [DELETED] 

I sympathize with you, brother
I'm only 124
Not enough to be someone

>> No.14855655

Yeah, actually. I feel like all my courses this semester are really coming together in a way they didn't last time. I also just think it's a matter of becoming more mature.

Also I got 130 on this dumbass test, but I didn't see the three last questions at the bottom lol. Might have paced myself differently if I had

>> No.14855714

jfl midwits taking the easier norway version

>> No.14855752


I will die young trying to conquer the world

>> No.14855795

I can look up to this anon.

>> No.14855807
File: 174 KB, 800x333, Great Leap Foward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've maxed out every IQ test (or SAT or whatever) I've ever taken, so I can't say for certain. I never studied for anything but always got top marks. But I couldn't be bothered to do homework so my grades were mostly B's. Even through my BA in physics and philosophy.

For a while I never really understood how people could have trouble learning something. Just read it, then you know it, right? Like what's the problem. But I understand better now how it is hard for people.
However, smarts aren't enough:

Ha, yeah we can. I used my intelligence to find a passive income stream that requires almost no effort from me a few years ago and now I just screw around on the internet all day.

It sounds nice, and sure it's ok, but I feel bad for not really doing anything with my life/intelligence, besides coasting on easy mode.

>> No.14855857

I can tell that someone hasn't thought too deeply about the subject when they equate laziness to stupidity. To be fair, they have the same symptoms, but they're not the same at all.

What means of passive income btw?

>> No.14855925

>tfw realize all the people you thought were retards are actually midwits

>> No.14855933

What do you mean by this?

>> No.14855962

nice larp, take the test in OP and upload your result if that's the case.

>> No.14856007
File: 886 KB, 893x618, 1543875610992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean me? I'm not equating laziness and stupidity. I'm saying having either and you aren't going to benefit society much.

Royalties on some patents. (For dumb things that won't help anyone) And I had access to a supercomputer about a decade ago that was still being tested and thought mining bitcoin would be funny then never bothered/forgot to cash out for a while, now it's in a variety of more standard market investments.

I don't care if you believe me, but is it so hard to believe someone in the world is both very smart and very lazy? People's lives turn out weird. Anyhow I'm going to take a nap.

>> No.14856012

141, but I sure as fuck don't feel it

>> No.14856021

I was speaking generally.

And I think he believes you're lying because it's a bold claim made on the internet.

>> No.14856092

>I scored 128. feel like blasting my brains out. i want to be a polymath. i want to write poetry and literature and philosophy and paint and compose music and direct films and so on, but all polymaths have 150+ IQs, so i might as well give up.
Literally nobody has ever done any of this and if they did it was all medicore

>> No.14856257

130 to 139 on legit, 145-high120s in semilegit
Midwit legion — too smart to be neurotypical, too stupid to make a difference. Don't expect us.

>> No.14856291
File: 8 KB, 220x147, nognogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the origin of RAPPING? Most sites copy from Memepedia and it is just a bunch of vague sociopsicoanthropotranscendental BS. It says it connects to griot in West Africa because people used to tell stories in the form of rhymes, but in the West, poetry (and thus rhymes) date as far back as Ancient Greece and Mesopotamia. What is the origin of rap, or is there no origin, just something that pops up spontaneously in cultures?

>> No.14856334

Basically this:
I think you’re misinterpreting pleasure, whereas I’m thinking of it more as a building block of ‘fulfillment’ or whatever you’d call it.

If life brought absolutely no pleasure, then it probably wouldn’t be worth living, no.

>> No.14856456

>what do you do for a living?
Postman. It's actually really good because I'm done working at 10 in the morning and doing bike for 4 hours everyday keep me fit. I'm just probably going to get fired in a few years, people just don't use letters anymore.

>> No.14856530

I'm 120 IQ.
I used to be depressed but I haven't been lately. I've been trying not to stress out as much and just expect and accept my failures in life. I'm almost 30 so I feel like I have a good idea of who I am now.
I'm still really perfectionistic... I wish I could do something about that. I need to keep doing more things that I might fail at to build up mental callouses against failure.

>> No.14856541
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I am that second poster you replied to. Why are you making so many assumptions about me? I understand both LSD and Yume Nikki are probably jibberish le random games (although there is a strong case that YN might not be given many people think Madotsuki's dreams suggest she was raped, and I am somewhat of that opinion. That isn't provable though since the original creator is off-the-grid basically) and that's partially why I like them, along side the aesthetic and my fascination with dreams. If you are assuming as well that I don't understand esoteric literature or that it supposed to be that meaningful, I would somewhat agree in theory because I'm not that deep into it, so I don't understand completely, and most esoteric literature is New Age corruption and LARPing, which is mostly meaningless.
I wouldn't project your brainletism on others, especially since I didn't really give you enough to make that judgement in the first place.

>> No.14856560

*it isn't supposed

>> No.14856597

That's great, I'm happy for you. There is such serenity in not having to worry abour your schooling or future and I totally agree that you may just be maturing. So what kinds of courses are you taking?

And yeah I get you haha. You really have to prime your mind for these things, right?

>> No.14856641

I normally don't make these assumptions because they make people look like fools to me, but since one of the anons asked for an example, I picked your post at random and forced myself to evaluate it. Like I said, don't take it seriously.

>> No.14856775
File: 31 KB, 640x437, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his method of entertainment is looking at stuff he doesn't understand or that was never intended to be meaningful really hard.
The appeal isn't in finding meaning, but in not finding it.

>> No.14857062

Subgenius reporting in.

>> No.14857132
File: 662 KB, 876x1444, 1555200981746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, people on the internet say all kinds of crazy. Take it as a thought exercise, if one were smart enough to find living easy but too lazy to do much more than that, would they find that sufficiently satisfying? I say no. Would that person realize the problem? Yes, but they still might not overcome it.

>> No.14857498
File: 300 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200309-010847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can get the last few ones but I almost run out of time, so I just just gave up and pressed the button, maybe that's the point.

>> No.14857747
File: 163 KB, 723x666, 1582751155165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He answered "No."

>> No.14857810

128 subgenius joining in on the suicide watch

>> No.14857839

110 king of retards reporting in

>> No.14857878

I'm gonna join Church Of Subgenius
Better than Mensa

>> No.14857924

Not him, but thank you anon. I probably have some inferiority complex apart from my clinical depression, and of course nothing's ever good enough, not even an IQ of 128. You've given me some important words to remember during times of weakness. Thank you for that.

>> No.14857974
File: 39 KB, 542x483, 1579724289916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a 110 iq sub-midwit I am appalled at this thread because I thought the higher IQs were geniuses and instead they are /lit/ posters
Lmao fucking based

>> No.14857975

Absolutely, and I'm happy I could improve your mood and disposition. You can do better for yourself and the world around you than you imagine, and you will.

>> No.14858047

Tell me, do you happen to have any tips on how to beat this strange feeling of being a disembodied actor without agency? This strange feeling that if i wanted to go outside, to do something creative, to socialize, to live and to love, there would be an invisible wall preventing me from interacting with the world outside the most boring flatscreen TV on the world, my bedroom window?

>> No.14858058

>skip all the questions
>iq result = 500
>I am genius

>> No.14858220

Do you mean something similar to dissociation, or is your challenge intellectual, like your journey through literature and contemplation has brought you to this crossroads where you feel utterly disillusioned with life? Okay so anecdote but, my closest friend has been a major factor in me pressing on an intellectual and, just, human level, because she and I challenge each other, constantly discuss our readings shared and independent, and we prop each other up in that sense. Like I truly believe you can invoke yourself through meaningful relationships and the awe of top tier art. Being challenged and engaged in all these interrelated ways is really powerful, emotionally. Yes, the best can be daunting to measure up to, but this goes back to my earlier IQ convo. Let me know if I'm mistaken/not addressing your difficulties, because I can say more, but I'm unsure so sorry if I'm not.

>> No.14858300
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Not him, but your best bet is to just throw yourself into things until you get used to the feeling. Blank your brain out to get rid of the analysis paralysis, the idea of the approach and the potential consequences.
I don't think I've ever had chronic disassociation but I feel like the feeling can be shook by finding ways to challenge yourself. I recommend researching nature trails near where you live and to start taking progressively more difficult hikes. When you're out in nature for long enough, all you are is yourself.

You aren't going to change much by waiting for something to happen. You need to consistently spark motivation until being who you want to be becomes a habit. That's difficult, but there's a secret trick to get around procrastination and stalling; by remembering that you don't have to do anything, that you WANT to do things.

>> No.14858434
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Indeed, I hear 120s are the happiest.
But I don't really understand how mid-wit doesn't include the literal middle of the scale. Are we using it just as a word to insult people? What are 90-110 IQ purple called?

I wouldn't mind looking better but that guy is freaky.

>> No.14858505

>Caring about IQ
is there anything more pretentious, more attention seeking?

>> No.14858533

i doubt you understand just how well supported IQ as a tool is, even despite having a legion of midwit researchers who spend their lives failing to debunk the research behind it.

>> No.14858541

successful life outcomes of almost every kind correlate with IQ

>> No.14858545

Taking IQ/Astrology/MBTI threads seriously enough to come in and say they're retarded when everyone in those threads either already knows and is just having fun or takes it too seriously for your crappy generic post to ever change their mind.

>> No.14858546
File: 344 KB, 1359x685, iqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's me

>> No.14858561
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>Do you mean something similar to dissociation, or is your challenge intellectual, like your journey through literature and contemplation has brought you to this crossroads where you feel utterly disillusioned with life
I'm unsure of the former. The latter, yes, that is the case, that's not the issue i see to be at the root of things: this root issue is emotional, i believe. I've generally got quite a deterministic view of consciousness, and how emotions play into human rationale. And so, the way i explain my current predicament is, my emotions are fucking up, neurochemicals misfiring and seriously throwing my rationale off-balance. The fact that i am disillusioned with life i attribute more to my emotions biasing my worldview rather than my worldview biasing my emotions. And i've known some hardcore nihilists, some of the happiest and least depressive people i've ever met.

Back to me, me, me. Even if i want to actually go out there and interact with the world, yknow, even just get that sense that i can go to the hardware store, and i can build a homemade flamethrower, and i can meet the love of my life, and i can just abandon everything and start another, beautiful and short life somewhere far away, all these possibilities just feel unattainable, yknow? Like you're watching from a glass box as the world ages around you, and you with it. But i never have that visceral sense of connection, or perhaps that sense of purpose, that fully developed adults seem to have. That instinctual extension between cause, effect, want, and action. It's strange, i hope you're able to decipher something from my ramblings.

>> No.14858617
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>the feeling can be shook by finding ways to challenge yourself
Kind of, but not in the way you think, and certainly not in a positive way. I get mini-panic attakcs, yknow, light-headed, heart pounding, extreme anxiety, the whole 9 yards as it were, whenever i challenge myself in non-trivial ways. This includes intellectual activities, competitive activities (my body gets so terrified of the notion of losing that i never even start to compete), and probably many more, or maybe many less things than what i've mentioned so far. I don't know, perhaps these are just excuses.

>When you're out in nature for long enough, all you are is yourself.
I mentioned that i don't have dissociation, but actually i've occasionally had some mild symptoms that can be interpreted as such. One of those being, i don't feel like i've got a real personality. I am what i act like, but it's so easy to completely change the way i act. One day i want nothing more than to be left alone. The next day i'm the charismatic extravert, everyone's flocking around me. Another day i'm the creepy autist. I do have a real personality, a regular modus operandi, but i don't feel like i do. Again, i interpret this as, well, i do have a personality, no doubt about it. And it might not be mature, but it's decently developed, at least considering i have no real life experience and am a sheltered city-dweller. But i simply don't feel like i have a personality. It changes ofc, one day i feel fine, the next day i want to die, and then back at it again.

So maybe i will be myself in nature. Why is this temporary change in behavior going to benefit me? I hardly feel abstract pleasure either way, i won't appreciate the aesthetics of the woods. The beauty of nature. Fuck no. I won't appreciate being myself, for all i know i'll get stuck in a violent thought loop, and decide i never again want to act like the pretentious little emotional faggot i so aspire to be just to feel something profound again, like i did as a child, when every book, videogame, building and tree had their personality, feeling, mood, aura. And the trip will have given me nothing. Because, as i mentioned, i think my issue is fundamentally emotional, not rational.

>by remembering that you don't have to do anything, that you WANT to do things.
But that fact is just a banquet for my depressive tendencies. I want to do things? Then i won't succeed in them.

But fundamentally, don't trust my assessments of myself. I'm either completely blowing things out of proportion or omitting some very obvious info that would immediately make you realize that my situation isn't nearly as bad as i make it out to be. But i don't know.

>> No.14858873
File: 649 KB, 1920x970, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, you're right about midwit meaning the middle - ~115. The 130s and fakers are just masturbating of their perceived intelligence.

I normally use people's political opinions as the litmus test for iq. I'd say midwit is defo 100-115 (one standard deviation above average). I don't believe anyone genuinely intelligent can come to conclusions like: democracy good, women's rights good, real socialism/ communism has never been tried etc. but those who are about 115+ i think at least start to question the mainstream narrative that they are fed, even if they never completely reject it.

>> No.14858896

There is something called "conservative syndrome" that describes the correlation between right-wing thinking and lower intelligence. Granted it is only a correlation, the fact still exists that right wing people in general score lower on tests of every variety. I don't think this supports your hypothesis that 115+ IQs are generally those to reject the list of beliefs you enumerated.

>> No.14858951
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those opinions are strictly "right wing" but I see what you're saying.

The way I see it, and based on everyone's favourite anprim, leftism is manifestation of oversocialisation and inferiority complexes - who is most likely to suffer from these neuroses but midwits who are more susceptible to both feelings of inferiority (in the presence of those they know instinctively to be intellectually superior to them) and programmable guilt complexes (i.e. oversocialisation).

As a corollary to this general thesis, we can assume those who actually possess higher intelligence aren't succeptible to feeling inferior because they are in fact superior. I think lower iq people are more typically right wing because their minds aren't formed in such a way that makes them capable of the various neuroses that are a result of oversocialisation. They are less likely to give a fuck about being perceived as non-conformist

>> No.14858953

What blows me away is how "high IQ" individuals can still be profoundly uninteresting, not sure if it's because "high IQ" + creativity equals interesting, but there's something missing for me.

>> No.14859013

>those who actually possess higher intelligence aren't succeptible to feeling inferior because they are in fact superior
don't agree with this assumption
>less likely to give a fuck about being perceived as non-conformist
your run-of-the-mill right winger actually does have conformist beliefs within his milieu though, unless you're talking about literal monarchists or something

>> No.14859081

If you're gen high iq (and not meme tier high iq) as in 120+ (which is classified as "gifted" by most metrics) you might feel inferior to those who make truly great art or contributions to society but I doubt it ever manifests as a complex where you intensely identify with repulsive or defeated peoples in the ways that leftists do. Sure, you might always play second fiddle to a Mozart or Rembrandt, but whether or not you did you're still very very unlikely to be able to identify with the uninitiated who could never even hope to compete in the first place.

>your run-of-the-mill right winger actually does have conformist beliefs within his milieu though, unless you're talking about literal monarchists or something

To an extent, but having worked in a pub for five years I can tell you that grug-brained conservatives will bicker over the slightest discrepancies between beliefs. If they don't its because they generally don't have an ardour for intellectual debate and are the sort of people who always take the path of least resistance anyway. In any case, if they do conform, its for one of these reasons and certainly not for fear of being osctracised like their finicky midwit leftist counterparts, who have more to lose from a social perspective by not conforming.

>> No.14859253

Are you mocking me or just weirdly earnest? But without giving too much away, I study comparative literature with focuses on Greco-Roman and South Asian classics, as well as 19th century (English) poetry. This semester I'm taking courses on Hindu devotional literature, a Sanskrit work of aesthetics, literary theory, and political philosophy, all of which complement each other very nicely.

>> No.14859288

midwit neuroatypical gang RISE UP

>> No.14859316

having basedjak images saved is a strong indicator of low intelligence

>> No.14859331

No, I would not mock you, I'm just glad seeing people flourish. I really love a lot of what you study, wish we could talk about it in detail. I've spent a lot of time in Hinduism, my closest friends all know a lot about it too, and I love poetry. I'm sorry if I came across as sarcastic, I'm truly glad for you.

>> No.14859387


I was depressed for a long time, I like life alot, there's much to like about it and you have all the time in the world for the ups and downs and bits in between. Savour it

My advice, cliches and your gut

>> No.14859388
File: 200 KB, 968x556, wewuzkangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ape gang

>> No.14859550

Thanks Anon. Are you from India? I'm learning quite a lot about the aazhvaars, in particular Nammaazhvaar and Aantaal, and I also started learning Tamil recently. And I guess I could drop a Discord, although I confess I'd be more inclined to do so for a g*rl.

>> No.14859598
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sorry guys I really tried to be 120+

>> No.14859638

The smartest dude I know is a Liberal and rationalist type

>> No.14859641

No, I'm not from India, but yeah we can absolutely talk on Discord. My closest friends are just, all Indian, so I'm constantly discussing or hearing about such matters. I actually started learning Hindi, and two of my closest friends are from Tamil Nadu. And, I mean, we don't know what we both are so it's whatever, let's see if there's interest after some convo. lmk your username/id

>> No.14859643

I'm proud of you for posting! At least you were able to figure out how to take a screenshot! Its a real accomplishment for you!

>> No.14859654

Very well, I'm Adolf Hussein Obama#8413 (username has nothing to do with my political convictions, it's just something stupid). I can't really talk right away as I have a paper to finish writing.

>> No.14859671

Okay, that's fine. Thanks for adding.

>> No.14859770
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Maybe it's because I was raised Hindu by white people, but this was an excellent platonic romance story /lit/. I especially like the ending, adolf, very 4channel.

>> No.14859929

any one have a link to a free Wershler test?

>> No.14860584


He might very well be. But i'll bet he doesn't blindly believe/ really believe in the axioms I posted above which was what I was driving at. All these attempts to strawman my argument - that liberal=midwit - clearly didn't understand my initial post

>> No.14861072

>But i'll bet he doesn't blindly believe/ really believe in the axioms I posted above
Not the anon you're responding to, but he might for example believe in democracy not because democracy is good, but because since social change is inevitable, it's justified that citizens make the decisions about how they want to fuck up their lives, instead of some monarch.

>> No.14861362

Fucking 130 subhuman here. towards the end the tasks were getting difficult and I didnt know where to even start with them. What can I do to train and become better at understanding and solving those tasks?

>> No.14861667

>What can I do to train and become better at understanding and solving those tasks?
Quite a lot, probably. I can imagine there being some teachable strategies on how to pick out specific kinds of patterns even if you don't have the raw brainpower to come up with them yourself. But remember that mechanically learning to solve the questions in an IQ test does not actually raise your IQ. I wish it did though :(
t. 128

>> No.14861738


>I normally use people's political opinions as the litmus test for iq
>121 IQ
but you're literally too stupid for that.

>> No.14861848

Yea, my iq is only marginally higher than his and I thought that was stupid.

>> No.14862199

My strategy for the last few ones was to take individual pieces like a shape, color, size, placement and compare it only too others the same. You have to break it all down. Once you figure it out that small little piece it will inform the rest

>> No.14862254

You just described the test. This is what iq is, a higher iq individual will be able to do this with more pieces at once.

>> No.14862459

Are you saying it's a stupid thing to do am I just too stupid to undertake that assessment correctly?

>> No.14862481

4chan should have monthly IQ tests with results that are attached to all your posts.
However the results are completely random no matter what you answer on the test.

>> No.14862502
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I know so little when I really confront myself, I'm inclined to believe I'm in midwit limbo where most of the people around you misdiagnose your intellect, and it genuinely feels like torture to bare compliments when I'm all too honest with myself in this regard when it concerns comparing myself with people I see as "great'.
Catharsis aside, I have too much to learn and the angst in me tells me I don't have enough time, nor can I guarantee what I learn is worth it.

>> No.14862528

Both, because it's a faulty premise and because you don't have enough information to make a true assessment. People's politics are too multifarious in their origins, judging an individualist and a more conscientious person by the same metrics is stupid. You'd no doubt be biased because I'm sure you have political leanings. Any axiom like this is bound to break down sometime, so saying it as an absolute is naive af.

>> No.14862605

I don't want to take the test. However, I do know that I'm at least a little bit above average but no where near exceptional.

Apart from severe emotional trauma, I think depression is just a bad habit and a narrow outlook on life. There are ways to deal with it without resorting to drugs. That said, I'm very cynical about life in general and do sometimes feel depressed. I think I've experienced anhedonia for much of my life, but eventually realized that it was an attention issue caused by bad habits.

>> No.14862704

>above average
>no where
Sure you are, buddy.

>> No.14862749
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Maybe "litmus test" was the wrong analogy then (yet more evidence of my cripplingly low iq) but, generally, I do find that both extremities of the bell curve lean more towards right wing politics whilst the median espouses more liberal politics usually founded on force-fed axioms.

Obviously there are outliers and you can contest my premise all you want, but you have to develop heuristics in order to make sense of the world. Being infinitely reductive about this world and people's proclivities leads to nihilism and negates the ability to identify patterns (a useful attribute of high iq) to begin with because you are busily engaged in a systematic process of deconstruction of every facet of life rather than actively constructing a tenable worldview.

pic somewhat related

>> No.14862768

People talk about corona everyday, it's very boring.

>> No.14862790

Well at this point you're just arguing relativism vs objectivism.

I'm sure that belle curve would shift depending on the social climate and type of state you were in throughout history.

Aren't people born above 130 more likely to earn a lot more and therefore would lean toward a political theory with less taxation? The people below 85 are also more likely to be discriminatory towards what they see as "sin" in the impoverished and infrastructure to support them. Idk this all seems far too complicated to be explained with any one man's heuristics.

>Being infinitely reductive about this world and people's proclivities leads to nihilism and negates the ability to identify patterns (a useful attribute of high iq) to begin with because you are busily engaged in a systematic process of deconstruction of every facet of life rather than actively constructing a tenable worldview.
I just think intelligence is too nonspecific a qualifier for this, and reductionism isn't a worldview?

>> No.14862796

Yeah it is now that the NPCs have received their new programming update but this chart was made back at the end of January when it was still allegedly "nothingburger" and the facts were being surpressed for the sake of perpetuating the economy.

>> No.14862809

In all fairness, I do believe the stuff on the right side of that pic, but I don't think that's a marker for intelligence, and more a marker for conscientiousness and how much you keep up on the information to do with these things. There are plenty of intelligent people that would agree with the middle simply because they haven't cared to look any of it up.

>> No.14862869

>Infectivity is too high
>Incubation period too long
>Can be spread while incubated
Yeah, all of these are a recipe for disaster, and show just how badly governments around the world have fucked up in containing the virus. This should be cause for concern if a similarly infectious but more deadly disease were to start at another point in time.
>Lowers immune system reaction
This was unconfirmed as far as i'm aware(?)
Worth noting that of the 4 genetic strands it had in common with HIV, only 2 were actually present in their entirety. The 3rd strand was 67% similar, and the 4th strand was 33% similar. It's worth noting that either 2 or all of these strands exist in various other bat-based coronaviruses. This being said, it's very possible that the virus escaped from the laboratory.
>Bioweapons lab
It's true that the Wuhan laboratory is the only one in china with a level 4 infectious disease clearance. I haven't heard of anything indicating there to be a bioweapons lab, but that's a possibility. There was an incident 2 years ago where a chinese researcher was caught shipping coronavirus samples to the Wuhan laboratory in secret.
>60 million quarantined
Once again, it's highly infectious and with a notable fatality rate (around 3%, with the least affected, 0-19 so far having a 0% chance and 70+ having a 18% chance, but the numbers might have changed). Unsurprising they'd want to contain it while they still can.
>Airports running smooth
Agreed, this is an absolute fucking disgrace. Only Russia got it right.
>Silence from MSM
Eh, inconclusive.

>41 person study admits 14% mortality rate
Median age was 49 years. You goddamn moron.

>A recent cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, was caused by a novel betacoronavirus, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). We report the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, and radiological characteristics and treatment and clinical outcomes of these patients.
>"41 admitted hospital patients had been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection. Less than half had underlying diseases (13 [32%]). Median age was 49·0 years (IQR 41·0–58·0). All 41 patients had pneumonia with abnormal findings on chest CT. Complications included acute respiratory distress syndrome (12 [29%]), RNAaemia (six [15%]), acute cardiac injury (five [12%]) and secondary infection (four [10%]). 13 (32%) patients were admitted to an ICU and six (15%) died"
Worth noting that all 41 patients had pneumonia - this does NOT mean that ALL infected have pneumonia, but that of the group that was diagnosed both with covid-19 and pneumonia (since those were the criteria for the case study), 100% had pneumonia. Shocker


>> No.14862874

Well, as I see it, the societal problems we face today ARE a result of moral relativism and nihilism which are both products of deconstruction and post-modernity. In another epoch in which false objectivist ideologies were in the ascendancy, maybe i'd look more favourably on relativism.

But in this current historical moment, relativism is leading us into a state of utter chaos which is self-perpetuating because it eschews anything that might usefully fill the power vacuum as authoritarian and overly objectivist (i.e. muh nazi argument). So you end up with sprawling Kafkaesque bureaucracies and federations which are backed by a oligarchical cabal of international financiers and rootless cosmopolitans. This system is quite evidently not sustainable as it is destroying culture as we know it.

So yeah, I am going to stick with my current worldview for the time being because its expedient to my basic survival and life choices to look at it in such a way.

>> No.14862877

(Cont. 2/2)

>I do find that both extremities of the bell curve lean more towards right wing politics
If we're dealing with anecdotes, another anon claimed that every single intelligent academic he knew was far-left. It's your word against his, not very convincing. And this is coming from a right-leaning person.

>but you have to develop heuristics in order to make sense of the world
True. That is an excuse to try to reach the truth even though probability says you will still be dead wrong. That's fine. It's not an excuse, however, to develop some retarded anecdotal understanding of the world, and when challenged on the subject say: "Oh, well, you see, i had no choice as it is necessary to develop heuristics in order to participate in politics". Well, you see, your heuristics suck ass.

>Being infinitely reductive about this world and people's proclivities leads to nihilism and negates the ability to identify patterns
This isn't an issue with being reductive, but with both being reductive and not understanding cumulative probability, roughly speaking.

>130 IQ verdict:
It's happening, but you'll probably be fine.

>> No.14862921
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I got into the real mensa, so presumably >130.
>how you feel about life in general, are you depressed etc
I wouldn't say depressed as much as I feel lost and aimless. Since childhood, everyone's always been jerking me off about how smart I supposedly am, but I often feel like a midwit, and my life so far has been a succession of failures. I think a lot of people on this website can relate to that.
I never truly fell into hopelessness though, because I wholeheartedly believe in a higher purpose and that everything will turn out fine in the end. I'd like to reconcile this belief with my general attitude towards the world in order to be satisfied with my life, but I can't get out of the loop of anxiety I've created for myself

>> No.14862926

>because its expedient to my basic survival
Is it?

You're partaking in moral relativism rn, societal objectivism died with nationalism, you're just qualifying certain ideologies over others with this disorganized metric and claiming it's in service of the objective good.

>Kafkaesque bureaucracies and federations which are backed by a oligarchical cabal of international financiers and rootless cosmopolitans
This has been the case since the dawn of capitalism.

>This system is quite evidently not sustainable as it is destroying culture as we know it.
Because it's "destroying culture" it's unsustainable?

>> No.14862934

based fact-checking anon

>> No.14862995
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thank you (genuinely) for the updated information and for presenting it like this. I didn't actually make the chart, I just wanted to attach something which was bell-curve related so that i'd get a reply.

>If we're dealing with anecdotes, another anon claimed that every single intelligent academic he knew was far-left. It's your word against his, not very convincing. And this is coming from a right-leaning person.

It would be wrong of me to dispute an anecdote especially as my own experiences with my professors proved the same. I would say two things though:
A) As a professor, and where an incorrect belief system can often cost you your job, you're more likely to publicly extol far-left virtues in order to fit in with your social strata, even if you yourself don't believe in them.
B) This is one instance where oversocialistion might actually affect people with legitimately higher (i.e. 130+) iq, see pic related. People that value a pampered lifestyle over actual intellectual integrity (look how Peterson broke down when confronted with Solzhenitsyn's other book).

>retarded anecdotal understanding of the world
I've ignored literally all the advice I've ever been given from leftist teachers, and leftists in my life and so far it has worked out great - faith in God, virgin gf, law degree from a good uni, lots of friends who respect me for being honest about my opinions despite not agreeing. But again this is just another anecdote so you won't accept that even though I can't provide you with any stronger evidence.

>This isn't an issue with being reductive, but with both being reductive and not understanding cumulative probability, roughly speaking.
Could you please explain how not understanding cumulative probability leads to nihilism?

>130 IQ
Now you're asking me to accept YOUR anecdotal evidence about your IQ which is probably closer to 100 lol

>> No.14863072

>societal objectivism died with nationalism
Doesn't mean you can't be a Christian objectivist.

>This has been true since the dawn of capitalism
True, but I'm referring to the supranational federations (EU, UN, SCO, NATO etc.) which prop up the current Pax Americana (which is coming to an end).

>Because "destroying culture" is unsustainable
Probably, too early to tell yet but the mono-culture experiment has mostly failed thanks to the internet, a reaction to the wilful degeneration of society is inevitable eventually (look at the up swing in the popularity of religions right wing movements) and we all know what happened to the Weimar Republic.

>> No.14863170
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>thank you (genuinely) for the updated information and for presenting it like this. I didn't actually make the chart, I just wanted to attach something which was bell-curve related so that i'd get a reply.
Of course, that's very understandable. Apologies for the insult.

I forgot to mention a few things so i'll specify them here:
The Chinese researcher was sending coronavirus samples to Wuhan from a lab in Canada
I'm actually unsure which specific strands of the 4 also appear in other coronaviruses, but from my foggy memory i'd say either 2, 3 or all 4. I might be completely wrong here though.

>It would be wrong of me to dispute an anecdote especially as my own experiences with my professors proved the same(...)
Alright, you've got a workable theory going on. I'll shed the bravado i displayed in my original message just for a little bit if you don't mind, because this is getting interesting. Without a concrete source it can go either way, and i'm not prepared to make a bold claim like "the most intelligent people are right wing" without some hard data. And whether or not the most intelligent people are right wing or not doesn't really matter that much, what matters is that right-wing ideas are (in my, and probably your opinion too) more pragmatic and realistic than the ideas of the modern left.

>I've ignored literally all the advice I've ever been given from leftist teachers, and leftists in my life and so far it has worked out great
Sounds great. Any life advice for a young adult? Do's and dont's?

>But again this is just another anecdote so you won't accept that even though I can't provide you with any stronger evidence.
I am willing to posit that your anecdote has actually happened as you describe it - even if it isn't hasn't, such a string of events has surely taken place at another time and place, meaning that so far so good. I don't accept anecdotes as models of the world though, for example "I ignored advice from lefties and turned out good, therefore all advice from lefties should be ignored since it's bad advice" is a platitude and an anecdote i would not accept. So, yeah, in your personal experience both extremes of the bell curve may lean towards right wing politics, but your personal opinion of the world does not count as an actual, accurate description of the world. So tell me, since i've congratulated you for having a good life for not believing lefties, where are you going to take that anecdote next?

>Could you please explain how not understanding cumulative probability leads to nihilism?
Refusing to see patterns (U.S. blacks are just as intelligent as U.S. whites are, all christians are bad and all muslims are good) are actually not signs of nihilism but the complete opposite of it - these are signs of a highly dogmatic moral system, hence not understanding pattern recognition. True nihilists tend to be more pragmatic, as when nothing has intrinsic value you can only measure the world through cause and effect.

>> No.14863256

Capitalize your I's

>> No.14863264

i refuse, fight me

>> No.14863287

Why do you refuse? Are you too lazy? Too stupid? Just gay and annoying?

>> No.14863317

>Any life advice for a young adult
I am one myself, don't want to dox myself by revealing too many details but I'm <25. I really don't feel qualified to be giving out life advice. My main advice would be to read the Bible (NIV for accessibility ONLY, and then KJV for authentic message) and dedicate at least a year to trying to understand it's messages. Tip: It's not trying to prove that God exists, so don't make that mistake that many anons do. It's the only book that will make you come to terms with your material condition.
Other than that I'd say don't do a meme degree, if you're going to do a degree at all or are doing one, make sure its vocational and 100% necessary to qualify (medicine, law, architecture, most STEM etc.) otherwise you can self-teach anything else or get a trade. My one regret is not taking up a respectable trade when I was 16 and becoming a carpenter of some shit instead of trying to become a slimy lawyer with 60k debt, but hey that's the path i set about before I got to where I am now and I may as well try to make the best of it as ethically as possible.

>i'm not prepared to make a bold claim like "the most intelligent people are right wing"

Chris Langan is the smartest man in America by IQ (195 as a conservative estimate) today and he is a conspiracy theorist "far-right" proponent. Not saying this is conclusive but you asked for hard facts.
Other notable right wing intellectuals today would be: Kaczynski, Land, Yarvin (Moldbug), BAP (to an extent). I almost balk from even using the word "intellectual" because to me it connotes the liberal intelligentsia who are full of nothing but he hatred they so vehemently claim to oppose. I don't necessary agree with all of these people but almost all of them have influenced my politics in some way.

>where are you going to take that anecdote next?
Probably just expanding on it and accounting for outliers and exceptions as I'm doing now.

>> No.14863321
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Too straight and alpha to care about what some grammarnazi faggot thinks of my english on the internet, yes

>> No.14863341

Also forgot to say, that left wing/ right wing divide is kind of a meme to pigeon hole certain views, the antiquated political compass is not really robust enough for the current age with the tech/anti-tech dialectic coming into vogue.

>> No.14863358

>waste time studying something your not passionate about but will “give you a good life in the future” with a “good job”
Not very /lit/ friend, I'm in a math/physics program though so I'm not one to talk, it's not like I'm studying russian poetry, or something similar.

>> No.14863425

I don't give a fuck about board culture.

>> No.14863452

>Not saying this is conclusive but you asked for hard facts
Of course. Then i'll counter with a fact. William James Sidis, with an estimated IQ of 250-300, was arrested for participating in a violent socialist rally. Although more convincing than your anecdotes would be simply going out there and finding a research paper confirming your personal opinion (and i have little doubt you could find such an article within 15 minutes of googling)

>It's the only book that will make you come to terms with your material condition
In what way? I'm an atheist, so it better be a damn good message.

>Other than that I'd say don't do a meme degree
I've been thinking computer science. Seems easy and fun enough. Perhaps architecture, but i'm relatively bad at drawing. What do you think?

>I almost balk from even using the word "intellectual" because to me it connotes the liberal intelligentsia who are full of nothing but he hatred they so vehemently claim to oppose
I feel ya brother

>Probably just expanding on it and accounting for outliers and exceptions as I'm doing now.
Well go right ahead. I've got some time to kill.

>> No.14863463

That's also true.

>> No.14863480

126 IQ here, according to a real mensa test. Kind of same with the being jerked off by everybody because I did well in school and I acted in a way that seemed intelligent. In truth, as an adult now, I have no ongoing intellectual activities or successes to show for it, for various reasons and failures in the past, many of them social since socially speaking I am an extremely maladaptive autist who is generally blind to the things even other autists notice. I've also discovered that some skills or talents seemingly don't depend on IQ that much and within certain fields, it's possible to be close to a true retard who can't learn or improve if you simply weren't born talented in a very specialized way; which sucks if they are the ones that captivate you. I'm kind of just wasting my IQ away because I essentially don't want to be a productive intellectual in the public sense of this word, and this would be alright if not for the nagging sense that this was not how it was meant to be. Intellectual figures still elicit the most respect out of me. Well, life is freedom.

>> No.14863481

What degree did you take anon?

>> No.14863578

>(and i have little doubt you could find such an article within 15 minutes of googling)
I really should've googled things myself before posting this. Regardless, i found that members of the triple nine society espoused mostly libertarian (aka classical liberal) views, and that Sidis in his later years wrote articles in support of libertarianism as well. As a libertarian minarchist, this is cool to know, but thoroughly useless when it comes to actual argumentation for and against political ideas, if anything this information might make my judgement more prone to error than before.

>> No.14863680

So all three then

>> No.14863710

lmao, good one

>> No.14863985


Very interdasting, I didn't know this

>> No.14864111
File: 512 KB, 1748x1125, C5CDF9D5-0774-4D73-B31E-A82B585C6F97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t study, for the record. Not sure if there’s a way to correlate it to an IQ score.

>> No.14864937

I always get bored like 10 questions in then stop

>> No.14864966

>145 on 2 different psychological tests
>I'm in mensa and the people there are mostly boring, with some pretty heavy drama sprinkled in, nice for hooking up tho.

>Life and human society is cognitive dissonance held together by sex

>> No.14864968

>nice for hooking up tho
Well now you have my attention...

>> No.14864981

Dear geniuses, you do realize 50% of you suppose to be scoring below 100 for it to be legit? It's everyday i see shit everywhere. People talk about shit as if it's gold . The fuck is world so sureal?

>> No.14864986

Not many low iq people are hitting up obscure literary boards. It makes sense the people here would be above average.

>> No.14865030

How many black public-school educated reality-tv-watching weed smoking smoothbrains are frequenting /lit/? There's obviously going to be some selection bias.

>> No.14865037

you're not really helping your case by replying to an obvious jokepost in a serious way

>> No.14865059

I try to work under the optimistic assumption that every anon is sincere.

>> No.14865081

Who are you and why are you canvassing 4chan?


>> No.14865095

There are so many stories

One girl I went on a date with to discover there was no connection, so I straight up told her I could only do fwb. She replied she thinks it won't work because she always develops feelings that way. I said ok then no thx, which made her very horny. (to this day I cannot believe how thirsty women get if you reject them). We made out in the the back alley of the bar and then I said alright I'm going home. She joined me because her bus station was right in front of my apartment. The bus left right wen we walked around the block, next coming in 15min. She tried to convince me to let her "crash" at my place but I was hammered and knew tshe would take advantage of me and I that I would not say no. We talked and made out for 15mins, when the bus came. We made out some more to say goodbye, when the bus driver shook his head and drove off. Defeated I offered her to crash at my place with the caveat "nothing's happening" - Then we fucked like rabbits. As much as that's possible with whiskeydick.

After that she said "ok let's try fwb's, I think I can handle it." long story short - she couldn't. I had to devise a manipulative plan for her to "break up" with me, if it was the other way around it would make it awkward at mensa events, because our group was pretty small back then and I don't wanted drama.

>> No.14865277

I wouldn't join Mensa if I was 130, I would feel like a brainlet in between various 135-145.

>> No.14865294

Well you must be very handsome to begin with right? Anyways that's all surprisingly normie shit for an organization with such a bad rep

>> No.14865348

you type like a faggot

>> No.14865374
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It really be like that, the unspoken rule is "don't talk about your IQ" but there really is a discernible difference between 130 and 145. Then again, Mensa taught me that I'm not as good at measuring IQ as I thought I was, because there are people in this organization I would have given a sub100 if you asked me. IQ is fickle, it is basically just pattern recognition but how you come across to others is a whole different story.

Actually I'm a 5'7 manlet, very charismatic though. Mensa IS normie shit. First thing people are surpised about is that Mensans are not talking about rocket science and Wittgenstein but rather drink and play boardgames. Just think about it - The ONLY thing people in mensa have in common is high IQ, nothing else. It's still a pretty boring average of society. Different interests, different skills, different personalities. The facebook drama though, that is to die for. Maybe it has something to do with gifted people growing up being a big fish in a small tank and thinking their opinion has a certain weight because they are "high iq". Well, just imagine putting 1000 of them in a fb group.

If you want to know anything more or any particular Mensa stories; I'm glad to answer

>> No.14865383

What is Mensas rep? In my country people don't even know it exists.

>> No.14865385

being happy and well adjusted is more desirable than being an autistic brainiac

fight me nerds

>> No.14865432

Most high IQ people repress their personality and peculiarities early on to avoid the obligatory normalfag bullying

>> No.14865439

that's called being an introvert

>> No.14865524

You don't say much at all

>> No.14865605

180. I skipped two grades and earned my BS at 19. However I have trouble socializing and oppose wage slavery so I've been NEET for several years now.

>> No.14865609

they are the same

>> No.14865610

125 here.
Do you plan on furthering your education? Perhaps a postgraduates? If you’ve complete your BS by 19 then you’re far ahead of most people.

>> No.14865628

Anyone else here not advancing as fast as they could, because the pursuits are rarely 'worth it' in your perception and value framework? Like, can't bring myself to study hard and try hard and maximize uni grades and uni reputation because it's not Harvard or Oxford or Cambridge, so it's pointless and shit anyways, and trying hard among brainlets seems like something below your dignity?
Also probably in childhood and in early stages of academia, like first year of uni you could get by your natural talent and aptitude, but past entry-level difficulty it's all about repeated, stable and regular effort put in, and this is where midwits and dumbos thrive, because midwits and dumbos had to rely on this all their life, while smarter folks kind of had to learn how to learn?

>> No.14865649

Also, being high IQ without being highly attractive physically is just recipe for suffering, it's a mental torture. At least dumbos and midwits will be able to trick themselves or even geniunely think that other things matter, and maybe if they work hard and be polite and pleasant and make good impression life will come together for them.
I would even say that trading 10-15 points of IQ for a marginal increase in physical attractiveness is absolutely a good deal. Or even more, so long as you are left with 110-115 IQ, cushy easy comfortable life where you will just follow the current while applying minimal effort and still get more than 99% of people.
Being 130-140+ and highly attractive must be like playing a videogame with cheats. Literally almost anything you want you can do easily.

>> No.14865762
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I just work all day because I have nothing else to live for. I've lost all my friends pursuing my dream. I threw away all my relationships to make my ambitions come true. I thought I was smart enough, powerful enough to make anything I wanted come true, but now I'm all alone, every single day, and I just study all day.

Don't pursue your dreams guys. Just treasure what you have now.

>> No.14865867

what are?

>> No.14865871

yeah, this happened to me, made me suicidal almost, i felt like i was overqualified for the category i was "wrongly" put in

>> No.14865877

>Being 130-140+ and highly attractive must be like playing a videogame with cheats. Literally almost anything you want you can do easily.

can't imagine what that'd be like... fuck, life is so unfair
how do i even cope, i'm a balding average midwit

>> No.14865881

This has always bothered me: why and how is your determined by how good you can recognize patterns? Seems like there should be a lot more to it than that.

>> No.14865885

that's all intelligence boils down to desu, pattern processing

>> No.14865990

>Very interdasting, I didn't know this
Yeah, well they were just a result of a preliminary search, so don't take the results too seriously. There's a detailed breakdown of beliefs in the triple nine society questionnaire, but the article Sidis wrote on the subject seems to be lost to time. There are some other writings of his that supposedly espouse libertarian views (Notably a paper called something like "On Rights") but i haven't bothered to look through that one. It's on sidis.net though.

>> No.14866184

I am 121 and I am fucking depressed to a point where I can't go to work.

>> No.14866570

>tfw 145 perceptual reasoning and verbal comprehension
>but 87 processing speed