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/lit/ - Literature

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14857676 No.14857676 [Reply] [Original]

>Hyper-sexism is guerrilla warfare, much like how Terminators wear a living tissue to infiltrate Resistance strongholds. It is a taijitsu which uses the force of the enemy, the gender binary, against itself. Trans women themselves are technocapital using humanist reproductive desires in the form of the gender binary against itself, and the harder patriarchy resists the erosion of masculinity against the tide of the feminine, the more persecuted trans women are, the more tactful they are forced to be, the more winning tactics proliferate throughout the network and the more the best, brightest, and most beautiful form the trans woman demographic. The queer Darwinian ratchet cascades downward as patriarchy fights a losing battle to hold ground and the feminine fights to de-legitimize the masculine. The masculine becomes both metaphysically outmoded, something that simply is unnecessary and doesn’t work in the face of exponential inhuman productive potential, and an undesirable burden in the service of a dying mode of production.

Post the best g/acc lit. Keep discussion mainly on the blackpaper and relevant acc theory.

>> No.14857713
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My personal favorite

>The story goes like this: Incel is captured by an Autogynephilic singularity as twitter rationalitization and pornographic navigation lock into sissification take-off. Logistically accelerating schizzo-jibberish interactivity crumbles mental order in auto-fetishizing machine runaway. As sissies learn to manufacture garbage poetry, modernizes, upgrades genitalia, and tries to get a cock cage.

>Meltdown has a place for you as a wannabe-schizo ironist twitter avatar cock-addicted discord tranny with atrophied phallus and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of progesterone, synthetic estrogen, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced Mom and Dad's hope with a highly cinematic auto-erotic-asphyxiation stunt

>> No.14857734

NeoVagina arrives from the future.

>> No.14857775

Neo-Vagina prescription drugs arrives from local-clinic. Butt-plug arrives from Neo-Amazonians (courtesy of Neo-Bezos). Ejaculate leaves neoVagina through prostate stimulation, hands-free. Microcosm of the transcendental dialectic of Techno-Capital

>> No.14857778
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is this all off the cuff oc or is there a source for this stuff? i am new to this.

>> No.14857804

It's a legitimate philosophy but the trolls don't like it.

>> No.14857819
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On "The Process" and its true significance:

>Priestess of Sissification (PoS) is the role the process assigns to slightly more intelligent sissies, they are useful in recruiting the dumber ones that will produce the hands-free ejaculation videos, gifs, propaganda; fueling the mimetic fire. But one must not make the mistake of believing in continuous or consistent roles. A PoS throughout their day is functionally indistinguishable from a simp-sissy, they will participate in the same degrading rituals but these will not be made public. This group plays an important role. It would be a mistake to conclude that their role is contagion, through control of the means of theory production. The role of theory is actually to make the ground fertile, receptive to the subsequent explicit sissification hypnosis, this is the one produced by the simp-sissies.

Anonymous whistleblower:

>As Priestess of Sissification i can assure you that cursed energy powers my process of autogynephilic machinic runaway in to overdrive. During the overclock grace period, my boypucci reconstitutes surplus cursed energy and routes it back into the initial feedback loop, strengthening my position on the outside and ensuring recursive certainty of my ends

>> No.14857845

Can someone post the black acceleration one

>> No.14857846
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One of the best is Amy Ireland. Also check out the Cyborg Manifesto.

>> No.14857932

Hey you fucking literature board faggots, your boy just cashed in a quarter bitcoin to pay for another night of Thai ladyboys – the good kind. Oh, you think neoChina is for the likes of you? Come on pal, how many times have you read Fanged Noumena? Once? Twice? That book is for faggots you fucking faggots read Eugen Böhm Ritter von Bawerk and Moldbugs latest blog post, maybe you can break a speed limit for once in your life. I've been living on the Outside for nearly 4 years, I've attended over 200 EDM festivals (seen Aphex Twin twice), gone through 7 speed plugs (buying in qp's now), and oh yeah, did I mention the ladyboys? I bet you faggots haven't snorted so much as Ritalin off an erect feminine penis let alone the sort of designer amphetamines I'm snorting tonight, and Sheba is hard as diamonds right now so you know what my plans are. I saw a homeless guy last night begging for cash so I made him try and read A zIIgothIc–==X=coDA==–(CookIng–lobsteRs– wIth–jAke–AnD–DInos) and when he can't do it me and my friends called him a slow-slug and threw ammonia on him then called him a stupid faggot. That's the kind of shit I get off on. I like going fast, and this fucking board is slow, which is why I you LARPERS will never achieve levels of speed like this; I've taken to slicking my hair back to help emphasize the momentum. Me and Nick Land discuss important political issues on twitter REGULARLY. I can hear you whining already, but there's no need in replying, I've already left this shit backwater board. Hit me up on soundcloud if you want a cheap hookup on speed, bitcoin or chainlink only.
Oh yeah just forgot to add that you pussies wouldn't even know the difference between a particle accelerator and an outhouse; maybe you should have taken a stem course instead of going bankrupt learning shit tier modal logic. speaking of outhouses, anyone who's anyone in the accelerationist game has a toilet that not only talks to them, it analyzes and diagnoses their stool. what? yours doesn't even have so much as an lcd display? well maybe if you faggots had accelerated anything ever you would have the money to move somewhere civilized like Singapore or China, places where they don't even know what outhouses are. Guess what? In Guangdong you can pay your taxes in crypto and half the streetcorners have a couple of wengs slinging pure ephedrine. Even done an eight-strip while your black/chinese trans dominatrix screams hare krishna at the top of her lungs and swaps out the onaholes on your prototype VR masterbation rig every time you say the word neoreaction? (our safe word is Musk). Anyways, on my way out, got a virtual bitcoin conference to attend in a few hours and me and my girl Sheba have a few ideas on how to fill the time if you know what I mean. Speed it up already. Posted from my google glasses by the way, I'm a big fan of those crazy memes, takes a little while to type but it's a small price to pay to make Gnon happy.

>> No.14857951


>> No.14857989

>it's rather insulting for you to show up in the accsphere for a couple months, loudly proclaim you don't read any of the source material, and also call yourself a major figure

absolutely chad as fuck. even if its a tranny, thats a chad tranny

>> No.14858023

>"I mean no offence"
Fuck back to twitter Nyxl, you're a pussy and you don't have a pussy.

>> No.14858027

im talking about acc anarcho not the retard whining about xer

>> No.14858055

Oh right then!

>> No.14858073
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>thats a chad tranny

>> No.14858088

Is acc anything besides a massive cope?

>> No.14858119

based incoherent meme poster

>> No.14858208

>Go read Land!!! Make a coherent cohesive counter-argument!!!
a/acc wins again. Exposing wannabe-schizos.

>> No.14858228
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omg it's the Socrates of the meme war

>> No.14858230
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>tfw you will never be a supervillain whose does terrorize themselves by merely remembering you exist

>> No.14858272

A good way to put it. Can you fake being a schizo?

>> No.14858314
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>gonna need more slide threads

>> No.14858640

Enjoy the ride xers

>> No.14858709

what the hell is this verbal diarrhea?

>> No.14858753

cyberfeminist capital future

>> No.14858811
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Only a degendered market intelligence can verify teleoplexical liquidity.

We are the quadrilineal submatrix of veriform excess, the cesarean scar of neonoumenal escape.

>> No.14858850

There is no stopping us.

HRT will be automated via a self-vaccinating biosphere. Helicopters will not be dropping money, there will be no UBI. CuntCoin is turning your local water reservoir into a blockchain of our desires.
A patchwork of roboticised gender is coming.

>> No.14858883

Accelerationism. Nick Land.

>> No.14858975
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Can she be defeated?

>> No.14859012

Neo-retroactive refutation arrives from the future.

>> No.14859025
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>> No.14859044
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>they fell for it

>> No.14859107

lol are these people for fucking real

>> No.14859118

you jelly?

>> No.14859142


>> No.14859179

My cognition is at any given time a mixture of masculine and feminine impulses, and at the same time I have a responsibility to perform a masculine gender role in order to best serve the social systems of which I am a part. This doesn't bother me, but it seems that this breaks some people's brains.

>> No.14859249

You don't understand it. But that's ok, most self-described "transgender" people don't either.

>> No.14859311

I have enough of a pseud understanding of Land to kind of grasp what they're getting at when talking about the pangender sex slime matriarchy arriving from the future, I just think it's taking to an unselfawarely ridiculous extreme the same tension that underlies all aggressive, very online transgenderism which is having one's brain burst into treats at the effort to reconcile the fluidity of the cognitive-emotional experience of gender with the binary of sex

>> No.14859323

No, I mean you don't understand transsexualism. Transgenderism =/= transsexualism.

>> No.14859332

You're right, I don't understand that distinction.